The Learning Challenge Curriculum: What are the main principles of Lutley’s curriculum? This needs to be edited The Learning Challenge concept is built around the principle of greater learner involvement in their work. It requires deep thinking and encourages learners to work using a question as the starting point. In designing the curriculum, teachers and learners are using a prime learning challenge, expressed as a question, as the starting point. Using the information gained from pre-learning tasks and the school’s context a series of subsidiary challenges are then planned. Each subsidiary learning challenge is also expressed as a question. Importantly the learning challenges need to make sense to the learners and it is something that is within their immediate understanding. Pre-learning tasks ensure that learners are directly involved in the planning process. Well planned pre-learning tasks should help to bring out what learners already know; what misconceptions they may have and what really interests them. Teachers should take account of the outcomes from pre-learning tasks to plan the subsidiary learning challenges for each major area of study. Continuity and progression in the curriculum will be built around a set of matrices known as essential knowledge, understanding and key skills within subject disciplines. These are broken into year group expectations and have additional challenges for able learners. The ‘Essential Knowledge, Skills and Understanding’ matrices within the Learning Challenge Curriculum will allow school to guarantee that the learners’ essential skills are being developed, alongside National Curriculum requirements (where appropriate), whilst allowing individual schools to have a great deal of autonomy with their methodology. In addition, there is an expectation that teachers apply English, mathematics and ICT skills where it is appropriate to do so. The main idea is to use the knowledge, skills and understanding matrices for each subject to bring to teachers’ attention the level of work expected around each learning challenge. In addition there should be careful consideration given to the quality of work produced by learners in the core subject areas. Time for learners to reflect or review their learning is central to the whole process. This is in keeping with the ‘Learning to Learn’ principles where reflection is seen as a very important part of individuals’ learning programme. Within the Learning Challenge Curriculum it is suggested that the final subsidiary learning challenge is handed over for learners to reflect on their learning. The idea is that learners present their learning back to the rest of the class making the most of their oracy and ICT skills to do so. Initially learners may require a great deal of direction so the reflection time may need to be presented in the form of a question which helps them to review their work.
Learning Charter
Pupil voice ….
Geography and History Learning Challenges Whole school
Whole School Focus: Why should we ‘remember, remember the fifth of November’? KS2 History: A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronology beyond 1066: The beheading of Charles 1; Civil War; Great Fire of London EYFS LC What do you see on bonfire night? Y1 LC How can you keep safe on bonfire night? Y2 LC What is special about bonfire night? Y3 LC Was Guy Fawkes a bad man? Y4 LC Was Guy Fawkes persuaded by peer pressure? Y5 LC Why should gunpowder, treason and plot never be forgotten? Y6 LC Is it right to fight for what you believe in?
Whole School Focus: Why is it important to remember? KS1History: Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally KS2 History: A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronology beyond 1066: The beheading of Charles 1; Civil War; Great Fire of London EYFS LC Why are people wearing poppies this week? Y1 LC Who do we remember on Remembrance Day? Y2 LC Why do we have Remembrance Day? Y3 LC What happens on Remembrance Day? Y4 LC Why is it important to remember? Y5 LC Why is it important to remember and try to learn from the past? Y6 LC
Whole School Focus: What’s in the news? KS1Geography Pupils should develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality. KS2 Geography Pupils should extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America. EYFS LC What will the weather be like today or tomorrow? Y1 LC How does weather vary around the local area? Recognise weather symbols and patterns present weather forecasts for different places around Britain Y2 LC What is happening in our local area? Y3 LC What is in the local or national newspapers today? Where is the place? What is happening there? Y4 LC What is in the local and/or national news today? Where are these places? What is happening there? Why? Y5 LC What is in the national or international news today? Where are these places? What is happening there? Why? Y6 LC What is in the national or international news today? Where are these places? What is happening there? Why? What impact will it have on us?
Geography and History Key Stage 1 Overview
National Curriculum Requirements of Geography at Key Stage 1 Pupils should develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality. They should understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography and begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational awareness. Pupils should be taught to: Location knowledge name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas Place knowledge understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a small area in a contrasting non-European country Human and physical geography identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to: key physical features, including: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather key human features, including: city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, port, harbour and shop Geographical skills and fieldwork use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries, as well as the countries, continents and oceans studied at this key stage use simple compass directions (North, South, East and West) and locational and directional language (e.g. near and far; left and right) to describe the location of features and routes on a map use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features; devise a simple map; and use and construct basic symbols in a key use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment.
National Curriculum Requirements of History at Key Stage 1 Pupils should develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. They should know where the people and events they study fit within a chronological framework and identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods. They should use a wide vocabulary of everyday historical terms. They should ask and answer questions, choosing and using parts of stories and other sources to show that they know and understand key features of events. They should understand some of the ways in which we find out about the past and identify different ways in which it is represented. Pupils should be taught about: changes within living memory. Where appropriate, these should be used to reveal aspects of change in national life events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally (e.g. the Great Fire of London, the first aeroplane flight or events commemorated through festivals or anniversaries) the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. Some should be used to compare aspects of life in different periods (e.g. Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong, William Caxton and Tim Berners-Lee, Pieter Bruegel the Elder and LS Lowry, Rosa Parks and Emily Davison, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell) significant historical events, people and places in their own locality.
Geography and History Learning Challenges Year 1
Geography and History: Year 1 Overview Key Features Year 1 GEOGRAPHY HISTORY Human Physical People who live in hot and cold countries How the seasons and weather affect people Features of hot and cold places Seasonal change Weather Changes within living memory: When parents were young Significant people from history Local history Specific Vocabulary beach, coast, forest, hill, mountain, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, and weather: city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, and shop: North, South, East and West; near and far ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘past’, ‘present’, ‘then’ and ‘now’ Learning Challenges Can a meerkat live in the North Pole? Where do the leaves go to in winter? Where do, and did the wheels on the bus go? Is the Wii more fun than our grandparents’ old toys? Why were Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong brave people?
KSU Breakdown – Year1 Geography and History Geographical and Historical Knowledge, Skills and Understanding requirements for the National Curriculum KSU Breakdown – Year1 Geography and History
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for History Year 1 Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they put up to three objects in chronological order (recent history)? Can they use words and phrases like: old, new and a long time ago? Can they tell me about things that happened when they were little? Can they recognise that a story that is read to them may have happened a long time ago? Do they know that some objects belonged to the past? Can they retell a familiar story set in the past? Can they explain how they have changed since they were born? Do they appreciate that some famous people have helped our lives be better today? Do they recognise that we celebrate certain events, such as bonfire night, because of what happened many years ago? Do they understand that we have a queen who rules us and that Britain has had a king or queen for many years? Can they begin to identify the main differences between old and new objects? Can they identify objects from the past, such as vinyl record? Can they ask and answer questions about old and new objects? Can they spot old and new things in a picture? Can they answer questions using a artefact/ photograph provided? Can they give a plausible explanation about what an object was used for in the past? Year 1 (more challenging) Can they put up to five objects/events in chronological order (recent history)? Can they use words and phrases like: very old, when mummy and daddy were little? Can they use the words before and after correctly? Can they say why they think a story was set in the past? Can they explain why certain objects were different in the past, e.g., iron, music systems, televisions? Can they tell us about an important historical event that happened in the past? Can they explain differences between past and present in their life and that of other children from a different time in history? Do they know who will succeed the queen and how the succession works? Can they answer questions using a range of artefacts/ photographs provided? Can they find out more about a famous person from the past and carry out some research on him or her?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Geography Year 1 Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they say what they like about their locality? Can they sort things they like and don’t like? Can they answer some questions using different resources, such as books, the internet and atlases? Can they think of a few good questions to ask about a locality? Can they answer questions about the weather? Can they keep a weather chart? Can they tell someone their address? Can they explain the main features of a hot and cold place? Can they describe a locality using words and pictures? Can they explain how the weather changes with each season? Can they name key features associated with a town or village, eg, church, farm, shop, house? Can they begin to explain why they would wear different clothes at different times of the year? Can they tell something about the people who live in hot and cold places? Can they explain what they might wear if they lived in a very hot or a very cold place? Can they identify the four countries making up the United Kingdom? Can they name some of the main towns and cities in the United Kingdom? Can they point out where the equator, north pole and south pole are on a globe or atlas? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they answer questions using a weather chart? Can they make plausible predictions about what the weather may be like later in the day or tomorrow? Can they name key features associated with a town or village, eg, factory, detached house, semi-detached house, terrace house? Can they name different jobs that people living in their area might do? Can they name a few towns in the south and north of the UK?
Year 1: Can a Meerkat live in the North Pole? KS1 Geography: identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles WOW: Read ‘Meerkat Mail’ LC1 Why does Sunny live in the Kalahari desert? LC2 Which animals live in cold places like the North and South Pole? LC3 How do Polar Bears keep warm? LC4 What do we mean by hot and cold colours? LC5 Why do people usually like going to hot places for their holidays? LC6 Why do we wear different clothes in summer and winter? LC7 How can we recreate a Meerkat dance? LC8 Reflection: Would you rather be a Meerkat or a Penguin? Literacy Link: Use the book Meerkat Mail to link to postcards sent home from holiday destinations. Exciting Vocabulary: equator; poles; centigrade; meerkats; Kalahari; freezing point, etc. Numeracy Link: Possible graphs of children’s holiday destinations. Consider temperature and how it is measured, create charts from data gathered. Additional Geography Link: Keep an on-going record of the weather in their locality, they could include rainfall, temperature, cloud cover, etc. In addition more able pupils could find out the temperature in certain parts of the world. Creative Art Link: LC4 Mixing paint to create hot and cold paintings. Expressive Art Link: LC7 Movement work focusing on the way Meerkats move. Parents pick up their children 15 minutes early on the Friday so that class can perform to them. The Ezra Snowy Jack Day Keats Ooopik Bruce Hiscock
Year 1: Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they answer some questions using different resources, such as books, the internet and atlases? Can they think of a few good questions to ask about <a locality>? Can they answer questions about the weather? Can they keep a weather chart? Can they explain the main features of a hot and cold place? Can they describe <a locality> using words and pictures? Can they explain how the weather changes with each season? Can they begin to explain why they would wear different clothes at different times of the year? Can they say something about the people who live in hot and cold places? Can they explain what they might wear if they lived in a very hot or a very cold place? Can they point out where the equator, north pole and south pole are on a globe or atlas? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they answer questions using a weather chart? Can they make plausible predictions about what the weather may be like later in the day or tomorrow?
Year 1 Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 1 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Drawing Painting Collage Use of IT Can they draw lines of different shapes and thickness? Can they name the colours they use, including shades? Can they create moods in their paintings? Can they use thick and thin brushes? Can they name the primary and secondary colours? Can they cut and tear paper and card for their collages? Can they gather and sort the materials they will need? Can they use a simple painting program to create a picture? Can they use tools like fill and brushes in a painting package? Can they go back and change their picture? Year 1 Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they explore and perform basic body actions?; Do they use different parts of the body singly and in combination?; Do they show some sense of dynamic, expressive and rhythmic qualities in their own dance?; Do they choose appropriate movements for different dance ideas?; Can they remember and repeat short dance phrases and simple dances?; Do they move with control?; Do they vary the way they use space?; Do they describe how their lungs and heart work when dancing?; Do they describe basic body actions and simple expressive and dynamic qualities of movement?
Year 1: Where do the leaves go to in winter? KS1 Geography: identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom WOW: Someone comes into the classroom dressed as Mr/s Autumn (leaf suit). Children to prepare questions to ask him or her. LC1 Why are there so many leaves on the ground? LC2 What changes do we see in our country with each season? LC3 What would you need to do to become the next weather presenter? LC4 How can you create patterns using leaves in the style of William Morris? LC5 After listening to music entitled the ‘Four Seasons’, can you create your own music which captures different weather patterns? LC6 Why are so many of the things you enjoy doing dependent on the time of year and the weather? LC7 Reflection: In small groups create a typical weather forecast summary which will be filmed. Literacy Link: There are many opportunities provided for pupils to develop their oracy skills. These are especially provided within LC3 and during the reflection Numeracy Link: Lots of opportunity to set things out in charts, especially in relation to the weather. Children will be dealing with centigrade and also measuring rainfall. Creative Art Link: Having looked at the work of William Morris children should be invited to create their own print and drawing based on the leaves they have found. Expressive Art Link: There is an opportunity for children to listen to and appreciate classical music. They will then create their own music based on different elements of weather. Lila and David the secret Conway of Rain & Jude Daly
Year 1 Geography Knowledge, Skills and understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they answer some questions using different resources, such as books, the internet and atlases? Can they answer questions about the weather? Can they keep a weather chart? Can they explain the main features of a hot and cold place? Can they explain how the weather changes with each season? Can they begin to explain why they would wear different clothes at different times of the year? Can they say something about the people who live in hot and cold places? Can they explain what they might wear if they lived in a very hot or a very cold place? Can they point out where the equator, north pole and south pole are on a globe or atlas? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they answer questions using a weather chart? Can they make plausible predictions about what the weather may be like later in the day or tomorrow?
Year 1 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Drawing Printing Knowledge of Art Painting Can they draw using pencil and crayons? Can they draw lines of different shapes and thickness, using 2 different grades of pencil? Can they print with sponges, vegetables and fruit? Can they print onto paper and textile? Can they design their own printing block? Can they create a repeating pattern? Can they describe what they can see and like in the work of another artist? Can they ask sensible questions about a piece of art? Can they choose to use thick and thin brushes as appropriate? Can they name the primary and secondary colours? Year 1 Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Performing Composing Appraising Can they use instruments to perform? Do they look at their audience when they are performing? Can they clap short rhythmic patterns? Can they copy sounds? Can they make loud and quiet sounds? Do they know that the chorus keeps being repeated? Can they make different sounds with instruments? Can they identify changes in sounds? Can they change the sound? Can they repeat (short rhythmic and melodic) patterns? Can they make a sequence of sounds? Can they show sounds by using pictures? Can they respond to different moods in music? Can they say how a piece of music makes them feel? Can they say whether they like or dislike a piece of music? Can they choose sounds to represent different things? Can they recognise repeated patterns? 23
Year 1: Where do, and did, the wheels on the bus go? KS1 Geography: use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries KS1 History: Pupils should begin to develop an awareness of the past and the ways in which it is similar to and different from the present WOW: Take a bus tour of the immediate area and go to two contrasting places: village and a town or city. LC1 Where do we live and what’s so special about it? LC2 How far have you travelled around the United Kingdom? LC3 How many different ways could you travel around our country? LC4 Has it always been easy to travel around our country? LC5 How have cars, buses, trains and bicycles changed since your grandparents were little? LC6 Can you design and make a vehicle that can move? LC7 Reflection: Work in groups to put together a presentation on what they know about their country. Literacy Link: Many opportunities through descriptive writing occurs in LC1, LC3, LC5. There are also many opportunities to carry out research about old and new vehicles presented in LC3 and LC4 and 5. Numeracy Link: There could easily be an opportunity to carry out a traffic survey during LC3. Creative Art Link: Children will be provided with opportunities to design and make a vehicle in LC6. Computing Link: During the reflection children should be encouraged to put together a presentation using ICT. The Jan & Naughty Jerry Bus Oke
Year 1 Geography Knowledge, Skills and understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Geographical Knowledge Challenging Can they say what they like about their locality? Can they sort things they like and don’t like? Can they answer some questions using different resources, such as books, the internet and atlases? Can they think of a few good questions to ask about <a locality>? Can they tell someone their address? Can they describe <a locality> using words and pictures? Can they name key features associated with a town or village, eg, church, farm, shop, house? Can they identify the four countries making up the United Kingdom? Can they name some of the main towns and cities in the United Kingdom? Can they name key features associated with a town or village, eg, factory, detached house, semi-detached house, terrace house? Can they name a few towns in the south and north of the UK? Year 1 History Knowledge, Skills and understanding Chronological understanding Historical enquiry Can they put up to three objects in chronological order (recent history)? Can they use words and phrases like: old, new and a long time ago? Can they tell me about things that happened when they were little? Can they recognise that a story that is read to them happened a long time ago? Do they know that some objects belonged to the past? Can they ask and answer questions about old and new objects? Can they spot old and new things in a picture? Can they answer questions using an artefact/ photograph provided? Can they give a plausible explanation about what an object was used for in the past? Can they begin to identify the main differences between old and new objects? Can they answer questions using a range of artefacts/ photographs provided?
Year 1 Design Technology Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Can they think of some ideas of their own? Can they explain what they want to do? Can they use pictures and words to plan? Can they explain what they are making? Which tools are they using? Can they describe how something works? Can they talk about their own work and things that other people have done? Breadth of study Use of materials Can they make a structure/model using different materials? Is their work tidy? Can they make their model stronger if it needs to be? Mechanisms Can they make a product which moves? Can they cut materials using scissors? Can they describe the materials using different words? Can they say why they have chosen moving parts? Construction Can they talk with others about how they want to construct their product? Can they select appropriate resources and tools for their building projects? Can they make simple plans before making objects, e.g., drawings, arranging pieces of construction before building?
Year 1: Is the Wii more fun than our grandparents’ old toys? KS1 History: Changes within living memory - revealing aspects of change in national life WOW: Set up 4 Wii consoles in the classroom and invite 6 grandparents to come in and challenge the learners on four different Wii games. LC1 Who will win the Wii challenge? LC2 What was on Grandma and Granddad’s Christmas and birthday list? LC3 Would there have been a Toys R Us around when Granddad was a boy? LC4 How can you make a moving toy? LC5 Which toy will you be in Toy-story? LC6 What would your Christmas have been like without batteries? LC7 Reflection: Would you choose your toys before your Grandparents’ toys? Numeracy Link: Children could keep a record of the points accumulated by each child and grandparent. This could lead to graph work. Literacy Link: Children could think of a range of questions they would like to ask their grandparents and then interview them. Their recording would be used back in school for research. Creative Art Link: Opportunities here for children to design and make a moving toy. Expressive Art Link: Children will perform dances related to toys coming to life. Science Link: Children will have an opportunity to link with the science LC ‘Why isn’t everyone afraid of the dark?’ Toy Randall Boat de Seve Dogger Shirley Hughes
Year 1 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they put up to three objects in chronological order (recent history)? Can they use words and phrases like: old, new and a long time ago? Can they tell me about things that happened when they were little? Do they know that some objects belonged to the past? Do they appreciate that some famous people have helped our lives be better today? Can they ask and answer questions about old and new objects? Can they spot old and new things in a picture? Can they answer questions using an artefact/ photograph provided? Can they give a plausible explanation about what an object was used for in the past? Year 1 (challenging) Can they use words and phrases like: very old, when mummy and daddy were little? Can they use the words before and after correctly? Can they say why they think a story was set in the past? Can they explain why certain objects were different in the past, eg, iron, music systems, televisions? Can they explain differences between past and present in their life and that of other children from a different time in history? Can they begin to identify the main differences between old and new objects? Can they answer questions using a range of artefacts/ photographs provided? Can they identify objects from the past, such as vinyl record?
Year 1 Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 1 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Mechanisms Can they think of some ideas of their own? Can they explain what they want to do? Can they use pictures and words to plan? Can they explain what they are making? Which tools are they using? Can they describe how something works? Can they talk about their own work and things that other people have done? Can they make a product which moves? Can they cut materials using scissors? Can they describe the materials using different words? Can they say why they have chosen moving parts? Year 1 Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they explore and perform basic body actions?; Do they use different parts of the body singly and in combination?; Do they show some sense of dynamic, expressive and rhythmic qualities in their own dance?; Do they choose appropriate movements for different dance ideas?; Can they remember and repeat short dance phrases and simple dances?; Do they move with control?; Do they vary the way they use space?; Do they describe how their lungs and heart work when dancing?; Do they describe basic body actions and simple expressive and dynamic qualities of movement?
Year 1 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they put up to three objects in chronological order (recent history)? Can they use words and phrases like: old, new and a long time ago? Can they tell me about things that happened when they were little? Can they recognise that a story that is read to them happened a long time ago? Do they know that some objects belonged to the past? Can they retell a familiar story set in the past? Can they explain how they have changed since they were born? Do they understand that we have a queen who rules us and that Britain has had a king or queen for many years? Do they appreciate that some famous people have helped our lives be better today? Can they ask and answer questions about old and new objects? Can they spot old and new things in a picture? Can they answer questions using an artefact/ photograph provided? Can they give a plausible explanation about what an object was used for in the past? Year 1 (challenging) Can they put up to five objects/events in chronological order (recent history)? Can they use words and phrases like: very old, when mummy and daddy were little? Can they use the words before and after correctly? Can they say why they think a story was set in the past? Can they explain why certain objects were different in the past, eg, iron, music systems, televisions? Can they tell us about an important historical event that happened in the past? Can they explain differences between past and present in their life and that of other children from a different time in history? Can they begin to identify the main differences between old and new objects? Can they answer questions using a range of artefacts/ photographs provided? Can they identify objects from the past, such as vinyl record? Can they find out more about a famous person from the past and carry out some research on him or her?
Year 1: Why were Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong very brave people? KS1 History: the lives of significant individuals in Britain's past who have contributed to our nation's achievements WOW: Have a spaceman and a pirate appear in the classroom and the children could prepare questions to ask them LC1 What would we need to take with us on a voyage of discovery? LC2 Who was Christopher Columbus and why do we talk about him today? LC3 What would it be like to be a spaceman? LC4 Who do you know that’s famous and what can you find about them? LC5 Can you create a space painting or a painting of an old ship sailing on the sea? LC6 Why would Christopher Columbus’s voyages have been very dangerous? LC7 How did Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong make our world a better place? LC8 Reflection: What would you like to become famous for and why? Literacy Link: There are many opportunities for children to carry out research. These opportunities should occur during LC2, LC3 and LC4. Numeracy Link: Opportunities will arise for children to create graphs and tables of favourite musical and other artists. These should occur during LC2, LC3, LC4 Creative Art Link: Children will be asked to look at photographs taken from space and of the work of famous painters such as Turner and try to create their own painting based on one of these two themes. On Anna The Milbourne Moon & Benji Davies The Jonny Pirate Duddle Cruncher
Year 1 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they use words and phrases like: old, new and a long time ago? Can they tell me about things that happened when they were little? Can they recognise that a story that is read to them may have happened a long time ago? Do they know that some objects belonged to the past? Can they retell a familiar story set in the past? Do they appreciate that some famous people have helped our lives be better today? Can they begin to identify the main differences between old and new objects? Can they ask and answer questions about old and new objects? Can they spot old and new things in a picture? Can they answer questions using a artefact/ photograph provided? Can they give a plausible explanation about what an object was used for in the past? Year 1 (challenging) Can they use the words before and after correctly? Can they say why they think a story was set in the past? Can they explain why certain objects were different in the past, eg, iron, music systems, televisions? Can they tell us about an important historical event that happened in the past? Can they answer questions using a range of artefacts/ photographs provided? Can they find out more about a famous person from the past and carry out some research on him or her? Year 1 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Can they draw using pencil and crayons? Can they draw lines of different shapes and thickness, using 2 different grades of pencil? Can they choose to use thick and thin brushes as appropriate? Can they paint a picture of something they can see? Can they name the primary and secondary colours?
Geography and History Learning Challenges Year 2
Geography and History: Year 2 Overview Key Features Year 2 GEOGRAPHY HISTORY Human Physical a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a small area in a contrasting non-European country identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment. events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally significant historical events, people and places in their own locality significant people from Britain or abroad Specific Vocabulary beach, coast, forest, hill, mountain, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, and weather: city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, and shop: North, South, East and West: near and far ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘past’, ‘present’, ‘then’ and ‘now’ Learning Challenges What would Katie Morag find exciting about our town/city? Do we love to be beside the seaside? What would it be like to live in Gambia? What was it like when the Queen came to the throne in 1953? Have Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela helped to make the world a better place?
KSU Breakdown – Year 2 Geography and History Geographical and Historical Knowledge, Skills and Understanding requirements for the National Curriculum KSU Breakdown – Year 2 Geography and History
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for History Year 2 Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they use words and phrases like: before I was born, when I was younger? Can they use phrases and words like: ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘past’, ‘present’, ‘then’ and ‘now’; in their historical learning? Can they use the words past and present correctly? Can they use a range of appropriate words and phrases to describe the past? Can they sequence a set of events in chronological order and give reasons for their order? Can they recount the life of someone famous from Britain who lived in the past giving attention to what they did earlier and what they did later? Can they explain how their local area was different in the past? Can they recount some interesting facts from an historical event, such as where the fire of London started? Can they give examples of things that are different in their life from that of their grandparents when they were young? Can they explain why Britain has a special history by naming some famous events and some famous people? Can they explain what is meant by a parliament? Can they find out something about the past by talking to an older person? Can they answer questions by using a specific source, such as an information book? Can they research the life of a famous Briton from the past using different resources to help them? Can they research about a famous event that happens in Britain and why it has been happening for some time? Can they research the life of someone who used to live in their area using the Internet and other sources to find out about them? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they sequence a set of objects in chronological order and give reasons for their order? Can they sequence events about own life? Can they sequence events about the life of a famous person? Can they try to work out how long ago an event happened? Can they give examples of things that are different in their life from that of a long time ago in a specific period of history such as the Victorian times? Can they explain why someone in the past acted in the way they did? Can they explain why their locality (as wide as it needs to be) is associated with a special historical event? Can they explain what is meant by a democracy and why it is a good thing? Can they say at least two ways they can find out about the past, for example using books and the internet? Can they explain why eye-witness accounts may vary? Can they research about a famous event that happens somewhere else in the world and why it has been happening for some time?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Geography Year 2 Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they label a diagram or photograph using some geographical words? Can they find out about a locality by using different sources of evidence? Can they find out about a locality by asking some good questions to someone else? Can they say what they like and don’t like about their locality and another locality like the seaside? Can they describe some physical features of own locality? Can they explain what makes a locality special? Can they describe some places which are not near the school? Can they describe a place outside Europe using geographical words? Can they describe some of the features associated with an island? Can they describe the key features of a place, using words like, beach, coast forest, hill, mountain, ocean, valley? Can they describe some human features of own locality, such as the jobs people do? Can they explain how the jobs people do may be different in different parts of the world? Do they think that people ever spoil the area? How? Do they think that people try to make the area better? How? Can they explain what facilities a town or village might need? Can they name the continents of the world and find them in an atlas? Can they name the world’s oceans and find them in an atlas? Can they name the main cities of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland? Can you find where they live on a map of the UK? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they make inferences by looking at a weather chart? Can they make plausible predictions about what the weather may be like in different parts of the world? Can they find the longest and shortest route using a map? Can they use a map, photographs, film or plan to describe a contrasting locality outside Europe? Can they explain how the weather affects different people? Can they locate some of the world’s major rivers and mountain ranges? Can they point out the North, South, East and West associated with maps and compass? 37
Year 2: What would Katie Morag find exciting about our town? KS1 Geography: use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment. WOW: Children receive a visit from Katie and they need to have a range of questions to ask them about where they want to visit. LC1 Where could I take Katie on a special outing in our town? LC2 Why would Katie need to know my postcode to find my house? LC3 Where could I take Katie for a special holiday in the United Kingdom? LC4 How would Katie use her map to find her way to school? LC5 What would appear on Katie’s map of our town? LC6 How can we create paintings from our photographs of special places in our town? LC7 Reflection: How could Katie use our town in one of her TV adventures? Literacy Link: Children will have to think of a number of questions they would ask Dora if she appeared in their classroom. Numeracy Link: Links with addresses and number. Creative Art Link: Children will take photographs of famous landmarks/ buildings in their town and then look at the work of a range of artists before creating their own painting/ drawing. Follow Scot That Ritchie Map N.B. *Dora could be replaced by any well-known character that all your class are familiar with. Dora has good geographical links because of her association with maps.
Year 2 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they label a diagram or photograph using some geographical words? Can they find out about their town by using different sources of evidence? Can they find out about their town by asking some good questions to someone else? Can they say what they like and don’t like about their locality and another locality like the seaside? Can they describe some physical features of their town? Can they explain what makes their town special? Can they describe some places which are not near the school? Can they describe the key features of a place, using words like, forest, hill, mountain, valley? Can they describe some human features of their town, such as the jobs people do? Do they think that people ever spoil the area? How? Do they think that people try to make the area better? How? Can they explain what facilities a town or village might need? Can you find where they live on a map of the UK? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they find the longest and shortest route using a map? Can they use a map, photographs, film or plan to describe <a contrasting locality> outside Europe? Can they point out the North, South, East and West associated with maps and compass? Year 2 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Painting Drawing Knowledge Sketch Books Can they mix paint to create all the secondary colours? Can they mix and match colours, predict outcomes? Can they mix their own brown? Can they make tints by adding white? Can they make tones by adding black? Can they use three different grades of pencil in their drawing (4B, 8B, HB)? Can they use charcoal, pencil and pastels? Can they create different tones using light and dark? Can they show patterns and texture in their drawings? Can they use a viewfinder to focus on a specific part of an artefact before drawing it? Can they say how other artists have used colour, pattern and shape? Can they create a piece of work in response to another artist’s work? Can they begin to demonstrate their ideas through photographs and in their sketch books? Can they set out their ideas, using ‘annotation’ in their sketch books? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they have changed their work?
