Sustainably Advancing Your Bottom Line 1 Created and narrated by Clean New York
Expanding market for safer products New York Executive Order 4 Including: Selection criteria Approved product specifications/categories Chemical avoidance list Benefits to contracting with the State Bidding process 2
Despite poor economy, safer product market continues to grow Retail sales of green cleaning products rose ~229% between 2005 and Forecasted19% growth for green products overall through Particularly green personal care products & environmentally friendly household cleaners 3 1) Packaged Facts. Green Household Cleaning Products in the U.S.: Bathroom Cleaners, Laundry Care and Dish Detergents and Household Cleaners. Available at: / 2) Mintel Press Release. Mintel finds fewer Americans interested in going green during recession. during-recession
Whos buying these products? Does making safer products really confer an advantage? How can I ensure theres a market? 4 Government green procurement programs provide an answer.
Executive Order 4, signed in 2008: …establishing a State Green Procurement and Agency Sustainability Program, which directs state agencies, public authorities and public benefit corporations to include environmentally-based criteria into their purchasing programs. Components: Specifications for preferred products Evaluate, create new product list annually Chemical avoidance list 5
Consider the following factors: (a) protection of the public health and the environment, including the health of children and other vulnerable populations; (b) avoidance of risks from the use or release of toxic substances; (c) pollution reduction and prevention; (d) sustainable resource management and use, and sustainable manufacturing and production processes; … and (k) extended producer liability. 6
Recommended list of 84 toxic chemicals to avoid in products Carcinogens, PBTs, reproductive toxins Includes familiar chemicals like: BPA, PBDEs, diesel exhaust particulates, vinyl chloride (PVC), and asbestos Not required, but preferred. Used in spec. development. 7
Electronics & appliances, transportation, office and building operations Product examples: dishwashers, refrigerators, computers, air conditioners, passenger vehicles, pest management, printing and recycling services. Proposed: CFLs, office printers, single use food containers and utensils 8
Using fewer toxic chemicals and meeting approved specifications leads to competitive advantage Provides increased access to the purchasing power of NYs $9B dollar annual procurement budget 9
Follow regular bidding process from Procurement Services Group Check bid calendar for openings, or sign up fro up for updates More info: 10
Department of Environmental Conservation Phone: Website: Procurement Services Group at OGS Tel: Clean New York: