National Data Exchange (N-DEx) Managed by the Texas Data Exchange Bureau Texas Department of Public Safety 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
N-DEx N-DEx is an FBI CJIS Division system. It provides law enforcement and criminal justice agencies with a tool to assist in the performance of their duties. Criminal Investigations Pre-Trial and Pre-Sentencing Tracking Parolees and Probationers Pre-employment background checks on prospective employees. 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
N-DEx Prospective Agency Employees Applicant must be made aware that N-DEx will be used. Applicant must give written consent. Applicant must be given the opportunity to refute any information found in N-DEx. 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
N-DEx The Transition from TDEx to N-DEx 2005 – TDEx was created 2007 – Administration was transferred to DPS Crime Records 2009 – DPS assigned TDEx Field Representatives 2010 – DPS created the TDEx Bureau and hired it’s first Bureau Manager 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
N-DEx 2011 – Discussions began about transitioning to N-DEx 2013 – Decision was made to make the transition. 2015 – Users were transitioned from TDEx to N-DEx 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
N-DEx What other changes did the end of the contract bring about? Data collection from local agencies was suspended. New contract needed to be implemented. New strategies had to be considered. 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
N-DEx Final strategy for consideration. Partner with UCR – Uniform Crime Reporting NIBRS – National Incident-Based Reporting System eNIBRS 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
N-DEx Beneficial to local agencies. Submit data once and populate both databases No additional entry needed. 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
N-DEx Data push to N-DEx Access to Appriss’ justiceXchange portal revoked. NPLEx – National Precursor Log Exchange. Other access options offered by Appriss. 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
What is N-DEx? Online National investigative data sharing system. FBI built. State, local, tribal, regional, and federal data. Available 24/7 from any secure internet capable device. Data covers the entire life cycle, from initial contact to release from prison. No fee service. What is N-Dex? N-Dex is a national online investigative information sharing system that brings together records from across the nation. State, local, tribal, and federal data is available 24/7 from any secure internet capable device. Investigators and analysts now have the ability to discover information from across the nation in one spot that will display the entire life cycle, from initial contact to release from prison, including probation and parole of their suspects. 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
The N-DEx provides centralized, “one-stop shopping” for investigators, analysts and criminal justice professionals. Arrest Federal Case Currently criminal justice agencies across the nation maintain their own Records Management Systems (RMS). These systems are mostly independent of one another and have no ability to link with others on a nationwide scale. N-DEx resolves that limitation. N-DEx is not in competition with other existing systems. N-DEx is designed to complement and enhance the capabilities of existing systems. Agencies from across the nation submit copies of their data to N-DEx. Once the records are submitted into the N-DEx system, they are accessible to N-DEx users from across the nation. Now, investigators can link an arrest in California with a traffic citation in South Carolina, an incarceration report in Texas, and a federal case in New Jersey. Incarceration Traffic Citation UNCLASSIFIED
Monitor Subjects (Subscription) Investigations Screen big #’s of names (Batch Query) Deconfliction Generate leads “connect the dots” Monitor Subjects (Subscription) Background checks Cops hiring Cops What the system can do… These are all documented benefits that have been shared with us by users via the recent user assessment. Improve tracking/notification on suspect status – The Subscription & Notification feature gives users the ability to set alerts that will notify users when new records on suspects are entered into the system. Facilitate deconfliction – The Subscription & Notification feature will notify users if anyone else conducts searches for the same entities or key words, providing them the name and contact information to reach out to other agencies that have similar investigative interests. Enhance officer safety - N-DEx provides users with information from criminal justice agencies across the nation to give a comprehensive view of the subjects and their past interactions with criminal justice agencies. Improve hot spot analysis- With the Geo-Visualization feature users can plot activities on a map to show trends and locations of activities. Improve case management efficiency Improve capability to identify crime patterns and trends With the Batch Query function, users may search multiple people, vehicles, telephone numbers, or key words at one time. N-DEx may also be used for criminal justice employment background checks (cops hiring cops). However, if an agency uses N-DEx for these background checks they must adhere to the appropriate sections of the N-DEx Policy and Operating Manual. 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
