LEAP 360: An Overview Welcome and introduce yourself
Outcomes By the end of today’s session, you should be able to: understand the purpose of LEAP 360 and its components, know steps for implementation, and know how LEAP 360 can be used throughout the year to inform instructional decisions. Suggested time: 30 seconds
Louisiana’s Approach Louisiana believes access to the highest quality education allows all students, no matter their zip code, the opportunity for success. Implementing a high-quality curriculum based on rigorous standards is one of the fastest ways to give this access to all students. The curriculum must also be connected to standards-aligned assessments and professional development. Suggested time: 2 minutes “The department’s goal is that all students have access to high-quality curriculum based on rigorous standards and assessments that align to the standards, no matter where they live or attend school. Teachers and school leaders should have the same access to the curriculum, assessments, and professional development, again no matter where they teach. The department has created ELA assessments to help students meet our ELA goal.”
LEAP 360 There are three main purposes for classroom assessment: Know where students are when they enter a classroom Monitor how students are learning content over the year Verify what students have learned LEAP 360 pairs with LEAP 2025 to reduce overall testing time while realizing all three purposes. Suggested time: 1 minute
LEAP 360 Improvements During the first year of LEAP 360 implementation, feedback was collected from focus groups, site visits, district and school leaders, and teachers. Feedback was categorized into five focus areas: Data Management Educator Scoring Reporting Content EAGLE This session will highlight improvements made to LEAP 360 based upon feedback. Suggested time: 1 minute
LEAP 360 The goal of LEAP 360 is to deliver streamlined, high-quality assessments in a comprehensive system for classrooms, schools, and districts. What is the impact on teachers, principals, and districts? Teachers will have a more complete picture of student performance. Principals will identify throughout the system where additional support is needed to focus on the learning that matters most for students. Districts will reduce overall local testing while helping to monitor progress toward district goals. Suggested time: 1 minute
LEAP 360 Assessments: Resources The following resources are available to help teachers understand, access, and use the LEAP 360 assessments: LEAP 360 webpage A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 A District’s Guide to LEAP 360 LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Quick Start Guide LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Quick Start Guide eDIRECT Accessibility Features and Accommodations Overview Teacher Study Guide (available in eDIRECT) Webinars and Mini-trainings available on the LEAP 360 page Parent Guide to LEAP 360 Suggested time: 1 minute These resources will be mentioned throughout today’s session.
LEAP 360: Know Where They Are To set end-of-year goals, we’ve got to start with beginning-of-year questions: What are we starting with? What have students retained from the previous year? What learning was left unfinished? Who can be pushed or challenged further? What are meaningful learning goals? In ELA and math, these answers come from a variety of places: LEAP 360 diagnostic assessments Data from previous year Cold-read task from previous grade level EAGLE test built from precursory standards found in Math Remediation Guides. Suggested time: 2 minutes
Diagnostics Summary (Grades 3-8 and High School) Assessment Tool Includes Recommended Window Reporting ELA Diagnostic (Grades 3-HS) 1 reading and writing form; 3 writing forms Beginning of year/course Student, Groups, School, District, State Math Diagnostic (Grades 3-HS) 1 form (3 sessions) The diagnostic assessments are designed to: Identify the specific prerequisite skills individual students or groups of students need in order to be successful with grade level content Understand student performance on: Readily accessible and moderately complex texts in ELA Previous grade level content that is a precursor to major content in math Assist with meaningful, yet ambitious goal setting for student learning targets Suggested time: 1 minute
ELA Diagnostic Design Reading Writing Grades 3-4 Grades 5-6 Grades 7-8 HS Grades 3-HS Two 35-minute sessions each with: 2 stand alone passages 20 questions Two 40-minute sessions: Session 1: Session 2: 1 stand alone passage and 1 pair Two 45-minute sessions each with: One writing prompt. Choice of: Narrative Expository Opinion/ Argument Unique diagnostic rubrics and exemplars will be used to indicate above grade-level, on grade-level, and below grade-level writing skills. 40% of questions will be EBSR items 50% of questions will be EBSR items Suggested time: 1 minute
Sample ELA Diagnostic Design LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Structure: Grades 3-8, English I, and English II Forms 1A, 1B, and 1C** Grade/ Course Sessions Number of Passages Focus Points per Item Type Total Points Suggested Time* Content Assessed MC EBSR PCR 5 Session 1 2 MOD lit 1 RA info 10 18 28 40 minutes RI.4.1-6, 8-9; RL.4.1-6; W.4.1-3; L.4.1 Session 2 3 1 pair: RA lit/MOD info 1 RA lit 11 20 31 Session 3: Option A 1 Expository 40-45 minutes Writing standards W.1, 4, 7–8, 10; language conventions standards L.1–2, plus language skills from previous grades Session 3: Option B Opinion 45 minutes Writing standards W.2, 4, 7–8, 10; language conventions standards L.1–2, plus language skills from previous grades Session 3: Option C Narrative Writing standards W.3, 4, 7–8, 10; language conventions standards L.1–2, plus language skills from previous grades Total Points: 69 Suggested time: 30 seconds This is an example of a table. Tables for all diagnostics can be found in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360. The assessment structure for each diagnostic assessment is available in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360.
Math Diagnostic Design Grades 3-4 Grades 5-6 Grades 7-8 High School Grade 3 1 25-minute session with 16 Type I items 2 30-minute sessions with 12 Type I items and 1 Type II or 1 Type III task Grade 5 1 35-minute session with 22 Type I items 1 35-minute session with 14 Type I items and 1 Type II task 1 40-minute session with 18 Type I items and 1 Type III task Grade 7 2 25-minute no calculator sessions with 16 Type I items 1 40-minute calculator session with 10 Type I items, 1 Type II task, and 1 Type III task Algebra I 2 30-minute no calculator sessions with 20 Type 1 items 1 45-minute calculator session with 13 Type I items, 1 Type II task, and 1 Type III task Grade 4 1 30-minute session with 19 Type I items 2 30-minute sessions with 11 Type I items and 1 Type II or Type III task Grade 6 2 30-minute session with 12 Type I items and 1 Type II or Type III task Grade 8 1 25-minute no calculator session with 14 Type I items 2 35-minute calculator sessions, each with 15 Type I items and 1 Type II or Type III task. Geometry 1 30-minute no calculator session with 18 Type I items 1 40-minute calculator session with 18 Type I items and 1 Type III task 1 40-minute calculator session with 17 Type I items and 1 Type II task Suggested time: 1 minute
Sample Math Diagnostic Design LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Design Grades 3-8, Algebra I and Geometry Grade Session Points per Task Type Total Points Suggested Time* Assessed Prerequisite Content Type I Type II Type III 3 1 16 25 minutes 2.OA.A.1, 2.OA.C.3, 2.OA.C.4, 2.NBT.A.1, 2.NBT.A.2, 2.NBT.A.4, 2.NBT.B.7, 2.NBT.B.8, 2.MD.A.2, 2.MD.B., 2.G.A.3 2 13 4 17 30 minutes (No calculator.) Total Points 48 Suggested time: 30 seconds This is an example of a table. Tables for all diagnostics can be found in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360. The assessment structure for each diagnostic assessment is available in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360.
