Aurora Borealis 極光之旅行程介紹 Discover the Wonder of the Northern Lights
What is Aurora Borealis? au·ro·ra noun A natural reddish or greenish light in the sky, usually near the northern or southern magnetic pole.
Whitehorse Yukon Territory
Aurora Viewing Tour – Day 1 Arrival: Transfer to local hotel. 9:30 PM – 2:00 AM: Aurora viewing at cabins.
Aurora Viewing Tour – Day 2 10:00 AM: City Tour. Afternoon: Optional tours. (See Optional Tours section for available Tours) 9:30 PM – 2:00 AM: Aurora Viewing.
Aurora Viewing Tour – Day 3 Afternoon: Optional tours. (See Optional Tours section for available Tours) 9:30 PM – 2:00 PM: Aurora Viewing.
Aurora Viewing Tour – Day 4 Afternoon: Return back to Vancouver via airplane. This marks the end of the Aurora Viewing Tour, with lasting memories and photos of Aurora Borealis!
Some Things to Take Note Temperatures can reach -40 degrees Celsius: We recommend renting Winter Clothing Package for this tour. Meals are not included: The city of Whitehorse offers variety of restaurants. Please touch base with the Tour Guide for recommendations. DSLR cameras are recommended. Aurora photos at the viewing site are provided.
Optional Tours – What’s Available? Dog Sledding : 3-4 Hours. Ice Fishing : 4-5 Hours. Snowmobiling : 3-4 Hours. Yukon Wildlife Preserve & Takhini Hot Springs : 4- 5 Hours.
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