The Movie Review Writing a movie review that will do more than just give a plot summary. Material property of the Arkansas Department of Education Distance Learning Center. May be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational use only after contacting the ADE DLC at ER
Beware! Beware of: Plot summaries Opinion statements not backed up with explanation
The Task Reviewers must: Understand the film Understand their feeling and reactions Support their opinions with evidence
Title What does the title mean? Jaws: Sharks and their mouths Deep Impact: A comet and Earth collide Friday Night Lights: High School Football
Beginning Why does the movie begin as it does? What do you learn from the opening scene?
Ending Why does the film end as it does? What is the final image? What does the final scene contribute to the overall meaning of the film?
Compare / Contrast How is this film similar or different from: Other movies out there right now? Other movies from the same genre?
Cameras Camera movements Rapid cutting Long shots Dissolves Camera angles Person speaking Viewpoint
Sounds Carry over between scenes Before scenes Music selection Music meaning
Lighting Effective Important Symbolic
Theme What is the movie about? Lion King: The responsibility of the young to make a better world Major characters How do they feel about themselves and each other? How are they important to society? Do they reveal a strength, compassion or weakness or some other human characteristic? Conclusion about life? What is being examined?
Plot Chronologically or rearranged events? Why? What is left out or has a delayed description? Why? Is a voice-over being used? Do you know more than the main characters? What do you know? Why? Technical elements? Wizard of Oz switches between black and white and color photography.
Characters Realistic? Strange? Fantasy? How do they dress? Actions contribute to the theme? Main character? If none, why? How does the character change? Is the acting realistic or does it seem forced?
Setting Do the objects and props have a special significance to the character, plot or theme? How about within each individual setting?
Special Effects Musical theme song with significance? What does it make the viewer think about? Jaws Lighting natural or dramatized? Special effects? Explosions, war scenes Unusual camera angles.
Writing the review Give your opinion then back it up with facts from the movie. Examine the five areas to find your proof.
Tips Get the opinion in the lead. What you think of the move is the story. Back up that opinion with specific examples. Give enough of the plot so the readers knows what the movie is about, but do not give away the ending or important elements. Convince your reader the movie is, or isn’t, worth the money to spend on it.
Tips No wrong opinion – Just a wrong way of stating that opinion. If you are on the fence, kind of liked it and kind of didn’t, that is ok. Just explain why. Conclude the review by summarizing your opinion.
Website Use the following website for basic information about cast, plot, photos, awards, etc.
Most Important! Have fun. Let your creative juices flow.