LEAP 360: Monitor What They’re Learning To achieve end-of-year goals, we’ve got to ask throughout-the-year questions: What’s “sticking” and what’s not? What needs closer attention? How are we progressing toward goals? These answers come from a variety of places: LEAP 360 interim assessments Guidebook tasks (cold-reads, culminating writing, and extensions) Tier 1 assessments K-2 Formative tasks Aligned classroom assessments found in EAGLE Suggested time: 2 minutes
LEAP 360 Interim Assessments Assessment Tool Includes Recommended Window Reporting ELA Interim Assessments for Grades 3-8, English I, and English II 2 forms in grades 3-8; 3 forms in high schools courses Based on curriculum and instructional pacing Student, Groups, School, District, State Math Interim Assessments for Grades 3-8), Algebra I, and Geometry The interim assessments are designed to allow districts, schools, and teachers to: Use results to make smart instructional decisions to improve student learning Analyze student data to identify student-specific and classwide patterns in learning and misconceptions Adjust instruction and target support for students in need Gauge progress toward end-of-year goals Suggested time: 1 minute
ELA Interim Design (Grades 3-8) Session Description of Task/Item Set Number of EBSR Number of PCR 1 Modified Research Simulation Task 4-5 1* 2 Literary Analysis Task OR Narrative Writing Task and Reading Literature 5 6 3 Reading Literary and Informational Texts Totals 16 Suggested time: 1 minute *There will be one PCR item in either Session 1 or Session 2 for each grade.
ELA Interim Design (English I and II) Session Description of Task/Item Set Number of EBSR Number of PCR 1 Research Simulation Task OR 6 1* Literary Analysis Task 5 Narrative Writing Task 4 2 Reading Literary and Informational Texts 12-14 Totals 18 Suggested time: 1 minute *There will be one PCR item in Session 1 for each grade.
Sample ELA Interim Design LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Structure Grades 3-8 Interim 1A and 1B* Form Session Number of Passages Focus Number/ Type of Items Total Points Suggested Time* Assessable ELA Student Standards (by subclaim) 1A 1 2 Modified Research Task 5 SR and 1 PCR 25 (grade 3) 29 (grades 4-8) 60-75 minutes RI standards 1-3, 5-10; Vocabulary (RV) standards: RI.4, L.4, and L.5; Writing standards W.1 or 2, 4, 7-9; Conventions L.1 and L.2 Reading Literary Texts 5 SR 10 20-30 minutes RL standards 1-3, 5-10 and Vocabulary (RV) standards RL.4, L.4, and L.5 3 Reading Literary and Informational Texts 6 SR 12 RL and RI standards 1-3, 5-10 and Vocabulary (RV) standards RI/RL.4, L.4, and L.5 Suggested time: 30 seconds This is an example of a table. Tables for all interims can be found in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360. The assessment structure for each diagnostic assessment is available in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360.
Math Interim Design (Grades 3-8) Subclaim Category Description Task Types Type I Type II Type III A Major Content with Connections to Practices 16-21 B Additional and Supporting Content with Connections to Practices 0-5 C Highlighted Practices MP.3, 6 with Connections to Content (expressing mathematical reasoning) 1 D Highlighted Practice MP.4 with Connections to Content (modeling/application) Totals 21-26 Suggested time: 1 minute
Math Interim Design (Algebra I and Geometry) Subclaim Category Description Task Types Type I Type II Type III A Major Content with Connections to Practices 12-13 9-10 B Additional and Supporting Content with Connections to Practices 4 5-6 C Highlighted Practices MP.3, 6 with Connections to Content (expressing mathematical reasoning) 1 D Highlighted Practice MP.4 with Connections to Content (modeling/application) Totals 16-17 14-16 Suggested time: 1 minute
Sample Math Interim Design Grade 3 Interim Assessments Designs Reporting Category Form 1 Form 2 One Session Assessable Content Session 1 Session 2 Tasks Points Major Content 18 20 3.OA.A.1, 3.OA.A.2, 3.OA.A.3, 3.OA.A.4, 3.OA.B.6, 3.OA.C.7, 3.OA.D.8, 3.MD.A.1, 3.MD.A.2, LEAP.I.3.2, LEAP.I.3.3, LEAP.I.3.4 10 11 3.NF.A.1, 3.NF.A.2, 3.NF.A.3, 3.MD.C.5, 3.MD.C.6, 3.MD.C.7, LEAP.I.3.1 Additional & Supporting Content 3 4 3.NBT.A.2, 3.NBT.A.3 1 2 3.G.A.2 Expressing Mathematical Reasoning LEAP.II.3.1, LEAP.II.3.2, LEAP.II.3.5, LEAP. II.3.6, LEAP.II.3.8 LEAP.II.3.1, LEAP. II.3.3, LEAP.II.3.4, LEAP.II.3.5, LEAP.II.3.7, LEAP.II.3.8 Modeling & Application LEAP.III.3.1 TOTALS 23 30 12 16 15 Suggested Time* 70 minutes 35 minutes Suggested time: 30 seconds This is an example of a table. Tables for all interims can be found in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360. Assessable Content indicates content eligible for assessment. Not all assessable content will be assessed in the interim assessments.
