Developing & living by your mission statement By: Laura A. H. King Mission Possible Developing & living by your mission statement By: Laura A. H. King
Mission Statement Most businesses have a mission statement Communicates what the organization is committed to doing Different than a vision statement which communicates an ideal and final outcome
A good mission statement should be: Inspiring Exciting Clear True Engaging
Mission Statement: Disney The mission of (this) Company is to be one of the world's leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world.
Mission Statements: Nike To Bring Inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.
Mission Statements: Harley-Davidson We fulfill dreams through the experience of motorcycling, by providing to motorcyclists and to the general public an expanding line of motorcycles and branded products and services in selected market segments.
Century College Student Senate The Student Senate works to improve the quality of education and of campus life for Century students. One way we accomplish this is by influencing the college's decision-making process through working closely as a liaison between the student body and the administration and faculty. In order to address all issues of concern to students, the Student Senate considers not only campus issues, but state legislation as well. Through our participation with the Minnesota State College Student Association, the Century Student Senate has a direct channel to issues and concerns on the state level.
Century College Century College inspires, prepares, and empowers students to succeed in a changing world. This means: We inspire students to learn and to develop as whole people: intellectually, physically, and emotionally We inspire students to continue learning throughout life We prepare and empower students to be successful by helping them develop the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to enter or progress within the work force or to transfer to a four-year institution, and to adapt and thrive in our increasingly diverse and ever-changing world.
Questions to help shape your mission statement What do you want people to say about your club at the end of the year/semester? What makes you feel good about your club? What or who inspires your club the most? What qualities? What causes does your club believe in?
Your Clubs Actions: Action words Verbs Every mission statement has them Do you already have a mission statement? What are the action words your club currently uses in your mission statement? Are they the correct ones? Don’t have a mission statement? Pick words that fit your club’s focus or actions What words motivate you and inspire you?
Identify your Core Values Values impact everything we are and do What you do and how you spend money should reflect your values? Do you already have a mission statement? What values is it based on and do you incorporate them? Don’t have a mission statement? What values are important? How can you incorporate this into your mission? What values are important to your club? Pick Three
Value and Action Congruence Congruence of values and actions means that your actions align with your values. Do you actions fit with your values? Can you ______(action word) ______(value)? Examples Can you reduce creativity? Yes, but if creativity is a value why would you want to reduce it? Can you support creativity? Sure, through programs and supporting creative leadership endeavors.
Identify your focus, groups and causes Who/What do you want to serve, inspire, learn from, and impact in a positive way Do you already have a mission statement? What focus, groups or causes are included? Don’t have a mission statement? What focus, groups or causes are important? Does your club agree? Pick three that most appeal to you
Pulling it all together Take your action words, values and focus/groups/causes Take a few minutes and write down an initial mission statement Now is not the time to word-smith, now is the time to be creative and brainstorm Don’t worry we will revise later
Is your mission statement on the right track Is your mission statement on the right track? Ask yourself these questions… Does it reflect you or your club? Does it make sense? Is it inspiring? Does it excite you? Does it excite others? (ASK!) Would you be willing to have your life be about this and only this? Or have your club focus on only this? Is this something you can do in varied contexts (work, home, alone, social gatherings)?
Let’s write a final statement Take some time to look at your draft What do you want to modify? Take the time to write a final statement Next steps: If it’s for your club… Share it with each other Get further input Make sure that you revisit your mission statement each year to make sure everyone is on the same page If it’s a personal statement… Fine-tune it so it feels “right” and reflects what you are about Make sure to revisit it Mission statements should guide your actions and goal setting When faced with a decision you should ask yourself how it fits and if it fits with your mission statement