Year 2: Do we love to be beside the seaside? Literacy Link: Opportunities in LC3 for descriptive writing and further opportunities in LC5 and 6 for research and postcard style writing. KS1 Geography: identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom human and physical features of a small area of the United Kingdom WOW: A visit to a local seaside resort. LC1 Where do you go to on holiday and why? LC2 What attracts visitors to seaside resorts? LC3 What do you notice about the coast and how is it different to your town? LC4 What can we learn about lifeboats and lighthouses? LC5 What was ??? like in the past? LC6 Can you create your own digital postcards? LC7 What can you find in rock pools? Reflection: Working in groups children will create a presentation on ‘What makes a seaside special?’ Numeracy Link: LC1 provides opportunities for children to carry out research about their favourite holiday destinations and create graphs and charts Creative Arts Link: LC2 provides opportunities for children to design and make a fairground ride similar to that found by the seaside. Creative Art Link: LC6 provides opportunities for children to take photographs when on their visit and then use these photographs to create their own postcard. Science Links: Opportunities here to link with science work in LC4 and LC7. Billy’s Kes Gray Bucket & Garry Parsons Tiddler Julia Donaldson Seahorse John Butterworth
Year 2 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they label a diagram or photograph using some geographical words? Can they find out about the seaside by using different sources of evidence? Can they find out about the seaside by asking some good questions to someone else? Can they say what they like and don’t like about their locality and another locality like the seaside? Can they describe some physical features of own locality? Can they explain what makes the seaside special? Can they describe some of the features associated with an island? Can they describe the key features of a place, using words like, beach, coast forest, hill, mountain, ocean, valley? Can they describe some human features of the seaside, such as the jobs people do? Can they explain how the jobs people do may be different in different parts of the world? Do they think that people ever spoil the area? How? Do they think that people try to make the area better? How? Can they explain what facilities a town or village might need? Can they name the main cities of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland? Can you find where they live on a map of the UK? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they find the longest and shortest route using a map? Can they explain how the weather affects different people? Can they point out the North, South, East and West associated with maps and compass?
Year 2 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they think of ideas and plan what to do next? Can they choose the best tools and materials? Can they give a reason why these are best? Can they describe their design by using pictures, diagrams, models and words? What went well with their work? If they did it again, what would they want to improve? Can they make sensible choices as to which material to use for their constructions? Can they develop their own ideas from initial starting points? Can they incorporate some type of movement into models? Can they consider how to improve their construction? Can they measure materials to use in a model or structure? Can they join material in different ways? Can they use joining, folding or rolling to make it stronger?
Year 2: What would it be like to live in Gambia? KS1 Geography: understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a contrasting non-European country. Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of hot and cold areas of the world WOW: A visit from Gambian dancers or drummers LC1 What would you ask …………? LC2 What are Gambian people proud of? LC3 What are the main differences in the climate of Gambian and England? LC4 Which animals would you find living in the wild in Gambian? LC5 How can you recreate Gambian art? LC6 Do Gambian live a healthier life than we do? LC7 What would your school day be like if you lived in Gambian? LC8 Can you recreate Gambian music? LC9 Reflection: Can the class create an Gambian exhibition. Literacy Link: LC1 requires children to think of a range of questions they would wish to ask a visitor from Gambia (these may be members of a dance or music group invited to school or could be a local person who has strong connections with Gambia. In addition LC2, LC3 and LC4 enables children to carry out research and develop writing opportunities as a result. Creative Art Link: Children to look at the colour associated with African artists such as Martin Bulinya and recreate their own paintings in an African style. Expressive Art Link: Children would be encouraged to listen to the rhythms associated with Gambian music and try to recreate their own music giving consideration to the choice of instruments and their voices. Bringing V the rain Ardeena to Kapiti plain The Jessica Leopard’s Souhami Drum
Year 2 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they label a diagram or photograph using some geographical words? Can they find out about a contrasting locality like Africa by using different sources of evidence? Can they find out about Africa by asking some good questions to someone else? Can they say what they like and don’t like about their locality and another locality like Africa? Can they explain what makes a locality special? Can they describe a place outside Europe using geographical words? Can they describe the key features of a place, using words like, beach, coast forest, hill, mountain, ocean, valley? Can they explain how the jobs people do may be different in different parts of the world? Do they think that people ever spoil the area? How? Do they think that people try to make the area better? How? Can they name the continents of the world and find them in an atlas? Can they name the world’s oceans and find them in an atlas? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they make plausible predictions about what the weather may be like in different parts of the world? Can they find the longest and shortest route using a map? Can they use a map, photographs, film or plan to describe Africa? Can they explain how the weather affects different people? Can they locate some of the world’s major rivers and mountain ranges? Can they point out the North, South, East and West associated with maps and compass?
Year 2 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Drawing Painting Knowledge Sketch books Can they use three different grades of pencil in their drawing (4B, 8B, HB)? Can they use charcoal, pencil and pastels? Can they create different tones using light and dark? Can they show patterns and texture in their drawings? Can they use a viewfinder to focus on a specific part of an artefact before drawing it? Can they mix paint to create all the secondary colours? Can they mix and match colours, predict outcomes? Can they mix their own brown? Can they make tints by adding white? Can they make tones by adding black? Can they link colours to natural and man-made objects? Can they say how other artists have used colour, pattern and shape? Can they create a piece of work in response to another artist’s work? Can they begin to demonstrate their ideas through photographs and in their sketch books? Can they set out their ideas, using ‘annotation’ in their sketch books? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they have changed their work? Year 2 Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they listen out for particular things when listening to music? Can they order sounds to create a beginning, middle and end? Can they create music in response to (different starting points)? Can they choose sounds which create an effect? Can they use symbols to represent sounds? Can they make connections between notations and musical sounds?
Year 2: What was it like when the Queen came to the throne in 1953? KS1 History: events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally WOW: Children to carry out a mock coronation giving particular attention to the key events in a coronation. LC1 What is a coronation and what does one look like? LC2 What would you have done after school if you had lived in 1953? LC3 What would your favourite football team have looked like in 1953? Or, What would your favourite dress have looked like in 1953? LC4 What was the British Empire? LC5 What key events have happened since the Queen has reigned? LC6 What job does the Queen do? LC7 How much would our shopping basket have cost in 1953? LC8 Reflection: Children to put together a presentation to do with our monarchy. Literacy Link: Opportunities for children to role play a coronation and develop oracy skills during LC1. Additional opportunities for research provided through LC2, LC3, LC4 and LC6. Numeracy Link: Great opportunity provided in LC5 for linking dates with events and in LC7 for developing number skills through money. Creative Arts Link: Children could research in the first instance and then design their own football team kit based around this time or they could design a special dress that might have been worn at this time. Additional Geography Link: Children to use maps to find out about the location of countries within the British Empire and at the same time locate continents and oceans on their maps.
Year 2 Additional Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 2 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they use words and phrases like: before I was born, when I was younger? Can they use phrases and words like: ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘past’, ‘present’, ‘then’ and ‘now’; in their historical learning? Can they use the words past and present correctly? Can they use a range of appropriate words and phrases to describe the past? Can they recount the life of someone famous from Britain who lived in the past giving attention to what they did earlier and what they did later? Can they give examples of things that are different in their life from that of their grandparents when they were young? Can they explain why Britain has a special history by naming some famous events and some famous people? Can they explain what is meant by a parliament? Can they find out something about the past by talking to an older person? Can they answer questions by using a specific source, such as an information book? Can they research the life of a famous Briton from the past using different resources to help them? Can they research about a famous event that happens in Britain and why it has been happening for some time? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they sequence a set of events in chronological order and give reasons for their order? Can they sequence a set of objects in chronological order and give reasons for their order? Can they sequence events about own life? Can they try to work out how long ago an event happened? Can they give examples of things that are different in their life from that of a long time ago in a specific period of history such as 1953? Can they explain why their locality (as wide as it needs to be) is associated with a special historical event? Can they explain what is meant by a democracy and why it is a good thing? Can they say at least two ways they can find out about the past, for example using books and the internet? Can they explain why eye-witness accounts may vary? Year 2 Additional Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they name the continents of the world and find them in an atlas? Can they name the world’s oceans and find them in an atlas? Can they name the main cities of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland? Can you find where they live on a map of the UK?
Year 2 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they use words and phrases like: before I was born, when I was younger? Can they use phrases and words like: ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘past’, ‘present’, ‘then’ and ‘now’; in their historical learning? Can they use the words past and present correctly? Can they use a range of appropriate words and phrases to describe the past? Can they recount the life of someone famous from Britain who lived in the past giving attention to what they did earlier and what they did later? Can they recount some interesting facts from an historical event? Can they give examples of things that are different in their life from that of their grandparents when they were young? Can they explain why Britain has a special history by naming some famous events and some famous people? Can they find out something about the past by talking to an older person? Can they answer questions by using a specific source, such as an information book? Can they research the life of a famous Briton from the past using different resources to help them? Can they research about a famous event that happens in Britain and why it has been happening for some time? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they sequence a set of events in chronological order and give reasons for their order? Can they sequence a set of objects in chronological order and give reasons for their order? Can they sequence events about own life? Can they sequence events about the life of a famous person? Can they try to work out how long ago an event happened? Can they give examples of things that are different in their life from that of a long time ago in a specific period of history, eg, 100 years ago? Can they explain why someone in the past acted in the way they did? Can they explain how their local area was different in the past? Can they explain why their locality (as wide as it needs to be) is associated with a special historical event? Can they explain what is meant by a democracy and why it is a good thing? Can they say at least two ways they can find out about the past, for example using books and the internet? Can they explain why eye-witness accounts may vary? Can they research the life of someone who used to live in their area using the Internet and other sources to find out about them? Can they research about a famous event that happens somewhere else in the world and why it has been happening for some time?
Year 2 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Use of materials Can they think of ideas and plan what to do next? Can they choose the best tools and materials? Can they give a reason why these are best? Can they describe their design by using pictures, diagrams, models and words? Can they join things (materials/ components) together in different ways? What went well with their work? If they did it again, what would they want to improve? Can they measure materials to use in a model or structure? Can they join material in different ways? Can they use joining, folding or rolling to make it stronger? Year 2 Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Do they sing and follow the melody (tune)? Do they sing accurately at a given pitch? Can they perform simple patterns and accompaniments keeping a steady pulse? Can they perform with others? Can they sing/clap a pulse increasing or decreasing in tempo? Can they listen out for particular things when listening to music?
Year 2: Have Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela helped to make the world a better place? KS1 History: the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. WOW: Teacher to deliberately discriminate in favour of children with blue eyes without letting anyone know that they are doing so before getting children to discuss how they felt. LC1 What do you understand by the word ‘discrimination’? LC2 Who was Rosa Parks and who is Nelson Mandela and why should we be proud of them? LC3 Do you think that children discriminate in any way? LC4 What can you find out about slavery and why was it such a bad thing? LC5 What can you find out about non-British music and art? LC6 What can you find out about the American President Obama? LC7 Reflection: Children to perform plays that help other see how wrong it is to discriminate. Literacy Link: LC2 provides children with an opportunity to devise their own questions to ask Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela. There are huge opportunities to help develop children’s oracy skills, especially in LC3 and during the reflection. LC4 and LC6 provides additional opportunities for children to research about President Obama and slavery. Creative Art Link: LC5 provides children with an opportunity to find out and recreate art from another culture. Expressive Art Link: LC5 also gives children a chance to learn about the music traditionally associated with black people. The Pat Skin I’m Thomas In Cameron Allie Can Brooke Too
Year 2 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they use words and phrases like: before I was born, when I was younger? Can they use phrases and words like: ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘past’, ‘present’, ‘then’ and ‘now’; in their historical learning? Can they use the words past and present correctly? Can they use a range of appropriate words and phrases to describe the past? Can they sequence a set of events in chronological order and give reasons for their order? Can they recount the life of someone famous from outside Britain who lived in the past giving attention to what they did earlier and what they did later? Can they recount some interesting facts from an historical event? Can they find out something about the past by talking to an older person? Can they answer questions by using a specific source, such as an information book? Can they research the life of a famous non-Briton from the past using different resources to help them? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they sequence a set of objects in chronological order and give reasons for their order? Can they sequence events about the life of a famous person? Can they try to work out how long ago an event happened? Can they explain why someone in the past acted in the way they did? Can they explain what is meant by a democracy and why it is a good thing? Can they say at least two ways they can find out about the past, for example using books and the internet? Can they explain why eye-witness accounts may vary? Can they research about a famous event that happens somewhere else in the world and why it has been happening for some time?
Year 2 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Drawing Painting Knowledge Sketch books Can they use three different grades of pencil in their drawing (4B, 8B, HB)? Can they use charcoal, pencil and pastels? Can they create different tones using light and dark? Can they show patterns and texture in their drawings? Can they mix paint to create all the secondary colours? Can they mix and match colours, predict outcomes? Can they mix their own brown? Can they make tints by adding white? Can they make tones by adding black? Can they link colours to natural and man-made objects? Can they say how other artists have used colour, pattern and shape? Can they create a piece of work in response to another artist’s work? Can they begin to demonstrate their ideas through photographs and in their sketch books? Can they set out their ideas, using ‘annotation’ in their sketch books? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they have changed their work? Year 2 Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Can they perform simple patterns and accompaniments keeping a steady pulse? Can they perform with others? Can they play simple rhythmic patterns on an instrument? Can they sing/clap a pulse increasing or decreasing in tempo? Can they create music in response to (different starting points)? Can they choose sounds which create an effect? Can they use symbols to represent sounds? Can they make connections between notations and musical sounds?
Geography and History Learning Challenges Key Stage 2
National Curriculum Requirements of Geography at Key Stage 2 Pupils should extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America. This will include the location and characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features. They should develop their use of geographical tools and skills to enhance their locational and place knowledge. Pupils should be taught to: Location knowledge locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features (including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers), and land-use patterns; and understand how some of these aspects have changed over time identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zones (including day and night) Place knowledge understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country, and a region within North or South America Human and physical geography describe and understand key aspects of: physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water Geographical skills and fieldwork use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world use fieldwork to observe, measure and record the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies.
History breakdown – Key Stage 2 Stone Age to 1066 Local History Significant Themes in British history Earliest Civilizations Non European Year 3 Who first lived in Britain? An aspect of local history taken from one of the 4 periods outlined in the previous column or An aspect of local history significant to the locality, Henry VIII – Church changes World War 2 – Battle of Britain Norman Conquest – feudal system Gunpowder, treason and plot (Whole school) Crime and Punishment – Anglo Saxons to today Leisure and entertainment in the 20th century What the Greeks or Romans did for our cultures, art and literature What did the Greeks do for us? Ancient Egypt Mayan Civilization C900 Year 4 The Romans Year 5 Anglo-Saxons Year 6 Vikings
Geography and History Learning Challenges Year 3
Geography and History: Year 3 Overview Key Features Year 3 GEOGRAPHY HISTORY Human Physical European Country -holiday destination -famous cities Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis -The power of the Earth Stone Age to the Iron Age, including: - Hunter gatherers - Early farming -Bronze Age, and -Iron Age Ancient Greece - A study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world Local History - A study of Local History taking account of a period of history that shaped the locality Learning Challenges What makes the Earth angry? Why would people choose to go to the Mediterranean for their holidays? What have the Greeks given us? Who first lived in Britain? How did the Victorian period help to shape the Halesowen we know today?
KSU Breakdown – Year 3 Geography and History Geographical and Historical Knowledge, Skills and Understanding requirements for the National Curriculum KSU Breakdown – Year 3 Geography and History
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for History Year 3 Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they describe events and periods using the words: BC, AD and decade? Can they describe events from the past using dates when things happened? Can they describe events and periods using the words: ancient and century? Can they use a timeline within a specific time in history to set out the order things may have happened? Can they use their mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events would have happened? Do they appreciate that the early Brits would not have communicated as we do or have eaten as we do? Can they begin to picture what life would have been like for the early settlers? Can they recognise that Britain has been invaded by several different groups over time? Do they realise that invaders in the past would have fought fiercely, using hand to hand combat? Can they suggest why certain events happened as they did in history? Can they suggest why certain people acted as they did in history? Do they recognise the part that archaeologists have had in helping us understand more about what happened in the past? Can they use various sources of evidence to answer questions? Can they use various sources to piece together information about a period in history? Can they research a specific event from the past ? Can they use their ‘information finding’ skills in writing to help them write about historical information? Can they through research identify similarities and differences between given periods in history? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they set out on a timeline, within a given period, what special events took place? Can they begin to recognise and quantify the different time periods that exists between different groups that invaded Britain? Can they begin to appreciate why Britain would have been an important country to have invaded and conquered? Can they appreciate that war/s would inevitably have brought much distress and bloodshed? Do they have an appreciation that wars start for specific reasons and can last for a very long time? Do they appreciate that invaders were often away from their homes for very long periods and would have been ‘homesick’? Can they begin to use more than one source of information to bring together a conclusion about an historical event? Can they use specific search engines on the Internet to help them find information more rapidly?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Geography Year 3 Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Do they use correct geographical words to describe a place and the things that happen there? Can they identify key features of a locality by using a map? Can they begin to use a 4 figure grid references? Can they accurately plot NSEW on a map? Can they use some basic OS map symbols? Can they make accurate measurement of distances within 100Km? Can they use maps and atlases appropriately by using contents and indexes? Can they describe how volcanoes are created? Can they describe how earthquakes are created? Can they confidently describe physical features in a locality? Can they locate the Mediterranean and explain why it is a popular holiday destination? Can they recognise the 8 points of the compass (N,NW, W, S, SW, SE, E, NE)? Can they describe how volcanoes have an impact on people’s life? Can they confidently describe human features in a locality? Can they explain why a locality has certain human features? Can they explain why a place is like it is? Can they explain how the lives of people living in the Mediterranean would be different from their own? Can they name a number of countries in the Northern Hemisphere? Can they locate and name some of the world’s most famous volcanoes? Can they name and locate some well-known European countries? Can they name and locate the capital cities of neighbouring European countries? Are they aware of different weather in different parts of the world, especially Europe? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they work out how long it would take to get to a given destination taking account of the mode of transport? Can they explain why a locality has certain physical features? Can they explain how people’s lives vary due to weather? Can they name the two largest seas around Europe?
Year 3: What makes the Earth angry? KS2 Geography: pupils to be taught physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle WOW: Show a range of clips from Tsunami; volcanoes and hurricane. Video conference a school in Iceland. LC1 What causes a volcano to erupt and which are the famous volcanoes in the world? LC2 How do volcanoes impact on the lives of people and why do people choose to live near them? LC3 How can we recreate an erupting volcano? LC4 What causes an earthquake (and a tsunami) and how are they measured? LC5 Who experiences extreme weather in our country? LC6 Which countries have experienced earthquakes and tsunamis in your life time? LC7 How can we capture a stormy weather pattern using music, drama and dance? LC8 Reflection: Each group to put together a weather presentation of extreme weather using music, drama and video clips. Literacy Link: During LC1 the children will be asked to research volcanoes in the world and pin point them onto a world map. During LC2 children will asked to think of a range of questions they would like to ask an Icelandic child. These will be emailed or asked during a video conferencing session. During LC4 the children will be asked to research earthquakes and tsunamis and write up about them in a Learning Challenge journal. During LC5 children will link with children who have experienced flooding. Again opportunities could be made for video conferencing or emailing (children in Japan). Creative Art Link: During LC3 children will be provided with an opportunity to design and make a volcano and then they will need to think of a way of making it erupt. Numeracy Link: LC4 provides opportunities for scale work. Expressive Art Link: During LC7 there will be opportunities for children to create some music which will be used as part of their reflection presentations. Possibly Peter Grimes. Journey to the H G centre of Wells the Earth
Year 3 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Do they use correct geographical words to describe a place and the things that happen there? Can they identify key features of a locality by using a map? Can they make accurate measurement of distances within 100Km? Can they use maps and atlases appropriately by using contents and indices? Can they describe how volcanoes are created? Can they describe how earthquakes are created? Can they confidently describe physical features in a locality? Can they describe how volcanoes have an impact on people’s life? Can they confidently describe human features in a locality? Can they explain why a locality has certain human features? Can they name a number of countries in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere? Can they locate and name some of the world’s most famous volcanoes? Can they name and locate some well-known European countries? Are they aware of different weather in different parts of the world, especially Europe? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they work out how long it would take to get to a given destination taking account of the mode of transport? Can they explain why a locality has certain physical features? Can they explain how people’s lives vary due to weather? Can they name the two largest seas around Europe?
Year 3 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Mouldable materials Can they show that their design meets a range of requirements? Can they put together a step-by-step plan which shows the order and also what equipment and tools they need? Can they describe their design using an accurately labelled sketch and words? How realistic is their plan? Can they use equipment and tools accurately? What did they change which made their design even better? Do they select the most appropriate materials? Can they use a range of techniques to shape and mould? Do they use finishing techniques? Year 3 Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they create repeated patterns with different instruments? Can they create accompaniments for tunes? Can they combine different sounds to create a specific mood or feeling? Can they improve their work; explaining how it has improved? Can they use musical words (the elements of music) to describe a piece of music and compositions? Can they use musical words to describe what they like and dislike? Can they recognise the work of at least one famous composer?
Year 3: Why would people go to the Mediterranean for their holidays? KS2 Geography: understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region or area of the United Kingdom and a region or area in a European country WOW: A visit to or from a travel agent having thought of questions to ask first. LC1 What are the advantages/ disadvantages of living in a Mediterranean country? LC2 Why do Mediterranean countries have a warmer climate than we do? LC3 Which fruits and vegetables are produced in the Mediterranean? LC4 How can we organise a Mediterranean food festival? LC5 How would you go about attracting someone to visit a Mediterranean country? LC6 Why doesn’t everyone speak English and use the same money? LC7 Who are the famous artists of the Mediterranean and what can we learn from them? LC8 Which European cities can we associate with different types of music? LC9 Reflection: Children in groups choose a European city and put together a special presentation as part of a European day in school (holiday programme style). Literacy Link: LC1 provides opportunities for explanation text and opportunities for different ways of presenting information. In LC5 children will have to make use of their persuasive skills to entice people to their chosen city. Numeracy Link: LC3 provides opportunities for children to weigh and measure fruits as well as collect data about favourite fruit etc. Creative Art Link: There are opportunities in LC4 and the reflection for children to design and make a Mediterranean food dish. In addition, LC7 provides opportunities for children to paint in the style of a well-known Mediterranean artist. Expressive Art Link: LC8 provides opportunities for children to consider the famous musicians of Europe and to listen to their works. This can range from Liverpool’s Beatles to the Viennese waltz's. The Mystery Elizabeth of the Singer Mona Lisa Hunt
Year 3 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Do they use correct geographical words to describe a place and the things that happen there? Can they identify key features of a locality by using a map? Can they use some basic OS map symbols? Can they make accurate measurement of distances within 100Km? Can they use maps and atlases appropriately by using contents and indexes? Can they confidently describe physical features in a locality? Can they locate the Mediterranean and explain why it is a popular holiday destination? Can they confidently describe human features in a locality? Can they explain why a locality has certain human features? Can they explain why a place is like it is? Can they explain how the lives of people living in the Mediterranean would be different from their own? Can they name some well-known European countries? e and locate Can they name and locate the capital cities of neighbouring European countries? Are they aware of different weather in different parts of the world, especially Europe? Year 3 Food Technology Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Cooking and Nutrition Can they choose the right ingredients for a product? Can they use equipment safely? Can they make sure that their product looks attractive? Can they describe how their combined ingredients come together? Can they set out to grow plants such as cress and herbs from seed with the intention of using them for their food product? Can they show that their design meets a range of requirements? Can they put together a step-by-step plan which shows the order and also what equipment and tools they need? Can they describe their design using an accurately labelled sketch and words? How realistic is their plan? Can they use equipment and tools accurately? What did they change which made their design even better?
Year 3 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Drawing Painting Knowledge Sketch books Can they use their sketches to produce a final piece of work? Can they write an explanation of their sketch in notes? Can they use different grades of pencil shade, to show different tones and texture? Can they predict with accuracy the colours that they mix? Do they know where each of the primary and secondary colours sits on the colour wheel? Can they create a background using a wash? Can they use a range of brushes to create different effects? Can they compare the work of different artists? Can they explore work from other cultures? Can they explore work from other periods of time? Are they beginning to understand the viewpoints of others by looking at images of people and understand how they are feeling and what the artist is trying to express in their work? Can they use their sketch books to express feelings about a subject and to describe likes and dislikes? Can they make notes in their sketch books about techniques used by artists? Can they suggest improvements to their work by keeping notes in their sketch books? Year 3 Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they improve their work; explaining how it has improved? Can they use musical words (the elements of music) to describe a piece of music and compositions? Can they use musical words to describe what they like and dislike? Can they recognise the work of at least one famous composer?
Year 3: What have the Greeks given us? KS2 Geography: understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region or area in a European country; KS2 History: A study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world WOW: Visit from a Greek warrior, dressed suitably with expectation that children already have questions ready of him. LC1 Where is Greece and why do so many people enjoy going on holiday there? LC2 How do Greece’s physical features, including its climate differ from ours? LC3 How does Greece’s climate impact on its people? LC4 Who were the Ancient Greeks and what did we learn from them? LC5 How would a tourist to Greece today be reminded of the power of the Ancient Greeks? LC6 …and the Oscar goes to? (Which Greek God would you choose to receive a special award?) LC7 Would you have enjoyed being an Olympian? LC8 What is democracy and what part did the Greeks have in creating it? LC9 How would you go about reproducing a clay pot in the style of the Greeks? LC10 Reflection: Children to put on a special Greek evening for parents to include features of ancient and modern Greece. Literacy Link: LC6 presents opportunities for children to find out information about one of the Greek Gods. LC8 provides opportunities for children to debate issues and to understand more about democracy. LC5 provides children with opportunities to research the main tourist attractions in Greece. Numeracy Link: Opportunities in LC1 for children to carry out surveys and to present information in data and statistical forms. Creative Art Link: The children should research how the Greeks made clay pots and use techniques such as coiling to make their own and decorate them accordingly. Men Rex And Warner Gods Ancient Linda Greece Honan
Year 3 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they describe events from the past using dates when things happened? Can they describe events and periods using the words: ancient and century? Can they use a timeline within a specific time in history to set out the order things may have happened? Can they use their mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events would have happened? Do they realise that invaders in the past would have fought fiercely, using hand to hand combat? Do they appreciate that wars have happened from a very long time ago and are often associated with invasion, conquering or religious differences? Can they suggest why certain events happened as they did in history? Can they suggest why certain people acted as they did in history? Can they use various sources of evidence to answer questions? Can they use various sources to piece together information about a period in history? Can they research a specific event from the past ? Can they use their ‘information finding’ skills in writing to help them write about historical information? Can they through research identify similarities and differences between given periods in history? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they set out on a timeline, within a given period, what special events took place? Can they appreciate that war/s would inevitably have brought much distress and bloodshed? Do they have an appreciation that wars start for specific reasons and can last for a very long time? Do they appreciate that invaders were often away from their homes for very long periods and would have been ‘homesick’? Can they begin to use more than one source of information to bring together a conclusion about an historical event? Can they use specific search engines on the Internet to help them find information more rapidly?
Year 3 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Do they use correct geographical words to describe a place and the things that happen there? Can they identify key features of a locality by using a map? Can they make accurate measurement of distances within 100Km? Can they use maps and atlases appropriately by using contents and indices? Can they confidently describe physical features in a locality? Can they locate the Mediterranean and explain why it is a popular holiday destination? Can they confidently describe human features in a locality? Can they explain why a locality has certain human features? Can they explain how the lives of people living in the Mediterranean would be different from their own? Can they name a number of countries in the Northern Hemisphere? Can they name and locate some well-known European countries? Can they name and locate the capital cities of neighbouring European countries? Are they aware of different weather in different parts of the world, especially Europe? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they work out how long it would take to get to a given destination taking account of the mode of transport? Can they explain why a locality has certain physical features? Can they explain how people’s lives vary due to weather? Can they name the two largest seas around Europe? Year 3 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they begin to sculpt clay and other mouldable materials? Can they use specific clay techniques to create a pot?