EAGLE 2.0 (ELA, Math, SS, and Sci) K-2 Tasks and EAGLE Assessment Tool Includes Recommended Window Reporting K-2 Tasks (ELA and Math) 32 tasks (16 ELA, 16 math) Throughout year N/A EAGLE 2.0 (ELA, Math, SS, and Sci) over 5,500 items Performance, Test Session The formative assessment tools (EAGLE 2.0 and the K-2 Formative Tasks): Provide quality questions/tasks that target individual skills or texts Integrate with tasks from teachers’ curriculum Aid and enhance student learning while allowing teachers to make timely interventions to adjust instruction throughout the year Suggested time: 1 minute
K-2 Formative Tasks: Overview The K-2 formative tasks are a set of student-centered and engaging tasks, aligned to Louisiana’s K-2 Student Standards, that: Focus on essential skills in ELA and mathematics Offer teachers tools to observe and collect information about young students; Allow for performance-based opportunities for learning; Include checklists and rubrics to help teachers analyze student performance; Inform next steps of instruction for students. Suggested time: 1 minute
K-2 Formative Tasks Design K-2 Formative tasks are currently available in eDIRECT. Each ELA task contains 1 file with all materials needed (texts, videos, activities, checklists, rubrics) Each math task contains 2 files. One provides access to the task, the other contains additional checklists. Pacing recommendations are included, along with reflection activities at the end of each task. Grade Content Area Number of Tasks K ELA 6 math 1 2 4 Totals 32 Suggested time: 1 minute
EAGLE Objectives: 2018-2019 ELA Support implementation of the guidebook units with high-quality assessments Math Support teachers' understanding of math standards Provide Type II and Type II items Social Studies Provide complete item sets Science Existing items to be pulled down and new items added Suggested time: 1 minute Overall, each content area will have additional items added throughout the year. Search functionality in the passage tab will be improved to facilitate searches by unit through clear passage naming. Also, an updated list of available items will be available in A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360.
EAGLE: Scoring and Reporting EAGLE 2.0 assessments are scored using a combination of automated and teacher scoring. Multiple choice items and technology enhanced items are scored by the system. Constructed response items are scored by the teacher through the Educator Scoring application. The following types of reports are available: Performance reports Test Session reports Suggested time: 1 minute
LEAP 360: Verify What They Know To verify end-of-year goals, we’ve got to ask end-of-year questions: What can I confirm about learning? What worked? What didn’t? Did we reach our goals? These answers can come from a few different places: LEAP 2025 summative assessments End-of-module or unit tests built in EAGLE Cold-read tasks and culminating writing tasks Suggested time: 2 minutes
LEAP 360: Connecting to Instruction Suggested time: 30 seconds
LEAP 360: Connecting to Instruction LEAP 360 provides teachers with connected assessments designed to give meaningful information about student performance throughout the year. These assessments are aligned to both the Louisiana Student Standards and to the assessment approach of LEAP 2025. These assessments are only valuable if they are incorporated into instructional pacing. LEAP 360 assessments can be used instructionally in many different ways. Suggested time: 2 minutes LEAP 360 is designed to provide teachers and students with "real time" results in detailed reports that allow for immediate curricular and instructional adjustments as needed. In ELA, English Language Arts Guidebooks 2.0 units include instruction in the study and analysis of complex, grade-level texts. In ELA, LEAP 360 pairs well with Guidebook assessments and lessons, giving teachers the opportunity to incorporate it into the rhythm of their classroom and curriculum. In Math, LEAP 360 assessments provide teachers and learners with high-quality assessments of standards through an approach that mirrors that of the LEAP 2025 statewide summative tests and should be incorporated into instructional pacing, planning, and, remediation. These assessments are only valuable if they are incorporated into instructional pacing and planning. First we will focus on instruction; LEAP 360 assessments can be used instructionally in many different ways.
