Module 1 – closed syllables 1.1 Objective: Today I will learn to read & spell closed syllables. Introduction Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 PowerPoint applications by MKF
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Words are made up of parts called syllables. What are the parts of words called? (syllables) Each syllable MUST have at least one vowel. The vowels are a, e, i, o, u and most often y All the other letters in the alphabet are consonants. Name some consonants. Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Short Vowel Sounds a /ă/ apple e /ĕ/ Ed i /ĭ/ itch o /ŏ/ octopus u /ŭ/ up Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Long Vowel Sounds a /ā/ cake i /ī/ bike o /ō/ rope e /ē/ feet u /ū/ cute u /ü/ dude Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Each syllable MUST have at least one vowel – or it can't be a syllable. You can feel syllables with your mouth and count them on your fingers. Say the word. Students repeat. Count syllables on fingers. ( ⇖ ) catnip ( ⇖ ) cat Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Let's practice! Say the word. Students repeat. Count syllables on fingers. table ( ⇖ ) tapestry ( ⇖ ) desk ( ⇖ ) refrigerator ( ⇖ ) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 bat How many vowels do you see? Name it. (T. marks 'x' under vowel.) Is there a consonant closing in the vowel on the end? Name it. (T. underlines consonant at end.) When there is 1 vowel, and it is closed in at the end by a consonant, then it is a closed syllable. What kind of syllable? (closed) In a closed syllable, the vowel sound is short. What is the sound of short 'a'? (/ă/) Elbows up! Scoop & Read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 at How many vowels do you see? Name it. (T. marks 'x' under vowel.) Is there a consonant closing it on the end? Name it. (T. underlines consonant at end.) In this syllable, there is 1 vowel, and it closed in at the end by a consonant, We don't need a consonant in front of the vowel for it to be a closed syllable. What kind of syllable? (closed) In a closed syllable, the vowel sound is short. What is the sound of short 'a'? (/ă/) Elbows up! Scoop & Read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 wish How many vowels do you see? Name it. (T. marks 'x' under vowel.) Are there 1 or more consonants closing ii in on the end? Name them left to right. (T. underlines consonants at end.) In this syllable that is 1 vowel, and it is closed in at the end by more than 1 consonant. This a closed syllable. What kind of syllable? (closed) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ĭ/ or /ī/? (/ ĭ /) Elbows up! Scoop & Read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) We make a wish for something we want/ What did you wish for when you blew out your birthday candles? Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 so How many vowels do you see? Name it. (T. marks 'x' under vowel.) Is there a consonant closing it in on the end? (no) This is not a closed syllable. A closed syllable can only have 1 vowel AND that vowel must be closed in at the end by 1 or more consonants. We're done with this word. (S. do not read this word.) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 quick 'Q' needs a buddy letter, 'u'. When 'u' is a buddy for 'q', 'u' is not counted as a vowel. How many vowels do you see? Name it. (T. marks 'x' under 'i'.) Are there consonants closing it in on the end? Name them left to right. (T. underlines consonants after vowel.) Is this is a closed syllable? (yes) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ĭ/ or /ī/? (/ ĭ /) Elbows up! Scoop & Read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 gret This word is not a real word. It is called a nonsense word, because it doesn't have meaning. How many vowels do you see? Name it. (T. marks 'x' under vowel.) Is there a consonant closing it in on the end? Name it. (T. underlines consonant at end.) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ĕ/ or /ē/? (/ĕ/) Elbows up! Scoop & Read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Closed Other syllable type up no quick free oat belch time clab Click on card and then move it. Click again to stop moving it. Sort the cards into the correct category Closed Other syllable type up no quick free oat For each word. T. pulls top card and prompts. "Think. Where does this word go?" S. respond, "Closed" or "Other". T. places word in column. S. read "Closed" words only, starting from the top and reading down the column as T. points to each word. belch time clab Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 The word is _________. The balloon went _________. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. The word is _________. _________ is a nonsense word. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. The word is _________. A loud burp is called a _________. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. The word is _________. The rabbit was very _________. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. Chorally read all 4 words. up clab belch quick. Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 up clab Copy cat me. 'Up' is a closed syllable. (Teacher marks 'c' under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short 'u' says /ŭ/. (Teacher marks breve over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. ŭp c Click to Pop Out Copy cat me. 'Clab' is a closed syllable. (Teacher marks 'c' under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short 'a' says /ă/. (Teacher marks breve over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. Click to Pop Out clăb c belch quick Copy cat me. ‘Belch’ is a closed syllable (Teacher marks ‘c’ under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short ‘e’ says /ĕ/. (Teacher marks breve over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. bĕlch c Click to Pop Out Copy cat me. ‘quick’ is a closed syllable (Teacher marks ‘c’ under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short ‘i’ says /ĭ/. (Teacher marks macron over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. Click to Pop Out quĭck c Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Module 1 – closed syllables 1.2 Objective: Today I will improve my ability to read & spell closed syllables. Accuracy Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 PowerPoint applications by MKF
