Parents’ Information Evening 2019 Entry
Welcome and Introductions Mr Oliver, Head of Sixth Form Ms Sullivan, Head of Year 13 Catherine Young, Careers Adviser There are parent and student guides available (details at the end)
Destinations Last year 90 students made successful applications Most students went to a ‘top ranking’ (70%) university Offers accepted from, Kings College, London Birmingham, Durham, Exeter, Leeds, Nottingham, Southampton, St George’s, London, Sussex and York Studies include medicine, nursing/midwifery, law, psychology, teaching and business
Pathways post A-Level
Different stages Your daughter knows what she wants to do and it’s realistic Your daughter knows what she wants to do but it’s not realistic Your daughter doesn’t know what they want to do but is doing something about it Your daughter doesn’t know what they want to do and doesn’t know where to start . . .
Research What has already been done and further support
Research is key! For competitive courses university applications can be rejected if your daughter’s course research is not evidenced According to UCAS analysis the single biggest reason for students leaving university in year 1 is that they didn’t research the course/university enough
What has been done. . . The journey should have already started . . . YEAR 12 Speakers Assemblies Research tips 1-to-1 Careers Guidance Work experience
What next . . . Higher Ideas Higher Ideas: A research tool provided by the school Access code: be8h45s8
UCAS and Which? University
Narrowing choices – Which Course? Continue with a subject (Maths, English, Psychology) Study something new (Marine Biology, Social Policy, Linguistics) A Vocational Degree (Medicine, Teaching) A foundation degree (Art & Design) A Sandwich Course (A year in industry or aboard)
Narrowing choices – Which Course? Things to consider Example What are the entry requirements? BBB How is the course taught? Lectures and Seminars How much contact time is there? 8 hours per week What do the assessments look like? (coursework vs exams) Exam and Coursework (weighted year 2 and 3) Student : Staff ratio 15:8
Narrowing choices – Which Uni? How far from home? – Where will your daughter live? Where is the uni located – town or country? A small or large uni/campus or not? Study/Course Facilities Extra curricular activities/facilities Employment rates after graduating
Tools to use – Comparing unis and courses
League Tables: There are many ways to measure and rate a university and course – decide what is important to you!
Putting research into practice Visit – ‘try before you buy!’ Open Days Taster Courses Summer Schools
Support – Guides Available We are here to support your daughter Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Guides Produced
The Application The Process and Timeline
UCAS Registration We support all students to register Your daughter will choose up to 5 universities If thinking about Oxbridge (can only apply to either Oxford or Cambridge) If thinking about Medicine, Veterinary Science or Dentistry you have 4 choices (plus one) Predicted Grades – your daughter’s Year 12 mock results will be used Cost = £24
UCAS Personal Statement This is the most important part of the application! Started exercises to think about how to start before half-term Deadline for 1st draft is 5th July
What is it? - UCAS Personal Statement The reason why your daughter is applying to her chosen course and why the university should offer her a place. It has to be 47 lines or 4000 characters It should convey; Passion for the course Suitability Personality What they can offer the university
A suggested model
Support and Guidance There are models available, but be aware of plagiarism Tutors, Head of Year, Head of Sixth Form and the Careers Adviser are here to help Draft and re-draft – 3/4 times with tutor
References The school provide a reference to support your daughter’s application (with predicted grades) It is shown to your daughter School submits all applications
Timeline UCAS deadline 15th Oct – Oxbridge/Medicine/Dentistry/Vet UCAS deadline 15th Jan – for majority of applications UCAS deadline 24th March – Art & Design (if not 15th Jan) End of June: applications entered into clearing School deadline: End of November School deadline: End of February School deadline: End of September
An offer and UCAS Tariff Conditional Unconditional Invite to interview Grade A-Level Points BTEC Points Extended Project A* 56 56 (Distinction) 28 A 48 48 (Distinction) 24 B 40 20 C 32 32 (Merit) 16 D 12 E 16 (Pass) 8 Example offer: Essex University, International Relations BBB or 120 points (including an A grade)
Firm and Insurance Choice Accepting offers – a contract between your daughter and the university Firm Choice (the course your daughter really wants to study and their chosen university) Insurance Choice (an offer with lesser entry requirements than the firm, but still a course and university where your daughter wants to study)
UCAS - Extra If all five choices originally applied for do not result in an offer – your daughter could still find a place using Extra – (no additional cost) Extra opens at the end of February Add one choice at a time until an offer is made Deadline is the end of June (then entering clearing)
Results Day – 16th August Your daughter will be fully supported The Head of Sixth Form, Head of Year 13, Careers Adviser and other members of staff will be at school from 8 Clearing – if your daughter doesn’t get an offer Adjustment – if your daughter has exceeded her predicted grades
Student Finance What is on offer and what can be claimed?
UCAS and Finance Your daughter must tick the box on the UCAS application form confirming they wish to be considered for financial support They will receive information on what to do from the Students Loan Company The application can start before any offers are received
Finance Tuition Fee Loan Maintenance Loan Household Income Everyone can apply (not means tested) For the full cost of the tuition fees Up to £9,250 per year for most costs Paid directly to the university Repayment after earnings are over £21,000pa (taken via salary) Repayments stop after 30 years regardless of how much of the student loan has been paid back Does not effect credit rating Maintenance Loan Based on current household income For students that study outside of London There are some differences for courses such as medicine Household Income Amount per annum £25,000 £8,700 £35,000 £7,452 £45,000 £6,204 £62,180 and above £4,054
How to apply
Apprenticeships A very brief guide
Support Provided Apprenticeship Talks Apprenticeship Workshops held in the Autumn term Advice about registering for updates
Apprenticeship Levels Foundation Higher Degree
What now? Next steps
Students need to be proactive Which courses? Which unis? Open Days Taster Days Wider reading Free on-line courses UCAS Application and Finance Personal Statement
Guides to help you
Guides and Tools to support your daughter Higher Ideas: School log-on: be8h45s8 Resources: UCAS Which? University Unistats
Thank you for your time Questions