Spelling for Older Students SOS Lesson 15 Ll Created for SPELD SA by Jan Polkinghorne
Sounds in a word A-m-b-ue-l-a-n-s 8 p-o-s-u-m-s 6 y-o-t 3 Say the names of these pictures. Use your fingers to count how many sounds in each word. NOTE that is sounds not letters. Click for answers A-m-b-ue-l-a-n-s 8 p-o-s-u-m-s 6 y-o-t 3
Find words to rhyme with these. tent sent bent dent lent meant rent went vent toast boast roast most host coast ghost post scratch patch hatch match batch catch latch
What is the same about these pictures in each box. Say the words aloud. Click the box for the answer. They all begin with l:- logs, lightning, lizard, ladder, llama, lock, lollipop, lick, light or lamp, lighthouse, leaf, lace, lion, listen, letter, lifebuoy, links, lipstick.
Sort all of your bottle top letters into vowels and consonants. L is a consonant Open your mouth slightly. Let the tip of your tongue touch the gum ridge. The tip of the tongue does not touch the back of the front teeth when pronouncing the letter L. Sort all of your bottle top letters into vowels and consonants. We need to know whether a letter is a vowel or consonant to help us apply spelling rules.
fall, face, feet, foam, flowers, What is the same about these pictures in each box. Say the words aloud. Click the box for the answer. They all begin with ‘f’ fall, face, feet, foam, flowers, frown, flute, finger, frog, fix, fox, fork, fish, fly, fruit
Sort all of your bottle top letters into vowels and consonants. F f is a consonant The f sound is unvoiced (the vocal cords do not vibrate when it is said) It is the unvoiced version of the voiced v sound. To make f, the jaw nearly closed. The upper backside of the bottom lip is pressed lightly into the bottom of the top teeth. Sort all of your bottle top letters into vowels and consonants. We need to know whether a letter is a vowel or consonant to help us apply spelling rules.
Doubling Rule- the most common rule in English. Why do we often see double letters in the middle of words.? We have been learning about vowels and consonants . Now we find out why. Vowels interact with each other. If they are only separated by one consonant the second vowel makes the first say its long vowel name. fall ball stall If we double the consonant it stops this from happening. How would we say these words filing, filling, slipped, felt.? Note ‘l’ is usually doubled on the end of single syllable words.
How to write the letter ‘Ll ll’’ Linked script is far better to write than printing. It is faster, easier, more comfortable to write for long periods and your brain learns the words better if they are linked. 3 1 L l lollipop 2
How to write the letter ‘F f ’’ Linked script is far better to write than printing. It is faster, easier, more comfortable to write for long periods and your brain learns the words better if they are linked. 1 F f fluffy 2 1 3 2
Last,little, fell, flute, ladder Lock, lick, lette,lost, fill l is found at the beginning, middle and end of words. Put ‘l’ in each space and say what the word is. -ast -itt-e fe-- f-ute -adder -ock -ick -etter -ost fi-- Last,little, fell, flute, ladder Lock, lick, lette,lost, fill Click the box for the answer.
Apply your knowledge filling Why does filling have double ll? To keep the first i short. filling Why does filling have double ll? stuff Why does stuff have double ff? filing Why does this word only have one l? lollipop Why is the 2nd l doubled? Single syllable words ending in f usually double the f. To make i a long vowel. To make the o say its short vowel sound. Click after discussing each to check your answers.
Use your ears and listen carefully. Complete the requirements for the next screen before proceeding. See Instructions. Use your ears and listen carefully.
BEWARE! Use your ears and listen carefully. It is Luca’s birthday. He is having a party. He has had lots of presents from his friends. They play some party games while the food is set out. There are lettuce sandwiches, cakes, liquorice, and lemonade to drink. Most important of all, there is a big decorated birthday cake. Luca and his friends play blind man’s bluff and pin the-tail-on-the-donkey. Lucy wins pin-the- tail-on-the-donkey and gets a lime lollipop as a prize. She licks her lollipop.
How many words can you make using these letters How many words can you make using these letters? l, s, t, n, p, u, e, i, ck You may use a letter as many times as you like in a word. What is the longest word you can make? You might be able to apply the doubling rule if you think of longer words.
Tricky Words – non phonetic Click to reveal the word Click to reveal the word Click to reveal the word give have live Click to reveal the word said The ‘e’ is only on the end of have, give, live because we don’t end words in English with a ‘v’. Remember to spell said using alphabet names.
Tricky Word Revision . Click and say the words as they appear. Download revision lesson 14. Click and say the words as they appear
Instructions. Slide 2 counting sounds in a word. The answer is frequently not the same as the number of letters in the word. Slide 3 Finding rhyming words. Slide 4 Hearing common sound l. Slide 5– knowing vowels and consonants is vital for learning spelling rules. Multisensory learning (feeling the formation of a sound) is useful for many students. L is usually doubled on the end of single syllable words. Slide 6 – Doubling rule. The most common rule applied in English. If two vowels are separated by only a single consonant, the second vowel usually makes the first say its long vowel name. This rule is important for both reading and writing. It tells us when to double when writing and how to pronounce when reading. Slide 7–writing L and l and linking. Handwriting I have used Sego Script because it is freely available on most computers . Research is now showing that linked script is more ergonomic and helps with retention of spelling. Many prospective employers are expecting job applications to be handwritten and many exams have to be handwritten. It is still a necessary skill. Slide 8- writing l in the space and working out what the words are. Some words may be tricky words they have already learnt. Slide 9- students need to be encouraged to apply their growing knowledge of how our language works. Ask the questions. Examine the answers. Can they think of other words applying the same rules? Slide 10 ,11. Read the story for l aloud. Ask each student to keep a tally of how many ‘l’ sounds they hear in the story. Compare results. They need to use ears not eyes. Hand each student a copy of the story. Read it aloud again and have students mark each ‘l’ sound as they go. Remember not every letter l will sound like l and a double l will only count as one sound. Slide 12 Students are asked to build words ( use bottle top letters) – it is more fun and easier to correct if it is not a word. A letter sound can be repeated as many times as they like in a word. Encourage multi syllable words. Don’t worry if they do not double consonants we will learn this later. Encourage them to try to apply the doubling rule. Slide 13 and 14 Tricky words. These words are high frequency, often non phonetic and have to be learnt by rote for both spelling and reading. Spell with alphabet names. Give, live and have only have an e on the end because we do not end words in English with a v.