ARRANGEMENTS Session Objectives: At the end of this session you should be able to: List important elements to consider when setting-up a room for a typical training course. Recognize potential arrangement problems and understand the impact on the effectiveness of a training session. Be aware of safety considerations when making arrangements.
NOTES FOR “ARRANGEMENTS” STAFF MEMBERS Methods Of Instruction in this session : Presentation (talks), and demonstration Preparation: Review “Training Methods” session and “Training Technology” session materials. Materials: Flipcharts (pad, markers, easel) and/or overheads (vu-graphs, projector, pointer, markers) BSA 500 Q&A sheet for each Steward There are no hand-outs for this session. Logistics: Main meeting room with all TDC participants
ACCOMMODATIONS Why are accommodations important for training sessions? Participants that are uncomfortable will not be receptive to training. Distractions and/or poor layout make training difficult for both the participants and the staff. Inadequate space, faulty equipment, or inferior facilities can present serious health/safety issues.
ROOM LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS All participants should have a clear/unobstructed view of presentations. Presentations should be located against the longest wall of a room to position the audience closer to the speaker, and allow clear line-of-sight. If possible speakers should have a solid wall at their back to eliminate distracting activities being performed behind them. Avoid strong back-lighting or side-lighting situations, and try to have any windows facing the backs of the audience. Avoid the use of a podium, and encourage speakers to move about. Position a clock so that it is visible to the speaker (behind audience). Set up the room in advance so that last minute changes can be made before the participants arrive and training begins.
SEATING LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS Seat participants in groups of 5 or 6 at tables, allow room for writing, and provide spacing that will encourage discussions during team exercises. Shuffle-up participants to eliminate cliques of friends, this will actually Improve the training experience for everyone. An ideal arrangement would be round tables that accommodate 10 but only have 5 to 6 chairs, and allow a clear view of the speaker. Rectangular or square tables are acceptable, provided no participant has their back towards the speaker. Arrange tables in a “fan-shaped” pattern so that no table blocks the line-of-site for another. When training a very small group (e.g. a unit committee), it is acceptable for the speaker to make their presentation from the “head” of the table or the center of the longest side of the table.
EQUIPMENT LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS Place the screen for an overhead projector at an angle (in a corner) at the front of the training room to avoid having the speaker block the line-of-sight. Remind the speaker to make a conscious attempt to always face the audience when using an overhead projector or computer presentation, and provide a pointer for highlighting specific items. Check the location of video monitors and screens to avoid back lighting that can cause reflections, glare, or wash-out overhead/slide projections. Make sure room lighting can be controlled (dimmed) for viewing. Check that the size of print (on projections, flip-charts, or other media) can be easily seen from the seat located farthest away from the presentation.
ELECTRICAL POWER CONSIDERATIONS Make sure adequate electrical power is available, outlets are accessible, and provide extension cords if needed. Do not overload circuits, and know where circuit breakers or fuses are located (fuse box should be accessible). Use three-prong plugs for safety (or approved adapters), make sure power cords are in good condition, and locate cords so they do not present tripping hazards. Check the operational condition of all equipment, and verify that spare bulbs, video tapes, and extra cables are available as back-ups. Have a back-up plan if equipment fails and cannot be fixed immediately. Make sure you have the building manager’s phone number and an emergency contact phone number.
REDUCING AND ELIMINATING DISTRACTIONS Be sure the room temperature can be regulated so it is neither too hot nor too cold, and periodically ask the audience if they are comfortable. Check the proper operation of all sound equipment (microphones or public address systems) before the course is held, and periodically ask the audience if the level needs to be adjusted. Be aware that loud fans, air conditioners, blower motors, or other noise sources can be distracting to the audience . Request that all training staff and participants turn off portable phones, pagers, and any other non-essential electronic equipment. Visit the facility where the course will be held to identify and correct any potential sources of distraction well in advance.
SAFETY & MISCELLANEOUS CONSIDERATIONS If games, exercises, or activities are used be sure there is adequate space available, and do not exceed building occupancy limits. Provide a separate “back room” for staff activities, or if unavailable setup a staff table at the rear of the classroom. Acoustics can be a problem in large rooms or open spaces. Make sure speakers practice using the space, and are familiar with operating all audio equipment. Make sure training rooms can accommodate people with disabilities. Check that all fire and safety mechanisms are operational, and be sure that participants know the location of emergency exits, have emergency phone numbers handy (building maintenance, fire, police, first-aid). Check the operation and condition of bathroom facilities, and notify participants of the locations at the beginning of the course.
Session Summary The following topics were covered during this session: Training room arrangements and layout. Seating arrangement considerations. Equipment layout considerations. Electrical power considerations. Reducing and eliminating distractions. Safety and miscellaneous considerations.
BSA 500 LAP # 6 - 60 SECONDS What are three considerations for classroom preparation? What is one distraction that trainers may encounter? How should seating be arranged for a training session? A staff table should be setup at the side of the classroom. True or False ?
BSA 500 LAP # 6 - ANSWERS 1. Classroom layout considerations: Table /seating arrangement Lighting Distractions Power Space for activities Acoustics 2. Possible distractions: Temperature Loud fans or other noise Cell phones/pagers 3. Seating arrangements: Layout seating so that all participants can see the presentation area. 4. Locate a staff table at the side of classroom - True/False: False - Setup staff table at rear of the classroom or in a separate room.
There are no hand-outs for this session.