Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA)
To be covered in this presentation: Industry’s workforce crisis Science and math education in California: a grave challenge Why California needs MESA The MESA program Latest MESA data
Industry’s workforce crisis In 2001, some 14,000 California jobs requiring science or engineering degrees went unfilled. Fewer than 20,000 science and engineering graduates are produced annually in our state. To fill state vacancies, California must increase the number of these graduates by 70%. Jobs that require science, engineering and technical training will increase 51% nationally. This means 6 million potential job openings. Statistics sources: In 2001, some 14,000 California jobs requiring science or engineering degrees went unfilled.[1] [1] Critical Path Analysis, California Council on Science and Technology, 2002 Fewer than 20,000 science and engineering graduates are produced annually. To make up for the shortfall, the number of such degrees produced in the state would need to increase by nearly 70%.[1] [1] Critical Path Analysis, California Council on Science and Technology, 2002 Jobs requiring science, engineering and technical training will increase 51% nationally through 2008, leading to 6 million potential job openings for scientists, engineers and technicians.[1] [1] IBM press release citing U.S. Department of Labor data covered in 9/16/05
Science and math education: A grave challenge California ranks 49th among all states in students taking advanced science courses 48th for eighth grade proficiency in science 35th for high school students taking advanced math courses Statistics sources: California ranks 49th in students taking advanced science courses, and 48th for eighth grade proficiency in science and 35th among states in high school students taking advanced math courses.[1] [1] “State of Decline? Gaps in College Access and Achievement Call for Renewed Commitment to Educating Californians,” Policy Issue Report, Institute for Higher Education Leadership & Policy, October 2006
Why California needs MESA MESA works! While over 70% of MESA schools are among the lowest performing in the state, 67% of MESA pre-college students go on to college right after graduation, compared to 44% of all California students. 36% of MESA’s African American, Latino American and American Indian high school seniors are eligible to attend UC, compared to the state rate of 6%. Statistics source: Only 6% of African American, Latino American and American Indian high school seniors in California are eligible to attend UC. [1] California statistics from “2003 University Eligibility Study,” California Postsecondary Education Commission, 2003. The study did not examine numbers for American Indian students but previous analyses indicate similarly low eligibility rates.
Why California needs MESA (continued) 99% of MESA community college students transfer to four-year institutions as science, engineering or math majors. California MESA has been replicated in 14 states. Nearly 100 companies work with MESA because of its outstanding track record. List of states that have MESA programs (current as of 7/9/07): (States in bold are MESA USA states.) (DivE is the joint Hewlett-Packard/MESA community college Diversity in Engineering initiative to replicate the MESA Community College Program nationally.) Arizona MESA USA California MESA USA Colorado MESA USA Florida DivE Pilot Tallahassee Community College, Tallahassee Georgia DivE Pilot Georgia Perimeter College, Decatur DivE Pilot Darton College, Albany Illinois DivE Pilot Chicago State University, Chicago Maryland MESA USA New Jersey DivE Pilot Essex County College, Newark New Mexico MESA USA DivE Pilot (unendowed) SW Indian Polytechnic Institute, Albuquerque New York DivE Pilot Niagara County Community College, Sanborn Pilot pre-college Oregon MESA USA Texas DivE Pilot (unendowed) San Antonio College, San Antonio Utah MESA USA Washington MESA USA Nevada Pilot pre-college
MESA Works! “MESA is highly effective in training a diverse workforce in the technical skills that we need.” Edward A. Taylor, Google “MESA produces quality engineers and scientists that are urgently needed in a technology-based company like Chevron.” Brenda Mize, Chevron “ MESA brings along students who are able to stay abreast of fast- paced technological changes.” Yno Gonzalez, AT&T
Mission Statement MESA enables educationally disadvantaged students to prepare for and graduate from a four-year college or university with a math-based degree in areas such as engineering, the sciences, computer science, and mathematics. Through MESA, students develop academic and leadership skills, increase educational performance, and gain confidence in their ability to compete professionally. MESA has particular interest in and focus on students from those groups who historically have had the lowest levels of attainment to four-year and graduate level programs. By closing this achievement gap, MESA students and graduates will be better able to make significant contributions to the socioeconomic well-being of their families and their communities.
Vision Statement To support the national science and mathematics educational agenda by ensuring that all MESA students are mathematically and scientifically literate so that they can play a leadership role in an increasingly technological world.
MESA Programs MESA Schools Program MESA Community College Program MESA Engineering Program
MESA Schools Program (MSP) MSP serves pre-college students throughout the state so they will excel in math and science and go on to college in math-based majors.
MSP Components Individual Academic Plans MESA periods Study skills training Career and college exploration
MSP Components (continued) MESA Day Academies Parent leadership development Teacher training opportunities
MESA Community College Program (MCCP) MESA, in partnership with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, provides math, engineering and science academic enrichment to community college students so they excel academically and transfer to four-year institutions as math-based majors.
MCCP Components Academic Excellence Workshops Orientation course Assistance in the transfer process Career advising
MCCP Components (continued) Links with student and professional organizations Student Study Center Professional development workshops Industry Advisory Board
MESA Engineering Program (MEP) MEP supports university students majoring in engineering or computer science so they will successfully attain their baccalaureates.
MEP Components Academic Excellence Workshops Clustering Orientation course Career advising
MEP Components (continued) Links with student and professional organizations Professional development workshops Industry Advisory Board Student Study Center and computer lab
Who MESA Serves (2005-2006) Total students served: 20,050 MSP: 14,000 290 elementary, middle and high schools 84 school districts. MCCP: 3,500 29 California community colleges MEP: 2,500 8 CSU, 2 UC
MESA Schools Program (cont.)
MESA Works! For more information:
COS MESA Community College Program MCCP Components (review) Academic Excellence Workshops Orientation course Assistance in the transfer process Career advising Links with student and professional organizations Student Study Center Professional development workshops Industry Advisory Board
Assistance With The Transfer Process Field trip to UC Davis (October 20) Reviewing application packets and providing suggestion/corrections Helping students to develop transfer application essays CSU and UC information center
Sharon Black (COS College Counselor) Career Advising Sharon Black (COS College Counselor) Provides Academic Advising Reviews Student Transfer Application Packets
Links with Professional Organizations Field Trip to Visalia Waste Water Treatment Plant MESA Students at SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science)
MESA Study Center Mon. – Thur. 8:00am – 3:30pm Friday 9:00am – 12:0pm 6 Student Tutors Dry Erase Boards Computers
Status of the COS MESA Program Currently we are an approved MESA CCP un-endowed program MESA Statewide has funding for two additional MCCP programs for 2007-2008 academic year Working on RFP for the 2007-2008 academic year
How can you help build and sustain COS MESA? Share the program with math, science and engineering majors Show students where the center is located (Sequoia RM 5) Referrals! Please refer any potential students to the MESA staff