Year 3: Who first lived in Britain? KS2 History: Stone Age to the Iron Age, including: - Hunter gatherers; Early farming; Bronze Age, and Iron Age WOW: Share a presentation about the artefacts found related to the Ancient Britons and consider their purposes. Visit to an archaeologist site (if possible). LC1 What jobs do archaeologists do and why are they so valuable in helping us find out about history? LC2 How did the Early Britons make shelters? LC3 Would the Early Britons have visited a supermarket for their food? LC4 What can you find out about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages? LC5 What do we know about the life styles of the early Britons through the art they produced? LC6 What do we know about the way they moved heavy items around? LC7 How do you think the early Britons would have communicated? LC8 Reflection: Working in groups the children should put together a ICT presentation of the life of Early Britons taking account of their weapons, food, ways of communicating and eating. Literacy Link: Opportunities for children to carry out research exist in LC1, LC2, LC3 and LC4. Literacy Link: In LC4 the children will divide into 3 groups with each group researching one of the ages mentioned. They will then create a presentation to each other. Creative Art Link: In LC2 children will design and make their own model shelters based on what they have found out from researching the shelters of the early Britons. Creative Art Link: LC5 provides opportunities for children to experiment with their own art having first researched the art of the Ancient Britons. Science Links: Opportunities here for children to experiment with finding ways of moving heavy objects. One Small Byrd Blue Baylor Bead Littlenose John Grant First Kathryn Painter Lasky 70
Year 3 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they describe events from the past using dates when things happened? Can they describe events and periods using the words: ancient and century? Can they use a timeline within a specific time in history to set out the order things may have happened? Can they use their mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events would have happened? Can they recognise that Britain has been invaded by several different groups over time? Do they realise that invaders in the past would have fought fiercely, using hand to hand combat? Do they appreciate that wars have happened from a very long time ago and are often associated with invasion, conquering or religious differences? Can they use various sources of evidence to answer questions? Can they use various sources to piece together information about a period in history? Can they research a specific event from the past ? Can they use their ‘information finding’ skills in writing to help them write about historical information? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they set out on a timeline, within a given period, what special events took place? Do they have an appreciation that wars start for specific reasons and can last for a very long time? Can they begin to use more than one source of information to bring together a conclusion about an historical event? Can they use specific search engines on the Internet to help them find information more rapidly?
Year 3 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they use their sketches to produce a final piece of work? Can they write an explanation of their sketch in notes? Can they use different grades of pencil shade, to show different tones and texture? Can they predict with accuracy the colours that they mix? Do they know where each of the primary and secondary colours sits on the colour wheel? Can they use a range of brushes to create different effects? Can they use their sketch books to express feelings about a subject and to describe likes and dislikes? Can they make notes in their sketch books about techniques used by artists? Can they suggest improvements to their work by keeping notes in their sketch books? Can they explore work from other cultures? Can they explore work from other periods of time? Year 3 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they show that their design meets a range of requirements? Can they put together a step-by-step plan which shows the order and also what equipment and tools they need? Can they describe their design using an accurately labelled sketch and words? Can they assess how realistic their plan is? Can they use equipment and tools accurately? What did they change which made their design even better? Do they use the most appropriate materials? Can they work accurately to make cuts and holes? Can they join materials?
Year 3: How did the Victorian period help to shape the Halesowen we know today? KS2 History: Local History - A study of Local History taking account of a period of history that shaped the locality WOW: Children to go on a guided walk through a part of Atherton and photograph what was there 100 years ago; between 50 and 100 years ago; and less than 50 years ago. LC1 What made people come and live in Halesowen in the first place? LC2 When did St ????? Church and school open and what can we find out about their history? LC3 Why does Atherton have a Pitt memorial? LC4 Has anyone famous ever lived in Halesowen? LC5 How can we capture Halesowen’s history in art and music? LC6 What is ?????? and why is it an important part of the history of Halesowen? LC7 LC8 Reflection: Children to carry out an IT presentation of the advantages and disadvantages of living in Victorian Halesowen Literacy Link: Opportunities for children to carry out research exist in LC1, LC2, LC3, LC4, LC6 and LC7. Literacy Link: In LC2 the children will divide into 2 groups with each group researching the history of the school or the history of the Church. Creative Art Link: In LC5 half the children will use old photographs and create their own images of Atherton based on LS Lowry’s style. The other half can look at Atherton today and paint the buildings in the same street as the Lowry group. Expressive Art Links: Children will perform the music that children would have sung in Victorian times Not always a perfect place Street Berlie Child Doherty The Railway E Children Nesbit 73
Year 3 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they describe events from the past using dates when things happened? Can they use a timeline within a specific time in history to set out the order things may have happened? Can they use their mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events would have happened? Can they suggest why certain events happened as they did in history? Can they suggest why certain people acted as they did in history? Can they use various sources of evidence to answer questions? Can they use various sources to piece together information about a period in history? Can they research a specific event from the past ? Can they use their ‘information finding’ skills in writing to help them write about historical information? Can they through research identify similarities and differences between given periods in history? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they set out on a timeline, within a given period, what special events took place? Can they begin to use more than one source of information to bring together a conclusion about an historical event? Can they use specific search engines on the Internet to help them find information more rapidly? Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Art and Music Art Music Can they use their sketches to produce a final piece of work? Can they write an explanation of their sketch in notes? Can they use different grades of pencil shade, to show different tones and texture? Can they predict with accuracy the colours that they mix? Do they know where each of the primary and secondary colours sits on the colour wheel? Can they create a background using a wash? Can they use a range of brushes to create different effects? Do they sing in tune with expression? Do they control their voice when singing? Can they play clear notes on instruments?
Year 3 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they describe events from the past using dates when things happened? Can they use a timeline within a specific time in history to set out the order things may have happened? Can they use their mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events would have happened? Can they suggest why certain events happened as they did in history? Can they suggest why certain people acted as they did in history? Can they use various sources of evidence to answer questions? Can they use various sources to piece together information about a period in history? Can they research a specific event from the past ? Can they use their ‘information finding’ skills in writing to help them write about historical information? Can they through research identify similarities and differences between given periods in history? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they set out on a timeline, within a given period, what special events took place? Can they begin to use more than one source of information to bring together a conclusion about an historical event? Can they use specific search engines on the Internet to help them find information more rapidly? Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Art and Music Art Music Can they use their sketches to produce a final piece of work? Can they write an explanation of their sketch in notes? Can they use different grades of pencil shade, to show different tones and texture? Can they predict with accuracy the colours that they mix? Do they know where each of the primary and secondary colours sits on the colour wheel? Can they create a background using a wash? Can they use a range of brushes to create different effects? Do they sing in tune with expression? Do they control their voice when singing? Can they play clear notes on instruments?
Geography and History Learning Challenges Year 4
Geography and History: Year 4 Overview Key Features Year 4 GEOGRAPHY HISTORY Human Physical The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain Julius Caesar Hadrian’s Wall Boudica Romanisation of Britain A Study of an aspect or theme in British history, beyond 1066 - Crime and punishment - Leisure and entertainment in the 20th century -Norman culture -establishment of feudal system River Study and City locations - Settlements, land use, economic activity including natural resources especially water supplies UK City Study Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/ computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied Learning Challenges Where would you choose to build a city? Explicit links made to rivers Why is Birmingham, such a cool place to live? Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? What would you have done after school during the last 100 years ago? Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy?
KSU Breakdown – Year 4 Geography and History Geographical and Historical Knowledge, Skills and Understanding requirements for the National Curriculum KSU Breakdown – Year 4 Geography and History
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for History Year 4 Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they plot recent history on a timeline using centuries? Can they place periods of history on a timeline showing periods of time? Can they use their mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades? Can they explain how events from the past has helped shape our lives? Do they appreciate that wars have happened from a very long time ago and it is often associated with invasion, conquering or religious differences? Do they know that people who lived in the past cooked and travelled differently and used different weapons from ours? Do they recognise that the lives of wealthy people were very different from those of poor people? Do they appreciate how items found belonging to the past are helping us to build up an accurate picture of how people lived in the past? Can they research two versions of an event and say how they differ? Can they research what it was like for a child in a given period from the past and use photographs and illustrations to present their findings? Can they give more than one reason to support an historical argument? Can they communicate knowledge and understanding orally and in writing and offer points of view based upon what they have found out? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they use their mathematical skills to help them work out the time differences between certain major events in history? Can they begin to build up a picture of what main events happened in Britain/ the world during different centuries? Can they recognise that people’s way of life in the past was dictated by the work they did? Do they appreciate that the food people ate was different because of the availability of different sources of food? Do they appreciate that weapons will have changed by the developments and inventions that would have occurred within a given time period? Do they appreciate that wealthy people would have had a very different way of living which would have impacted upon their health and education? Can they independently, or as part of a group, present an aspect they have researched about a given period of history using multi-media skills when doing so?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Geography Year 4 Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they carry out a survey to discover features of cities and villages? Can they find the same place on a globe and in an atlas? Can they label the same features on an aerial photograph as on a map? Can they plan a journey to a place in England? Can they accurately measure and collect information(e.g. rainfall, temperature, wind speed, noise levels etc.)? Can they describe the main features of a well-known city? Can they describe the main features of a village? Can they describe the main physical differences between cities and villages? Can they use appropriate symbols to represent different physical features on a map? Can they explain why people are attracted to live in cities? Can they explain why people may choose to live in a village rather than a city? Can they explain how a locality has changed over time with reference to human features? Can they find different views about an environmental issue? What is their view? Can they suggest different ways that a locality could be changed and improved? Can they locate the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn? Do they know the difference between the British Isles, Great Britain and UK? Do they know the countries that make up the European Union? Can they name up to six cities in the UK and locate them on a map? Can they locate and name some of main islands that surround the UK? Can they name the areas of origin of the main ethnic groups in the UK & in their school? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they give accurate measurements between 2 given places within the UK? Can they explain how a locality has changed over time with reference to physical features? Can they explain how people are trying to manage their environment? Can they name the counties that make up the home counties of London? Can they name some of the main towns and cities in Yorkshire and Lancashire?
Year 4: Where would you choose to build a city? KS2 Geography: Settlements, land use, economic activity including natural resources especially energy and water supplies WOW: Watch a film about the building of skyscrapers in New York or Dubai and discuss why buildings need to be tall in a city. LC1 What are the common features you notice when locating all of Britain’s biggest cities? LC2 Why do you think rivers were important to the location of major cities? Why are rivers important for the lives of the people who live there now and lived there some time ago? How have people adapted rivers and water for their own use? LC3 Can you choose a major European city and create a brochure to encourage someone to visit? LC4 Why is the transport system very important in major cities? LC5 Using paper, how can you create a skyscraper that is at least 2 meters high? LC6 Can you locate many of the important features on a map of a city? LC7 What are the major differences between a major city and a small town or village? LC8 Reflection: Children will use photographs from the internet and become a tourist guide in a well known European country. Literacy Link: LC1 provides opportunities for children to research some of Europe’s famous cities and the relationship they have with rivers. LC3 requires children to use the internet to find out about a European city. Numeracy Link: LC2: There could be opportunities taken to find out about the length of many of Europe’s rivers and then create data packages, etc. LC4: Looking at how the London underground works could provide some interesting work around geometry. Creative Art Link: LC5 is designed to get children to design and make a tall building so that they appreciate the issues surrounding building some of the skyscrapers in our cities. The Building Ware of Thompson America
Year 4 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they carry out a survey to discover features of cities and villages? Can they find the same place on a globe and in an atlas? Can they label the same features on an aerial photograph as on a map? Can they accurately measure and collect information(e.g. rainfall, temperature, wind speed, noise levels etc.)? Can they describe the main features of a well-known city? Can they describe the main features of a village? Can they describe the main physical differences between cities and villages? Can they use appropriate symbols to represent different physical features on a map? Can they explain why people are attracted to live in cities? Can they explain why people may choose to live in a village rather than a city? Can they explain how a locality has changed over time with reference to human features? Can they find different views about an environmental issue? What is their view? Do they know the difference between the British Isles, Great Britain and UK? Do they know the countries that make up the European Union? Can they name up to six cities in the UK and locate them on a map? Can they name the areas of origin of the main ethnic groups in the UK & in their school? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they give accurate measurements between 2 given places within the UK? Can they explain how a locality has changed over time with reference to physical features? Can they explain how people are trying to manage their environment?
Year 4 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Can they come up with at least one idea about how to create their product? Do they take account of the ideas of others when designing? Can they produce a plan and explain it to others? Can they suggest some improvements and say what was good and not so good about their original design? Can they tell if their finished product is going to be good quality? Are they conscience of the need to produce something that will be liked by others? Can they show a good level of expertise when using a range of tools and equipment? Have they thought of how they will check if their design is successful? Can they begin to explain how they can improve their original design? Can they evaluate their product, thinking of both appearance and the way it works? Breadth of study Stiff and flexible sheet materials Can they measure carefully so as to make sure they have not made mistakes? How have they attempted to make their product strong? Mouldable materials Do they take time to consider how they could have made their idea better? Do they work at their product even though their original idea might not have worked?
Year 4:Why is Birmingham such a cool place to live? KS2 Geography: name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics, including hills, mountains, cities, rivers, key topographical features and land-use patterns; and understand how some of these aspects have changed over time. WOW: Visit to the city chosen – preferably open bus top. LC1 Why do you think London is the capital city of the United Kingdom? LC2 Why do so many people live in London? LC3 Can you trace the growth in London’s population over the past 100 years? LC4 Can you chose 5 popular monuments or buildings in London and write a promotion leaflet on them? LC5 Can you reconstruct a bridge that opens to allow a ship to pass? LC6 From photographs you have taken can you paint one of your favourite places in London? LC7 What would be the main advantages and disadvantages of living in London? LC8 Reflection: Using photographs and video extracts can they put together a documentary about the city. Literacy Link : Huge opportunities in LC4 for children to put together a persuasive style piece of writing linked to the brochures. In addition, a summary style piece of writing is Required for LC7. Numeracy Link : LC1 provides opportunities for children to carry out surveys about why people like or dislike the city. LC3 also provides opportunities for children to look at the figures associated with London’s growing population. Creative Art Link: LC5 provides opportunities for children to design and make a bridge that has a level attached so that it can open. Creative Art Link: LC6 provides opportunities for children to create their own water colours or washes linked to their paintings.
Year 4 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they carry out a survey to discover features of cities and villages? Can they find the same place on a globe and in an atlas? Can they label the same features on an aerial photograph as on a map? Can they accurately measure and collect information(e.g. rainfall, temperature, wind speed, noise levels etc.)? Can they describe the main features of a well-known city? Can they describe the main features of a village? Can they describe the main physical differences between cities and villages? Can they use appropriate symbols to represent different physical features on a map? Can they explain why people are attracted to live in cities? Can they explain why people may choose to live in a village rather than a city? Can they explain how a locality has changed over time with reference to human features? Can they find different views about an environmental issue? What is their view? Can they suggest different ways that a locality could be changed and improved? Do they know the difference between the British Isles, Great Britain and UK? Can they name up to six cities in the UK and locate them on a map? Can they name the areas of origin of the main ethnic groups in the UK & in their school? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they give accurate measurements between 2 given places within the UK? Can they explain how a locality has changed over time with reference to physical features? Can they explain how people are trying to manage their environment? Can they name the counties that make up the home counties of London?
Year 4 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Can they come up with at least one idea about how to create their product? Do they take account of the ideas of others when designing? Can they produce a plan and explain it to others? Can they suggest some improvements and say what was good and not so good about their original design? Can they tell if their finished product is going to be good quality? Are they conscience of the need to produce something that will be liked by others? Can they show a good level of expertise when using a range of tools and equipment? Have they thought of how they will check if their design is successful? Can they begin to explain how they can improve their original design? Can they evaluate their product, thinking of both appearance and the way it works? Electrical and mechanical components Can they add things to their circuits? How have they altered their product after checking it? Are they confident about trying out new and different ideas? Stiff and flexible sheet materials Can they measure carefully so as to make sure they have not made mistakes? How have they attempted to make their product strong? Mouldable materials Do they take time to consider how they could have made their idea better? Do they work at their product even though their original idea might not have worked? Year 4 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Drawing Painting Knowledge Sketch Books Can they organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement? Can they show reflections? Can they explain why they have chosen specific materials to draw with? Can they create all the colours they need? Can they create mood in their paintings? Do they successfully use shading to create mood and feeling? Can they experiment with different styles which artists have used? Can they explain art from other periods of history? Can they use their sketch books to express their feelings about various subjects and outline likes and dislikes? Do they use their sketch books to adapt and improve their original ideas? Do they keep notes about the purpose of their work in their sketch books?
Year 4: Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? Literacy Link: LC1 provides ample opportunities for children to express themselves after being ‘invaded’ by another class. LC2 provides research opportunities based on finding out about the Romans. LC3 offers further research opportunities through finding out about the lives of Gladiators. LC8 will give children a chance to carry out their own research on one famous Roman. They will then have to do a presentation to the class about their chosen Roman. KS2 History: The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain Julius Caesar Hadrian’s Wall Boudica Romanisation of Britain WOW: Class to be given surprise ‘extra’ playtime so that an older group of children can ‘invade’ their classroom. LC1 So what’s it like to be invaded and which countries have been invaded recently? LC2 Who were the Romans and would they have enjoyed coming to Britain? LC3 Would you prefer to be a Gladiator or a Premiership footballer? LC4 What did the Romans do for us? LC5 How could you be as fit as a Roman? LC6 Why did the Romans need to build forts? LC7 Who was Boudica and why did she become so famous? Can you create a working model of a Roman weapon? LC8 Who were the famous Romans and what do we know about them? LC9 Reflection: Children through ‘home learning’ tasks will be expected to put together a ‘research file’ that will start with a range of questions they will have thought of. Expressive Art Link: During LC5 children will experience marching carrying the equivalent of the Roman’s armour. Creative Arts Link: LC7 will provide children with a chance to research and then design and make a Roman weapon that would have been used to help them capture cities, etc. Roman Invasion Jim Eldridge My Story The Terry Captive Dreary Celt
Year 4 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they plot recent history on a timeline using centuries? Can they place periods of history on a timeline showing periods of time? Can they use their mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades? Can they explain how events from the past has helped shape our lives? Do they appreciate that wars have happened from a very long time ago and it is often associated with invasion, conquering or religious differences? Do they know that people who lived in the past cooked and travelled differently and used different weapons from ours? Do they recognise that the lives of wealthy people were very different from those of poor people? Do they appreciate how items found belonging to the past are helping us to build up an accurate picture of how people lived in the past? Can they research two versions of an event and say how they differ? Can they research what it was like for a child in a given period from the past and use photographs and illustrations to present their findings? Can they give more than one reason to support an historical argument? Can they communicate knowledge and understanding orally and in writing and offer points of view based upon what they have found out? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they use their mathematical skills to help them work out the time differences between certain major events in history? Can they begin to build up a picture of what main events happened in Britain/ the world during different centuries? Do they appreciate that the food people ate was different because of the availability of different sources of food? Do they appreciate that weapons will have changed by the developments and inventions that would have occurred within a given time period? Do they appreciate that wealthy people would have had a very different way of living which would have impacted upon their health and education? Can they independently, or as part of a group, present an aspect they have researched about a given period of history using multi-media skills when doing so?
Year 4 DT Knowledge, Sills and Understanding Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Stiff and Flexible Materials Can they come up with at least one idea about how to create their product? Do they take account of the ideas of others when designing? Can they produce a plan and explain it to others? Can they suggest some improvements and say what was good and not so good about their original design? Can they tell if their finished product is going to be good quality? Are they conscience of the need to produce something that will be liked by others? Can they show a good level of expertise when using a range of tools and equipment? Have they thought of how they will check if their design is successful? Can they begin to explain how they can improve their original design? Can they evaluate their product, thinking of both appearance and the way it works? Can they measure carefully so as to make sure they have not made mistakes? How have they attempted to make their product strong?
Year 4 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they describe events and periods using the words: BC, AD and decade? Can they plot recent history on a timeline using centuries? Can they place periods of history on a timeline showing periods of time? Can they use their mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades? Can they explain how events from the past has helped shape our lives? Can they recognise how lives in the past are different from ours? Do they know that people who lived in the past cooked and travelled differently and used different weapons from ours? Do they recognise that the lives of wealthy people were very different from those of poor people? Do they appreciate how items found belonging to the past are helping us to build up an accurate picture of how people lived in the past? Can they research two versions of an event and say how they differ? Can they give more than one reason to support an historical argument? Can they communicate knowledge and understanding orally and in writing and offer points of view based upon what they have found out? Do they appreciate how historical artefacts like the Magna Carta has helped us understand more about British lives in the present and past? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they use their mathematical skills to help them work out the time differences between certain major events in history? Can they begin to build up a picture of what main events happened in Britain/ the world during different centuries? Can they recognise that people’s way of life in the past was dictated by the work they did? Do they appreciate that wealthy people would have had a very different way of living which would have impacted upon their health and education? Can they independently, or as part of a group, present an aspect they have researched about a given period of history using multi-media skills when doing so?
Year 4 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Drawing Painting Knowledge Sketch books Can they identify and draw simple objects, and use marks and lines to produce texture? Can they organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement? Can they show reflections? Can they explain why they have chosen specific materials to draw with? Can they create all the colours they need? Can they create mood in their paintings? Do they successfully use shading to create mood and feeling? Can they experiment with different styles which artists have used? Can they explain art from other periods of history? Can they use their sketch books to express their feelings about various subjects and outline likes and dislikes? Do they use their sketch books to adapt and improve their original ideas? Do they keep notes about the purpose of their work in their sketch books?
Year 4: What would you have done after school during the last 100 years ago? Literacy Link: Huge opportunities in LC1 for children to consider what life would be like without television and electronic gadgets. LC2 provides research opportunities for children to find out about what rich children would have had in comparison to poor ones. LC3 provides children with a chance to find out about how children would have celebrated birthdays and Christmas. LC4 provides children with good opportunities to research what footballers would have worn and then to find out about how much it would have cost to watch them play, etc. Use old football, programmes to find out more about life from the adverts, etc. KS2 History: Leisure and Entertainment in the 20th century WOW: All children start the day by being introduced to traditional board games such as: ludo; snakes and ladders, etc. LC1 How would you have coped without television and the iPad? LC2 How was leisure and entertainment different for rich and poor children 100 years ago? LC3 Would you have been able to go to McDonald’s for your birthday party 100 years ago? LC4 What would your favourite football team have looked like 100 years ago? LC5 How could you create your own ‘Silent Movie’? LC6 What would a music chart show have been like 100 years ago? LC7 Reflection: Children to create a documentary on life for children 100 years ago focusing on leisure and entertainment IT Presentation: During LC5 children will have to Write and produce their own silent movie and film it. Further opportunities for IT presentation offered in LC6 Expressive Link: During LC6 children will find out about the popular songs of the era and then create their own video dressed appropriately for the time. Chimney Laurie Child Sheehan
Year 4 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they plot recent history on a timeline using centuries? Can they place periods of history on a timeline showing periods of time? Can they use their mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades? Can they explain how events from the past has helped shape our lives? Can they recognise how lives in the past are different from ours? Do they know that people who lived in the past cooked and travelled differently and used different weapons from ours? Do they recognise that the lives of wealthy people were very different from those of poor people? Do they appreciate how items found belonging to the past are helping us to build up an accurate picture of how people lived in the past? Can they research two versions of an event and say how they differ? Can they give more than one reason to support an historical argument? Can they communicate knowledge and understanding orally and in writing and offer points of view based upon what they have found out? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they use their mathematical skills to help them work out the time differences between certain major events in history? Can they begin to build up a picture of what main events happened in Britain/ the world during different centuries? Can they recognise that people’s way of life in the past was dictated by the work they did? Do they appreciate that wealthy people would have had a very different way of living which would have impacted upon their health and education? Can they independently, or as part of a group, present an aspect they have researched about a given period of history using multi-media skills when doing so? Year 4 Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they perform a simple part rhythmically? Can they sing songs from memory with accurate pitch? Can they improvise using repeated patterns? Can they start to identify the character of a piece of music? Can they describe and identify the different purposes of music? Can they begin to identify with the style of work of significant British musicians?
Year 4: Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy? KS2 History. A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends beyond 1066: The Norman invasion and its impact on British society. WOW: Invite children to bring in toy castles that they have at home and then discuss what they are used for and how accurate their toys are. Possible visit to local castle. LC1 Why did the Normans build so many castles? LC2 Who was William the Conqueror and why is 1066 a famous date in British history? LC3 How do we know what happened in 1066 and how could we produce a similar ‘collage’ to explain what happened in Britain this year? LC4 What do you know about the Motte and Bailey castle and can you design one? LC5 Using clay can you create a piece of art that captures a Norman castle? LC6 What is the Domesday Book and do we have something similar today? LC7 What changed in Britain as a result of the Norman conquest? LC8 Reflection: In small groups, using small models can they recreate a battle of a siege of a castle and film it. Literacy Link: It is important that the research in LC1helps children realise that castles were built to create safe areas for the conquering armies. LC2 provides further research opportunities when they focus on one famous person from our history. Numeracy Link: Children will need to make use of their measurement skills when designing their Motte and Bailey castle. Creative Arts: Children to examine the Bayeux Tapestry and try to recreate a collage to capture life today. Creative Art Link: Children in LC3 will have to carry out research on Motte and Bailey castles before designing and making one. Creative Art Link: In LC5 children will work on clay plaque which depict a Norman castle theme. Invasion June Crebbin Outlaw Michael Morpurgo
Year 4 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they describe events and periods using the words: BC, AD and decade? Can they plot recent history on a timeline using centuries? Can they place periods of history on a timeline showing periods of time? Can they use their mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades? Can they explain how events from the past have helped shape our lives? Can they recognise how lives in the past are different from ours? Do they know that people who lived in the past cooked and travelled differently and used different weapons from ours? Do they recognise that the lives of wealthy people were very different from those of poor people? Do they appreciate how items found belonging to the past are helping us to build up an accurate picture of how people lived in the past? Can they research two versions of an event and say how they differ? Can they research what it was like for a child in a given period from the past and use photographs and illustrations to present their findings? Can they give more than one reason to support an historical argument? Can they communicate knowledge and understanding orally and in writing and offer points of view based upon what they have found out? Do they appreciate how historical artefacts like the Domesday Book have helped us understand more about British lives in the present and past? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they use their mathematical skills to help them work out the time differences between certain major events in history? Can they begin to build up a picture of what main events happened in Britain/ the world during different centuries? Do they appreciate that weapons will have changed by the developments and inventions that would have occurred within a given time period? Do they appreciate that wealthy people would have had a very different way of living which would have impacted upon their health and education? Can they independently, or as part of a group, present an aspect they have researched about a given period of history using multi-media skills when doing so?
Year 4 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Do they take account of the ideas of others when designing? Can they produce a plan and explain it to others? Can they suggest some improvements and say what was good and not so good about their original design? Can they tell if their finished product is going to be good quality? Are they conscience of the need to produce something that will be liked by others? Can they show a good level of expertise when using a range of tools and equipment? Have they thought of how they will check if their design is successful? Can they begin to explain how they can improve their original design? Can they evaluate their product, thinking of both appearance and the way it works? Breadth of study Stiff and flexible sheet materials Can they measure carefully so as to make sure they have not made mistakes? How have they attempted to make their product strong? Mouldable materials Do they take time to consider how they could have made their idea better? Do they work at their product even though their original idea might not have worked? Year 4 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they identify and draw simple objects, and use marks and lines to produce texture? Can they begin to sculpt clay and other mouldable materials? Can they explain art from other periods of history?
Geography and History Learning Challenges Year 5
Geography and History: Year 5 Overview Key Features Year 5 GEOGRAPHY HISTORY Human Physical Anglo Saxons, Settlements and kingdoms Art and Culture Christianity conversion Early Civilizations Ancient Egyptians A Study of an aspect or theme in British history, beyond 1066 Hitler’s invasion of Poland and its impact on Britain Brazil – trade and growing economy - Fair Trade Rainforests of the Amazon Brazil – physical features locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe and North and South America and concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities Learning Challenges Why is Brazil in the news again? Are the rainforests important? Were the Anglo-Saxons really smashing? How can we explore the wonders of Ancient Egypt? How could Hitler have convinced a nation like Germany to have followed him?