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Short Vowel Sounds a /ă/ apple e /ĕ/ Ed i /ĭ/ itch o /ŏ/ octopus u /ŭ/ up Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Long Vowel Sounds a /ā/ cake i /ī/ bike o /ō/ rope e /ē/ feet u /ū/ cute u /ü/ dude Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Words are made up of parts called syllables. What are the parts of words called? (syllables) Each syllable MUST have at least one vowel. Name the vowels. (T. writes the vowels a, e, i, o, u, y on the board as students name them.) All the other letters in the alphabet are called consonants. What are they called? (consonants) Name some consonants. Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Say until. Count the syllables on your fingers. Let's practice counting syllables with these words: ( ⇖ ) trespass crunch ( ⇖ ) ( ⇖ ) investigate ( ⇖ ) reply Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Closed Syllable Review What are the two conditions for a closed syllable? ● One vowel ● Vowel must be "closed in" at the end by one or more consonants In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound long or short? Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 hop How many vowels do you see? Name it. (T. marks 'x' under vowel.) Are there consonants closing in the vowel? Name it. (T. underlines consonants after vowel.) Is this a closed syllable? (yes) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ŏ/ or /ō/? (/ŏ/) Elbows up! Scoop & Read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) A red kangaroo can hop 15 feet. Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 cliff When 'f,' 'l,' or 's' (& sometimes 'z') immediately follows a short vowel & ends a 1-syllable word, that consonant is doubled. This is call the f l o s s or bonus letter rule. Elbows up! Scoop & read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 crash How many vowels do you see? Name it. Are there consonants closing it in on the end? Name them. Is this a closed syllable? (yes) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ā/ or /ă/? (/ă/) Elbows up! Scoop & read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) Be careful not to crash your bicycle. Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 quench Remember that 'q' takes its buddy 'u' everywhere, so in this situation 'u' is not a vowel. How many vowels do you see? Name it. Are there consonants closing it in on the end? Name them. Is this a closed syllable? (yes) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ĕ/ or /ē/? (/ĕ/) Elbows up! Scoop & read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) This lady is drinking water to quench her thirst. Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 stress How many vowels do you see? Name it. Are there consonants closing it in on the end? Name them. Is this a closed syllable? (yes) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ĕ/ or /ē/? (/ĕ/) Elbows up! Scoop & read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 How many vowels do you see? Name it. Is there a consonant closing in the vowel? Can this be a closed syllable? (no) Tell your partner why this is NOT a closed syllable. (There is 1 vowel, but it is not closed in by 1 or more consonants.) We are not going to read it – we're done with this word. Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 thib This is a nonsense word. How many vowels do you see? Name it. Are there consonants closing it in on the end? Name it. Is this is a closed syllable? (yes) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ĭ/ or /ī/? (/ ĭ /) Elbows up! Scoop & Read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 on How many vowels do you see? Name it. Are there consonants closing it in on the end? Name it. Is this a closed syllable? (yes) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ŏ/ or /ō/? (/ŏ/) Elbows up! Scoop & Read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read.) My pencil is on my desk. Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 oat How many vowels do you see? Name them. Can this be a closed syllable? (no) Why not? (There is more than 1 vowel.) A closed syllable can only have 1 vowel. This can't be a closed syllable. We're done with it! (S. do not read this word.) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 win Whenever you can’t identify a word, TAP to figure it out. (T. models tapping sounds in “win,” tapping one finger to thumb under each sound in word beginning with index finger. Refer to P. 7 in the General Instructions.) Elbows up! Tap this word. (S. tap sounds in “win.”) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Closed Syllable ● One vowel ● Vowel must be "closed in" at the end by one or more consonants What two conditions make a syllable closed? Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 We’re going to sort syllables on the next slide into "closed" or "other syllable type" categories. With your partner, look at each syllable and tell each other if it is a closed syllable and why or why not. If it is a closed syllable, read it and write it on your whiteboard. Then, I'll call students up to deposit the syllables into the correct bin! Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
BEGIN closed syllable other syllable type Drag syllables into the correct box. BEGIN closed syllable other syllable type Word Box/Set no 2 lie use me class 1 up belch hist mail bre reef loat frog and shrimp tront Click on card and then move it.
