Pilot River Basin Network: Environment Directorate Work Plan 2005 - 2006 European Commission Environment Directorate Notes for the Speaker: Workshop co-organised by EPRO (Environment Platform for Regional Offices) and DG Environment (Unit B.1). Welcome to the Workshop participants who are from several regions of the Member States and from various regional representation offices in Brussels.
Principles of PRB activity Willingness of PRB for continuation the exercise Address issues at early stage Activity to be integrate within the CIS Work Programme 2005 – 2006 -------------------------------- Ahead implementation of the WFD – test case to highlight future challenges Also to explore interlinkages and synergies: specific measures Enlarged network Accept minimum working rules
Long list of Proposed Focus Areas : To establish priorities PoM for diffuse pollution from agriculture. Integration of WFD and CAP Cross-compliance issues - e.g. WFD and CAP Specific problems within the Mediterranean eco-region – subgroup on WI /MED partner Integration of wetlands management in the RB Planning Management issues in transboundary river basins Article 5 characterisation: explore measures on existing practices Economic analysis in the development of RBMPs Monitoring and analitical quality control Classification: Practical experience to define good status Assesment and protection measures for Priority Substances/Pollutants in River basins, Relation on river basin management of other issues – e.g. desertification, soil policy.
Some PRBs have already shown interest on some activities: Management issues in transboundary river basins (with a subgroup on river basins shared with non-EU countries) Agriculture Integration of Wetlands Management Classification: Practical experience Assessment and protection measures for PS Monitoring and analytical quality control Public participation Article 5 characterisation: Exploring measures
PRB Co-ordination Group PRBs and other RBs (PRB1, PRB2, …PRBi) Organisation PRB Co-ordination Group Lead: DG ENV Secretariat: JRC FA FA FA FA PRBs and other RBs (PRB1, PRB2, …PRBi)
PRB Work plan 2005-2006: Timetable for finalisation May – June Approval of the general Work plan by the SCG Presentation and endorsement from WD June-September Complete and define details through consultation with PRB leaders, WG 2B and SCG members (FAs, outputs, timeframe, lead, organisation..) October-December Presentation of complete work plan to the SCG and to the WD for final endorsement