KSU Breakdown – Year 5 Geography and History Geographical and Historical Knowledge, Skills and Understanding requirements for the National Curriculum KSU Breakdown – Year 5 Geography and History
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for History Year 5 Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they use dates and historical language in their work? Can they draw a timeline with different time periods outlined which show different information, such as, periods of history, when famous people lived, etc.? Can they use their mathematical skills to work exact time scales and differences as need be? Can they describe historical events from the different period/s they are studying/have studied? Can they make comparisons between historical periods; explaining things that have changed and things which have stayed the same? Can they explain the role that Britain has had in spreading Christian values across the world? Can they begin to appreciate that how we make decisions has been through a Parliament for some time? Do they appreciate that significant events in history has helped shape the country we have today? Do they have a good understanding as to how crime and punishment has changes over the years? Can they test out a hypothesis in order to answer a question? Do they appreciate how historical artefacts has helped us understand more about British lives in the present and past? Year 5 (Challenging) Can they create timelines which outline the development of specific features, such as medicine; weaponry; transport, etc. Do they appreciate how plagues and other major events have created huge differences to the way medicines and health care was looked at? Can they research the life of one person who has had an influence on the way Great Britain is divided into four separate countries?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Geography Year 5 Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they collect information about a place and use it in a report? Can they map land use? Can they find possible answers to their own geographical questions? Can they make detailed sketches and plans; improving their accuracy later? Can they plan a journey to a place in another part of the world, taking account of distance and time? Can they explain why many cities of the world are situated by rivers? Can they explain how a location fits into its wider geographical location; with reference to physical features? Can they explain how the water cycle works? Can they explain why water is such a valuable commodity? Can they explain why people are attracted to live by rivers? Can they explain how a location fits into its wider geographical location; with reference to human and economical features? Can they explain what a place might be like in the future, taking account of issues impacting on human features? Can they name and locate many of the world’s major rivers on maps? Can they name and locate many of the world’s most famous mountain regions on maps? Can they locate the USA and Canada on a world map and atlas? Can they locate and name the main countries in South America on a world map and atlas? Year 5 (Challenging) Can they work out an accurate itinerary detailing a journey to another part of the world? Can they explain what a place (open to environmental and physical change) might be like in the future taking account of physical features? Can they report on ways in which humans have both improved and damaged the environment? Can they begin to recognise the climate of a given country according to its location on the map?
Year 5: Why is Brazil in the news again? KS2 Geography: locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on South America and concentrating on their key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities. WOW: Show a special video about Brazil which captures the main aspects of the country LC1 What do you already know about Brazil? LC2 What fruits and other natural resources is Brazil famous for? LC3 Which famous cities in Brazil attract tourists and why? LC4 What can you find out about one of Brazil’s neighbouring countries? LC5 Can you design and create a collage of Brazilian symbols? LC6 Why is Brazil famous for its dancing? LC7 What can you find out about the street children of Brazil? LC8 What can you find out about a famous Brazilian? LC9 Reflection: The children to host a Brazil day for their parents. Literacy Link: There are many opportunities for children to carry out research. - LC2, LC4, LC7 and LC8. In LC4 children will choose different countries and do a presentation to the others in their class. For LC3 the children will create a brochure on a Brazilian city. Creative Art Link: In LC5 children will research the many symbols associated with Brazil and use the symbols to create a montage of Brazil. Expressive Art Link: In LC6 The children will find out about samba dancing and then perform some Brazilian style dancing. Running Michael Wild Morpurgo
Year 5 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they collect information about a place and use it in a report? Can they find possible answers to their own geographical questions? Can they plan a journey to a place in another part of the world, taking account of distance and time? Can they explain why many cities of the world are situated by rivers? Can they explain how a location fits into its wider geographical location; with reference to physical features? Can they explain why people are attracted to live by rivers? Can they explain how a location fits into its wider geographical location; with reference to human and economical features? Can they locate and name the main countries in South America on a world map and atlas? Year 5 (Challenging) Can they work out an accurate itinerary detailing a journey to another part of the world? Can they explain what a place (open to environmental and physical change) might be like in the future taking account of physical features? Can they report on ways in which humans have both improved and damaged the environment? Can they begin to recognise the climate of a given country according to its location on the map?
Year 5 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they create a piece of art work which includes the integration of digital images they have taken? Can they combine graphics and text based on their research? Can they combine visual and tactile qualities? Do they learn about the work of others by looking at their work in books, the Internet, visits to galleries and other sources of information? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they might develop their work further? Do they use their sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others? Year 5 Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Do they plan and perform dances confidently? Can they compose motifs and plan dances creatively and collaboratively in groups? Can they adapt and refine the way they use weight, space and rhythm in their dances to express themselves in the style of dance they use? Can they perform different styles of dance clearly and fluently? Do they organise their own warm-up and cool-down exercises? Can they recognise and comment on dances, showing an understanding of style? Can they suggest ways to improve their own and other people’s work? Do they use their understanding of composition to create dance phrases for themselves and others in their group? Do they use their knowledge of dance to adapt their skills to meet the demands of a range of dance styles? Can they show expression in their dances and sensitivity to music?
Year 5 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they collect information about a place and use it in a report? Can they map land use? Can they find possible answers to their own geographical questions? Can they plan a journey to a place in another part of the world, taking account of distance and time? Can they explain why many cities of the world are situated by rivers? Can they explain how a location fits into its wider geographical location; with reference to physical features? Can they explain why water is such a valuable commodity? Can they explain why people are attracted to live by rivers? Can they explain how a location fits into its wider geographical location; with reference to human and economical features? Can they explain what a place might be like in the future, taking account of issues impacting on human features? Can they name and locate many of the world’s major rivers on maps? Can they name and locate many of the world’s most famous mountain regions on maps? Can they locate the USA and Canada on a world map and atlas? Year 5 (Challenging) Can they work out an accurate itinerary detailing a journey to another part of the world? Can they explain what a place (open to environmental and physical change) might be like in the future taking account of physical features? Can they report on ways in which humans have both improved and damaged the environment? Can they begin to recognise the climate of a given country according to its location on the map?
Year 5 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Drawing Painting Knowledge Sketch books Do they successfully use shading to create mood and feeling? Can they organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement? Can they show reflections? Can they explain why they have chosen specific materials to draw with? Can they create all the colours they need? Can they create mood in their paintings? Can they express their emotions accurately through their painting and sketches? Can they experiment with different styles which artists have used? Do they learn about the work of others by looking at their work in books, the Internet, visits to galleries and other sources of information? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they might develop their work further? Do they use their sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others? Year 5 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they use dates and historical language in their work? Can they draw a timeline with different time periods outlined which show different information, such as, periods of history, when famous people lived, etc.? Can they describe historical events from the different period/s they are studying/have studied? Can they make comparisons between historical periods; explaining things that have changed and things which have stayed the same?
Year 5: Are the rainforests important? Literacy Link : LC4 provides opportunities for children to carry our their own research and to present their findings in a range of interesting ways which may involve ICT. LC3 will provide opportunities for children to use their persuasion skills when making cases for saving the rainforests. KS2 Geography: locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on South America and concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics. WOW: Show some film clips of the rainforests LC1 How can you create your own class rainforest? LC2 Where are rainforest located and what are their main features? LC3 Why are rainforests often in the news and what can we do to help? LC4 What can you find out about an endangered animal that lives in the rainforest? LC5 How important is the Amazon to the South American rainforests? LC6 Can you create a print using the large leaves of rainforest plants as your inspiration? LC7 How would you survive in the rainforest? LC8 Reflection: Present a documentary on a day in the rainforest Numeracy Link: LC5 provides opportunities for children to use their measurement skills. Creative Art Link: LC1 sees children working together to design and create their own rainforests. This will involve dividing tasks up between them and making decisions about what they will have within the rainforest. LC6 sees children using large leaves to create their own design and prints. LC7 – Design and build shelters Forever Kristin Forest Joy Pratt Serafini The great Lynne Kaphok Cherry tree The Dr. Lorax Seuss
Year 5 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they collect information about a place and use it in a report? Can they find possible answers to their own geographical questions? Can they make detailed sketches and plans; improving their accuracy later? Can they plan a journey to a place in another part of the world, taking account of distance and time? Can they explain why many cities of the world are situated by rivers? Can they explain how a location fits into its wider geographical location; with reference to physical features? Can they explain why water is such a valuable commodity? Can they explain why people are attracted to live by rivers? Can they explain how a location fits into its wider geographical location; with reference to human and economical features? Can they explain what a place might be like in the future, taking account of issues impacting on human features? Can they name and locate many of the world’s major rivers on maps? Can they name and locate many of the world’s most famous mountain regions on maps? Can they locate and name the main countries in South America on a world map and atlas? Year 5 (Challenging) Can they work out an accurate itinerary detailing a journey to another part of the world? Can they explain what a place (open to environmental and physical change) might be like in the future taking account of physical features? Can they report on ways in which humans have both improved and damaged the environment? Can they begin to recognise the climate of a given country according to its location on the map?
Year 5 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Can they come up with a range of ideas after they have collected information? Do they take a user’s view into account when designing? Can they produce a detailed step-by-step plan? Can they suggest some alternative plans and say what the good points and drawbacks are about each? Can they explain why their finished product is going to be of good quality? Can they explain how their product will appeal to the audience? Can they use a range of tools and equipment expertly? Do they keep checking that their design is the best it can be? Do they check whether anything could be improved? Can they evaluate appearance and function against the original criteria? Textiles Do they think what the user would want when choosing textiles? How have they made their product attractive and strong? Can they make up a prototype first? Can they use a range of joining techniques? Stiff and flexible sheet materials Are their measurements accurate enough to ensure that everything is precise? How have they ensured that their product is strong and fit for purpose? Mouldable materials Are they motivated enough to refine and improve their product? Do they persevere through different stages of the making process? Year 5 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they print using a number of colours? Can they create an accurate print design that meets a given criteria? Can they print onto different materials? Can they create all the colours they need for printing? Can they express their emotions accurately through their painting and sketches? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they might develop their work further? Do they use their sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others?
Year 5: Were the Anglo-Saxons really smashing? KS2 History: Britain’s settlements by Anglo-Saxons and Scots - Anglo-Saxon invasions; settlements; kingdoms; names and places; art and culture and Christian conversion WOW: This LC will start with a simulated dig with children having to work out what certain artefacts would have been used for. LC1 Who were the Anglo-Saxons and how did they influence our life today? LC2 How did the Anglo-Saxons bring law and order to Britain? LC3 What evidence do we have today that the Anglo-Saxons were ever here in the first place? LC4 Which Anglo-Saxon Christian symbols remain with us today? LC5 Can you create your own Anglo-Saxon art focusing on tessellations? LC6 Who were the famous Anglo-Saxons, and why was Alfred so ‘great’? LC7 Can you work as a group to create a model Anglo-Saxon settlement? LC8 Reflection: Using your model settlement, can you produce a filmed documentary about Anglo-Saxon life? Literacy Link: LC1 – Opportunities for research about Anglo-Saxons – focusing on the impact on British history. LC6 – Opportunities for distinctive research on famous Anglo-Saxons as well as Alfred the Great. During LC3 children will focus specifically on common names and words we use today that derive from Anglo-Saxon times. Creative Art Link: During LC5, children will design and make their own jewellery based on the patterns commonly used by Anglo-Saxons. Creative Art Link: During LC7 children work as a group to design and make an Anglo-Saxon settlement having carried out research in the first instance. IT Link: During the reflection children will simulate a film of life in an Anglo-Saxon settlement. Beowulf Kevin Crossley- Holland The Rosemary Lantern Sutcliff Bearers
Year 5 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they use dates and historical language in their work? Can they draw a timeline with different time periods outlined which show different information, such as, periods of history, when famous people lived, etc.? Can they use their mathematical skills to work exact time scales and differences as need be? Can they describe historical events from the different period/s they are studying/have studied? Can they make comparisons between historical periods; explaining things that have changed and things which have stayed the same? Can they explain the role that Britain has had in spreading Christian values across the world? Do they appreciate that significant events in history has helped shape the country we have today? Do they have a good understanding as to how crime and punishment has changes over the years? Can they test out a hypothesis in order to answer a question? Do they appreciate how historical artefacts has helped us understand more about British lives in the present and past? Year 5 (Challenging) Can they create timelines which outline the development of specific features, such as medicine; weaponry; transport, etc. Do they appreciate how plagues and other major events have created huge differences to the way medicines and health care was looked at? Can they research the life of one person who has had an influence on the way Great Britain is divided into four separate countries? Year 5 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Year 5 History Can they think of some ideas of their own? Can they explain what they want to do? Can they use pictures and words to plan? Can they explain what they are making? Which tools are they using? Can they describe how something works? Can they talk about their own work and things that other people have done? Can they talk with others about how they want to construct their product? Can they select appropriate resources and tools for their building projects? Can they make simple plans before making objects, e.g., drawings, arranging pieces of construction before building?
Year 5: How can we explore the wonders of Ancient Egypt? KS2 History: The achievements of the earliest civilizations – an overview of the impact the Ancient Egyptians had on our society WOW: Pupils research 10 facts that they believe to be true about Ancient Egypt LC1 Where is Egypt and why do so many people enjoy going on holiday there? LC2 What is an archaeologist and how have they helped us find out about the past? LC3 How can you find out how *your town has changed? LC4 How can you recreate the wonder of the Pyramids? LC5 What have we learnt from the Ancient Egyptians writing – (create time capsule)? LC6 Who were the Pharaohs, and why were they very important? LC7 What would you ask an Ancient Egyptian? LC8 How can we all go Strictly Come Egyptian dancing? LC9 Reflection: Were the Egyptians more advanced than we are? Literacy Link: LC7 - Children to think of the questions they would wish to ask an Ancient Egyptian, if they met one. LC1 – Opportunities for research about Egypt – its geographical location and its history. LC6 – Opportunities for distinctive research on the Pharaohs, about individual pharaohs and how they were regarded. During LC5 children will discuss what they would leave in a time capsule if they wanted someone to make sense of our way of life in 2000 years time. IT Link: During LC3 children will take photographs to help them work out what would have been here 50, 100 or even 250 years ago. Creative Art Link: During LC4, children will design and make their own Pyramids which will contain at least one hidden compartment. Expressive Art Link: During LC8 children have to find out about Egyptian dances and then perform them as a group. The Time Julia Travelling Jarman Cat The Pharaohs Elizabeth of Ancient Payne Egypt
Year 5 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they use dates and historical language in their work? Can they draw a timeline with different time periods outlined which show different information, such as, periods of history.? Can they use their mathematical skills to work exact time scales and differences as need be? Can they describe historical events from the different period/s they are studying/have studied? Can they make comparisons between historical periods; explaining things that have changed and things which have stayed the same? Do they appreciate that significant events in history has helped shape the country we have today? Can they test out a hypothesis in order to answer a question? Do they appreciate how historical artefacts has helped us understand more about British lives in the present and past? Year 5 (Challenging) Can they create timelines which outline the development of specific features, such as medicine; weaponry; transport, etc. Do they appreciate how plagues and other major events have created huge differences to the way medicines and health care was looked at? Can they research the life of one person who has had an influence on the way Great Britain is divided into four separate countries?
Year 5 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Can they come up with a range of ideas after they have collected information? Do they take a user’s view into account when designing? Can they produce a detailed step-by-step plan? Can they suggest some alternative plans and say what the good points and drawbacks are about each? Can they explain why their finished product is going to be of good quality? Can they use a range of tools and equipment expertly? Do they keep checking that their design is the best it can be? Do they check whether anything could be improved? Can they evaluate appearance and function against the original criteria? Breadth of study Stiff and flexible sheet materials Are their measurements accurate enough to ensure that everything is precise? How have they ensured that their product is strong and fit for purpose? Mouldable materials Are they motivated enough to refine and improve their product? Do they persevere through different stages of the making process? Year 5 Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Do they plan and perform dances confidently? Can they compose motifs and plan dances creatively and collaboratively in groups? Can they adapt and refine the way they use weight, space and rhythm in their dances to express themselves in the style of dance they use? Can they perform different styles of dance clearly and fluently? Do they organise their own warm-up and cool-down exercises? Do they show an understanding of safe exercising? Can they recognise and comment on dances, showing an understanding of style? Can they suggest ways to improve their own and other people’s work?
Year 5 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they use dates and historical language in their work? Can they draw a timeline with different time periods outlined which show different information, such as, periods of history, when famous people lived, etc.? Can they use their mathematical skills to work exact time scales and differences as need be? Can they describe historical events from the different period/s they are studying/have studied? Can they make comparisons between historical periods; explaining things that have changed and things which have stayed the same? Can they begin to appreciate that how we make decisions has been through a Parliament for some time? Do they appreciate that significant events in history has helped shape the country we have today? Do they have a good understanding as to how crime and punishment has changes over the years? Can they test out a hypothesis in order to answer a question? Do they appreciate how historical artefacts has helped us understand more about British lives in the present and past? Year 5 (Challenging) Can they create timelines which outline the development of specific features, such as medicine; weaponry; transport, etc. Do they appreciate how plagues and other major events have created huge differences to the way medicines and health care was looked at? Can they research the life of one person who has had an influence on our life today? Year 5 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Can they sculpt clay and other mouldable materials? Can they use textile and sewing skills as part of a project, e.g. hanging, textile book, etc.? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they might develop their work further? Do they use their sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others?
Year 5: How could Hitler have convinced a nation like Germany to follow him? KS2 History: A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronology beyond 1066: Hitler’s invasion of Europe and its impact on Britain WOW: Start with the famous radio broadcast on a Sunday morning that announced to Britain that we were at war with Germany. LC1 Why did World War 2 start and what part did Hitler have in it? LC2 Why did the Jewish nation suffer as a result of Hitler coming to power? LC3 What can we learn about this period from the Anne Frank diaries?- LC4 What happened in Munich in 1938 and why did Britain feel betrayed by Hitler? LC5 Why was the Battle of Britain significant in World War 2? LC6 Who was Winston Churchill and what part did he play in the war? LC7 How have different European artists captured the horror of the war? LC8 Reflection: Using photographic images sourced from the Internet put together your story as though you lived during this period Literacy Links: great opportunities here for children to carry out their own research. LC1 – about Hitler’s rise to power; LC2 – The suffering of the Jews in WW2 LC3 – Anne Frank’s Diaries LC4 – The Munich treaty LC5 – The Battle of Britain LC6 – Winston Churchill Creative Art Link: In LC7 children should be find out about European artists that have captured images of the war and create their own piece of art based on the techniques used by these artists. Reflection: Children to put together a photostory of their life as though they had lived during this period. They should add appropriate music and a commentary. When Hitler Judith Stole Kerr Pink Rabbit The Boy John in the Pink Boyne Pyjamas
Year 5 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they use dates and historical language in their work? Can they draw a timeline with different time periods outlined which show different information, such as, periods of history, when famous people lived, etc.? Can they use their mathematical skills to work exact time scales and differences as need be? Can they make comparisons between historical periods; explaining things that have changed and things which have stayed the same? Do they appreciate that significant events in history has helped shape the country we have today? Do they have a good understanding as to how crime and punishment has changes over the years? Can they test out a hypothesis in order to answer a question? Do they appreciate how historical artefacts has helped us understand more about British lives in the present and past? Year 5 (Challenging) Can they create timelines which outline the development of specific features, such as events in World War 2, etc. Do they know the names of the major leaders in Europe and America during World War 2? Can they research the life of one person who has had an influence on the way the war ended? Year 5 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Do they successfully use shading to create mood and feeling? Can they organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement? Can they show reflections? Can they explain why they have chosen specific materials to draw with? Can they create all the colours they need? Can they create mood in their paintings? Can they express their emotions accurately through their painting and sketches? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they might develop their work further? Do they use their sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others?
Geography and History Learning Challenges Year 6
Geography and History: Year 6 Overview Key Features Year 6 GEOGRAPHY HISTORY Human Physical The Vikings and Anglo-Saxon struggles including: Viking raids and invasion Alfred the Great Viking invasions and Danegeld Anglo-Saxons law and justice Edward the Confessor A non-European society Mayan Civilization The importance of raw materials such as water Mapping skills and fieldwork use the eight points of a compass, four-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world use fieldwork to observe, measure and record the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies. Learning Challenges I’m a Year 6 pupil, can you get me out of here? Will you ever see the water you drink again? Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious? Who were the Mayans and what have learnt from them ?
KSU Breakdown – Year 6 Geography and History Geographical and Historical Knowledge, Skills and Understanding requirements for the National Curriculum KSU Breakdown – Year 6 Geography and History
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for History Year 6 Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they say where a period of history fits on a timeline? Can they place a specific event on a timeline by decade? Can they place features of historical events and people from past societies and periods in a chronological framework? Can they summarise the main events from a specific period in history, explaining the order in which key events happened? Can they summarise how Britain has had a major influence on world history? Can they summarise what Britain may have learnt from other countries and civilizations through time gone by and more recently? Can they describe features of historical events and people from past societies and periods they have studied? Can they recognise and describe differences and similarities/ changes and continuity between different periods of history? Can they look at two different versions and say how the author may be attempting to persuade or give a specific viewpoint? Can they identify and explain their understanding of propaganda? Can they describe a key event from Britain’s past using a range of evidence from different sources? Year 6 (Challenging) Do they appreciate that some ancient civilizations showed greater advancements than people who lived centuries after them? Can they suggest relationships between causes in history? Can they appreciate how Britain once had an Empire and how that has helped or hindered our relationship with a number of countries today? Can they trace the main events that define Britain’s journey from a mono to a multi-cultural society? Can they suggest why there may be different interpretations of events? Can they suggest why certain events, people and changes might be seen as more significant than others? Can they pose and answer their own historical questions?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Geography Year 6 Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they confidently explain scale and use maps with a range of scales? Can they choose the best way to collect information needed and decide the most appropriate units of measure? Can they make careful measurements and use the data? Can they use OS maps to answer questions? Can they use maps, aerial photos, plans and web resources to describe what a locality might be like? Can they give extended description of the physical features of different places around the world? Can they describe how some places are similar and others are different in relation to their human features? Can they accurately use a 4 figure grid reference? Can they create sketch maps when carrying out a field study? Can they give an extended description of the human features of different places around the world? Can they map land use with their own criteria? Can they describe how some places are similar and others are different in relation to their physical features? Can they recognise key symbols used on ordnance survey maps? Can they name the largest desert in the world? Can they identify and name the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn as well as the Artic and Antarctic circles? Can they explain how the time zones work? Year 6 (Challenging) Can they define geographical questions to guide their research? Can they use a range of self selected resources to answer questions? Can they plan a journey to another part of the world which takes account of time zones? Do they understand the term sustainable development? Can they use it in different contexts? Can they explain how human activity has caused an environment to change? Can they analyse population data on two settlements and report on findings and questions raised? Can they name and locate the main canals that link different continents? Can they name the main lines of latitude and meridian of longitude?
Year 6: I’m a Year 6 pupil, can you get me out of here? KS2 Geography: use the eight points of a compass, four-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world use fieldwork to observe, measure and record the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies. WOW: Take part in an orienteering activity around the school grounds. LC1 What would a bird’s eye view of your school look like? LC2 Can you put together a map of the immediate area around your school? LC3 Can you explain why your *town exists and what would have brought people to live there in the first place and why do people live there today? LC4 Can you use an OS map, including compass point directions to help someone plan a route between two local points? LC5 If you got lost within 50 miles of your home, how would you go about finding your way home? LC6 From the photographs you have taken of the immediate area, can you create a painting? LC7 How would you go about planning a trip to a European city to include cost and time? Ref As a class could you create an ‘Urban’ or ‘Rural’ School pointing out the features in your locality. Literacy Link: Research opportunities, especially in LC3 should see children linking to some of their history skills. Numeracy Link: Huge number of measurement opportunities in this Learning Challenge. LC1, LC2, LC4, LC5, LC7 provide these opportunities. Creative Art Link: LC6 should provide an opportunity for children to use their water colour or acrylic paint skills to paint a local scene that they have photographed. Reflection: The reflection should provide a unique challenge. Children will have heard of ‘Forest School’ and this is their opportunity to create something similar in their locality. Kensuke’s Michael Kingdom Morpurgo When you Rebecca reach me Stead
Year 6 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they confidently explain scale and use maps with a range of scales? Can they choose the best way to collect information needed and decide the most appropriate units of measure? Can they make careful measurements and use the data? Can they use OS maps to answer questions? Can they use maps, aerial photos, plans and web resources to describe what a locality might be like? Can they give extended description of the physical features of different places around the world? Can they describe how some places are similar and others are different in relation to their human features? Can they accurately use a 4 figure grid reference? Can they create sketch maps when carrying out a field study? Can they map land use with their own criteria? Can they describe how some places are similar and others are different in relation to their physical features? Can they recognise key symbols used on ordnance survey maps? Year 6 (Challenging) Can they define geographical questions to guide their research? Can they use a range of self selected resources to answer questions? Can they plan a journey to another part of the world which takes account of time zones? Do they understand the term sustainable development? Can they use it in different contexts? Can they explain how human activity has caused an environment to change? Can they analyse population data on two settlements and report on findings and questions raised?
Year 6 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Drawing Painting Knowledge Sketch books Can they explain why they have combined different tools to create their drawings? Can they explain why they have chosen specific drawing techniques? Can they explain what their own style is? Can they use a wide range of techniques in their work? Can they explain why they have chosen specific painting techniques? Can they make a record about the styles and qualities in their work? Can they say what their work is influenced by? Can they include technical aspects in their work, e.g. architectural design? Do their sketch books contain detailed notes, and quotes explaining about items? Do they compare their methods to those of others and keep notes in their sketch books? Do they combine graphics and text based research of commercial design, for example magazines etc., to influence the layout of their sketch books. Do they adapt and refine their work to reflect its meaning and purpose, keeping notes and annotations in their sketch books?
Year 6: Will you ever see the water you drink again? KS2 Geography: Understand the water cycle KS2 Science: Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle WOW: Show clips of extreme outcomes involving water, eg, waves crashing, rainstorm, waterfall, etc. LC1 Why is water a major necessity in any village, town or city? LC2 How does rainwater form in the first place? LC3 Why do some places go for a long time without rain and others have too much rain? LC4 How is water used to help provide energy to many places? LC5 Can you create a moving toy that requires water to power it? LC6 What happens to the water in our home once it disappears down the sink? LC7 Which music is associated with water and can you create your own? Ref Can you put together a presentation that outlines the water cycle? Literacy Link: Huge opportunities for children to carry out their own research. LC1 to LC4 offer these opportunities. Numeracy Link: In LC5 there will be many opportunities for children to use accurate measurement skills Creative Art Link: LC5 will require children to research, plan, design and make a quality product. The outcome should be quite sophisticated and well made. Expressive Art Link: Chance in LC7 for children to appraise music before creating their own which should be quite dramatic in capturing different aspects from tiny raindrops to extreme weather storms. The journey from the Eve river to the Ibbotson sea
Year 6 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical Enquiry Physical Geography Human Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they choose the best way to collect information needed and decide the most appropriate units of measure? Can they make careful measurements and use the data? Can they use maps, aerial photos, plans and web resources to describe what a locality might be like? Can they give extended description of the physical features of different places around the world? Can they describe how some places are similar and others are different in relation to their human features? Can they give an extended description of the human features of different places around the world? Can they describe how some places are similar and others are different in relation to their physical features? Can they recognise key symbols used on ordnance survey maps? Can they name the largest desert in the world? Can they identify and name the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn as well as the Artic and Antarctic circles? Year 6 (Challenging) Can they define geographical questions to guide their research? Can they use a range of self selected resources to answer questions? Do they understand the term sustainable development? Can they use it in different contexts? Can they explain how human activity has caused an environment to change? Can they analyse population data on two settlements and report on findings and questions raised? Can they name and locate the main canals that link different continents? Can they name the main lines of latitude and meridian of longitude?
Year 6 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Can they use a range of information to inform their design? Can they use market research to inform plans? Can they work within constraints? Can they follow and refine their plan if necessary? Can they justify their plan to someone else? Do they consider culture and society in their designs? Can they use tools and materials precisely? Do they change the way they are working if needed? How well do they test and evaluate their final product? Is it fit for purpose? What would improve it? Would different resources have improved their product? Would they need more or different information to make it even better? Electrical and mechanical components Can they use different kinds of circuit in their product? Can they think of ways in which adding a circuit would improve their product? Stiff and flexible sheet materials Can they justify why they selected specific materials? Can they work within a budget? How have they ensured that their work is precise and accurate? Can they hide joints so as to improve the look of their product? Mouldable materials Did they consider the use of the product when selecting materials? Does their product meet all design criteria? Year 6 Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Can they refine and improve their work? Can they evaluate how the venue, occasion and purpose affects the way a piece of music is created? Can they analyse features within different pieces of music? Can they compare and contrast the impact that different composers from different times will have had on the people of the time? Can they use a variety of different musical devices in their composition? (incl melody, rhythms and chords) Do they recognise that different forms of notation serve different purposes? Can they use different forms of notation? Can they combine groups of beats?
