Wellness and Reablement Reporting
What is Wellness and Reablement? Wellness and Reablement is a key element of the CHSP. Wellness is an approach that involves assessment, planning and delivery of supports that build on the strengths, capacity and goals of individuals, and encourage actions that promote a level of independence in daily living tasks, as well as reducing risks to living safely at home. Reablement involves time-limited interventions that are targeted towards a person’s specific goal or desired outcome to adapt to some functional loss, or regain confidence and capacity to resume activities. Restorative Care also forms part of this approach but lies within the realm of Allied Health Workers. Living well at home: CHSP Good Pratice Guide
Summary of Wellness and Related Approaches This list doesn’t include the Week in, Week Out volunteers that most of us are familiar with. Episodic – Short term and clearly defined, e.g. Commonwealth Games Game Shapers Bruce Muller Pathway – using volunteering to increase skills or opportunities for employment – Cameron Nichol Work for the Dole Ipswich Food Barn Corporate – volunteering as part of the company’s Social Responsibility Initiatives – Suncorp volunteered with Sunnybank earlier this year Family – undertaking volunteering within the family group – My family Virtual – online e.g. managing webpage Spontaneous – those who come out to help after a disaster – Mud Army Informal – helping out your neighbours e.g. taking in their bins, carrying the bags for someone
Embedding Wellness and Reablement into our Processes MOW has not looked at our service consciously from the perspective of Wellness and Reablement in the past.
“But we just deliver meals!” We are More than Just a Meal This philosophy is our link with the Wellness and Reablement approach. An Example of Wellness and Reablement: MOW offers its client the choice of how their meal is delivered; Chilled, Frozen or Hot. By offering this choice, a client can choose an option that suits their goals and ability level. As a client grows more confident, they can progress through various delivery models achieving greater levels of independence.
Reporting on Wellness and Reablement The CHSP Wellness and Reablement Report for 2018 has been designed to provide the Department with an understanding of the current status of service providers’ progress towards embedding wellness and reablement approaches into CHSP service delivery practices nationally. It has also been designed to identify any implementation issues or further supports needed. It will provide a snapshot of the current status of your Service with regard to embedding Wellness and Reablement approaches into service delivery. The 2019 report will be different to 2018 as it will have a change of focus to measuring progress against the initial report.
The Report We will go through the actually report, please type any questions you have in the Q & A box at the bottom of your screen.
Questions For Me Now some for You