LEAP 360: Connecting to Instruction Math Example In Math, LEAP 360 can help teachers understand the expectations from students on Type II and Type III items. LEAP 360 Type II and Type III items can be used to: Illustrate how student responses connect to the math practices. Illustrate the level of reasoning expected in student responses. Understand that expectations for a complete response include addressing all parts (e.g., part A, part B, etc.) of an item and all components of each part (e.g., within one part make a claim, justify a claim, and show work with each component worth points). For more information, attend the LEAP 360 Math: A Deep Dive session. Suggested time: 2 minutes In math, LEAP 360 items allow teachers to better understand what responses they should expect from students on modeling and reasoning items and tasks.
LEAP 360: Connecting to Instruction ELA Example In ELA, LEAP 360 items allow teachers to better understand the importance of the design of questions and tasks. LEAP 360 passages and items can be used to support teacher in understanding how to: Ensure lessons order questions in a purposeful way. Sequence questions within a task so they build understanding and lead to a culminating writing task. Use questions that focus on essential vocabulary (with sufficient context) and key ideas that are supported by textual evidence. For more information, attend the LEAP 360 ELA: A Deep Dive session. Suggested time: 2 minutes In ELA, LEAP 360 items allow teachers to better understand the importance of ordering questions within a task that lead to a culminating writing task. Just putting a good text in front of students is not enough. The questions and tasks that students are given are important. Implementing the guidebooks with integrity ensures that this happens.
Instructional Planning Resources LEAP 360 Teacher Study Guide (available in eDIRECT) *New resource Answer key (including alignment information) Scoring Guides Sample papers (when applicable) PDF of assessment The K-12 ELA Planning Resources page provides links to a variety of resources that give teachers access to Guidebook 2.0, instructional strategies, LEAP 2025 assessment guides, and several other tools. The K-12 Math Planning Resources page provides links to a variety of resources including sample year plans, companion documents, LEAP 2025 assessment guides, and several other tools. Suggested time: 2 minutes
LEAP 360 in Action: Allen Parish Let’s hear how one district has audited their assessment system, eliminated assessments, and incorporated LEAP 360. Suggested time: 5 minutes LEAP 360 was the glue that meshed all other professional development together (discuss this first). WE were excited to have access to them and knew we were using them so we made it the cornerstone to our assessment and data work for the year.
LEAP 360 in Action: Allen Parish Assessment Audit Eliminated non-essential and overlapping assessments Assessment Vision for Allen Parish Developed a plan of implementation Assessment Audit What assessments were given? When were they given? For what purpose were they given? What type of assessment did it represent? Every assessment from district to classroom level From there, the assessment vision was birthed…. (handout) Implementation: Replaced our district common assessments All teachers had to take the test Diagnostic was taken to identify exactly which pre-requisite skills we’d get data on (not just which prior standards were assessed) The standards that these skills supported were identified The standards that would be taught during the first quarter became the focus For the interims we followed a 4 phase data dialogue (see next slide)
LEAP 360 in Action: Allen Parish Developed a strategy to analyze results Equipped teachers with tools to collect evidence Continually planned instruction throughout the year using results from LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessments Task Deconstruction Matrix Discuss the 4 phases (handout) Predictions were made based on the data from diagnostic (where available) and classroom data Decisions regarding which data we would prioritize and how it would be organized and displayed Data was converted to excel in order to filter and examine closely Based on pre-identified priorities we looked for patterns or trends as a team (teachers naturally dug deeper independently and with coaches in individual sessions) In line with schools problem of learning/practice (other PD) Is it assessed on next interim? If so, what will we use in the meantime to assess? When will we re-examine? If not, what will we use to re-examine? When will we re-examine?
