SINTEF Energy Research 1 Remodece meeting September 2007 Nicolai Feilberg WP5 Presentation and discussion on data analysis
SINTEF Energy Research 2 WP5 Analysis Format for exchange of data information Status metering campaign Quality assurance and control Deliverable D10: Yearly electricity consumption and average specific load curves for each type of appliance, and potential energy savings. Deadline month 32 – summer 2008
SINTEF Energy Research 3 Data exchange format Format Ascii txt files Microsoft Excel can save in this format if selected *.xls file format can not be used Columns should be divided by tabulators. Dates should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD IDs of appliances should be in the format ccccppnnnttaann Data exchange Partners should send the data files to Enertech and Sintef every month/every 2 months, or when data are ready to be analysed.
SINTEF Energy Research 4 Data file format AppFormat.txt Contains watt consumptions during 10 minutes intervals. ID:ccccppnnnttaann ApplianceDetails : DateHourWh/10min : :
SINTEF Energy Research 5 Household format Contains information of the residents in the house HouseHoldID Name Address PostCode PhoneNumber Ageless than 12: Age 13 to 18: Age 19 to 65: Age 65 more: Education Level El Consumption Year <> Type of building ElSpaceHeat ElWaterHeat Climate
SINTEF Energy Research 6 Status metering campaigns Metering data is sent Sintef for check and analysis Data received for check of format Portugal 18 houses days Tjekkia 1 house 19 days Germany 6 houses 14 days Norway 5 houses 14 days Data received for analysis Norway Enertech Database on the air Sintef needs raw data with 10 minutes intervals from earlier campaigns
SINTEF Energy Research 7 Metering campaign in Norway Equipment to be used 125 standard Power detectives 5 electric cooker meters 16 house centrals Also to be used is 30 accumulating energy meters Problems: Late arrival of equipment Radio transmission problems Exterior antenna might solve problems Reset after power shortage
SINTEF Energy Research 8 Power detective file Problem: radio contact
SINTEF Energy Research 9 Draft: Analysis report D10 Title: Yearly electricity consumption and average specific load curves for each type of appliance, and potential for energy savings Contents: Total consumption in households Domestic computers and peripherals New electronic loads Home movie systems, game consoles, DVD players and large Plasma/LCD TV sets Chargers for cordless and mobile phones and cordless tools Lighting appliances Cold/washing/drying Air conditioning, space heating and water heating Conclusion: Assessment of the potential electricity savings
SINTEF Energy Research 10 Types of equipment metered are dependent on country: CountriesAppliances and end-uses "Old EU Countries" - Belgium - Denmark - France - Germany - Greece - Italy - Portugal - Domestic computer and peripherals, - New electronic loads : home movie systems, game consoles, DVD players and recorders, large Plasma/LCDs sets, - Other standby power : chargers for cordless and mobile phones, cordless tools, - Lighting, - Air conditioners (Southern Europe). "Central and Eastern EU Countries" - Bulgaria - Czech Republic - Hungary - Romania - Norway - Cold appliances, - Washing machines - Dryers, - Lighting, - New electronic loads.
SINTEF Energy Research 11 Total premise consumption
SINTEF Energy Research 12 Average graph washing machine
SINTEF Energy Research 13 Percentile graph
SINTEF Energy Research 14 Peak load profiles
SINTEF Energy Research 15 Standby graph
SINTEF Energy Research 16 Launcher Power Detective launcher Programming PowerDetectives to be placed in a house Use of codes to uniquely indentifying kind of appliance, enables cross country comparisons Storing of personal data file along with the Power detective files so that all information is available for analysis: Age of persons Number of persons in age groups Climate House types Data are stored on SD card, used in the metering central
SINTEF Energy Research 17
SINTEF Energy Research 18 Quality of metered values Values can have bad quality Missing values due to malfunction of radio Metering unit has accumulated values in time periods with no radio contact Other reasons for erroneous values Analyse Software must find and take care of erroneous values If values are marked as error, do not use Find values that are clearly higher than normal/average
SINTEF Energy Research 19 Daylight saving hours Power detective units automatically detects hour when dato format changes during spring and autumn Other units does not change values Does operator change the time manually Should analyting software account for change of the time when reading the metering data files? It is necessary that this problem is handled: If not profiles will be erroneous during summer or winter season One hour shifts of profiles Will Enertech equipment take care of this problem?