Microsoft 365 Enterprise Licensing Deck Internal & Partner Audiences Only
11/3/2018 11:26 AM Microsoft 365 A complete, intelligent, secure solution to empower employees Intelligent security Unlocks creativity Built for teamwork Integrated for simplicity Microsoft 365 Enterprise delivers on 4 key promises: Unlocks creativity by enabling people to work naturally with ink, voice and touch, all backed by tools that utilize AI and machine learning. Provides the broadest and deepest set of apps and services with a universal toolkit for teamwork, giving people flexibility and choice in how they connect, share and communicate. Simplifies IT by unifying management across users, devices, apps and services. Helps safeguard customer data, company data and intellectual property with built-in, intelligent security. Let us look deeper into each of these promises. We are living in a time of inflection. Digital transformation is the biggest change any of us has seen in our lifetime. Companies invest in technology to optimize operations, transform products, engage customers, and empower employees. The challenge for us and for our customers will be about finding the way to empower people to do their best work. This starts with fostering a culture of work that is inspiring for everyone. The challenge for us and for our customers will be about finding the way to empower people to do their best work. This starts with fostering a culture of work and embracing the trends in the workplace that make work inspiring for everyone. And we know there is tremendous opportunity for business growth and innovation from doing so. But today, our solutions are not best-equipped to address these changing needs. Customers are telling us that we need to do more – that our solutions are still too complex. To deliver on this, we are simplifying customer experience by bringing together O365, Windows 10 and EMS - with introduction of Microsoft 365 So, what is Microsoft 365? It’s a complete, intelligent solution that empowers everyone to be creative and work together, securely. It includes Office 365, Windows 10 and Enterprise Mobility + Security For the enterprise customers, Microsoft 365 Enterprise is built on the foundation of Secure Productive Enterprise © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft 365 Enterprise
MICROSOFT 365 ENTERPRISE PLAN OVERVIEW Microsoft Envision 2016 11/3/2018 11:26 AM MICROSOFT 365 ENTERPRISE PLAN OVERVIEW M365 F1 E31 E51 Office Applications Word, Excel, PowerPoint X2 X OneNote, Access Email & Calendar Outlook, Exchange X3 Chat-based Workspace Microsoft Teams Voice, Video & Meetings Skype for Business X4 Audio Conferencing, Phone System Social & Internet Sharepoint & Yammer X5 Threat Protection Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics, Windows Defender Antivirus, Device Guard6 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection, Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection, O365 Threat Intelligence Identity & Access Management Azure Active Directory Plan 1, Windows Hello, Credential Guard and Direct access6 Azure Active Directory Plan 2 Device & App Management Microsoft Intune Windows AutoPilot, Fine Tuned User Experience, and Windows Analytics Device Health Information Protection Windows Information Protection & BitLocker Office 365 Data Loss Prevention, Azure Information Protection Plan 1 Azure Information Protection Plan 2, Microsoft Cloud App Security, O365 Cloud App Security Advanced Compliance Advanced eDiscovery, Customer Lockbox, Advanced Data Governance Analytics Delve Power BI Pro, MyAnalytics 1Productivity Server Rights – Sharepoint, Exchange and Skype for Business productivity server rights for M365 E3 & E5 customers (Hybrid Rights unavailable in CSP Channel). Office Professional Plus – M365 E3 & E5 customers will receive one copy of Office Professional Plus for each From SA Full USL M365 purchased; enabled for the duration of their subscription and downgrade rights included. 2Office Web Apps Only, No core commercial Office Mobile Apps (does not include Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote). Includes Microsoft StaffHub. 32GB Inbox, No Commercial Outlook App or Integration, No Voicemail. 