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 The word is _________. Nike is a shoe _________. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. The word is _________. This is a nonsense word, so I can't use it in a sentence. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. The word is _________. The cold wind gave us a _________. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. The word is _________. This is a nonsense word, so I can't use it in a sentence. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. Chorally read all 4 words. brand quist chill weg Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 brand quist Copy cat me. 'Brand' is a closed syllable. (Teacher marks 'c' under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short 'a' says /ă/. (Teacher marks breve over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. brănd c Click to Pop Out Copy cat me. 'Quist' is a closed syllable. (Teacher marks 'c' under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short 'i' says /ĭ/. (Teacher marks breve over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. Click to Pop Out quĭst c chill weg Copy cat me. ‘Shrimp’ is a closed syllable (Teacher marks ‘c’ under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short ‘i’ says /ĭ/. (Teacher marks breve over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. chĭll c Click to Pop Out Copy cat me. ‘Weg’ is a closed syllable (Teacher marks ‘c’ under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short ‘e’ says /ĕ/. (Teacher marks macron over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. Click to Pop Out wĕg c Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Module 1 – closed syllables 1.3 Objective: Today I will improve my ability to read & spell closed syllables. Fluency Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 PowerPoint applications by MKF
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Short Vowel Sounds a /ă/ apple e /ĕ/ Ed i /ĭ/ itch o /ŏ/ octopus u /ŭ/ up Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Long Vowel Sounds a /ā/ cake i /ī/ bike o /ō/ rope e /ē/ feet u /ū/ cute u /ü/ dude Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 Let's review what we have learned this week.... Words are made up of parts called _______________ syllables All syllables must have at least one _______________ vowel Closed syllables: One vowel Vowel must be "closed in" with one or more consonants Vowel makes the short sound Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 spend How many vowels do you see? Name it. Are there consonants closing it in on the end? Name them. Is this a closed syllable? In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ĕ/ or /ē/? (/ĕ/) Elbows up! Tap & read this syllable. (T. points to sounds as S. tap then scoops as S. chorally read.) I have some money to spend. Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 cliff How many vowels do you see? Name it. Are there consonants closing it in on the end? Name it. Is this is a closed syllable? (yes) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ĭ/ or /ī/? (/ ĭ /) Elbows up! Tap & read. (T. points to sounds as S. tap—there is only one tap for “ff.” T. then scoops as S. chorally read.) A cliff is a high, steep face of rock. Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 bre How many vowels do you see? Name it. Is there a consonant closing in the vowel? Can this be a closed syllable? Tell your partner why this is NOT a closed syllable. We are not going to read it -- we're done with this word! Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 quit Remember what 'q' does to the 'u'. So, does the 'u' count as a vowel in this syllable? (no) How many vowels do you see? Name it. Are there consonants closing it in on the end? Name it. Is this is a closed syllable? (yes) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ĭ/ or /ī/? (/ ĭ /) Elbows up! Tap & read. (T. points to sounds as S. tap then scoops as S. chorally read.) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 bait How many vowels do you see? Name them. Can this be a closed syllable? Why not? A closed syllable can only have 1 vowel. This can't be a closed syllable. We're done with it! (S. do not read this word.) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 shrimp How many vowels do you see? Name it. Are there consonants closing it in on the end? Name it. Is this is a closed syllable? (yes) In a closed syllable, is the vowel sound /ĭ/ or /ī/? (/ ĭ /) Elbows up! Scoop & Read. (Scoop under word as S. chorally read. Tap if needed) Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Closed Other syllable type gust lie mav crunch bre boat ash spend so Click on card and then move it. Click again to stop moving it. Sort the cards into the correct category Closed Other syllable type gust lie mav crunch bre boat ash spend so quist se For each word. T. pulls top card and prompts. "Think. Where does this word go?" S. respond, "Closed" or "Other". T. places word in column. S. read "Closed" words only, starting from the top and reading down the column as T. points to each word. belch bat pu table Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 The word is _________. When we're honest, we earn other's _________. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. The word is _________. One type of blanket is a _________. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. The word is _________. A scientific measure of an object is its _________. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. The word is _________. This is a nonsense word, so I can't use it in a sentence. What word? Spell the letters as you write. Check your work. Pencil-scoop & read. Chorally read all 4 words. trust quilt mass choz Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17
Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17 trust quilt Copy cat me. 'Trust' is a closed syllable. (Teacher marks 'c' under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short ‘u' says /ŭ/. (Teacher marks breve over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. trŭst c Click to Pop Out Copy cat me. 'Quilt' is a closed syllable. (Teacher marks 'c' under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short 'i' says /ĭ/. (Teacher marks breve over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. Click to Pop Out quĭlt c mass choz Copy cat me. ‘Spell’ is a closed syllable (Teacher marks ‘c’ under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short 'a' says /ă/. (Teacher marks breve over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. c Click to Pop Out măss Copy cat me. ‘Choz’ is a closed syllable (Teacher marks ‘c’ under syllable). Students repeat and mark. Short ‘o’ says /ŏ/. (Teacher marks macron over vowel.) Students repeat and mark. Click to Pop Out chŏz c Higher StepsSM University of Utah Reading Clinic 7/12/17