Year 6: Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious? KS2 History. The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the kingdom of England - Viking raids - Edward the confessor HOOK: Visit to Jorvik or a film showing life in a Viking village. LC1 Who were the Anglo-Saxons and did they like the Vikings? LC2 Which region of Britain would you have come under during the Heptarchy? Why did the Vikings come to Britain and how did they make the journey? LC3 What did the Brits learn from the Vikings? LC4 What was life like for a 11 year old (boy/ girl) Viking? LC5 How did the Vikings live when they came to Britain? LC6 How can you create a Viking long boat from a range of materials? LC7 What did the Vikings eat and could you recreate a Viking meal? LC8 Reflection: Children to prepare a Viking day when they show others the crafts and skills that the Vikings had. Literacy Link: Opportunities for children to carry out research in LC1, LC2, LC3, LC4, LC5 and LC7. However, the style of work resulting should look very different. Opportunities for map work in LC2 and LC3. Numeracy Link: The way in which the seven regions of the Heptarchy (LC2) were divided up could easily lead to maths work related to area. Creative Art Link: During LC6 children should design and make a Viking long boat. This follows a period of research in the first instance. Creative Art Link: During LC7 children should research in the first instance and then design and make a Viking style meal. They should aim to eat this meal on Friday of the week of this LC. How to Cressida train your Cowell Dragon The Saga Terry of Eric the Jones Viking
Year 6 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they say where a period of history fits on a timeline? Can they place a specific event on a timeline by decade? Can they place features of historical events and people from past societies and periods in a chronological framework? Can they summarise the main events from a specific period in history, explaining the order in which key events happened? Can they summarise what Britain may have learnt from other countries and civilizations through time gone by and more recently? Can they describe features of historical events and people from past societies and periods they have studied? Can they recognise and describe differences and similarities/ changes and continuity between different periods of history? Can they look at two different versions and say how the author may be attempting to persuade or give a specific viewpoint? Can they identify and explain their understanding of propaganda? Can they describe a key event from Britain’s past using a range of evidence from different sources? Year 6 (Challenging) Do they appreciate that some ancient civilizations showed greater advancements than people who lived centuries after them? Can they suggest relationships between causes in history? Can they trace the main events that define Britain’s journey from a mono to a multi-cultural society? Can they suggest why there may be different interpretations of events? Can they suggest why certain events, people and changes might be seen as more significant than others? Can they pose and answer their own historical questions?
Year 6 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Can they use a range of information to inform their design? Can they use market research to inform plans? Can they work within constraints? Can they follow and refine their plan if necessary? Can they justify their plan to someone else? Do they consider culture and society in their designs? Can they use tools and materials precisely? Do they change the way they are working if needed? How well do they test and evaluate their final product? Is it fit for purpose? What would improve it? Would different resources have improved their product? Would they need more or different information to make it even better? Breadth of study Cooking and Nutrition Can they explain how their product should be stored with reasons? Can they set out to grow their own products with a view to making a salad, taking account of time required to grow different foods? Stiff and flexible sheet materials Can they justify why they selected specific materials? Can they work within a budget? How have they ensured that their work is precise and accurate? Can they hide joints so as to improve the look of their product? Mouldable materials Did they consider the use of the product when selecting materials? Does their product meet all design criteria?
Year 6 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they say where a period of history fits on a timeline? Can they place a specific event on a timeline by decade? Can they place features of historical events and people from past societies and periods in a chronological framework? Can they summarise the main events from a specific period in history, explaining the order in which key events happened? Can they summarise what Britain may have learnt from other countries and civilizations through time gone by and more recently? Can they describe features of historical events and people from past societies and periods they have studied? Can they recognise and describe differences and similarities/ changes and continuity between different periods of history? Can they look at two different versions and say how the author may be attempting to persuade or give a specific viewpoint? Can they identify and explain their understanding of propaganda? Year 6 (Challenging) Do they appreciate that some ancient civilizations showed greater advancements than people who lived centuries after them? Can they suggest relationships between causes in history? Can they trace the main events that define Britain’s journey from a mono to a multi-cultural society? Can they suggest why there may be different interpretations of events? Can they suggest why certain events, people and changes might be seen as more significant than others? Can they pose and answer their own historical questions?
Year 6 Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Drawing Painting Printing Sketch books Do their sketches communicate emotions and a sense of self with accuracy and imagination? Can they explain why they have combined different tools to create their drawings? Can they explain why they have chosen specific drawing techniques? Can they explain what their own style is? Can they use a wide range of techniques in their work? Can they explain why they have chosen specific painting techniques? Can they overprint using different colours? Do they look very carefully at the methods they use and make decisions about the effectiveness of their printing methods? Do their sketch books contain detailed notes, and quotes explaining about items? Do they compare their methods to those of others and keep notes in their sketch books? Do they combine graphics and text based research of commercial design, for example magazines etc., to influence the layout of their sketch books. Do they adapt and refine their work to reflect its meaning and purpose, keeping notes and annotations in their sketch books?
Year 6: Who were the Mayans and what have we learnt from them? KS2 History. A non European society that provides contrast with British history - Mayan civilization around 900AD HOOK: Children to learn about the traditional game ‘pok a tok’ and recreate it, using resources available to them. LC1 Who were the Mayans and where did they live? LC2 What evidence do we have that the Mayans were an advanced civilization? LC3 What have the Mayan civilization in common with space travel? LC4 What can we learn from the way they built their pyramids? LC5 What do we know of the rituals carried out by the Mayan civilization? LC6 Why was the Sun an important feature in Mayan life? LC7 What caused the Mayan Civilization to disappear? LC8 Reflection: Create a television documentary to explain to everyone about life of the Mayans, focusing on traditions, culture, sport and their knowledge. Literacy Link: Research opportunities arise in LC1, LC2, LC3, LC5, LC6 and LC7. The main issue is to ensure that the outcomes from the research is different from each LC. There are several opportunities for pupils to develop their oracy skills, using different talk genre. Numeracy Link: There are many opportunities for children to work out dates and period of time. In addition the research work should lead to the need to use tables and charts. Creative Art Link: LC4 provides opportunities for children to design and make pyramids in the style of the Mayans. IT Links: The reflection LC provides opportunities for groups of children to present their ideas using their IT skills. Mayan Civilization Shirley Moments Jordon in History The Elizabeth Mayan Scholl Civilization
Year 6 History Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Chronological understanding Knowledge and interpretation Historical enquiry Can they say where a period of history fits on a timeline? Can they place a specific event on a timeline by decade? Can they place features of historical events and people from past societies and periods in a chronological framework? Can they summarise the main events from a specific period in history, explaining the order in which key events happened? Can they summarise what Britain may have learnt from other countries and civilizations through time gone by and more recently? Can they describe features of historical events and people from past societies and periods they have studied? Can they recognise and describe differences and similarities/ changes and continuity between different periods of history? Can they look at two different versions and say how the author may be attempting to persuade or give a specific viewpoint? Can they identify and explain their understanding of propaganda? Year 6 (Challenging) Do they appreciate that some ancient civilizations showed greater advancements than people who lived centuries after them? Can they suggest relationships between causes in history? Can they trace the main events that define Britain’s journey from a mono to a multi-cultural society? Can they suggest why there may be different interpretations of events? Can they suggest why certain events, people and changes might be seen as more significant than others? Can they pose and answer their own historical questions?
Year 6 DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Can they use a range of information to inform their design? Can they use market research to inform plans? Can they work within constraints? Can they follow and refine their plan if necessary? Can they justify their plan to someone else? Do they consider culture and society in their designs? Can they use tools and materials precisely? Do they change the way they are working if needed? How well do they test and evaluate their final product? Is it fit for purpose? What would improve it? Would different resources have improved their product? Would they need more or different information to make it even better? Breadth of study Stiff and flexible sheet materials Can they justify why they selected specific materials? Can they work within a budget? How have they ensured that their work is precise and accurate? Can they hide joints so as to improve the look of their product? Mouldable materials Did they consider the use of the product when selecting materials? Does their product meet all design criteria?
Contents Lutley Learning Charter Learning Challenge Curriculum Science Key Stage 1 Overview P14 Year 1 P15 – 32 Year 2 P33 – 51 Lower Key Stage 2 Overview P52 – 53 Year 3 P54 – 70 Year 4 P71 – 87 Upper Key Stage 2 Overview P88 – 89 Year 5 P90 – 106 Year 6 P107 - 125
Science Programme of Study: Key Stage 1 The principal focus of science teaching in key stage 1 is to enable pupils to experience and observe phenomena, looking more closely at the natural and humanly-constructed world around them. They should be encouraged to be curious and ask questions about what they notice. They should be helped to develop their understanding of scientific ideas by using different types of scientific enquiry to answer their own questions, including observing changes over a period of time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying things, carrying out simple comparative tests, and finding things out using secondary sources of information. They should begin to use simple scientific language to talk about what they have found out and communicate their ideas to a range of audiences in a variety of ways. Most of the learning about science should be done through the use of first-hand practical experiences, but there should also be some use of appropriate secondary sources, such as books, photographs and videos. ‘Working scientifically’ is described separately in the programme of study, but must always be taught through and clearly related to the teaching of substantive science content in the programme of study. Throughout the notes and guidance, examples show how scientific methods and skills might be linked to specific elements of the content. Pupils should read and spell scientific vocabulary at a level consistent with their increasing word reading and spelling knowledge at key stage 1.
Science Learning Challenges Year 1
Science: Year 1 Overview Key Features YEAR 1 PLANTS ANIMALS (including Humans) LIGHT and DARK MATERIALS Identification and labelling, including trees Structure of plants, including roots, stem, flower, etc. Identification and labelling a variety of common birds and animals Know carnivores and herbivores How animals are suited to their environment Name parts of the human body Sources of light including the Sun Features of day and night Electricity as a source of light Use of different everyday materials Classifying and Grouping Changing materials by bending, etc. LC Are humans like lions? Why isn’t everyone afraid of the dark? Which materials should the Three Little Pigs have used to build their house? Which birds and plants would Little Red Riding Hood find in Leasowes Park?
Scientific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding within the National Curriculum Year 1 Science
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Working Scientifically Year 1 Observing closely Performing Tests Identifying and Classifying Recording findings Can they talk about what they see, touch, smell, hear or taste? Can they use simple equipment to help them make observations? Can they perform a simple test? Can they tell other people about what they have done? Can they identify and classify things they observe? Can they think of some questions to ask? Can they answer some scientific questions? Can they give a simple reason for their answers? Can they explain what they have found out? Can they show their work using pictures, labels and captions? Can they record their finding using standard units? Can they put some information in a chart or table? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they find out by watching, listening, tasting, smelling and touching? Can they talk about similarities and differences? Can they explain what they have found out using scientific vocabulary? Can they use ICT to show their working? Can they make accurate measurements?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Life Processes and Living Things Year 1 Animals, including humans Plants Variation and classification Can they point out some of the differences between different animals? Can they sort photographs of living things and non-living things? Can they classify common animals? (birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, invertebrates) Can they describe how an animal is suited to its environment? Can they name the parts of the human body that they can see? Can they identify the main parts of the human body and link them to their senses? Can they name the parts of an animal’s body? Can they name a range of domestic animals? Can they classify animals by what they eat? (carnivore, herbivore, omnivore) Can they compare the bodies of different animals? Can they name the petals, stem, leaf and root of a plant? Can they identify and name a range of common plants and trees? Can they recognise deciduous and evergreen trees? Can they describe the parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaves, flowers)? Can they sort some plants by size? Can they sort some animals by body covering, eg, scales, fur and skin? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they begin to classify animals according to a number of given criteria? Can they point out differences between living things and non-living things? Can they name some parts of the human body that cannot be seen? Can they say why certain animals have certain characteristics? Can they name a range of wild animals? Can they name the main parts of a flowering plant? Can they sort some plants by those that can be eaten and those that cannot? Can they sort some animals on a simple branching diagram with features such as meat eaters and non meat eaters; swim and cannot swim?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Everyday Materials Year 1 Everyday materials (classifying and grouping) Can they describe materials using their senses? Can they describe materials using their senses, using specific scientific words? Can they explain what material objects are made from? Can they explain why a material might be useful for a specific job? Can they name some different materials? Can they sort materials into groups by a given criteria? Can they explain how solid shapes can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they describe things that are similar and different between materials? Can they explain what happens to certain materials when they are heated, eg, bread, ice, chocolate? Can they explain what happens to certain materials when they are cooled, eg, jelly, heated chocolate??
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Physical Processes Year 1 Where marked ‘non statutory’ this refers to knowledge – the unit is designed to deliver working scientifically skills which are statutory. Electricity (non Statutory) Movement Light Added to ‘Out the window’ topic Can they identify everyday appliances which use electricity? Can they recognise that electricity is an important source of light? Can they describe and show how to make something move, eg push and pull? Can they identify and name the sources of light? Can they identify and name sources of light that we can see? Can they explain what darkness is? Can they compare sources of light? (brightest, dullest, darker, lighter) Do they know that the sun lights up the Earth? Can they stay safe when observing the Sun? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they explain how electricity helps us at home and at school? Can they describe and explain changes in movement as a result of an action? Can they describe how light is different during the night and day? Can they explain why they can’t see stars in the day time?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Seasonal Changes Year 1 Seasonal Changes (Statutory requirements ) Pupils should be taught to: Can I observe changes across the four seasons ? Can I observe and describe weather associated with the seasons? Can I describe how day length varies? Year 1 (Challenging) Can I explain why day length varies? Can I predict weather patterns in a season? Can I explain the effects on humans, plants and animals of weather changes and day lengths during a seaon?
Year 1: What do you see when you look out of the window? Possibilities for working scientifically – KS1 Science (Seasonal Changes) Observe changes across the four seasons Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons Describe how day length varies To be taught throughout the year so that children can make observations about each season. This knowledge will build across Year 1. Evidence of coverage of all seasons should be found in children’s books. WOW: play outside in , for example, Autumn leaf piles, Snow (if we have it), icy days, when daffodils are in bloom, Summer sun. Take photos to record. LC1-Each Season. Can we keep a record of the weather at this time of year? LC2-Each Season Is it light or dark when I get up and when I go to bed? LC3-Each Season What happens to the plants in this season? LC4-Each Season Are the animals doing anything special in this season? LC5 Can we compare the seasons? Children to keep records of how plants have changed over time, for example the leaves falling off trees and buds opening; and compare and contrast how different plants change over time. (Choose one evergreen tree, too). Children to work with weather charts and thermometers. Literacy Link: Poetry and stories which link to the seasons. Writing captions and labels. Numeracy Link: Thermometers and temperature numbers. Data collection. Filling in weather charts. Creative Art Link:, Working with parts of plants creatively. Drawing, painting or other media. Creative Art Link: Photographs of seasonal change( not an apple tree as a specific topic in later years) in a deciduous and evergreen tree. Photos of children playing in clothing and backgrounds appropriate to season.
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Seasonal Changes Year 1 Seasonal Changes (Statutory requirements ) Pupils should be taught to: Can I observe changes across the four seasons ? Can I observe and describe weather associated with the seasons? Can I describe how day length varies? Do I know that the Sun lights up the Earth? (Lutley Challenge Curriculum) Can I stay safe when observing the Sun? (Lutley Challenge Curriculum) Year 1 (Challenging) Can I explain why day length varies? Can I predict weather patterns in a season? Can I explain the effects on humans, plants and animals of weather changes and day lengths during a season? Can I explain why I can’t see stars in the day time?(Lutley Challenge Curriculum) Can I describe how light and temperature are different during the night and day?(Lutley Challenge Curriculum)
Year 1: Which birds and plants would Little Red Riding Hood find in Leasowes Park? Possibilities for working scientifically – LC2 and LC6- Observing closely, using magnifying glasses, and comparing and contrasting familiar plants; describing how they were able to identify and group them, and drawing diagrams showing the parts of different plants and trees. KS1 Science (Y1 Plants and All Living Things) identify and name a variety of common plants, including garden plants, wild plants and trees, and those classified as deciduous and evergreen describe the basic structure of a variety of common plants including roots, stem, leaves and flowers. identify and name a variety of common birds, WOW: Read: Children visit their nearest woods or park and have the story of Little Red Riding Hood read to them. LC1 Why would Little Red Riding Hood find our park a very interesting place to be? LC2 How can we identify the birds that we find in our nearest park or around our school? LC3 What can we do to try and attract birds to our school? LC4 How can we keep a record of the different types of plants and trees we find at Leasowes Park? (Trip to put this into action) LC5 How can we capture the beauty of the plants and trees we see? LC6 Can we name the different parts of the plants and trees we see? LC7 Display: Put together a display of the birds, plants and trees Red Riding Hood might have seen in Leasowes Park. Literacy Link: This LC should take place at the same time as the class is looking at ‘Traditional Tales’. There will opportunities for children to ask their own questions based on plants and birds and to create an on-going ‘research Book’ in the Floor Book style. Numeracy Link: Children to keep a tally of the different birds and plants that they see. Creative Art Link: Children will design and create their own bird tables and make mixtures with seeds, nuts, etc. to hang from them. Creative Art Link: This provides opportunities for children to sketch the plants and trees they have observed.
Year 1: Which birds and plants would Little Red Riding Hood find in Leasowes Park? Year 1: Science, Art and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science Working Scientifically/ All Living Things DT Can they talk about what they <see, touch, smell, hear or taste>? Can they use simple equipment to help them make observations? Can they put some information in a chart or table? Can they identify and classify things they observe? Can they think of some questions to ask? Can they answer some scientific questions? Can they give a simple reason for their answers? Can they explain what they have found out? Can they describe how an animal is suited to its environment? Can they name the petals, stem, leaf and root of a plant? Can they identify and name a range of common plants and trees? Can they recognise deciduous and evergreen trees? Can they describe the parts of a plant? (roots, stem, leaves, flowers) Can they sort some plants by size? Can they think of some ideas of their own? Can they explain what they want to do? Can they use pictures and words to plan? Can they explain what they are making? Which tools are they using? Can they make a structure/model using different materials? Is their work tidy? Can they make their model stronger if it needs to be? Year 1 (Challenging) Art Can they find out by watching, listening, tasting, smelling and touching? Can they talk about similarities and differences? Can they explain what they have found out using scientific vocabulary? Can they name the main parts of a flowering plant? Can they sort some plants by those that can be eaten and those that cannot? Can they draw using pencil and crayons? Can they draw lines of different shapes and thickness, using 2 different grades of pencil?
Year 1: Are humans like lions? Working scientifically: using their observations to compare and contrast animals at first hand or through videos and photographs, describing how they identify and group them; grouping animals according to what they eat; and using their senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells. KS1 Science (Y1 Animals, including Humans) identify and name a variety of common animals that are birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates, and including pets) and describe how they are suited to their environment identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense. WOW: Read ‘Lazy Lion by Mwenye Hadithi’ and ‘Zoo’ Visit to a zoo (if possible) LC1 Why do we call some animals ‘wild’? LC2 What would you ask a zoo keeper? LC3 Are humans different from most animals? LC4 What do we mean by carnivore, herbivore and omnivore? LC5 Why would it not be sensible for all animals to live in England? LC6 Who are the mini-beasts that live around our school? LC7 Why do the mini-beasts like living there? LC8 Reflection: Children to create their own non fiction book on a ‘Visit to the Zoo’ Literacy Link: Read the well known books associated with features of different animals and get children to talk about their favourite animals and the way they live. Homework link - What do we need to do to keep our pets happy? Literacy Link: Pupils to create their own fact files based on a chosen wild animal. They will also think of a specific question to ask a zoo keeper (ideally to find out when they are on their zoo visit or to work out from their own research. This will be linked to the reflection week when they put this information into a non-fiction book Creative Art Link: This LC will provide opportunities to talk about our ability to draw and write about other things. This will then be linked to the opportunity to make a self portrait. Expressive Art Link: This LC will also provide opportunities to discuss humans’ ability to work together. To show this off they will create a special dance about wild animals and perform it to Years 2 and EYFS. Lazy Lion Mwenye Hadithi Bog Jeanne Baby Willis
Year 1: Are humans like lions? Year 1: Science, Art and Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science Working Scientifically/ Animals, including humans Art Dance Can they talk about what they <see, touch, smell, hear or taste>? Can they use simple equipment to help them make observations? Can they put some information in a chart or table? Can they identify and classify things they observe? Can they think of some questions to ask? Can they answer some scientific questions? Can they give a simple reason for their answers? Can they explain what they have found out? Can they point out some of the differences between different animals? Can they sort photographs of living things and non-living things? Can they classify common animals? (birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, invertebrates) Can they describe how an animal is suited to its environment? Can they name the parts of the human body that they can see? Can they identify the main parts of the human body and link them to their senses? Can they name the parts of an animal’s body? Can they name a range of domestic animals? Can they classify animals by what they eat? (carnivore, herbivore, omnivore) Can they compare the bodies of different animals? Can they sort some animals by body covering, eg, scales, fur and skin? Can they communicate something about themselves in their drawing? Can they create moods in their drawings? Can they draw using pencil and crayons? Can they draw lines of different shapes and thickness, using 2 different grades of pencil? Can they explore and perform basic body actions?; Do they use different parts of the body singly and in combination?; Do they show some sense of dynamic, expressive and rhythmic qualities in their own dance?; Do they choose appropriate movements for different dance ideas?; Can they remember and repeat short dance phrases and simple dances?; Do they move with control?; Do they vary the way they use space?; Do they describe how their lungs and heart work when dancing?; Do they describe basic body actions and simple expressive and dynamic qualities of movement? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they find out by watching, listening, tasting, smelling and touching? Can they talk about similarities and differences? Can they explain what they have found out using scientific vocabulary? Can they use ICT to show their working? Can they make accurate measurements? Can they begin to classify animals according to a number of given criteria? Can they name some parts of the human body that cannot be seen? Can they say why certain animals have certain characteristics? Can they name a range of wild animals?
Year 1: Why isn’t everyone afraid of the dark? KS1 Science (Working Scientifically ) Ask simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways Observing closely, using simple equipment Performing simple tests. Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions Gathering and recording data to help in answering questions WOW: Read: ‘The owl that was afraid of the dark’ LC1 Where does light come from? LC2 Can I compare the brightness of lights? LC3 When does a light show up best? LC4 Can humans see in the dark? LC5 How can we keep safe when we are out at night? LC6 Which animals are Nocturnal? LC7 Can I show what I know about a nocturnal animal? LC8 Can I make a night picture? Working Scientifically :compare sources of light. Literacy Link: Read the ‘Owl that was afraid of the dark’ and ask children to research animals that are nocturnal. Numeracy Link: Opportunities to keep a record of the temperature over a night and day time and present information on a chart. Creative Art Link: This LC could see children consider Van Gogh’s Starry Night and they could then use his ‘swirly’ style to recreate their own night time pictures. Or they could make firework pictures. Can’t Martin you sleep Waddell little bear? I want Tony my light Ross on
Year 1: Why isn’t everyone afraid of the dark? Year 1: Science and Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science Working Scientifically/ Light and Dark Art Can they talk about what they see, touch, smell, hear or taste? Can they use simple equipment to help them make observations? Can they perform a simple test? Can they tell other people about what they have done? Can they put some information in a chart or table? Can they recognise that electricity is an important source of light? Can they identify and name the sources of light? Can they identify and name sources of light that we can see? Can they explain what darkness is? Can they compare sources of light? (brightest, dullest, darker, lighter) Can they create moods in their drawings? Can they draw using pencil and crayons? Can they draw lines of different shapes and thickness, using 2 different grades of pencil? Can they choose to use thick and thin brushes as appropriate? Can they name the primary and secondary colours? Can they describe what they can see and like in the work of another artist? Can they ask sensible questions about a piece of art? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they use ICT to show their working? Can they explain how electricity helps us at home and at school?
Year 1: Which materials should the Three Little Pigs have used to build their house? KS1 Science (Y1: Materials) distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. WOW: Start with a discussion about the materials used by the Three Little Pigs to build each house . Visit from a builder or Bob the Builder. LC1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using straw, wood and bricks for different structures? LC2 Can I sort materials into groups? LC3 Which materials were used to build our school and why were they chosen? LC4 What is it made from? LC5 Is play-dough a good material to make a model house from? LC6 Can you create a dance that shows an understanding of the vocabulary for qualities of materials? Working Scientifically: The idea here is to test each of these three materials to find out about their qualities (hard/soft; stretchy/stiff; shiny/dull; rough/smooth; bendy/not bendy; waterproof/not waterproof; absorbent/not absorbent; opaque/transparent. Pupils should explore and experiment with a wide variety of materials, not only those listed in the programme of study, but including for example: brick, paper, fabrics, elastic, foil. ) They should perform simple tests to explore questions such as: ‘What is the best material for ……? Literacy Link: Link this to generally looking at Traditional Tales. Numeracy Links: Expressive Arts Link: Create dance which shows their understanding of strength in structures. This will be performed to Year 2 and EYFS/ Let’s Mick Build a Manning & House Brita Granstrom
Year 1: Science and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 1: Which materials should the Three Little Pigs have used to build their house? Year 1: Science and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science Materials DT Can they perform a simple test? Can they tell other people about what they have done? Can they identify and classify things they observe? Can they think of some questions to ask? Can they answer some scientific questions? Can they give a simple reason for their answers? Can they explain what they have found out? Can they show their work using pictures, labels and captions? Can they record their finding using standard units? Can they put some information in a chart or table? Can they describe materials using their senses? Can they describe materials using their senses, using specific scientific words? Can they explain what material objects are made from? Can they explain why a material might be useful for a specific job? Can they name some different materials? Can they sort materials into groups by a given criteria? Can they think of some ideas of their own? Can they explain what they want to do? Can they use pictures and words to plan? Can they explain what they are making? Which tools are they using? Can they make a structure/model using different materials? Is their work tidy? Can they make their model stronger if it needs to be? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they talk about similarities and differences? Can they explain what they have found out using scientific vocabulary? Can they use ICT to show their working? Can they make accurate measurements? Can they describe things that are similar and different between materials? Can they explain what happens to certain materials when they are heated, eg, bread, ice, chocolate? Can they explain what happens to certain materials when they are cooled, eg, jelly, heated chocolate? Can they tell which materials are changed by bending, twisting and stretching?
Science Learning Challenges Year 2
Science: Year 2 Overview Key Features YEAR 2 PLANTS ALL LIVING THINGS and their HABITATS ANIMALS (including humans) MATERIALS ELECTRICITY SOUND Living and non living things What plants need to grow Growing from seeds and bulbs Habitats Early Food Chains Exercise and healthy living What animals and humans need to survive Animals have offspring, which grow to be adults Use of different everyday materials Classifying and grouping Changing materials by bending, etc. Electrical appliances. Understanding circuits with light bulbs in Sources of sound Louder and softer sounds LC How can we grow our own salad? Would a dinosaur make a good pet? How will 5 a day help me to be healthy? Why is that made of that? Can you light it up? Did you hear that?
Scientific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding within the National Curriculum Year 2 Science
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Working Scientifically Year 2 Observing closely Performing Tests Identifying and Classifying Recording findings Can they use <see, touch, smell, hear or taste> to help them answer questions? Can they use some science words to describe what they have seen and measured? Can they compare several things? Can they carry out a simple fair test? Can they explain why it might not be fair to compare two things? Can they say whether things happened as they expected? Can they suggest how to find things out? Can they use prompts to find things out? Can they organise things into groups? Can they find simple patterns (or associations)? Can they identify animals and plants by a specific criteria, eg, lay eggs or not; have feathers or not? Can they use (text, diagrams, pictures, charts, tables)to record their observations? Can they measure using <simple equipment>? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they suggest ways of finding out through listening, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting? Can they say whether things happened as they expected and if not why not? Can they suggest more than one way of groupings animals and plants and explain their reasons? Can they use information from books and online information to find things out?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Life Processes and Living Things Year 2 All living things Animals, including humans Plants Variation and classification Can they match certain living things to the habitats they are found in? Can they explain the differences between living and non-living things? Can they describe some of the life processes common to plants and animals, including humans? Can they decide whether something is living, dead or non-living? Can they describe how a habitat provides for the basic needs of things living there? Can they describe a range of different habitats? Can they describe how plants and animals are suited to their habitat? Can they describe what animals need to survive? Can they explain that animals grow and reproduce? Can they explain why animals have offspring? Can they describe the life cycle of some living things? (e.g. egg, chick, chicken) Can they explain the basic needs of animals, including humans? Can they describe why exercise and a balanced diet are important for humans? Can they describe what plants need to survive? Can they describe how seeds and bulbs grow into plants? Can they describe what a plant needs to grow and stay healthy? Can they explain that plants grow and reproduce? Can they sort living things into groups and say why they sorted them in that way? Can they compare how plants grow in different conditions by making measurements? Can they identify and compare a variety of plants and animals found in different habitats and microhabitats? Can they collect weather data about a local habitat and use it to explain the plants and animals they will find there? Can they explain how animals get their food and draw a simple food chain? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they name some characteristics of an animal that help it to live in a particular habitat? Can they describe what animals need to survive and link this to their habitats? Can they explain that animals reproduce in different ways? Can they describe what plants need to survive and link it to where they are found? Can they explain that plants grow and reproduce in different ways? Can they classify living things into groups according to a range of criteria they have been given?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Materials and their Properties Year 2 Classifying and grouping materials Changing materials Can they distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made? Can they identify and name a range of everyday materials? (wood, plastic, metal, water, rock) Can they describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials? Can they compare and classify a variety of materials based on their simple physical properties? Can they explore how the shapes of solid objects can be changed? (squashing, bending, twisting, stretching) Can they find out about people who developed useful new materials? (Dunlop, MacKintosh, MacAdam) Can they identify and compare the uses of a range of everyday materials? (wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick/rock, paper/cardboard) Can they explain how things move on different surfaces? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they describe the properties of different materials using words like, transparent or opaque, flexible, etc.? Can they sort materials into groups and say why they have sorted them in that way? Can they say which materials are natural and which are man made? Can they explain how materials are changed by heating and cooling? Can they tell which materials cannot be changed back after being heated, cooled, bent, stretched or twisted? Can they explain how materials are changed by bending, twisting and stretching?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Physical Processes Year 2 Where marked ‘non statutory’ this refers to knowledge – the unit is designed to deliver working scientifically skills which are statutory. Electricity (non Statutory) Sound Can they identify common appliances that run on electricity? Can they explain how bulbs work in an electrical circuit? Can they describe different ways of making sound? Can they explain why a sound is louder the closer they are to the source? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they make a bulb go on and off? Can they say what happens to the light when two batteries are used? Can they explain how to make a sound louder and softer /higher and lower?