4Meetings are join only, 1:1 audio/video calls are supported, No Desktop or App Sharing 5Cannot be Site Administrators, No Site Mailbox, No Personal Site, Cannot Create Form 6Not available on Windows 10 Enterprise E3 in S mode See Speaker Notes for footnotes © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft 365 Licensing M365 Business M365 Firstline M365 E3 M365 E5 Indicates sold as Standalone Indicates not sold Standalone Microsoft 365 Licensing M365 Business Office 365 Office 365 E3 Windows 10 Enterprise E3 per user (Including VDA) EMS E3 Office 365 Business Premium Windows 10 Enterprise E5 per user (Including VDA rights) EMS E5 M365 Firstline M365 E3 M365 E5 Office 365 F1 Office 365 E5 Windows Windows Pro Windows 10 Enterprise E3 (Local only) 3 Enterprise Mobility & Security EMS SMB1 EMS F12 1. EMS SMB includes limited Intune (no MAM for LOB apps, no full wipe data protection) and limited AAD Premium features (no self service group management, no Cloud App discovery, no Connect Health) 2. EMS F1 includes AAD Premium P1, Intune, ATA, SCCM rights and Windows Server CAL (or EMS E3 minus AIP) 3. Windows 10 Enterprise included in F1 is the full Windows 10 Enterprise E3 without reimaging rights, downgrade rights, Enterprise LTSB rights, virtualization rights & customer must use Azure AD-based activation
Microsoft 365 F1 Included Not Included Office 365 F1 Enterprise Mobility+Security E3 Windows 10 Enterprise E3 Office Online Exchange Online K1 SharePoint Online K1 Skype for Business Online Plan 1 Windows Server CAL Advanced Threat Analytics Microsoft Intune Azure Active Directory Premium Plan 1 System Center Configuration Manager Enterprise E3 functionality: - management and deployment - security and identity - analytics Included PowerApps are consumption only Limited to 750 Flow monthly per user System Center EndPoint Protection Azure Info Protection Premium Plan 1 Microsoft Identity Management CAL Windows Server RMS CAL Re-imaging rights Rights to use prior version Different language version rights Lower editions rights LTSB rights Virtualized instances rights Not Included Core CAL or Enterprise CAL Equivalent licenses, Hybrid Productivity Server rights, Office Professional Plus
M365 Enterprise Licensing F1 E3 E5 Licensing CAL Suite Equivalency Rights Enterprise CAL ● Move To Higher Additional Components (i.e. Exchange Online Archiving, PSTN Conferencing) Step Up M365 Components (i.e. M365 E3’s O365 E3 → O365 E5) FromSA SKU Cloud Suite Add-on SKU Cloud Suite StepUp SKU Hybrid Rights1 Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, Skype for Business Server Office Professional Plus (FromSA only & New Users on a 1:1 ratio with FromSA Users purchases) Product Type Additional Product Enterprise Online Service Program Availability EA, EAS, MPSA, CSP Windows Rights Virtualization, LTSB, Lower Edition Rights, Different Language Rights, Rights to Prior Version, Re-Imaging 1Server installs do not include License Mobility for SA Office Professional Plus rights do not include Remote Desktop Use (RDS), Roaming Rights, or transitional SA Benefits
Microsoft 365 Business
Microsoft 365 Business 1 Windows 10 Office 365 Best of EMS Desktop Apps Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more Online Services Exchange, OneDrive, Skype, Microsoft Teams Business apps Microsoft Bookings, Outlook Customer Manager, MileIQ1 Everything in Windows 10 Pro2 Plus… Windows Defender Security Controls Windows AutoPilot Automatic Office apps deployment App protection for Office mobile apps Device Management for Windows 10 PCs Selective wipe of company data 1Available in US, UK, and Canada only 2Includes upgrade benefits for Windows 7 or 8/8.1 Professional licensed PCs to upgrade to Windows 10 Professional
MICROSOFT 365 BUSINESS PLAN OVERVIEW Microsoft Envision 2016 11/3/2018 11:26 AM MICROSOFT 365 BUSINESS PLAN OVERVIEW O365 Business Premium M365 Business Work Together Outlook, Sharepoint, IM/Meetings X OneDrive Create Content Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access Grow and Run Your Business Listings1, Connections1 Bookings, Outlook Customer Manager Invoicing1, MileIQ1, Business Center1 Stay Secure Upgrade rights to Windows 10 Pro, Windows Defender Selective data wipe, Security Group targeting of policies, MAM for Office Apps Manage Devices and Applications Windows AutoPilot, Automatic Office Install MDM for Win 10 devices, MDM Auto-enroll 1Currently rolling to subscribers in US, UK, and Canada only © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft 365 Licensing
Hybrid Benefits for M365 E3 & E5 Customers HYBRID RIGHTS FUSL & Step Up Licenses From SA FUSL Productivity Servers Unlimited Server Installs Access only for M365 Licensed Users Customer Dedicated Hardware Server Deployments Only X Office Professional Plus Download One Copy of Office Professional Plus per From SA FUSL purchased Rights to M365 for From SA users Limited Rights to new users – up to the number of From SA FUSLs purchased (1:1 ratio) Note: Office Professional Plus download Hybrid Rights do not include Remote Desktop Use (RDS), Roaming Rights, or transitional SA Benefits and are not available in the CSP Channel. HYBRID CHANNEL AVAILABILITY EA Direct, EA Indirect All Productivity Server and Desktop Rights MPSA Productivity Server Rights Office Desktop Rights ONLY for users coming from Active SA CSP Not On Premises Capable – Cloud only rights
PATHS TO MICROSOFT 365 E5 Microsoft 365 E5 Microsoft 365 E3 STEP UP Existing Customers New Customers Microsoft 365 E3 STEP UP M365 E5 ADD-ON M365 E5 FROM-SA E5 FULL USL ENTERPRISE PLATFORM
PATHS TO PREMIUM COMPONENTS Office 365 E5 Enterprise Mobility+ Security E5 Windows 10 Enterprise E5 Office 365 E3 Step-up to Office 365 E5 EMS E3 Step-up to EMS E5 Windows 10 Enterprise E3 Step-up to Windows 10 Enterprise E5 Microsoft 365 E3
SCENARIO SUMMARY ↑ Current Licensing Position End State Licensing Position What they have What they want Additional SKUs Office E3 ↑ M365 E3 EMS E3 + Windows E3 Office E1 Office E3 Step Up + EMS E3 M365 E5 M365 E5 Step up SKU Component E5 Component E5 Step Up SKU Office E3 + EMS E3 + Windows E3 Device ECAL + OPP Platform M365 E5 Add On
What is the path for O365 E3 customers? Microsoft 365 E5 Step-up to Microsoft 365 E5 EMS E3 Microsoft 365 E3 Windows E3 O365 E3 Move the Customer to M365 E3 Step up from M365 E3 to M365 E5
Move the Customer to Microsoft 365 E3 What is the path for O365 E1 customers? Microsoft 365 E5 Step-up to Microsoft 365 E5 Microsoft 365 E3 EMS E3 Windows E3 Step-up to O365 E3 O365 E1 Move the Customer to Microsoft 365 E3 Step up from M365 E3 to M365 E5
What is the path for existing On-Prem customers? From SA FUSL Microsoft 365 M365 Add On At Renewal Enterprise Platform
Skype for Business Services
Included Dial Out Countries Pay as You Go Dial Out Countries 11/3/2018 Skype for Business Services Availability Licensing Platform Sell-To Countries (Audio Conferencing + Calling Plan Services can be purchased in any Sell-To country7) EA Direct EA Indirect MOSP6 CSP6,7 EES/School MPSA6 GCC Open2,6 Audio Conferencing + Calling Plan Included Dial Out Countries Pay as You Go Dial Out Countries Australia Hungary Russia Austria Ireland Singapore Belgium Italy Slovak Republic Brazil1 Japan Slovenia Bulgaria Luxembourg South Africa Canada Malaysia South Korea Croatia1 Mexico Spain Czech Republic Netherlands Sweden Denmark New Zealand Switzerland Estonia Norway Taiwan Finland Poland Thailand France Portugal United Kingdom Germany Puerto Rico3 United States Greece Romania Argentina Jordan4 Trinidad and Tobago4 Bosnia & Herzegovina4 Kenya4 Latvia Turkey Chile Lithuania UAE4 Colombia Malta Ukraine Costa Rica Monaco4 Uruguay4 Cyprus Panama Venezuela4 Dominican Paraguay4 Vietnam4 Republic Peru Ecuador4 Philippines Egypt4 Qatar4 Indonesia4 Serbia4 Israel Sri Lanka Calling Plan can be assigned to users in only the following markets: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Puerto Rico3, Spain, United Kingdom and United States. Communications Credits EA Direct MOSP EA Indirect GCC EES/School Available in all Audio Conferencing Sell-To countries except: Brazil, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan5 1EA Direct channel unavailable in Brazil & Croatia 2Calling Plan not available in Open 3All Skype for Business Services unavailable in Web Direct. Calling Plan in VL EA/EES Direct/Indirect only 4Service provides toll-free dial numbers only. Tolled dial-in numbers will not be available until further notice 5As with Communications Credits, Audio Conferencing Pay-Per-Minute is available to all Sell-To Countries, excluding Brazil, Russia, South Korea, and Taiwan until a later date 6Audio Conferencing Pay-Per-Minute unavailable in MOSP, CSP, MPSA, and Open 7Calling Plans may now be purchased on Agreements based in any Audio Conferencing Sell-To country as of December 1st, 2017. For Provisioning and Dial In Availability by Market visit the Audio Conferencing Support page For language availability visit the Skype for Business International Availability page © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
11/3/2018 © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.