2 Column PROOFS
2-Column Proofs Similar to being a math lawyer in a math courtroom. Use evidence found from markings on pictures and other math facts. State the reason for providing each fact. End the case with your “Prove” statement.
Prove: AEB DEC B C E A D Statements: Reasons: 1. AE DE, BE CE 2 A D Statements: Reasons: 1. AE DE, BE CE 1. Given 2. 1 2 2. Vertical angles 3. AEB DEC 3. SAS
Given: AD || EC, BD BC Prove: ABD EBC Statements: Reasons: 1. Given 1. BD BC 2. Given 2. AD || EC 3. D C 3. Alt. Int. Angles 4. ABD EBC 4. Vertical Angles 5. ABD EBC 5. ASA
Given: B C, D F, …M is the midpoint of DF Prove: BDM CFM Statements: Reasons: 1. Given 1. B C, D F 2. M is the midpoint of DF 2. Given 3. DM FM 3. Def of midpoint 4. BDM CFM 4. AAS
Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent
Given: MP bisects LMN, ………LM NM Prove: LP NP Statements: Reasons: M 1. Given 1. MP bisects LMN 2. NMP LMP 2. Def of Angle Bisector 3. Given 3. LM NM 4. Reflexive Property 4. PM PM 5. NMP LMP 5. SAS 6. LP NP 6. CPCTC