TERM PAPER OF CHEMISTRY Submitted to Dr. RAMESH THAKUR Submitted by POOJA Roll no. R280 A11 Course B.Sc. [Honors] Biotechnology
SOURCES ANTHROPOGENIC SOURCES includes motor vehicles, aircrafts, container ships, burning wood, dust particles, fumes of paints, sprays, methane, rocketry etc. ANTHROPOGENIC SOURCES includes motor vehicles, aircrafts, container ships, burning wood, dust particles, fumes of paints, sprays, methane, rocketry etc. NATURAL SOURCES includes radon gas from radioactive decay, volcanic eruptions, smoke and CO from wild fires NATURAL SOURCES includes radon gas from radioactive decay, volcanic eruptions, smoke and CO from wild fires
HEALTH IMPACTS OF AIR POLLUTION TOBACCO SMOKE – burning sensation in the eyes, nose and throat irritation. TOBACCO SMOKE – burning sensation in the eyes, nose and throat irritation. BIOLOGICAL POLLUTANTS – mostly allergens cause hay fever and other allergic diseases. BIOLOGICAL POLLUTANTS – mostly allergens cause hay fever and other allergic diseases. VOC (volatile organic compounds) – cause headaches, nausea, loss of co- ordination and damage to liver. VOC (volatile organic compounds) – cause headaches, nausea, loss of co- ordination and damage to liver. FORMALDEHYDE – cause irritation to eyes, nose and may cause allergies in some people. FORMALDEHYDE – cause irritation to eyes, nose and may cause allergies in some people. LEAD – cause damage to nervous system, digestive system and in some cases cause cancer. LEAD – cause damage to nervous system, digestive system and in some cases cause cancer. OXIDES OF NITROGEN – this gas can make children susceptible to respiratory diseases. OXIDES OF NITROGEN – this gas can make children susceptible to respiratory diseases. CARBON MONOXIDES – it combines with HAEMOGLOBIN to lessen the amount of OXYGEN that enters our blood through the lungs. CARBON MONOXIDES – it combines with HAEMOGLOBIN to lessen the amount of OXYGEN that enters our blood through the lungs. SULPHUR DIOXIDES – it leads to diseases of lungs and other lungs disorders such wheezing and shortness of breath. SULPHUR DIOXIDES – it leads to diseases of lungs and other lungs disorders such wheezing and shortness of breath.
WHAT YOU CAN DO REDUCE AIR POLLUTION Whenever possible take your bicycle. Whenever possible take your bicycle. As far as possible use public forms of transport. As far as possible use public forms of transport. Reduce the use of aerosols in household. Reduce the use of aerosols in household. Look after the trees near your house. Look after the trees near your house. Switch of all the lights and fans when not required. Switch of all the lights and fans when not required. Do not burn leafs in your garden put them in compost pit. Do not burn leafs in your garden put them in compost pit. Make sure that pollution check for your family car done at regular intervals. Make sure that pollution check for your family car done at regular intervals. Cars should as far as possible be fitted with catalytic converters. Cars should as far as possible be fitted with catalytic converters. Use only unleaded petrol. Use only unleaded petrol. Follow the solid waste mantra – Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle Follow the solid waste mantra – Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle
AIR POLLUTANTS There are many substances in the air which effects the health of living organisms are called Air Pollutants
TYPES OF AIR POLLUTANTS Primary air pollutants Primary air pollutants Secondary air pollutants Secondary air pollutants
PRIMARY AIR POLLUTANTS These are the substances which are directly emitted from a process. These are the substances which are directly emitted from a process. For example – CO from motor vehicles, ash from volcanic eruptions. For example – CO from motor vehicles, ash from volcanic eruptions.
SECONDARY AIR POLLUTANTS These are the substances which are not emitted directly rather they form in the air when primary pollutants reacts. These are the substances which are not emitted directly rather they form in the air when primary pollutants reacts. For example – Ground level ozone that makes up Photochemical Smog. For example – Ground level ozone that makes up Photochemical Smog.
MAJOR PRIMARY POLLUTANTS SULPHUR DIOXIDES – especially emitted from burning coal and oil. SULPHUR DIOXIDES – especially emitted from burning coal and oil. NITROGEN OXIDES – emitted from high combustion. NITROGEN OXIDES – emitted from high combustion. CARBON MONOXIDES – emitted from motor vehicles and incomplete burning of natural gas, coal. CARBON MONOXIDES – emitted from motor vehicles and incomplete burning of natural gas, coal. CARBON DIOXIDES – A green house gas emitted from combustion. CARBON DIOXIDES – A green house gas emitted from combustion. VOC (volatile organic compounds) such as hydrocarbons and solvents. VOC (volatile organic compounds) such as hydrocarbons and solvents. AMMONIA – emitted from agricultural processes. AMMONIA – emitted from agricultural processes. CHLORO FLOURO CARBONS – emitted from Air Conditioners, perfumes, sprays etc. CHLORO FLOURO CARBONS – emitted from Air Conditioners, perfumes, sprays etc. RADIOACTIVE POLLUTANTS – produced by natural processes such as decay of RADON. RADIOACTIVE POLLUTANTS – produced by natural processes such as decay of RADON. Toxic metals such as lead, cadmium and copper. Toxic metals such as lead, cadmium and copper.