6th Grade Enrichment Choices 2015-2016
Option #1: eCYBERMISSION eCYBERMISSION is a FREE web-based Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) competition for 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade teams. Your team will propose a solution to a real problem in your community and compete for State, Regional and National Awards. Each team will consist of only up to four members from only 6th grade enrichment Each team will work independently on self-assigned tasks and will be assessed individually for final skill-based enrichment report Each team will collaborate and share ideas as research helps the team develop and test hypothesis and solutions to their selected topic Each team will consult experts in the field via mission control website to help develop and test hypothesis and solutions to local problem Click here for more information and resources available from home: http://www.ecybermission.com/
What is eCYBERMISSION? If embedded video does not play please click the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A81OwHjWzeA
Choose a Mission Challenge that interests you! Select one of the Mission Challenges below Alternative Sources of Energy Environment Food, Health & Fitness Forces & Motion National Security & Safety Robotics Technology Identify a specific community problem your team can address Use the scientific inquiry using scientific practices or the engineering design process to come up with a solution. Submitting Your Entry -Your team will submit an electronic Mission Folder that will address the specific problem you identified and what you learned. Due February 2016.
eCYBERMISSION eCYBERMISSION short “getting started” video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxeNM9Ib6dI
PROJECT OPTION #2 Create a Culture
Create A Culture Student will work in groups of three and will select a geographic region and will study the following aspects using web based resources: Natural resources Landforms Natural hazards Bodies of water Indigenous people Animal life Plant life Surrounding cultures/peoples
Once students have compiled their research they will create a unique culture. They will engage in the following decision making processes as a group with the focus on compromise and collaboration: Name Historical or Futuristic Time Period Habitat/Geography/Natural Resources/Climate Demographics of the People
The students then choose FIVE areas of interest below and will create a multi-media presentation and at least three artifacts that represent the following cultural aspects that are historically accurate/appropriate and rational for the area on Earth they choose to inhabit: Living quarters/buildings Family structure Power structure/government Education Economy/currency Language Spirituality Holidays and celebrations Food Clothing Entertainment/sports/dance Defense and protection Calendar Flag Optional items: folklore (for my future authors), national anthem (for my musicians), etc.
Tools to be used for this project: Google Earth CIA World Fact Book Library Access to databases (no Wikipedia) Online Atlas Prezi (online presentation tool) Glogster (online presentation tool) 3D printer for artifact creation (will require extra out of class time to create during PACE or lunch) Culture Grams iMovie (optional) Garage Band (optional) Library Resources Animation software (optional)
Each student will receive a culture packet to help guide their research. They will use technology and “hands-on” end product creation tools to produce artifacts and a presentation for Culture Day. Due February 4th Students to be graded individually for this collaborative and independent project
Shared GIEP Goals for Each Unit Students will: engage in independent study. Will and individually and collaboratively complete problem-based activities utilize analytical skills to research a topic, develop a project plan and timeline, and draw conclusions from research results employ cognitive skills to break down a complex problem into smaller parts, recognize cause and effect relationships, and defend opinions using facts give attention to detail to follow a formalized plan, record data accurately, or write clearly defined instructions. apply technical skills, such as troubleshooting, to identify the sources of a problem and create a hypothesis for a possible solution balance tactical (short-term) and strategic (long-term)goals; Utilize time and manage workload efficiently; Monitor, prioritize, and complete tasks without continuous direct adult oversight demonstrate informational/technology/media literacy