LEAP 360: Getting Started Suggested time: 30 seconds
Getting Started The LEAP 360 Diagnostic Quick Start Guide provides general information about the purpose, administration, scoring, and reporting of the diagnostic assessments. Teachers will be able to access the online assessments in Google Chrome by using the LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessment Teacher Access link. The LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Quick Start Guide provides information about the purpose, administration, scoring, and reporting of the interim assessments. Teachers will be able to access the online assessments in Google Chrome by using the LEAP 360 Interim Assessment Teacher Access link. Paper-based (PBT) tests for grades 3 and 4 are available for download in eDIRECT under the Documents tab. Computer-based tests (CBT) for grades 3 through high school are administered through the Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) INSIGHT testing platform. Suggested time: 1 minute
LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessments: Teacher Access To access LEAP 360 Diagnostic Assessments, teachers should: Visit the LEAP 360 webpage to access the Diagnostic Assessment Quick Start Guide. Using Google Chrome, follow the Teacher Access link and enter the username and password for desired content area and grade level. Suggested time: 1 minute This is the Diagnostic Assessment Quick Start Guide. A similar guide is also available for the Interim assessments.
A District’s Guide to LEAP 360 For more information about district roles and LEAP 360, attend the LEAP 360: Deep Dive into A District’s Guide to LEAP 360 session. Suggested time: 1 minute
LEAP 360: General Scoring Information The way in which LEAP 360 assessments are scored depends upon the mode in which the assessment is administered—either paper-based or computer-based. Paper-based forms will be scored by teachers. Computer-based forms will be scored using a combination of automated and teacher scoring. Answer keys and scoring guidance will be provided in the Teacher Study Guide available in eDIRECT under the Documents tab. The eDIRECT User Guide- Educator Scoring section explains how to access and use the Educator Scoring application to score constructed response and extended-response items for the computer-based tests. New for 2018-2019 Student responses can be printed in one batch. Student scores can be reset. In educator scoring, teachers can selecting only items needing scoring. Suggested time: 1 minute
LEAP 360: General Scoring Information The computer-based tests (CBT) are scored using a combination of automated and teacher scoring. *In order to generate a report, paper-based test responses must be transferred to the online platform. Item Type Automatically Scored Teacher Scored Selected Response (MC/MS) ✔ Evidence-Based Selected Response (EBSR) Technology-Enhanced (TE) Constructed Response Extended Response Prose Constructed Response Suggested time: 1 minute
Teacher Study Guide The Teacher Study Guide for each Diagnostic and Interim assessment will be available in eDIRECT under the Documents tab. Answer key Scoring guidance Sample papers Additional samples have been added for Diagnostic assessments. Sample papers are currently being developed for Interim 1. PDF copy of assessment Suggested time: 1 minute
Educator Scored Items Analyzing items collaboratively can help teachers better understand the expectations of the standards. Scoring assessment items collaboratively can help educators: norm expectations with other educators, have meaningful conversations about student misconceptions, and collaboratively discuss approaches to supporting struggling students. Suggested time: 1 minute
LEAP 360 in Action: Richland Parish Let’s hear how one district has used educator scoring to enrich its PLCs. Suggested time: 5 minutes Rebecca from Richland Parish
LEAP 360 in Action: Richland Parish Suggested time: 5 minutes Rebecca from Richland Parish
LEAP 360 in Action: Richland Parish Suggested time: 5 minutes Rebecca from Richland Parish
LEAP 360: Reports Suggested time: 30 seconds
LEAP 360 Assessments: Reports LEAP 360 reports are designed to lead teachers toward making informed, sound instructional decisions based on identifiable strengths and weaknesses. They are designed to work together to take teachers through the process of both group and individual performance analysis. Group Analysis: CSV File School List Report (new for 2018-2019) Test Session List Report (new for 2018-2019) School Summary Test Session Summary Report Test Session Response Map Individual Analysis: Student Summary Report Student Response Map Suggested time: 1 minute
LEAP 360 Reports: School List Report Suggested time: 30 seconds This new report will allow districts to see information for all schools in one report.