Year 2: How can we grow our own salad? Working Scientifically Observing and recording, with some accuracy, the growth of a variety of plants as they change over time from a seed or bulb, or observing similar plants at different stages of growth; setting up a comparative test to show that plants need light and water to stay healthy. KS1 Science (Y2 Plants) describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. explain the differences between things that are living / dead and things that have never been alive. WOW: Planting / growing our own food. LC1 When does a bulb not make light? LC2 How could we find out what has happened to these plants? LC3 What could we grow in our garden for us to eat? LC4 What do we need to remember if our plants are to grow ? (Planting ) LC5 Who is Acrimboldo and what can we learn from him? LC6 Is it dead or alive? Was it ever alive? The reflection could come at a later date when our plants have grown. LC7 Reflection: Aim to make a sandwich filled with the salad they have grown Working scientifically: Present children with plants that are healthy, light-starved and water-starved. Investigation stems from this. Creative Art Link: This LC will see children re-create the style of work made famous by Acrimboldo and use fruits and vegetables to create their own montage. Literacy Link: Children will prepare a meal and invite someone special. This will involve writing an invitation and setting up tables to ensure that their guest is well cared for. Super Julia Worm Donaldson
Year 2: Science and Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 2: How can we grow our own salad? Year 2: Science and Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science Plants Art Can they use some science words to describe what they have seen and measured? Can they compare several things? Can they carry out a simple fair test? Can they explain why it might not be fair to compare two things? Can they say whether things happened as they expected? Can they suggest how to find things out? Can they use prompts to find things out? Can they organise things into groups? Can they use (text, diagrams, pictures, charts, tables)to record their observations? Can they measure using <simple equipment>? Can they describe some of the life processes common to plants and animals, including humans? Can they describe what plants need to survive? Can they describe how seeds and bulbs grow into plants? Can they describe what a plant needs to grow and stay healthy? Can they explain that plants grow and reproduce? Can they compare how plants grow in different conditions by making measurements? Can they create individual and group collages? Can they use different kinds of materials on their collage and explain why they have chosen them? Can they use repeated patterns in their collage? Can they say how other artists have used colour, pattern and shape? Can they create a piece of work in response to another artist’s work? Can they begin to demonstrate their ideas through photographs and in their sketch books? Can they set out their ideas, using ‘annotation’ in their sketch book? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they have changed their work? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they say whether things happened as they expected and if not why not? Can they use information from books and online information to find things out? Can they describe what plants need to survive and link it to where they are found? Can they explain that plants grow and reproduce in different ways?
Year 2: Would a dinosaur make a good pet? KS1 Science (Y2 All Living Things and their Habitats ) identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other WOW: Children find a very large egg in the class and they have to find out where it has come from and whose egg it is. LC1 Who does this egg belong to? LC2 What does a dinosaur need to survive? LC3 What can you find out about a particular dinosaur? LC4 How can you re-create your own dinosaur land? LC5 How can you classify dinosaurs? LC6 How can we recreate the sound and movements of the dinosaurs? LC7 How do you know that dinosaurs really roamed the Earth? LC8 Reflection: How can you produce a TV programme about dinosaurs? Working Scientifically: sorting and classifying things according to whether they are living, dead or were never alive, and recording their findings using charts. Literacy Link: Research into which animals lay eggs and which do not. In addition they would need to find out about the sizes of the eggs, etc. They will then create fact-files about specific dinosaurs. Numeracy Link: Opportunities through the classification of dinosaurs to tally and make tables and graphs. Habitats Link: This LC is about working out what their own pets need to survive. They will then consider what dinosaurs would have needed and recognise the key components that are required for animals to live and flourish. Creative Art Link: This LC will see children re-create a dinosaur land. It will involve several DT skills as children plan, design, create and evaluate their models. Expressive Art Link: Children will try and simulate the sounds that would have been heard in a land where dinosaurs roamed. They will use a range of instruments to create the sounds and then aim to have the sounds linked to the dinosaur land models they have created. These will then feature as part of their reflection. Harry’s Ian Dinosaurs Whybrow Tyrannosaurus Julia Drip Donaldson
Year 2: Would a dinosaur make a good pet? Year 2: Science, DT and Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science Animals/ All Living Things: Habitats Music Can they match certain living things to the habitats they are found in? Can they explain the differences between living and non-living things? Can they describe some of the life processes common to plants and animals, including humans? Can they decide whether something is living, dead or non-living? Can they describe how a habitat provides for the basic needs of things living there? Can they describe what animals need to survive? Can they describe the life cycle of some living things? (e.g. egg, chick, chicken) Can they describe a range of different habitats? Can they describe how plants and animals are suited to their habitat? Can they order sounds to create a beginning, middle and end? Can they create music in response to (different starting points)? Can they choose sounds which create an effect? Can they use symbols to represent sounds? Can they improve their own work? Year 2 (Challenging) DT Can they name some characteristics of an animal that help it to live in a particular habitat? Can they describe what animals need to survive and link this to their habitats? Can they explain that animals reproduce in different ways? Can they make sensible choices as to which material to use for their constructions? Can they develop their own ideas from initial starting points? Can they consider how to improve their construction?
Year 2: How will 5 a day help me to be healthy? Working Scientifically: Children to conduct a survey to see how many children eat at least one piece of fruit each day and which is the most popular fruit. Observing, asking questions about what humans need to stay healthy KS1 Science (Y2 Animals, including humans) find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air) describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene. WOW: Remind children of the book ‘Handa’s Surprise and have a bowl of exotic fruits from all over the world to talk about LC1 Why is it important for you to grow - what can you now do that you couldn’t 5 years ago? LC2 What is my Sports X Factor? LC3 Why would it not be sensible for me to eat sweets everyday? LC4 Which fruits grow naturally in our country and which don’t? LC5 Should we just eat fruit everyday? LC6 Which fruits provide good opportunities for print work? LC7 Reflection: Can you make up a TV advert to convince children to eat 5 a day as part of a balanced diet? Literacy Link: Children to remind themselves of the book – Handa’s Surprise and then create an information text on one of the exotic fruits to be looked at. Expressive Art Link: This LC will see children show their sporting prowess and be encouraged to perform in front of others. We anticipate gymnastics movements; dance; keepie ups, etc. Geographical Link: Children will carry out research to find out which fruits grow where and set these out on a map. Creative Arts Link: Opportunity here to link to the work of William Morris and to create their own unique print starting with a fruit or vegetable. Handa’s Eileen Surprise Brown
Year 2: How will 5 a day help me to be healthy? Year 2: Science, Dance and Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science Animals including Humans Art Can they describe what animals need to survive? Can they explain that animals grow and reproduce? Can they describe the life cycle of some living things? (e.g. egg, chick, chicken) Can they explain the basic needs of animals, including humans? Can they describe why exercise and a balanced diet is important for humans? Can they collect weather data about a local habitat and use it to explain the plants and animals they will find there? Can they explain how animals get their food and draw a simple food chain? Can they create a print using pressing, rolling, rubbing and stamping? Can they create a print like a designer? Can they mix paint to create all the secondary colours? Can they mix and match colours, predict outcomes? Can they mix their own brown? Can they make tints by adding white? Can they make tones by adding black? Can they use different kinds of materials on their collage and explain why they have chosen them? Can they use repeated patterns in their collage? Year 2 (Challenging) Dance Can they classify living things into groups according to a range of criteria they have been given? Can they perform body actions with control and co-ordination? Can they choose movements with different dynamic qualities to make a dance phrase that expresses an idea, mood or feeling? Can they remember and repeat dance phrases? Can they perform short dances, showing an understanding of expressive qualities? Can they describe the mood, feelings and expressive qualities of dance? Describe how dancing affects their body? Do they know why it is important to be active? Can they suggest ways they could improve their work?
Year 2: Why is that made of that? KS1 Science (Y2 Materials) identify and compare the uses of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick/rock, and paper/cardboard. WOW: Collect together a range of objects and use them to talk about what they are made of. Children to bring in an object that they use everyday. LC1 What are our objects made of? LC2 What else can you find that is made of: metal; glass; plastic and wood? LC3 What are main reasons for making objects out of these materials ? LC4 Which materials would be useful for making a raincoat or umbrella? LC5 Can you think of the advantages and disadvantages of some common materials? (e.g. for plates) LC 6 Reflection: ? Working Scientifically: comparing the uses of everyday materials in and around the school with materials found in other places (at home, the journey to school, on visits, and in stories, rhymes and songs); observing closely, identifying and classifying the uses of different materials, and recording their observations. Focus on waterproof or not. Literacy Link: Children to make lists of advantages and disadvantages of different materials. They will also write descriptions of different materials. Numeracy Link: Lego Sonia City Sander
Year 2: Why is that made out of that? Year 2: Science, DT and Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science: Materials DT Can they distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made? Can they identify and name a range of everyday materials? (wood, plastic, metal, water, rock) Can they describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials? Can they compare and classify a variety of materials based on their simple physical properties? Can they think of ideas and plan what to do next? Can they choose the best tools and materials? Can they give a reason why these are best? Can they describe their design by using pictures, diagrams, models and words? Can they join things (materials/ components) together in different ways? What went well with their work? If they did it again, what would they want to improve? Can they measure materials to use in a model or structure? Can they join materials in different ways? Can they use joining, folding or rolling to make it stronger? Year 2 (Challenging) Music Can they describe the properties of different materials using words like, transparent or opaque, flexible, etc.? Can they sort materials into groups and say why they have sorted them in that way? Can they say which materials are natural and which are man made? Can they respond to different moods in music? Can they say how a piece of music makes them feel? Can they say whether they like or dislike a piece of music? Can they choose sounds to represent different things? Can they recognise repeated patterns?
Year 2:Did you hear that? You Tube- Sound effects.(T drive) KS1 Working Scientifically Ask simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways Observing closely, using simple equipment Performing simple tests Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions Gathering and recording data to help in answering questions Context: KS1 Science (Y2 Sound) observe and name a variety of sources of sound, noticing that we hear with our ears recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases. Wow You Tube- Sound effects.(T drive) LC1 What makes a sound? LC2 Can we change the sound? LC3 How do we hear? LC4 How can I keep safe? LC5 Can you still hear it? Reflection Hearing dog(and handler) visit. Working Scientifically: Children will compare different sound sources and looking for patterns; During LC3 children might experiment with Chinese whispers and with covering ears with mufflers. Numeracy Link: During LC5 children will be required to measure distances at which they can hear and not hear a partner shout. Expressive Arts: This LC is an opportunity for children to listen to and appreciate a range of music . The Julia Singing Donaldson Mermaid & Lydia Monks Snore Michael Rosen
Year 2: Science, DT and Music, Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 2:Did you hear that? Year 2: Science, DT and Music, Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science Sound DT Working Scientifically Can they use some science words to describe what they have heard and measured? Can they compare several sound sources? Can they carry out a comparison test/survey? Can they describe different ways of making sound? Can they explain why a sound is louder the closer they are to the source? Can they think of ideas and plan what to do next? Can they choose the best tools and materials? Can they give a reason why these are best? Can they describe their design by using pictures, diagrams, models and words? Can they join things (materials/ components) together in different ways? What went well with their work? If they did it again, what would they want to improve? Can they make sensible choices as to which material to use for their constructions? Can they develop their own ideas from initial starting points? Music Year 2 (Challenging) Do they sing and follow the melody (tune)? Do they sing accurately at a given pitch? Can they perform simple patterns and accompaniments keeping a steady pulse? Can they perform with others? Can they play simple rhythmic patterns on an instrument? Can they sing/clap a pulse increasing or decreasing in tempo? Can they create music in response to (different starting points)? Can they choose sounds which create an effect? Can they use symbols to represent sounds? Can they explain how to make a sound louder and softer/higher and lower?
Year 2: Can you light it up? KS1 Science Working Scientifically Identify common appliances that run on electricity. Ask simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways, Observing closely, using simple equipment Performing simple tests Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions Wow: Children enter dark classroom full of illuminated lights. ( torches, fairy lights, flashing lights, disco lights etc.) LC1 How can I keep myself safe? LC2 Is that electrical? LC3 Can you light it up? LC4 Will it still work? LC5 Can I turn it on and off? Reflection Make models with working lights. Working Scientifically: Numeracy Link: Creative Art Link:. Expressive Arts:
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Physical Processes Year 2 Where marked ‘non statutory’ this refers to knowledge – the unit is designed to deliver working scientifically skills which are statutory. Electricity (non Statutory) Sound Can they identify common electrical appliances? Can they explain how bulbs work in an electrical circuit? Can they describe different ways of making sound? Can they explain why a sound is louder the closer they are to the source? Year 2 (Challenging) Can they make a bulb go on and off? Can they say what happens to the light when two batteries are used? Can they explain what makes a sound louder and softer and higher and lower? Can they explain how the loudness and pitch of sounds can be altered?
Science- Lower Key Stage 2
Science Programme of Study: Lower Key Stage 2 The principal focus of science teaching in lower key stage 2 is to enable pupils to broaden their scientific view of the world around them. They should do this through exploring, talking about, testing and developing ideas about everyday phenomena and the relationships between living things and familiar environments, and by beginning to develop their ideas about functions, relationships and interactions. They should ask their own questions about what they observe and make some decisions about which types of scientific enquiry are likely to be the best ways of answering them, including observing changes over time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying things, carrying out simple comparative and fair tests and finding things out using secondary sources of information. They should draw simple conclusions and use some scientific language, first, to talk about and, later, to write about what they have found out. ‘Working scientifically’ is described separately at the beginning of the programme of study, but must always be taught through and clearly related to substantive science content in the programme of study. Throughout the notes and guidance, examples show how scientific methods and skills might be linked to specific elements of the content. Pupils should read and spell scientific vocabulary correctly and with confidence, using their growing word reading and spelling knowledge.
Science Learning Challenges Year 3
Science: Year 3 Overview ANIMALS (including Humans) PLANTS LIGHT FORCES and MAGNETS ROCKS Nutrition, linked to what we eat Skeletons and muscles Function of different parts of plants What different plants need to flourish Journey of the food in a plant Life cycle of a plant Sources, including the Sun and electricity Shadows Reflection Vocab: eg, translucent How magnets attract some materials Attraction and repulsion Moving vehicles – Working Scientifically. How rocks are formed Different kinds of rocks Fossils LC How can Usain Bolt and Jessica Ennis-Hill move so quickly? How did that blossom become an apple? Can you see the light? What attracts you to physics? What do rocks tell us about the way the Earth was formed?
Scientific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding within the National Curriculum Year 3 Science
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Working Scientifically Year 3 Planning Obtaining and presenting evidence Considering evidence and evaluating Can they use different ideas and suggest how to find something out? Can they make and record a prediction before testing? Can they plan a fair test and explain why it was fair? Can they set up a simple fair test to make comparisons? Can they explain why they need to collect information to answer a question? Can they measure using different equipment and units of measure? Can they record their observations in different ways? (labelled diagrams, charts etc) Can they describe what they have found using scientific words? Can they make accurate measurements using standard units? Can they explain what they have found out and use their measurements to say whether it helps to answer their question? Can they use a range of equipment (including a data-logger) in a simple test? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they record and present what they have found using scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, bar charts and tables? Can they explain their findings in different ways (display, presentation, writing)? Can they use their findings to draw a simple conclusion? Can they suggest improvements and predictions for further tests? Can they suggest how to improve their work if they did it again?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Life Processes and Living Things Year 3 Animals, including humans Plants Can they explain the importance of a nutritious balanced diet? Can they describe and explain the skeletal system of a human? Can they describe and explain the muscular system of a human? Can they identify and describe the functions of different parts of plants? (roots, stem, leaves and flowers) Can they identify what a plants needs for life and growth? Can they describe the ways in which nutrients, water and oxygen are transported within plants? Can they explain how the needs and functions of plant parts vary from plant to plant e.g. insect and wind pollinated plants? Can they investigate the way in which water is transported within plants? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they explain how the muscular and skeletal systems work together to create movement? Can they classify living things and non-living things by a number of characteristics that they have thought of? Can they explain how people, weather and the environment can affect living things? Can they explain how certain living things depend on one another to survive? Can they classify a range of common according to many criteria (environment found, size, climate required, etc.)? Can they explore the role of flowers in the life cycle of flowering plants. Including pollination, seed formation and speed dispersal?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Materials and their Properties Year 3 Changing, classifying and grouping materials Rocks Can they sort the same group of materials in different ways? Can they sort materials by a number of different criteria? Can they suggest materials which could be used for specific jobs? Can they set up a simple test to explore the differences between materials? Can they set up a test to explore whether or not materials are attracted to magnets? Can they set up a test to explore whether or not a material will float or sink? Can they compare the properties of materials in different situations e.g. floating in salty water, magnetism in water? Can they describe what it means to reverse a change? Can they describe which changes can be reversed? Can they describe which changes cannot be reversed? Can they compare and group together different rocks based on their simple physical properties? Can they describe and explain how different rocks can be useful to us? Can they describe and explain the differences between sedimentary and igneous rocks, considering the way they are formed? Can they describe how fossils are formed within sedimentary rock? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they explain different ways that they can sort the same group of materials? Can they sort materials by a number of different criteria and explain their reasons? Can they explain why certain materials are used for specific jobs? Can they classify igneous and sedimentary rocks? Can they begin to relate the properties of rocks with their uses?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Physical Processes Year 3 Forces and magnets Light Can they observe that magnetic forces can be transmitted without direct contact? Can they talk about how some magnets attract or repel each other? Can they classify which materials are attracted to magnets? Can they describe the speed and direction of moving objects? Can they explain the difference between transparent, translucent and opaque? Can they explain what dark is using words like shadow? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they investigate the strengths of different magnets and find fair ways to compare them? Can they explain why an object will move faster if it is rolling down a hill or a slope? Can they explain why their shadow changes when the light source is moved closer or further from the object?
Year 3: How do Usain Bolt and Jessica Ennis-Hill move so quickly? Working Scientifically: Identifying and grouping animals with and without skeletons and observing and comparing their movement; exploring ideas about what would happen if humans did not have skeletons. KS2 Science (Y3 Animals, including humans) Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat identify that humans and some animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement. WOW: Check to see how far each can run in the 9.68 secs which is the world record for 100m. Compare with Usain Bolt How long will it take you to run 100m? Explore long jump compared to Ennis- Hill. LC1 What is your skeleton for? LC2 Do all living things have a skeleton like me? LC3 How does the arm joint work and can you make a similar joint? LC4 What role does the muscle have in helping the arm to move? LC5 What do Usain Bolt and Jessica Ennis-Hill eat to keep them fit and healthy? LC6 How can you create a movement that links six different balances, using your body? LC7 Reflection: From photographs of your balances explain how the skeleton and muscles link to support you. Numeracy Link: Children to time themselves running and then creating graphs to make comparisons with Usain Bolt’s time. Expressive Arts Link: Create dance movements, from ballet to street dance which reflect the body’s ability to balance and move between different positions. Running Michael Wild Morpurgo
Year 3: How can Usain Bolt and Jessica Ennis-Hill move so quickly? Year 3: Science and Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science Animals including Humans Art Can they make and record a prediction before testing? Can they measure using different equipment and units of measure? Can they record their observations in different ways? (labelled diagrams, charts etc.) Can they describe what they have found using scientific words? Can they make accurate measurements using standard units? Can they explain what they have found out and use their measurements to say whether it helps to answer their question? Can they explain the importance of a nutritious balanced diet? Can they describe how nutrients, water and oxygen are transported within animals and humans? Can they describe and explain the skeletal system of a human? Can they describe and explain the muscular system of a human? Can they use their sketches to produce a final piece of work? Can they write an explanation of their sketch in notes? Can they use different grades of pencil shade, show different tones, show tone and texture? Can they make notes in their sketch book about techniques used by artists? Can they suggest improvements to their work by keeping notes in their sketch books? Can they show proportion when drawing the face or the whole body? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they record and present what they have found using scientific language, drawings, labeled diagrams, bar charts and tables? Can they explain their findings in different ways (display, presentation, writing)? Can they use their findings to draw a simple conclusion? Can they explain how the muscular and skeletal systems work together to create movement?
Year 3: How did that blossom become an apple? KS2 Science (Y3 Plants) – (April/May- Blossom on trees) identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem, leaves and flowers explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant investigate the way in which water is transported within plants explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal. WOW: Explore which fruits have seeds (and where they are). LC1 How does a plant work? (labelling and water transportation) LC2 What does a plant need to grow? LC3 What is blossom and why is it so important for the fruit we grow? LC4 Why is so important for us to look after the bees in our country? (Pollination / Bee movie) LC5 How does the apple form? LC6 What do we mean by seed dispersal and why is it so important for our plants? LC7 Do all plants follow this cycle? LC8 Reflection : How can you make a presentation to show the life cycle of an apple? Working Scientifically: Children will be provided with many opportunities to carry out their own research based on different aspects of plants they will have looked at. Comparing the effect of different factors on plant growth, for example the amount of light, the amount of fertiliser; room to grow. Literacy Link: Children to write informational texts on a range of aspects such as, pollination, seed dispersal, the life cycle of an apple, etc. Creative Art Link: Children to use water colours to create paintings of different blossom working from first hand experience. James and Roald the Giant Dahl Peach
Year 3: Science, Art and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 3: How did that blossom become an apple? Year 3: Science, Art and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science - Plants Art Can they record their observations in different ways? (labelled diagrams, charts etc.) Can they describe what they have found using scientific words? Can they identify and describe the functions of different parts of plants? (roots, stem, leaves and flowers) Can they identify what a plants needs for life and growth? Can they describe the ways in which nutrients, water and oxygen are transported within plants? Can they explain how the needs and functions of plant parts vary from plant to plant e.g. insect and wind pollinated plants? Can they investigate the way in which water is transported within plants? Can they predict with accuracy the colours that they mix? Do they know where each of the primary and secondary colours sits on the colour wheel? Can they create a background using a wash? Can they use a range of brushes to create different effects? Can they use their sketch books to express feelings about a subject and to describe likes and dislikes? Can they make notes in their sketch book about techniques used by artists? Can they suggest improvements to their work by keeping notes in their sketch books? Can they explore work from other periods of time? Are they beginning to understand the viewpoints of others by looking at images, people and understand how they are feeling and what the artist is trying to express in their work? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they explain their findings in different ways (display, presentation, writing)? Can they use their findings to draw a simple conclusion? Can they record and present what they have found using scientific language, drawings, labeled diagrams, bar charts and tables? Can they classify a range of common plants according to many criteria (environment found, size, climate required, etc.)? Can they explore the role of flowers in the life cycle of flowering plants. Including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal? DT Can they show that their design meets a range of requirements? Can they put together a step-by-step plan which shows the order and also what equipment and tools they need? Can they describe their design using an accurately labelled sketch and words? How realistic is their plan? Can they use equipment and tools accurately? What did they change which made their design even better?
Year 3: Can you see the light? KS2 Science (Y3 Light) notice that light is reflected from surfaces find patterns that determine the size of shadows. WOW: Shadow puppet play. LC1 Which materials make the best shadows? LC2 Why is a shadow not always the same size? LC3 Carry out fair test on shadows. LC4 Reflection: Put on our own shadow puppet show. LC5 Why do we need light to see things? LC6 Where can we make the light go? (Experiment with mirrors) Working Scientifically: Set up a fair test to see what happens to the size of a shadow when an object is at different distances from a light source. Looking for patterns in what happens to shadows when the distance between the light source and the object changes. Numeracy Link: Children to measure the lengths of their shadows and to present their findings in graphical format Creative Art Link: Children to design and make periscopes, taking account of the light source Can you create a painting which shows reflection of light on water? What Clyde makes a Robert- Shadow Bulla
Year 3: Science, Art and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 3:Can you see the light? Year 3: Science, Art and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science - Light Art Can they make and record a prediction before testing? Can they measure using different equipment and units of measure? Can they record their observations in different ways? (labelled diagrams, charts etc.) Can they describe what they have found using scientific words? Can they make accurate measurements using standard units? Can they explain what they have found out and use their measurements to say whether it helps to answer their question? Can they explain the difference between transparent, translucent and opaque? Can they explain what dark is using words like shadow? Can they predict with accuracy the colours that they mix? Do they know where each of the primary and secondary colours sits on the colour wheel? Can they create a background using a wash? Can they use a range of brushes to create different effects? Can they use their sketch books to express feelings about a subject and to describe likes and dislikes? Can they make notes in their sketch book about techniques used by artists? Can they suggest improvements to their work by keeping notes in their sketch books? Can they explore work from other periods of time? Are they beginning to understand the viewpoints of others by looking at images, people and understand how they are feeling and what the artist is trying to express in their work? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they record and present what they have found using scientific language, drawings, labeled diagrams, bar charts and tables? Can they explain their findings in different ways (display, presentation, writing)? Can they use their findings to draw a simple conclusion? Can they explain why their shadow changes during when the light source is moved closer or further from the object? DT Can they show that their design meets a range of requirements? Can they put together a step-by-step plan which shows the order and also what equipment and tools they need? Can they describe their design using an accurately labelled sketch and words? How realistic is their plan? Can they use equipment and tools accurately? What did they change which made their design even better?
Year 3: What do rocks tell us about the way the Earth was formed Year 3: What do rocks tell us about the way the Earth was formed? (Linked to ‘What makes the Earth Angry?’) Working Scientifically: Observing rocks; using a hand lens or microscope to help them to identify and classify rocks according to whether they have grains or crystals, and whether they have fossils in them. KS2 Science (Y3 Rocks) compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their simple physical properties relate the simple physical properties of some rocks to their formation (igneous or sedimentary) describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within sedimentary rock. recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. WOW: Bring in a collection of rocks and let the children touch and talk about them. LC1 Are all rocks the same? (observing and planning experiment) LC2 Investigating ‘hardness’ of rocks. LC3 What can you find out about sedimentary and igneous rocks? What are fossils and why are they so fascinating? LC4 How are fossils made? LC5 Where does soil come from? LC6 Reflection: Visit Wren’s Nest Nature reserve (fossil) Literacy Link: Opportunities here for children to carry out individual research based on rock types, including fossils. Creative Art Link: Children to plan, design and make a rock art sculpture using large, medium and small rocks. These should be photographed and used as part of their reflection presentations. Pebble in Meredith my pocket Hooper & Chris Cody Stone girl Laurence Bone girl Anholt
Year 3: What do rocks tell us about the way the Earth was formed? Year 3: Science and Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science – Rocks Art Can they compare and group together different rocks based on their simple physical properties? Can they describe and explain how different rocks can be useful to us? Can they describe and explain the differences between sedimentary and igneous rocks, considering the way they are formed? Can they describe how fossils are formed within sedimentary rock? Can they add onto their work to create texture and shape? Can they work with life size materials? Can they use their sketch books to express feelings about a subject and to describe likes and dislikes? Can they make notes in their sketch books about techniques used by artists? Can they suggest improvements to their work by keeping notes in their sketch books? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they classify igneous and sedimentary rocks? Can they begin to relate the properties of rocks with their uses?
