Unit 7: Rational Explorations: Numbers and their Opposites Interactive Notebook Guide
Let’s Update Our Table of Contents: Page Title 209 CCGPS Checklist & Concept Map 211 Positive and Negative Numbers 213 Number Lines 215 & 217 Above & Below Sea Level 219 Absolute Value 221 Inequalities on the Number Line 223 Comparing and Ordering w/ Abs Val 225 & 227 The Coordinate Plane, Coordinate Plane Practice 229 Drawing Polygons in the Coordinate Plane 230-231 Distance Between Points in the Coordinate Plane, Practice 232-233 Reflections and Practice 235 Unit 7 Study Guide
Pg. 203 Write “Unit 7: Rational Explorations: Numbers and their Opposites” and decorate the page. Put a tab that says “Unit 7” on the side.
Pg. 205-207 Take the top right corner of pg. 206 and fold it down to the spine of your book. Then turn back to page 205 and glue or tape the right hand side and bottom of page 205 to pg. 207 to make your vocab pocket. Keep your Unit 7 vocabulary and other important handouts in this pocket!
Pg. 209 Fold your Unit 7 Standards, Checklist and Concept Map sheet and glue/tape onto page 209. On pg. 209, write “Unit 7: Rational Explorations” in a circle in the middle of the page. Please use the directions on the bottom of the sheet to unpack the standards and create your own concept map on page 209.
Pg. 211 Glue/tape “Positive and Negative Numbers” to page 211.
Pg. 213 Glue or tape your “Number Lines” sheet onto page 213.
Pg. 215 & 217 Glue or tape your “Above and Below Sea Level” riddle sheet onto page 182. Glue or tape your “Above and Below Sea Level” drawing sheet on page 183.
Pg. 219 Glue or tape your “Absolute Value” sheet onto page 219.
Pg. 221 Glue or tape your “Inequalities on the Number Line” sheet onto page 221.
Pg. 223 Glue or tape your “Comparing and Ordering with Absolute Value” sheet onto page 223.
Pg. 225 & 227 Glue or tape “Coordinate Plane Practice” to pg. 190. Glue or tape “Coordinate Plane” to pg. 191.
Pg. 229 Glue/tape “Drawing Polygons in the Coordinate Plane” on page 229.
Pg. 230-231 Glue or tape “Distance Between Points on a Coordinate Plane” to pg. 231. Glue or tape “Distance Between Points Practice” to pg. 230.
Pg. 232-233 Glue or tape “Reflections in a Coordinate Plane” to pg. 233. Glue or tape “Reflections Practice” to pg. 232.