LEAP 360 Reports: Test Session List Report Suggested time: 30 seconds This new report will allow schools to see all test sessions in one report.
LEAP 360 Reports: Test Session Summary Report used to get a quick overview of student performance in a test session gives a visual representation of areas of readiness and areas for intervention most common “group” is a class; schools and districts set up the test groups in a variety of ways Suggested time: 1 minute A roster of students has been added to the bottom of this report. The information on this report is relative to the progress of all possible testers and testing groups. For example, the first school in a district to test will show different district average when the last school tests.
LEAP 360 Reports: Test Session Response Map When read horizontally, a teacher can see each individual student’s response to each item. When read vertically, a teacher can see how the whole group performed on a single item Patterns for both group and individual patterns emerge Suggested time: 1 minute Yellow has been added for partially correct responses. Standards have been added for math. Percents for students and items have been added.
LEAP 360 Reports: Student Summary Report gives a visual representation of areas of readiness and areas for intervention useful in parent-teacher conferences or in goal-setting conferences with students Suggested time: 30 seconds Numbers have been added to the end of each bar.
LEAP 360 Reports: Student Response Map Pinpoint student abilities and investigate misconceptions Works well with existing instructional support tools Diverse Learners Guide for ELA Remediation Guides for mathematics Suggested time: 30 seconds
LEAP 360 Assessments: Instructional Planning Once student and class level data analysis occurs, teachers should: Work with students to set meaningful, ambitious learning goals for the year or evaluate progress towards end-of-year goals Identify specific content that will need more intensive instruction as it is approached throughout the year and work to build-in additional time or scaffolding accordingly Recognize patterns in both individual and group learning or learning misconceptions and use that information to create focused intervention groups Once this level of analysis occurs, teachers should not: Label students as “high” or “low” and group them accordingly for the entire year Teach the missed prerequisite standards for several weeks and readminister to the diagnostic assessment to see if students “got it” Reteach the standards for which students did not demonstrate proficiency over several weeks and readminster the interim assessment to see if students “got it” Suggested time: 2 minutes
LEAP 360 in Action: Ascension Parish Let’s hear how one district has used LEAP 360 in schoolwide PLCs. Suggested time: 5 minutes Kristen from Ascension
LEAP 360 in Action: Ascension Parish At Donaldsonville HS, we use LEAP 360 to… gather data on our students to create interventions, as well as spiral in skills that were not mastered ensure inter-rater reliability when scoring writing tasks and create exemplary responses collaborate on creating LEAP-like writing prompts and multiple choice questions for teacher-made formative and summative assessments backwards design for unit and lesson pacing Suggested time: 5 minutes Kristen from Ascension
LEAP 360 in Action: Ascension Parish Suggested time: 5 minutes Kristen from Ascension
LEAP 360 in Action: Ascension Parish Suggested time: 5 minutes Kristen from Ascension
LEAP 360 in Action: Ascension Parish Collaborate on creating LEAP-like writing tasks and M/C questions for teacher-made formative and summative assessments Suggested time: 5 minutes Kristen from Ascension
LEAP 360 in Action: Ascension Parish Backwards design for unit and lesson pacing Suggested time: 5 minutes Kristen from Ascension
LEAP 360: Final Thoughts Suggested time: 30 seconds
Aligned Approach to LEAP 2025 Uses the same testing platform as LEAP 2025 summative assessments Gives students increased exposure to LEAP 2025 item types and online tools Developed by the same assessment team that develops LEAP 2025 assessments, ensuring alignment in language, items types, and rigor Suggested time: 1 minute
Mathematics Approach Overall LEAP 360 design builds toward end-of-year tests Diagnostics: simple design with multiple choice Interims: full range of item types similar to summatives Both: modeling and reasoning tasks on each form Designed as true interims to be administered based on content covered using top tier curricula Emphasis on Major Content for courses, as specified in LEAP 2025 Assessment Guides for Mathematics Modeling and reasoning tasks based on LEAP evidence statements Suggested time: 1 minute