Year 3: What attracts you to physics? KS2 Science (Y3 Magnets) (short unit) notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials describe magnets as having two poles predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing. WOW: Play with wind up vehicles LC1 Can toy vehicles drive on all surfaces equally well? LC2 Which surface is best? LC3 What can a magnet do? (including pairs of magnets) LC4 Are all materials attracted to a magnet? LC5 Are all magnets equally strong? LC6 Reflection: How can we use magnets to make an exciting game? Working Scientifically: Children investigate how vehicles move on different surfaces. Children will set up a fair test to consider what is attracted by magnets and what is repelled by magnets. Exploring the strengths of different magnets and finding a fair way to compare them; sorting materials into those that are magnetic and those that are not; looking for patterns in the way that magnets behave in relation to each other and what might affect this, such as the strength of the magnet or which pole faces another; identifying how these properties make magnets useful in everyday items and suggesting creative uses for different magnets. Literacy Link: Children to create tables of classifications in list format Literacy Link: Children to focus on persuasive skills to make their game attractive to others. Creative Art Link: Children to plan, design and make a simple game based on magnets. The Ted Iron Hughes Man What Franklyn makes a Branley Magnet?
Year 3: Science and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 3: What attracts you to physics? Year 3: Science and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Science – Forces and Magnets DT Can they use different ideas and suggest how to find something out? Can they make and record a prediction before testing? Can they plan a fair test and explain why it was fair? Can you set up a simple fair test to make comparisons? Can they explain why they need to collect information to answer a question? Can they observe that magnetic forces can be transmitted without direct contact? Can talk about how some magnets attract or repel each other? Can classify which materials are attracted to magnets? Can they describe the speed and direction of moving objects? Do they select the most appropriate tools and techniques to use for a given task? Can they show that their design meets a range of requirements? Can they put together a step-by-step plan which shows the order and also what equipment and tools they need? Can they describe their design using an accurately labelled sketch and words? How realistic is their plan? Can they use equipment and tools accurately? What did they change which made their design even better? Year 3 (Challenging) Can they record and present what they have found using scientific language, drawings, labeled diagrams, bar charts and tables? Can they investigate the strengths of different magnets and find fair ways to compare them? Can they explain that the surface an object is moving on may affect how it moves?
Science Learning Challenges Year 4 Science
Science: Year 4 Overview ANIMALS Including HUMANS ALL LIVING THINGS STATES OF MATTER ELECTRICITY SOUND Digestive System Teeth Identify and name a variety of living things (plants and animals) in the local and wider environment Recognise that environments can change and can pose dangers Solids, Liquids and Gases Heating and cooling (no baking, etc.) Evaporation and condensation Alternative sources of energy Sources Vibration Loud and faint Pitch Volume LC What happens to the food we eat? Which wild animals and plants thrive in your locality? Solid, Liquid or Gas? How could we cope without electricity? Why is the sound that ‘One Direction’ *(or popular band linked to what cohort like) makes enjoyed by so many?
KSU Breakdown – Year 4 Science Scientific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding within the National Curriculum KSU Breakdown – Year 4 Science
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Working Scientifically Year 4 Planning Obtaining and presenting evidence Considering evidence and evaluating Can they set up a simple fair test to make comparisons? Can they plan a fair test and isolate variables and explain why it was fair and explain which variables have been isolated? Can they suggest improvements and predictions? Can they decide which information needs to be collected and decide which is the best way for collecting it? Can they use their findings to draw a simple conclusion? Can they take measurements using different equipment and units of measure and record what they have found in a range of ways? Can they make accurate measurements using standard units? Can they explain their findings in different ways (display, presentation, writing)? Can they find any patterns in their evidence or measurements? Can they make a prediction based on something they have found out? Can they record and present what they have found using scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, bar charts and tables? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they plan and carry out an investigation by controlling variables fairly and accurately? Can they use test results to make further predictions and set up further comparative tests? Can they record more complex data and results using scientific diagrams, classification keys, tables, bar charts, line graphs and models? Can they report findings from investigations through written explanations and conclusions? Can they use a graph or diagram to answer scientific questions?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Life Processes and Living Things Year 4 Animals, including humans All living Things Can they identify and name the basic parts of the human digestive system? Can they describe the function of the organs of the human digestive system? Can they identify the simple function of different types of human teeth? Can they compare the teeth of herbivores and carnivores? Can they explain what a simple food chain shows? Can they use a classification key to group a variety of living things? (plants, vertebrates, invertebrates) Can they compare the classification of common plants and animals to living things found in other places? (under the sea, prehistoric) Can they name and group a variety of living things based on feeding patterns? (producer, consumer, predator, prey, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore) Do they recognise that environments can change and this can sometimes pose a danger to living things? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they classify living things and non-living things by a number of characteristics that they have thought of? Can they explain how people, weather and the environment can affect living things? Can they explain how certain living things depend on one another to survive? Can they give reasons for how they have classified animals and plants, using their characteristics and how they are suited to their environment? Can they explore the work of pioneers in classification? (e.g. Carl Linnaeus)
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Materials and their Properties Year 4 States of Matter Can they compare and group materials based on their states of matter, ie, liquid, solid or gas? Can they explain what happens to materials when they are heated or cooled? Can they measure the temperature at which different materials change state? Can they use measurements to explain changes to the state of water? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they group and classify a variety of materials according to the impact of temperature on them? Can they explain what happens over time to materials such as puddles on the playground or washing hanging on a line? Can they relate temperature to change of state of materials?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Physical Processes Year 4 Sound Electricity Can they describe a range of sounds and explain how they are made? Can they compare sources of sound and explain how the sounds differ? Can they explain how to change a sound (louder/softer)? Can they describe and explain how a sound travels from a source to our ears? Can they explain what happens to sound as it travels away from its source? Can they explain how you could change the pitch of a sound? Can they investigate how different materials can affect the pitch and volume of sounds? Can they explain how electricity is useful to us? Can they construct a simple circuit? Can they explain what a conductor is and test materials for conductivity? Can they explain closed and open circuits? Can they construct a circuit with a switch? Can they recognise some common conductors and insulators? Year 4 (Challenging) Can they explain why sound gets fainter or louder according to the distance? Can they explain how pitch and volume can be changed in a variety of ways? Can they work out which materials give the best insulation for sound? Can they explain how a bulb might get lighter? Can they recognise if all metals are conductors of electricity? Can they work out which metals can be used to connect across a gap in a circuit?
Year 4: What happens to the food we eat? Science Y4: Animals, including Humans describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey. WOW: Teacher to eat as many dry crackers as possible in 1 minute. LC1 How does digestion start? (types of teeth / saliva/ oesophagus/stomach) LC2 Where does the food go next? LC3 Are all animal’s teeth the same? LC4 Why is it important to brush your teeth each day? LC5 What do other animals eat? LC6 How are predator and prey linked? Working Scientifically: Comparing the teeth of carnivores and herbivores, and suggesting reasons for differences; finding out what damages teeth and how to look after them. They might draw and discuss their ideas about the digestive system and compare them with models or images. Playing a simulation for predator and prey links. Literacy Link: Adventure story: Imagine being shrunk and being swallowed by mistake Creative Art Link: Children to design and make a model to represent the digestive system and its working. Expressive Art Link: Children could perform a dance working in groups, which will show the movement of food through the body. The Magic School Bus Joanna Inside the Cole human body
Year 4: What happens to the food we eat? Science, Art and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 4 Science: Animals (including humans) Art: Drawing Can they take measurements using different equipment and units of measure and record what they have found in a range of ways? Can they make accurate measurements using standard units? Can they explain their findings in different ways (display, presentation, writing)? Can they make a prediction based on something they have found out? Can they record and present what they have found using scientific language, drawings, labeled diagrams, bar charts and tables? Can they identify and name the basic parts of the human digestive system? Can they describe the function of the organs of the human digestive system? Can they identify the simple function of different types of human teeth? Can they compare the teeth of herbivores and carnivores? Can they explain what a simple food chain shows? Can they begin to show facial expressions and body language in their sketches? Can they identify and draw simple objects, and use marks and lines to produce texture? Can they organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement? Can they show reflections? Can they explain why they have chosen specific materials to draw with? DT Can they come up with at least one idea about how to create their product? Do they take account of the ideas of others when designing? Can they produce a plan and explain it to others? Can they suggest some improvements and say what was good and not so good about their original design? Can they tell if their finished product is going to be good quality? Are they conscience of the need to produce something that will be liked by others? Can they show a good level of expertise when using a range of tools and equipment? Have they thought of how they will check if their design is successful? Can they begin to explain how they can improve their original design? Can they evaluate their product, thinking of both appearance and the way it works? Year 4 Science: (Challenging) Can they record more complex data and results using scientific diagrams, classification keys, tables, bar charts, line graphs and models? Can they report findings from investigations through written explanations and conclusions? Can they use a graph or diagram to answer scientific questions?
Year 4: Which wild animals and plants thrive in your locality? Science Y4: All Living Things identify and name a variety of living things (plants and animals) in the local and wider environment, using classification keys to assign them to groups Recognise how animals and plants are adapted to live in their habitat. recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things. WOW: Visit Roberts’ Primary Eco Zone once children are familiar with keys. LC1 How do animals and plants fit in groups? LC2 Which keys don’t open doors? LC3 Which animals and plants might live in these places? (Terms habitat and environment) LC4 - What can I find nearby? (use keys for plants and animals- Ecozone, or school site if you can’t arrange the trip.) LC5 Can I make a local guide LC6 - Why don’t you find a polar bear in the desert or a cactus in the Arctic?(Research on animals/plants suited to environments) LC7 Why are some animals in danger? Working Scientifically: explore local small invertebrates and using guides or keys to identify them; making a guide to local living things; raising and answering questions based on their observations of animals and what they have found out about other animals that they have researched. Literacy Link: Develop fact files about endangered animals
Year 4: Which wild animals and plants thrive in your locality? Year 4: Science, Art and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 4 Science: All Living Things Art Can they explain their findings in different ways (display, presentation, writing)? Can they find any patterns in their evidence? Can they make a prediction based on something they have found out? Can they record and present what they have found using scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, bar charts and tables? Can they use a classification key to group a variety of living things? (plants, vertebrates, invertebrates) Can they use more complicated keys to identify local animals and plants? Can they research how animals are adapted to live in different environments? Can they recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things? Can they create all the colours they need? Can they create mood in their paintings? Do they successfully use shading to create mood and feeling? Can they use their sketch books to express their feelings about various subjects and outline likes and dislikes? Can they produce a montage all about themselves? Do they use their sketch books to adapt and improve their original ideas? Do they keep notes about the purpose of their work in their sketch books? DT Can they come up with at least one idea about how to create their product? Do they take account of the ideas of others when designing? Can they produce a plan and explain it others? Can they suggest some improvements and say what was good and not so good about their original design? Can they tell if their finished product is going to be good quality? Are they conscience of the need to produce something that will be liked by others? Can they show a good level of expertise when using a range of tools and equipment? Have they thought of how they will check if their design is successful? Can they begin to explain how they can improve their original design? Can they evaluate their product, thinking of both appearance and the way it works? Year 4 Challenging Can they record more complex data and results using scientific diagrams, classification keys, tables, bar charts, line graphs and models? Can they use a graph or diagram to answer scientific questions? Can they give reasons for how they have classified animals and plants, using their characteristics? Can they use keys efficiently? Can they compare plants and animals found in other places? (under the sea, desert, Arctic/ Antarctic) Can they understand the many problems which endangered animals face?
Year 4: Solid, Liquid or Gas? Science Y4: States of Matter compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C) WOW: Look at ice gloves and other ice shapes. LC1 What’s a branching database? (Solids and Liquids) LC2 Why did they change? (solids and liquids) LC3 How do materials change when they are heated or cooled? LC4 Could we slow down melting? (Expt) LC5 What else is around us? (Gases) LC6 What makes the washing dry? LC7 Why do windows sometimes steam up? Working Scientifically: Huge opportunities here for children to work scientifically by setting up experiments and investigations associated with changing state. Exploring the effect of temperature on substances such as chocolate, water, wax. Literacy Link: There are several opportunities for children to apply their skills in writing and reading in different contexts. These occur in LC1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Numeracy Link: There is a natural link with children’s maths work on temperature. The Mystery Florence of the Parry Melting Heide Snowman
Year 4:Solid. Liquid or Gas? Year 4: Science and Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 4 Science: States of Matter Dance Can they set up a simple fair test to make comparisons? Can they plan a fair test and isolate variables and explain why it was fair and explain which variables have been isolated? Can they suggest improvements and predictions? Can they decide which information needs to be collected and decide which is best way for collecting it? Can they use their findings to draw a simple conclusion? Can they compare and group materials based on their states of matter, ie, liquid, solid or gas? Can they explain what happens to materials when they are heated or cooled? Can they measure the temperature at which different materials change state? Can they use measurements to explain changes to the state of water? Can they link changes of state to the water cycle? Can they respond imaginatively to a range of stimuli related to character and narrative? Do they use simple motifs and movement patterns to structure dance phrases on their own, with a partner and in a group? Can they refine, repeat and remember dance phrases and dances? Can they perform dances clearly and fluently? Can they show sensitivity to the dance idea and the accompaniment? Do they show a clear understanding of how to warm-up and cool-down safely? Do they describe, interpret and evaluate dance, using appropriate language? Challenging Can they structure and vary longer dances? Do they develop movement ideas for others? Do they show a good sense of rhythm and style when performing? Can they remember and perform a range of warm-up and cool-down activities? Can they give reasons why physical activity is good for health? Do they use a range of dance vocabulary to describe, interpret and evaluate dance.? Year 4 Challenging Can they plan and carry out an investigation by controlling variables fairly and accurately? Can they use test results to make further predictions and set up further comparative tests? Can they group and classify a variety of materials according to the impact of temperature on them? Can they explain what happens over time to materials such as puddles on the playground or washing hanging on a line? Can they relate temperature to change of state of materials?
Year 4: How could we cope without electricity? Science Y4: Electricity construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors. WOW: Children to spend a full day without access to electricity. This to be organised and liaised with home. LC1 What! no TV or play-station!: what shall we do? (Identify appliances prior to making game) LC2 Why doesn’t it light up? LC3 How are buzzers different to bulbs? LC4 Can I vary the brightness of the bulbs? LC 5 What are conductors and insulators? LC6 How do switches work? LC7 How is electricity generated and what do we mean by alternative sources? Working Scientifically: observing patterns, for example that bulbs get brighter if more cells are added, that metals tend to be conductors of electricity, and that some materials can and some cannot be used to connect across a gap in a circuit. Literacy Link: Children write a letter to their parents explaining about spending a day without electricity and asking for their support for this to happen at home also. In addition there are many opportunities for children to use explanation texts to support their work. Creative Art Link: Children to design and make a game which they could play as an alternative to an electrically powered game. Magic School Bus Joanna - Electric Cole Field Trip Electric Anne Storm Capeci
Year 4: How could we cope without electricity? Year 4: Science and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 4 Science: Electricity DT Can they set up a simple fair test to make comparisons? Can they plan a fair test and isolate variables and explain why it was fair and explain which variables have been isolated? Can they suggest improvements and predictions? Can they decide which information needs to be collected and decide which is best way for collecting it? Can they use their findings to draw a simple conclusion? Can they explain how electricity is useful to us? Can they construct a simple circuit? Can they explain what a conductor is and test materials for conductivity? Can they explain closed and open circuits? Can they construct a circuit with a switch? Can they recognise some common conductors and insulators? Can they come up with at least one idea about how to create their product? Do they take account of the ideas of others when designing? Can they produce a plan and explain it to others? Can they suggest some improvements and say what was good and not so good about their original design? Can they tell if their finished product is going to be good quality? Are they conscience of the need to produce something that will be liked by others? Can they show a good level of expertise when using a range of tools and equipment? Have they thought of how they will check if their design is successful? Can they begin to explain how they can improve their original design? Can they evaluate their product, thinking of both appearance and the way it works? Food Technology: Do they know what to do to be hygienic and safe? Have they thought what they can do to present their product in an interesting way? Using materials: Can they measure carefully so as to make sure they have not made mistakes? How have they attempted to make their product strong? Year 4 Challenging Can they plan and carry out an investigation by controlling variables fairly and accurately? Can they use test results to make further predictions and set up further comparative tests? Can they explain how a bulb might get lighter? Can they recognise if all metals are conductors of electricity? Can they work out which metals can be used to connect across a gap in a circuit?
Year 4: Why is the sound that ‘One Direction’ makes enjoyed by so many Year 4: Why is the sound that ‘One Direction’ makes enjoyed by so many? *(or popular band that cohort are engaged with) Working Scientifically: Finding patterns in the data (for example, blowing across the top of bottles, changing the length and thickness of elastic bands). They could make and play their own instruments by using what they have found out about pitch and volume. Science Y4: Sound identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating Recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear. find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it. WOW: Listen to a range of different music: rock; classical and opera and discuss likes and dislikes LC1 What makes the sound? LC2 What can sound travel through? LC3 When is a pitch not used for games? LC4/5 Can I change the pitch? (2 sessions as it is planning and carrying out an experiment) LC6 Can I change the loudness? LC7 Can I make an instrument? (Makes sounds in 2 different ways)- Use as D& T? LC8 Could you be the next X Factor star? - Play musical instruments made as an ‘X Factor star’ Expressive Arts Link: This is a music appreciation opportunity with children being encouraged to be precise about their likes and dislikes in relation to a range of music provided for them. Numeracy Link: Many opportunities through this challenge to create tables, graphs as well as measure. Expressive Art Link: Children will perform. The Pied Michael Piper of Morpurgo Hamelin The Kyra Magic Teis Flute
Year 4: Science and Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 4: Why is the sound that ‘One Direction’ makes enjoyed by so many? Year 4: Science and Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 4 Science: Sound Music Can they take measurements using different equipment and units of measure and record what they have found in a range of ways? Can they make accurate measurements using standard units? Can they explain their findings in different ways (display, presentation, writing)? Can they find any patterns in their evidence or measurements? Can they make a prediction based on something they have found out? Can they record and present what they have found using scientific language, drawings, labeled diagrams, bar charts and tables? Can they describe a range of sounds and explain how they are made? Can they compare sources of sound and explain how the sounds differ? Can they explain how to change a sound (louder/softer)? Can they describe and explain how a sound travels from a source to our ears? Can they explain how you could change the pitch of a sound? Can they investigate how different materials can affect the pitch and volume of sounds? Can they explain the place of silence and say what effect it has? Can they start to identify the character of a piece of music? Can they describe and identify the different purposes of music? Can they begin to identify with the style of work of Beethoven, Mozart and Elgar? Can they perform a simple part rhythmically? Can they sing songs from memory with accurate pitch? Can they improvise using repeated patterns? Year 4 Challenging Can they explain why sound gets fainter or louder according to the distance? Can they explain how pitch and volume can be changed in a variety of ways? Can they work out which materials give the best insulation for sound?
Science- Upper Key Stage 2
Science Programme of Study: Upper Key Stage 2 The principal focus of science teaching in upper key stage 2 is to enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas. They should do this through exploring and talking about their ideas; asking their own questions about scientific phenomena; and analysing functions, relationships and interactions more systematically. At upper key stage 2, they should encounter more abstract ideas and begin to recognise how these ideas help them to understand and predict how the world operates. They should also begin to recognise that scientific ideas change and develop over time. They should select the most appropriate ways to answer science questions using different types of scientific enquiry, including observing changes over different periods of time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying things, carrying out comparative and fair tests and finding things out using a wide range of secondary sources of information. Pupils should draw conclusions based on their data and observations, use evidence to justify their ideas, and use their scientific knowledge and understanding to explain their findings. ‘Working and thinking scientifically’ is described separately at the beginning of the programme of study, but must always be taught through and clearly related to substantive science content in the programme of study. Throughout the notes and guidance, examples show how scientific methods and skills might be linked to specific elements of the content. Pupils should read, spell and pronounce scientific vocabulary correctly.
Science Learning Challenges Year 5
Science: Year 5 Overview ALL LIVING THINGS ANIMALS, including HUMANS PROPERTIES and CHANGES of MATERIALS EARTH and SPACE and MAGNETISM FORCES Life cycles of plants and animals Birth, growth, development, and reproduction Changes as humans develop from birth to old age Dissolving Evaporating Filtering Reversible and Irreversible changes Earth relative to the Sun Moon relative to the Earth Relationship between Sun, Earth and Moon Earth’s rotation Day and night Gravity Air Resistance Water Resistance Friction Gears, Pulleys, Levers and Springs LC Do all animals and plants start life as an egg? How different will you be when you are as old as your grandparents? Could you be the next CSI investigator? Will we ever send another human to the moon? Can you feel the force?
Scientific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding within the National Curriculum Year 5 Science
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Working Scientifically Year 5 Planning Obtaining and presenting evidence Considering evidence and evaluating Can they plan and carry out an investigation by controlling variables fairly and accurately? Can they make a prediction with reasons? Can they use test results to make further predictions and set up further comparative tests? Can they present a report of their findings through writing, display and presentation? Can they take measurements using a range of scientific equipment with increasing accuracy and precision? Can they record more complex data and results using scientific diagrams, classification keys, tables, bar charts, line graphs and models? Can they report findings from investigations through written explanations and conclusions? Can they use a graph to answer scientific questions? Year 5 (Challenging) Can they explore different ways to test an idea and choose the best way, and give reasons? Can they vary one factor whilst keeping the others the same in an experiment? Can they use information to help make a prediction? Can they explain (in simple terms) a scientific idea and what evidence supports it? Can they decide which units of measurement they need to use? Can they explain why a measurement needs to be repeated? Can they find a pattern from their data and explain what it shows? Can they link what they have found out to other science? Can they suggest how to improve their work and say why they think this?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Life Processes and Living Things Year 5 Animals (including humans) All living things Can they create a timeline to indicate stages of growth in humans? Can they explain what puberty is? Can they describe and compare the life cycles of a range of animals, including humans, amphibians, insects and birds? Can they describe the life cycles of common plants? Can they describe and explain the process of respiration in humans and plants? Can they talk with knowledge about birth, reproduction and death of familiar animals or plants? Can they explore the work of well know naturalists? (David Attenborough and Jane Goodall) Year 5 (Challenging) Can they create a timeline to indicate stages of growth in certain animals, such as frogs and butterflies? Can they observe their local environment and draw conclusions about life-cycles? (for example, the vegetable garden or plants in a shrubbery) Can they compare the life cycles of plants and animals in their local environment with the life cycles of those around the world, eg rainforests?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Materials and their Properties Year 5 Properties and changes to materials Can they test and group materials based on scientific evidence? (hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity, insulation, magnetism) Can they explain the process of dissolving? Can they recover a substance from a solution? Can they decide how a mixture would best be separated? (filtering, sieving, evaporating) Can they give reasons for the uses of everyday materials based on scientific evidence? Can they show what they know about the properties of different materials? Can they use their knowledge of materials to suggest ways to classify? (solids, liquids, gasses) Can they describe changes using scientific words? (evaporation, condensation) Can they use the terms ‘reversible’ and ‘irreversible’? Year 5 (challenging) Can they describe methods for separating mixtures? (filtration, distillation) Can they work out which materials are most effective for keeping us warm or for keeping something cold?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Physical Processes Year 5 Earth and Space Magnetism Forces Can they identify and explain the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun? Can they explain how seasons and the associated weather is created? Can they identify and explain the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth? Can they explain the size, shape and position of the Earth, Sun and Moon? Can they explain how night and day are created and use diagrams to show this? Can they explain how planets are linked to stars? Can they explain how the force of magnetism works? Can they describe how magnetism is used in everyday objects? Can they describe magnets as having two poles? Can they make predictions associated with whether two magnets will attract or repel depending on which poles are facing? Can they explain what gravity is and its impact on our lives? Can they explain why a wheeled object that is initially pushed will slow down and stop? Can they explain the impact of friction on a moving object? Can they explain the effect of drag force on moving objects? Can they explain how force and motion can be transferred through gears, pulleys, levers and springs? Year 5 (Challenging) Can they compare the time of day at different places on the Earth? Can they create shadow clocks? Can they begin to understand how older civilizations used the Sun to create astronomical clocks? Can they explore the work of some space pioneers? (Galileo, Copernicus, Neil Armstrong) Can they work out how magnets are useful in an everyday context? Can they work out the link between magnets and the North and South poles? Can they describe and explain how motion is affected by forces? (including gravitational attractions, magnetic attraction and friction) Can they design very effective parachutes? Can they work out how water can cause resistance to floating objects?
Year 5: Do all animals and plants start life as an egg? Working Scientifically: observe and compare the life cycles of plants and animals in their local environment with other plants and animals around the world (in the rainforest, in the oceans, in desert areas and in prehistoric times), ask pertinent questions and suggest reasons for similarities and differences. Science Y5: All Living Things explain the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals. WOW: Time lapse photography clips from internet. LC1 Why are flowers so important? LC2 How do plants that don’t make flowers reproduce? LC3 How can you create a presentation to show the life cycle of an insect, amphibian, mammal or bird? LC4 Can we compare life cycles? LC5 Can you recreate the life cycle of a butterfly using music and dance?(Music/P.E) LC6 How can you create art from the environment?(Art) LC7 Reflection: Children to create a poster of a chosen animal or plant showing its life cycle. Literacy Link: There are opportunities to link Literacy within this LC. e.g.In LC1 explanation texts. Expressive Arts Link: In LC5 children will be provided with opportunities to write their own music and create their own dance taking the life cycle of a butterfly as their stimuli. Creative Art Link: Children will look at the work of Andy Goldworthy or Simon Watts and use items they find in the environment to create a 3D piece of art. The Spider Tony and the Diterlizzi Fly
Year 5: Do all animals and plants start life as an egg? Year 5: Science, Art, Music and Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 5 Science: All Living Things Art Can they describe and compare the life cycles of a range of animals, including humans, amphibians, insects and birds? Can they describe the life cycles of common plants? Can they describe and explain the process of respiration in humans and plants? Can they talk with knowledge about birth, reproduction and death of familiar animals or plants? Can they explore the work of well know naturalists? (David Attenborough and Jane Goodall) Can they report findings from investigations through written explanations and conclusions? Can they use a graph to answer scientific questions? Do they experiment with and combine materials and processes to design and make 3D form? Do they learn about the work of others by looking at their work in books, the Internet, visits to galleries and other sources of information? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they might develop their work further? Do they use their sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others? Can they combine visual and tactile qualities? Year 5 Challenging Music and Dance Can they observe their local environment and draw conclusions about life-cycles? (for example, the vegetable garden or plants in a shrubbery) Can they compare the life cycles of plants and animals in their local environment with the life cycles of those around the world, eg rainforests? Can they explain (in simple terms) a scientific idea and what evidence supports it? Can they change sounds or organise them differently to change the effect? Can they compose music which meets specific criteria? Can they choose the most appropriate tempo for a piece of music? Do they plan and perform dances confidently? Can they compose motifs and plan dances creatively and collaboratively in groups? Can they adapt and refine the way they use weight, space and rhythm in their dances to express themselves in the style of dance they use? Can they perform different styles of dance clearly and fluently? Do they organise their own warm-up and cool-down exercises?
Year 5: How different will you be when you are as old as your grandparents? Working Scientifically: compare data about the gestation periods, and life expectancy of humans and other animals or find out and record the length and mass of a baby as it grow. Science Y5: Animals (including Humans) Can they create a timeline to indicate stages of growth in humans? Can they explain what puberty is? WOW: Use the photographic app that shows what they will look like in 20 years time and talk about what their feelings are, etc. LC1 Choose a baby, themselves, a teenager, a young adult, their parents and their grandparents and create a chart to find out about what they can and cannot do. LC2 What can you now do that you couldn’t do when you were a baby? LC3 What do we understand by the term ‘puberty’? LC4 Can we compare how long different animals take to grow to old age? LC5 Through drawing and painting, can you accurately sketch yourself and your grandparent? LC 6 Reflection: How would you wish to be remembered as you make your journey through life? Literacy Link: Many opportunities here for reflective writing (LC2); and explanation texts (LC3). Numeracy Links: Oportunities in this LC for children to create charts. Creative Art Link: Opportunities in LC5 for children to create a self-portrait having looked at a range of artists’ work. They will then create another drawing or painting of an older person’s face and try to capture the differences. LC4 This LC provides opportunities for you to deal with the issues associated with death in as much depth as you would wish to. The Little Vic Book of Parker Growing Up What Caroline Does Jay & Dead Jenni Mean Thomas
Year 5: Science and Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 5: How different will you be when you are as old as your grandparents? Year 5: Science and Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 5 Science: Animals (including Humans) Art Can they create a timeline to indicate stages of growth in humans? Can they explain what puberty is? Do they appreciate that all animals will eventually die? Can they explain why different animals have a different life expectancy? Can they make a prediction with reasons? Can they use test results to make further predictions and set up further comparative tests? Can they present a report of their findings through writing, display and presentation? Can they take measurements using a range of scientific equipment with increasing accuracy and precision? Can they record more complex data and results using scientific diagrams, classification keys, tables, bar charts, line graphs and models? Do they successfully use shading to create mood and feeling? Can they organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement? Can they explain why they have chosen specific materials to draw with? Can they create all the colours they need? Can they create mood in their paintings? Can they express their emotions accurately through their painting and sketches? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they might develop their work further? Do they use their sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others? Do they learn about the work of others by looking at their work in books, the Internet, visits to galleries and other sources of information? Year 5 Challenging Can they create a timeline to indicate stages of growth in certain animals, such as frogs and butterflies? Can they explain (in simple terms) a scientific idea and what evidence supports it? Can they decide which units of measurement they need to use? Can they explain why a measurement needs to be repeated? Can they find a pattern from their data and explain what it shows? Can they link what they have found out to other science? Can they suggest how to improve their work and say why they think this?