Federal Data DEA Closed NADDIS records JABS Federal Booking data including mug shots BOP Inmate Management records ATF Information on Persons denied a firearm per the Brady Law Case records with subjects of interest (closed cases) FBI Case records (open and closed) USMS DoD Incidents/arrests related to the military community or involving military members. In addition to State and Local agencies, Federal agencies also contribute data to N-DEx. 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
What is shared Incidents Incarcerations Arrests Probation Bookings Parole Holdings Warrant Investigations Federal Case Reports Service Calls N-DEx data includes everything from incident reports, arrest reports, booking and incarceration reports, pre-trial investigations, to probation and parole records. The records show anything that an agency maintains in its record management system (RMS) and wishes to share (to include narratives, images, etc.). All information in N-DEx is unclassified. N-DEx does, however, contain information which often forms the basis of criminal intelligence. N-DEx does not contain criminal intelligence data, as defined by Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), Part 23. N-DEx does not contain criminal intelligence data, as defined by Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), Part 23 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
Texas Participation in N-DEx Texas Records 118,928,088 records – As of April 1, 2017 Monthly Contribution 3,500,000+ - Average TTIC Agencies 19 Current Contributors 200+ Agencies to be added LInX Records Gulf Coast LInX = 33 Agencies (70 Additional Agencies will be added from the North Central Texas Fusion Center LInX New Mexico = 2 Agencies UNCLASSIFIED
Federated Data Sources United States National Central Bureau (USNCB) INTERPOL Over 67 million records Wanted Subjects, Gang Members, Missing Persons, Sex Offenders, Stolen Vehicle, Stolen/Lost Travel Documents (visas, passports, etc.) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Over 134 million records The Treasury Enforcement Communication System (TECS) – 52,074,966 Subjects handled by both Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Enforcement Case Tracking System (ENFORCE) – 85,606,873 Arrest, booking and removal of persons encountered during immigration and criminal law enforcement investigations and operations. Next Generation Identification (NGI) Interstate Photo System In addition to the data found within N-DEx, users can also leverage the UNSCB INTERPOL and the DHS data bases. United States National Central Bureau (USNCB) INTERPOL Over 47 million records Wanted Subjects, Gang Members, Missing Persons, Sex Offenders, Stolen Vehicle, Stolen/Lost Travel Documents (visas, passports, etc.) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Over 38 million records The Traveler Enforcement Compliance System (TECS) Subjects handled by both Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Enforcement Case Tracking System (ENFORCE) Arrest, booking and removal of persons encountered during immigration and criminal law enforcement investigations and operations. It also includes biographic data on the subjects along with their photos. National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Over 12 million records Query Article, Gun, Vehicle, Wanted Person, Image, Boat, Securities, Protection Order, and Sex Offender Next Generation Identification (NGI) Images – Scars, Marks, Tattoos and Face 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
How it works.. BANK ROBBERY GUN N-DEx was designed for ease of use by investigators and analysts. Practitioners from across the nation were asked for input during all stages of development. Criminal justice agencies from across the nation asked for an intuitive system. Accordingly, everything about N-DEx looks familiar to the user. The simple search feature allows users to conduct a search for any key words, phrases, names, etc. Users may, for instance, conduct a search using the terms metal and theft. This search will return results from any records in the system that contain these words anywhere within the record. A user may narrow search results by using the filtering system located on the left-hand side of the screen. These filters allow for the narrowing of results by geographic location, date of incident, data owner, or submitting agency ORI. 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
Targeted Search raphael ramirez Targeted searches allow a user who has specific information about a person, place or thing to conduct a search using structured data elements. A user who conducts a targeted search on a specific name will receive all records from the system that contain that specific name. 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
Integrated Person entity view The Integrated Person Entity View provides the user a one-page composite of any subject. The system retrieves all records related to a specific person and presents them in a concise, clean format for user review. N-DEx extracts the identifiers from all records associated with a particular person in order to provide a snapshot of her/his identifiers, associations, locations, property, and any pictures that may be found within the system. N-DEx automatically connects the dots between seemingly unrelated information. N-DEx helps investigators by providing relationships between people, places and things. 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
Recent Success Stories Finding Similar Cases Out of State Information On Applicants Fabricated Sexual Assault Case Texas DPS Analyst Conducted Search of N-DEx and Located Missing Person Report from NY State Police 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED
Questions? JC Villanueva TDEx Bureau Manager 512-424-7167 11/3/2018 UNCLASSIFIED