ELA Approach Overall LEAP 360 design builds toward end-of-year tests Diagnostics: simple with combination of MC and EBSRs Interim 1: all EBSR items to emphasize evidence Interim 2: EBSR and TE items, more like the summative assessments Integrated test design (no separate sections for grammar, vocabulary, etc.) Items examine essential ideas from chosen texts and follow the order or “flow” of the texts Reading items build toward writing task Diversity of text selection and range of difficulty across forms Suggested time: 1 minute
Closing Thoughts: Key Takeaways LEAP 360 assessments are important tools in educators’ toolboxes that serve a variety of purposes. The primary intention of LEAP 360 is to give educators access to rich, high-quality assessments that streamline assessment. Although participation in LEAP 360 guarantees districts access to the full suite of assessments, these should not be given in addition to other existing assessments; districts must choose what works best for their schools and students. Be sure to contact assessment@la.gov with any questions. Suggested time: 1 minute
Turn and Talk Now that you have heard the overview of LEAP 360 and about how three districts used LEAP 360 last year, what takeaways do you have? What resonates with you? Suggested time: 5 minutes
LEAP 360: Next Steps Suggested time: 30 seconds
LEAP 360 (2018-2019) The Department is preparing for the second year of LEAP 360 implementation. School systems that signed a LEAP 360 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the 2017-2018 school year may choose to continue using LEAP 360 through June 30, 2019, under the same terms and conditions. LEAP 360 will be available to districts in the 2018-2019 at no cost. Year two provides school systems with an opportunity to: re-evaluate existing practices, reduce duplicative testing, and transition to a more comprehensive assessment system that yields valid and reliable information on student performance throughout the school year. Suggested time: 1 minute As we plan for the 2018-2019 school year, the Department is preparing for the 2nd year of LEAP 360 implementation. We understand that districts and schools begin budgeting for the upcoming school year now. We also understand that funding plays a big role in decisions related to the implementation of key initiatives, which is why we are pleased to announce that we will extend access to LEAP 360 through June 30, 2019. This means that school systems that signed a LEAP 360 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the 2017-2018 school year may choose to continue using LEAP 360 through June 30, 2019, under the same terms and conditions, and at no cost. Year two provides school systems with an opportunity to re-evaluate existing practices, reduce duplicative testing, and transition to a more comprehensive assessment system.
LEAP 360 (2018-2019) Next Steps The Department is continuing to gather feedback from school systems and school level users through focus groups, site visits, and assessment@la.gov. Enhancements across usability, administration, and reporting will be implemented for the 2018-2019 school year. To opt-in and amend your school system’s existing agreement, each Superintendent must sign an amendment to the original agreement. Please click here to download the LEAP 360 MOU Amendment (2018-2019) form. Complete, sign, and return an electronic copy to assessment@la.gov by July 7, 2018. Note: School systems should anticipate a cost for the 2019-2020 school year. Suggested time: 1 minute What are next steps? The Department is continuing to gather feedback directly from school systems and school level users through focus groups, site visits, and assessment@la.gov. Enhancements across usability, administration, and reporting will be implemented for the 2018-2019 school year. School Systems that choose to continue using LEAP 360 next year will need to opt-in and amend their existing agreement by signing the LEAP 360 MOU Amendment (2018-2019). Access to the LEAP 360 MOU Amendment form can be found at the link above. Please make sure you complete, sign, and return an electronic copy to assessment@la.gov by July 7, 2018. If you have any questions, please email assessment@la.gov.
Next Steps Once your return home you should: analyze your scope and sequence to determine when LEAP 360 will be administered and ensure that structures are set up for LEAP 360 data to be reviewed and used to adjust instruction. Please contact assessment@la.gov with any LEAP 360 questions or suggestions throughout the school year. Suggested time: 1 minute