Year 5: Could you be the next CSI investigator? Science Y5: Properties and Changes of Materials compare and group together everyday materials based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, including their hardness, , transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through sieving and filtering. give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials including metals, wood and plastic demonstrate that most mixing is a reversible change of state. explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda. WOW: Classroom as a bomb suspect’s laboratory. LC1 Can we find the materials the suspect may have been using? (Briefing, then hands on work) Allow plenty of time. LC2 Which material might the suspect use to keep the bomb warm? (Expt on thermal insulation) LC3 What can we learn about other evidence found in the suspect’s lab? (Burning- can we identify original material?) LC4 What is bicarbonate of soda and what impact does it have on different materials? LC5 Has the suspect left any fingerprints? LC6 How have scientists made use of changes to create materials that make our lives easier, eg, cling film? LC7 Using finger prints as well as hand and foot prints, can you create an interesting piece of art work that has interesting design features (Art work) Working Scientifically: carry out tests to answer questions such as ‘Which materials would be the most effective for keeping the bomb warm or for making conductive wires?’ They could observe and compare the changes that take place, for example when burning different materials. Literacy Link: There are many opportunities to make use of a range of literacy skills in this LC. For example there are opportunities in LC6 to find out about a particular scientist’s work, eg Ruth Benerito or Spencer Silver. Creative Art Link: LC7 provides opportunities for children to consider the work of Salvador Dali and then create their own work using footprints, handprints and fingerprints. The Jacqueline Lemonade Davies Crime Crime in Nancy The Queen’s Drew Court
Year 5: Could you be the next CSI investigator? Year 5: Science and Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 5 Science: Materials Art Can they explore different ways to test an idea and choose the best way, and give reasons? Can they vary one factor whilst keeping the others the same in an experiment? Can they explain why they do this? Can they plan and carry out an investigation by controlling variables fairly and accurately? Can they make a prediction with reasons? Can they use information to help make a prediction? Can they use test results to make further predictions and set up further comparative tests? Can they explain (in simple terms) a scientific idea and what evidence supports it? Can they present a report of their findings through writing, display and presentation? Can they explain how changes can result in the formation of new materials? Can they explain what an irreversible change is and give examples? Can they explore the work of famous chemists? (Lavoisier, Priestley, Spencer Silver or Ruth Benerito) Can they distinguish metals from other solid materials by describing metallic properties? Can they explain why some metals rust? Can they explain what happens when vinegar or bicarbonate of soda is added to materials? Do their sketch books contain detailed notes, and quotes explaining about items? Do they compare their methods to those of others and keep notes in their sketch books? Do they combine graphics and text based research of commercial design, for example magazines etc., to influence the layout of their sketch books. Do they adapt and refine their work to reflect its meaning and purpose, keeping notes and annotations in their sketch books? Can they create work which is open to interpretation by the audience? Can they include both visual and tactile elements in their work? Can they combine pattern, tone and shape? Can they overprint using different colours? Do they look very carefully at the methods they use and make decisions about the effectiveness of their printing methods? Year 5 Challenging Can they make a prediction which links with other scientific knowledge? Can they identify the key factors when planning a fair test? Can they explain how a scientist has used their scientific understanding plus good ideas to have a breakthrough? Can they identify where changes in state take place and explain these? Can they give a clear description of what happens when a material is burnt or heated as in cooking? Can they give examples of how chemical changes can impact on our lives? Can they suggest ways to separate mixtures based on what they know about certain materials?
Year 5: Will we ever send another human to the moon? Science Y5: Earth and Space describe the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun in the solar system describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the Sun. understand that day length varies during the year. WOW: Blue Beauty Powerpoint from T drive. LC1 Are the Earth, Sun and moon related? (cover sizes here, too) LC2 How can we appreciate the distances between the Sun, Earth and Moon and how they move? LC3 Can you explain why we have day and night? (Sundial work as part of this) LC4 How and why does day length vary? LC5 Is our Solar System the only one? LC6 Who was Neil Armstrong and what would you have liked to ask him if you had met him? LC7 Can you research an aspect of space exploration or a famous space scientist? LC8 Visit from a Planetarium. (if wished) LC9 Reflection: Could you create a simulated moon landing and film it? Working Scientifically: compare the time of day at different places on the Earth through internet links and direct communication; use simple models of the solar system; construct simple shadow clocks and sundials, calibrated to show midday and the start and end of the school day. Literacy Link: LC7 provides opportunities for children to complete a fact file on space exploration or a famous space scientist. They could also complete a set of questions they would have asked Neil Armstrong (LC6). Creative Art Link: Children to design and make a model to represent the moon surface and then to create a buggy. Film. Mokee Peter Joe is Murray coming
Year 5: Will we ever send another human to the moon? Year 5: Science and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 5 Science: Earth and Space DT Can they identify and explain the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun? Can they explain how seasons are created?(Lutley Challenge curriculum) Can they understand how and why day length varies during the year? Can they identify and explain the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth? Can they explain the size, shape and position of the Earth, Sun and Moon? Can they use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain night and day and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky? Can they explain how planets are linked to stars? (Lutley Challenge curriculum) Can they come up with a range of ideas after they have collected information? Do they take a user’s view into account when designing? Can they produce a detailed step-by-step plan? Can they suggest some alternative plans and say what the good points and drawbacks are about each? Can they explain why their finished product is going to be of good quality? Can they explain how their product will appeal to the audience? Can they use a range of tools and equipment expertly? Do they keep checking that their design is the best it can be? Do they check whether anything could be improved? Can they evaluate appearance and function against the original criteria? Using materials: Are their measurements accurate enough to ensure that everything is precise? How have they ensured that their product is strong and fit for purpose? Are they motivated enough to refine and improve their product? Do they persevere through different stages of the making process? Year 5 Challenging Can they compare the time of day at different places on the Earth? (Non statutory guidance) Can they create shadow clocks? (Non statutory guidance) Can they explore the work of some space pioneers? (Galileo, Copernicus, Ptolemy, Neil Armstrong) (Non statutory guidance)
Year 5: Can you feel the force? Working Scientifically: carry out fair tests with parachutes to determine which are the most effective. They might explore resistance in water by making and testing boats of different shapes. Science Y5: Forces explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces understand that force and motion can be transferred through mechanical devices such as gears, pulleys, levers and springs. WOW: Free exploration with magnets, springs, balls etc. (List forces involved) LC1 Can I feel the force and also measure it? (Newton meters) LC2 What is friction and how does it affect moving objects? LC3 Can I feel the force? (air resistance) LC4/5 Can I experiment with parachutes to help me understand more about air resistance? LC6 Is there friction in water, too? LC7 How do builders move heavy items?(pulleys and levers) LC8 What helps you to climb hills on your bicycle?(Gears and springs) Numeracy Link: In LC1 and LC4/5 there are huge expectations that children’s measuring skills are required to be accurate. Technology/Art Link: Children could design and make an artefact such as a Christmas card or pop up book page, which works using levers. How David does it McAuley Work?
Year 5: Can you feel the force? Year 5: Science and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 5 Science: Forces DT Can they explore different ways to test an idea and choose the best way, and give reasons? Can they vary one factor whilst keeping the others the same in an experiment? Can they explain why they do this? Can they plan and carry out an investigation by controlling variables fairly and accurately? Can they make a prediction with reasons? Can they use information to help make a prediction? Can they use test results to make further predictions and set up further comparative tests? Can they explain (in simple terms) a scientific idea and what evidence supports it? Can they present a report of their findings through writing, display and presentation? Can they explain what gravity is and its impact on our lives? Can they explain why a wheeled object that is initially pushed will slow down and stop? Can they explain the impact of friction on a moving object? Can they explain the effect of drag force on moving objects? Can they explain how force and motion can be transferred through gears, pulleys, levers and springs? Can they use a range of information to inform their design? Can they use market research to inform plans? Can they work within constraints? Can they follow and refine their plan if necessary? Can they justify their plan to someone else? Do they consider culture and society in their designs? Can they use tools and materials precisely? Do they change the way they are working if needed? How well do they test and evaluate their final product? Is it fit for purpose? What would improve it? Would different resources have improved their product? Would they need more or different information to make it even better? Can they justify why they selected specific materials? Can they work within a budget? How have they ensured that their work is precise and accurate? Can they hide joints so as to improve the look of their product? Year 5 Challenging Can they make a prediction which links with other scientific knowledge? Can they identify the key factors when planning a fair test? Can they explain how a scientist has used their scientific understanding plus good ideas to have a breakthrough? Can they describe and explain how motion is affected by forces? (including gravitational attractions, magnetic attraction and friction) Can they design very effective parachutes? Can they work out how water can cause resistance to floating objects?
Science Learning Challenges Year 6 Science
Science: Year 6 Overview ALL LIVING THINGS ANIMALS including HUMANS EVOLUTION and INHERITANCE LIGHT ELECTRICITY Classification of living things Vertebrates and invertebrates Classifying reptiles, amphibians, mammals, insects, etc. Circulatory system Heart, blood vessels Diet, exercise and drugs Transport of nutrients through the body Fossils tell us about the past Off spring Changes to the human skeleton over time Darwin How light travels The eye Shadows Electrical circuits (series) Designing moving cars LC Is it right to classify? What would a journey through your body be like? Could Spiderman really exist? How can you light up your life? Name to be decided
Scientific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding within the National Curriculum Year 6 Science
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Working Scientifically Year 6 Planning Obtaining and presenting evidence Considering evidence and evaluating Can they explore different ways to test an idea and choose the best way, and give reasons? Can they vary one factor whilst keeping the others the same in an experiment? Can they explain why they do this? Can they plan and carry out an investigation by controlling variables fairly and accurately? Can they make a prediction with reasons? Can they use information to help make a prediction? Can they use test results to make further predictions and set up further comparative tests? Can they explain (in simple terms) a scientific idea and what evidence supports it? Can they present a report of their findings through writing, display and presentation? Can they explain why they have chosen specific equipment? (incl ICT based equipment) Can they decide which units of measurement they need to use? Can they explain why a measurement needs to be repeated? Can they record their measurements in different ways? (incl bar charts, tables and line graphs) Can they take measurements using a range of scientific equipment with increasing accuracy and precision? Can they find a pattern from their data and explain what it shows? Can they use a graph to answer scientific questions? Can they link what they have found out to other science? Can they suggest how to improve their work and say why they think this? Can they record more complex data and results using scientific diagrams, classification keys, tables, bar charts, line graphs and models? Can they report findings from investigations through written explanations and conclusions? Year 6 (Challenging) Can they choose the best way to answer a question? Can they use information from different sources to answer a question and plan an investigation? Can they make a prediction which links with other scientific knowledge? Can they identify the key factors when planning a fair test? Can they explain how a scientist has used their scientific understanding plus good ideas to have a breakthrough? Can they plan in advance which equipment they will need and use it well? Can they make precise measurements? Can they collect information in different ways? Can they record their measurements and observations systematically? Can they explain qualitative and quantitative data? Can they draw conclusions from their work? Can they link their conclusions to other scientific knowledge? Can they explain how they could improve their way of working?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Life Processes and Living Things Year 6 Evolution and Inheritance All Living Things Animals (including humans) Can they give reasons for why living things produce offspring of the same kind? Can they give reasons for why offspring are not identical with each other or with their parents? Can they explain the process of evolution and describe the evidence for this? Can they begin to appreciate that variation in offspring over time can make animals more or less able to survive in particular environments? Can they talk about the life of Charles Darwin? Can they explain the classification of living things into broad groups based on common observable characteristics? (five kingdoms of all living things, vertebrates, mammals, marsupials) Can they sub divide their original groupings and explain their divisions? Can they group animals into vertebrates and invertebrates? Can they identify and explain the function of the organs of the human circulatory system? (heart, blood vessels, blood, blood pressure, clotting) Can they identify and explain the function of the organs of the human gaseous exchange system? (lungs, nose, throat, bronchi, bronchial tubes, diaphragm, ribs, breathing) Can they name the major organs in the human body? Can they locate the major human organs? Can they make a diagram that outlines the main parts of a body? Year 6 (Challenging) Can they explain how some living things adapt to survive in extreme conditions? Can they analyse the advantages and disadvantages of specific adaptations, such as being on two rather than four feet? Can they begin to understand what is meant by DNA? Can they explain why classification is important? Can they readily group animals into reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds and mammals? Can they explore the work of medical pioneers, for example, William Harvey and Galen and recognise how much we have learnt about our bodies? Can they compare the organ systems of humans to other animals? Can they make a diagram of the human body and explain how different parts work and depend on one another?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Physical Processes Year 6 Electricity Light Can they identify and name the basic parts of a simple electric series circuit? (cells, wires, bulbs, switches, buzzers) Can they compare and give reasons for variation in how components function, including bulb brightness, buzzer volume and on/off position of switches? Can they explain how to make changes in a circuit? Can they explain the impact of changes in a circuit? Can they explain the effect of changing the voltage of a battery? Can they explain how light travels? Can they explain how the human eye sees objects? Can they explain how different colours of light can be created? Can they use and explain how simple optical instruments work? (periscope, telescope, binoculars, mirror, magnifying glass, Newton’s first reflecting telescope) Can they explain changes linked to light (and sound)? Year 6 (Challenging) Can they make their own traffic light system or something similar? Can they explain the danger of short circuits? Can they explain what a fuse is? Can they use the ray model to explain the size of shadows?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Materials and their Properties Year 6 Properties and changes to materials Can they test and group materials based on scientific evidence? (solubility) Can they explain the process of dissolving? Can they recover a substance from a solution? Can they decide how a mixture would best be separated? (filtering / evaporating) Can they show what they know about the properties of different materials? Can they describe changes using scientific words? (evaporation, condensation) Can they use the terms ‘reversible’ and ‘irreversible’? Year 6 (challenging) Can they describe methods for separating mixtures? (filtration, distillation)
Year 6: Working scientifically with water. Science Y6: Materials and their properties / Working scientifically Understand that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution (solubility) Describe how to recover a substance from a solution. Experiment on evaporating and dissolving. Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle. Associate the rate of evaporation with temperature. (High School) WOW: High school delivery of evaporation rate investigation LC1 LC2 LC3 LC4 LC5 LC6 LC7 Working Scientifically: Planning scientific enquiries controlling variables. Using precise measurements and repeat readings. Recording data and graphing appropriately. Literacy Link: Numeracy Link: data handling Creative Art Link:
Year 6:Working Scientifically with water Year 6: Science and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 6 Science: Materials and their properties Art Can they test and group materials based on scientific evidence? (solubility) Can they explain the process of dissolving? Can they recover a substance from a solution? Can they decide how a mixture would best be separated? (filtering / evaporating) Can they show what they know about the properties of different materials? Can they describe changes using scientific words? (evaporation, condensation) Can they use the terms ‘reversible’ and ‘irreversible’? Do their sketches communicate emotions and a sense of self with accuracy and imagination? Can they explain why they have combined different tools to create their drawings? Can they explain why they have chosen specific drawing techniques? Can they explain what their own style is? Can they use a wide range of techniques in their work? Can they explain why they have chosen specific painting techniques? Do their sketch books contain detailed notes, and quotes explaining about items? Do they compare their methods to those of others and keep notes in their sketch books? Do they combine graphics and text based research of commercial design, for example magazines etc., to influence the layout of their sketch books. Do they adapt and refine their work to reflect its meaning and purpose, keeping notes and annotations in their sketch books? Year 6 Challenging Can they describe methods for separating mixtures? (filtration, distillation)
Year 6: Is it right to classify? Science Y6: All Living Things describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics. WOW: After LC 2- Go to Botanical Gardens in Birmingham, looking at/ identifying/ sketching various plants LC1 Why do we call plants’ plants’ and animals ‘animals’ when they are all living things? LC2 What can we find around our site (plants) Can we group them? LC3 Why do we split animals into different groups and how do we know which one to put them in? LC4 What are micro-organisms and how would you classify them? LC5 Which scientist came up with the idea of classifying and why? Cross Curric-ular By observing artists’ work can you capture images of living things? Working Scientifically: use classification systems and keys to identify some animals and plants in the immediate environment. They could research animals in other habitats and decide where they belong in the classification system. Literacy Link: LC4 provides opportunities for children to carry out individual research based on micro-organisms. They should start by coming up with a range of questions and then set their research out in section answering their own questions. Numeracy Link: Create different tables to show how to classify living things. Use a variety of formats to do so and consider which is the most appropriate. Creative Art Link: provides opportunities for children to research the work of artists who have specialised in animals and plants before sketching or drawing their own.
Year 6:Is it right to classify? Year 6: Science and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 6 Science: Is it right to classify? Art Can they explain the classification of living things into broad groups based on common observable characteristics? (plants and animals) Can they sub divide their original groupings and explain their divisions?(Make sure plants are included) Can they group animals into vertebrates and invertebrates? Can they record more complex data and results using scientific diagrams, classification keys, tables, bar charts, line graphs and models? Do their sketches communicate emotions and a sense of self with accuracy and imagination? Can they explain why they have combined different tools to create their drawings? Can they explain why they have chosen specific drawing techniques? Can they explain what their own style is? Can they use a wide range of techniques in their work? Can they explain why they have chosen specific painting techniques? Do their sketch books contain detailed notes, and quotes explaining about items? Do they compare their methods to those of others and keep notes in their sketch books? Do they combine graphics and text based research of commercial design, for example magazines etc., to influence the layout of their sketch books. Do they adapt and refine their work to reflect its meaning and purpose, keeping notes and annotations in their sketch books? Year 6 Challenging Can they explain why classification is important? Can they readily group vertebrate animals into reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds and mammals? (know about marsupials, too) Can they compare the classification of plants and animals in their local environment with those around the world, eg rainforests? Can they find a pattern from their data and explain what it shows? Can they link what they have found out to other science?
Year 6: What would a journey through your body look like? Science Y6: Animals, including humans identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and explain the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood (including the pulse and clotting). WOW: Everyone will start by running around the school field and then observe what happens to their bodies LC1 What is pulse and why do we have one? LC2 Why can the heart be described as the most important pump we have? LC3 What happens to the oxygen we breathe? LC4 Why could we describe blood as the body’s river system? LC5 What have we learnt from pioneers like William Harvey? LC6 Can you create a picture of your face using collage? LC7 Can you carry out a survey to show the impact of exercise on the body? LC8 Reflection: Working as a team, in small groups, can you put together a presentation which shows the relationship between the heart, blood and breathing. NOT COVERED IN THIS PLAN Working Scientifically: explore the work of scientists and scientific research about the relationship between diet, exercise, drugs, lifestyle and health. Literacy Link: LC5 provides opportunities for children to write a biography. Numeracy Link: Opportunities for children to create graphs related to pulse and exercise. Creative Art Link: Children to look at creating a self-portrait but using small pieces of coloured paper to capture accurate colour and proportion.
Year 6: What would a journey through your body look like? Year 6: Science and Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 6 Science: Animals, including humans Art Can they plan and carry out an investigation by controlling variables fairly and accurately? Can they make a prediction with reasons? Can they use test results to make further predictions and set up further comparative tests? Can they present a report of their findings through writing, display and presentation? Can they take measurements using a range of scientific equipment with increasing accuracy and precision? Can they record more complex data and results using scientific diagrams, classification keys, tables, bar charts, line graphs and models? Can they report findings from investigations through written explanations and conclusions? Can they use a graph to answer scientific questions? Can they identify and explain the function of the organs of the human circulatory system? (heart, blood vessels, blood, blood pressure, clotting) Can they identify and explain the function of the organs of the human gaseous exchange system? (lungs, nose, throat, bronchi, bronchial tubes, diaphragm, ribs, breathing) Can they name the major organs in the human body? Can they locate the major human organs? Can they make a diagram that outlines the main parts of a body? Can they use paper mosaic to produce a piece of art? Can they combine visual and tactile qualities? Do they successfully use shading to create mood and feeling? Can they organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement? Can they explain why they have chosen specific materials to draw with? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they might develop their work further? Do they use their sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others? Year 6 Challenging Can they explore the work of medical pioneers, for example, William Harvey and Galen and recognise how much we have learnt about our bodies? Can they compare the organ systems of humans to other animals? Can they make a diagram of the human body and explain how different parts work and depend on one another?
Year 6: Could Spiderman really exist? Science Y6: Evolution and Inheritance recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents describe how adaptation leads to evolution recognise how and why the human skeleton has changed over time, since we separated from other primates. WOW: Watch an extract of Planet of the Apes and consider how realistic it could be LC1 Could we possibly have evolved from apes, monkeys or other primates? LC2 What do fossils tell us about ‘how things have changed’? LC3 Who was Charles Darwin and why is he still a controversial figure? LC4 Why do you not usually look exactly like your mum or dad? LC5 Can you find out how animals who: live in the cold; around the equator; under the ground: and, in trees: are specifically adapted to live and survive there? LC6 How is the human skeleton suited to our life style? LC7 Can you create a group dance that requires you to use different balances, giving consideration to your skeletal position? LC8 Reflection: Carry out individual research about the way humans have adapted over years that requires you to start with a range of questions. Working Scientifically: observe and raise questions about local animals and how they are adapted to their environment; compare how some living things are adapted to survive in extreme conditions, for example cactuses, penguins and camels. They might analyse the advantages and disadvantages of specific adaptations, such as being on two feet rather than four, having a long or a short beak, having gills or lungs, tendrils on climbing plants, brightly coloured and scented flowers. Literacy Link: Many opportunities to write in different ways and to use their reading skills to research a range of information. This is prominent in LC1; LC2, LC3, LC4. LC5 and LC6. Creative Arts Link: LC4 provides opportunities for children to sketch themselves and use photographs to sketch an older member of their family. This will require detailed observation and accurate sketching. Expressive Art Link: Plan and design a group dance that shows how the human shape and body is successfully designed to balance and move.
Year 6: Could Spiderman really exist? Year 6: Science, Art and Dance Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 6 Science: Evolution and Inheritance Dance Can they give reasons for why living things produce offspring of the same kind? Can they give reasons for why offspring are not identical with each other or with their parents? Can they explain the process of evolution and describe the evidence for this? Can they begin to appreciate that variation in offspring over time can make animals more or less able to survive in particular environments? Can they talk about the life of Charles Darwin? Can they work creatively and imaginatively on their own, with a partner to compose motifs and structure simple dances? Can they perform to an accompaniment expressively and sensitively? Can they perform dances fluently and with control? Can they warm-up and cool-down independently? Do they understand how dance helps to keep them healthy? Do they use appropriate criteria to evaluate and refine their own and others’ work? Do they talk about dance with understanding, using appropriate language and terminology? Year 6 Challenging Art Can they explain how some living things adapt to survive in extreme conditions? Can they analyse the advantages and disadvantages of specific adaptations, such as being on two rather than four feet? Can they begin to understand what is meant by DNA? Do their sketches communicate emotions and a sense of self with accuracy and imagination? Can they explain why they have combined different tools to create their drawings? Can they explain why they have chosen specific drawing techniques? Do their sketch books contain detailed notes, and quotes explaining about items? Do they compare their methods to those of others and keep notes in their sketch books? Do they combine graphics and text based research of commercial design, for example magazines etc., to influence the layout of their sketch books. Do they adapt and refine their work to reflect its meaning and purpose, keeping notes and annotations in their sketch books?
Year 6: How can you light up your life? Science Y6: Light understand that light appears to travel in straight lines use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them, and to predict the size of shadows when the position of the light source changes. WOW: Spend time using flat mirrors, curved mirrors, non reflective surfaces and kaleidoscopes. (no torches) LC1 What does reflection mean and how does it work? (Diagrams for wow items) LC2 How does light travel? (activities to show straight lines ) LC3 How can you use mirrors to see around blind corners? (Periscope making) LC4 Can the way light travels help us predict the size of shadows? (moving the object only) LC5 How else can we change the size of a shadow? (Plan an expt to alter the position of the light source) LC6 Which travels faster, light or sound? P.H.S.E. Spend a small period of time being blind folded and see how successful you are at doing everyday things you take for granted? ART Can you use water colour painting to create a landscape or still life painting which shows light and shadow? Working Scientifically: decide where to place rear-view mirrors on cars; design and make a periscope and using the idea that light appears to travel in straight lines to explain how it works. Investigate how the size of shadows change related to the position of the light source. . Numeracy Link: There are opportunities to use very large numbers when considering the distance the Sun is away from the Earth and the speed at which light travels to Earth. Possible Science Homework- Find out how your eyes work. Creative Art Link: LC6 provides opportunities to look at the work of several famous painters, including Constable and Cezanne giving particular attention to light, tone and shadow before attempting their own work.
Year 6: How can you light up your life? Year 6: Science and Art Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 6 Science: Light Art Can they explore different ways to test an idea and choose the best way, and give reasons? Can they vary one factor whilst keeping the others the same in an experiment? Can they explain why they do this? Can they plan and carry out an investigation by controlling variables fairly and accurately? Can they make a prediction with reasons? Can they use information to help make a prediction? Can they use test results to make further predictions and set up further comparative tests? Can they explain (in simple terms) a scientific idea and what evidence supports it? Can they present a report of their findings through writing, display and presentation? Can they explain how light travels? Can they explain how the human eye sees objects? Can they explain how different colours of light can be created? Can they use and explain how simple optical instruments work? (periscope, telescope, binoculars, mirror, magnifying glass, Newton’s first reflecting telescope) Can they explain changes linked to light (and sound)? Do their sketches communicate emotions and a sense of self with accuracy and imagination? Can they explain why they have combined different tools to create their drawings? Can they explain why they have chosen specific drawing techniques? Can they explain what their own style is? Can they use a wide range of techniques in their work? Can they explain why they have chosen specific painting techniques? Do their sketch books contain detailed notes, and quotes explaining about items? Do they compare their methods to those of others and keep notes in their sketch books? Do they combine graphics and text based research of commercial design, for example magazines etc., to influence the layout of their sketch books. Do they adapt and refine their work to reflect its meaning and purpose, keeping notes and annotations in their sketch books? Can they make a record about the styles and qualities in their work? Can they say what their work is influenced by? Year 6 Challenging Can they make a prediction which links with other scientific knowledge? Can they identify the key factors when planning a fair test? Can they explain how a scientist has used their scientific understanding plus good ideas to have a breakthrough? Can they use the ray model to explain the size of shadows?
Year 6:Name to be decided. Science Y6: Electricity (Linked to D.T Making Moving vehicles) identify and name the basic parts of a simple electrical circuit, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches. WOW: Arrange a demonstration of a real electric car. (If possible, have the manufacturer come back to see finished vehicles) LC1 Can you create a circuit that has at least two of these features: switch; buzzer; motor, lights? LC2 How do scientists draw electrical circuits? LC3 What do you understand about: cells and volts and how they impact on how electrical products work? LC4 Can you set up your own company and design a moving vehicle that makes use of an electrical circuit? (or more than one) LC 5 D T- Can your team work together to make your vehicle? LC6 Can you explain how your vehicle works? (test them out, too?) Cross curricular How would you go about selling your product? Working Scientifically: systematically identifying the effect of changing one component at a time in a circuit; designing and making a moving vehicle. G&T- making parallel circuits. Literacy Link: The main literacy link is associated with marketing their product. This includes the use of persuasive language and also involves careful planning. Video, website, poster, radio advert etc. Creative Art Link: The children will need to use their expertise for designing and making to create this product.
Year 6:? Year 6: Science and DT Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Year 6 Science: Electricity DT Can they identify and name the basic parts of a simple electric series circuit? (cells, wires, bulbs, switches, buzzers) Can they compare and give reasons for variation in how components function, including bulb brightness, buzzer volume and on/off position of switches? Can they explain how to make changes in a circuit? Can they explain the impact of changes in a circuit? Can they explain the effect of changing the voltage of a battery? Can they work systematically identifying the effect of changing one component at a time in a circuit? Can they use a range of information to inform their design? Can they use market research to inform plans? Can they work within constraints? Can they follow and refine their plan if necessary? Can they justify their plan to someone else? Do they consider culture and society in their designs? Can they use tools and materials precisely? Do they change the way they are working if needed? How well do they test and evaluate their final product? Is it fit for purpose? What would improve it? Would different resources have improved their product? Would they need more or different information to make it even better? Year 6 Challenging Can they explain the danger of short circuits? Can they explain what a fuse is? Can they make a working vehicle powered by electricity?