A few tricks to take you beyond the basics of Microsoft Office 2010 GCPS Tech Tips A few tricks to take you beyond the basics of Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Gwinnett County Public Schools is committed to providing information related to student technology use in a manner that is clear, concise, organized, accessible, and current. To that end, GCPS has provided articles and handouts on its web site. The following resource is provided for information only and is NOT an official policy or procedure of Gwinnett County Public Schools. This resource may be used by schools and the school communities to share information and ideas around student technology use. Should a conflict between the information on this site and the existing policy, regulation or rule occur, then the official or approved policy, rule or regulation supersedes the resources in this document.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures When you insert pictures or tables or other graphic items into a Word document, you can make them look professional if you add captions above or below the graphic.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures The “Caption” feature in Word will insert those snappy looking captions for you.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures It’s quick and easy. You begin by selecting the graphic that needs a caption. To select it, click inside the picture and a box with sizing handles will appear around the picture.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Click the “References” tab on the Word 2010 ribbon.
Then, click on “Insert Caption”. Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Then, click on “Insert Caption”.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures That will bring up the “Caption dialog box” which is where you will identify the features you want in your caption.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures The Caption dialog box is already set up to call your caption “Figure 1.” Word's caption feature automatically creates numbered captions. There is no capability for creating unnumbered captions.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures If you want to include the term “Figure” you can just type in your caption title after that.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Make sure the “Label” field says Figure. To change the field, click to open the drop list and choose Figure.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures You may also create a caption using different label terms. Simply, click the “New Label” button to open a dialog box. that will let you add your own term.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Use the “Position” field to select whether the caption goes above or below the graphic.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures When you have your caption the way you want it, click “OK”
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Word inserts the new caption as text. If you want to edit the caption, simply click on the caption words to change fonts, resize or delete words.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Add A Caption To A Floating Object If you want to be able to wrap text around the object and caption, or you want to be able to move the object and the caption together, you need to insert both the object and the caption into a text box.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box, and then click Draw Text Box.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures In your document, drag to draw the text box over the object. The graphic will be covered by the text box.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Fill, and then click No Fill.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures In the Arrange group, click Text Wrapping, and then click the text wrapping option that you used for the object.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Under Text Box Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Behind Text.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Right-click the text box, and then click Format Shape.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Click Text Box, and then set the internal margin values to 0.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Select the object, and then click Cut in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. Or press CTRL+X. The object will disappear but don’t worry it is safe on the clipboard
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Click in the text box, and then click Paste in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. Or press CTRL+V.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Select the object, and insert the caption as described earlier in the lesson. Step-by-Step: - Select the graphic. - Click References. - Click Insert Caption. - Type your caption. - If you want to add a new label, click “New Label” and type in your new label. - Choose whether you want the caption “above” or “below” the graphic. - Click “OK”. - Format the caption font the way you want it.
Word 2010: Add Captions To Your Pictures Here are the step-by-step directions for adding captions to a floating object. Have fun captioning! Step-by-Step: On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box, and then click Draw Text Box. In your document, drag to draw the text box over the object. On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Fill, and then click No Fill. In the Arrange group, click Text Wrapping, and click the desired text wrapping option. Under Text Box Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Send Behind Text. Right-click the text box then click Format Shape. Click Text Box, and then set the internal margin values to 0. Select the object then click Cut in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. Or press CTRL+X. Click in the text box, and then click Paste in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. Or press CTRL+V. Select the object, and insert the caption.