DG TREN D4 Pirjo-Liisa Koskimäki European policies on energy efficiency EUSEW 2008 – EUFORES EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Action Plan on Energy Efficiency Overview. Adopted 19 October Integral part of Energy Package of 10 January 2007, endorsed by Spring European Council. Improving efficiency and realising the over 20% estimated savings potential in EU annual primary energy consumption by Energy efficiency most immediate element of a European Energy Policy
Action Plan on Energy Efficiency 6 areas, 10 priorities, 75 actions. Dynamic energy performance requirements for energy- using products, buildings and energy services. Energy transformation. Transport. Financing energy efficiency, economic incentives and energy pricing. Changing energy behaviour. International partnerships
Energy Efficiency legislation. Directive on energy performance of buildings. Directive on the promotion of cogeneration. Directive for the taxation of energy products and electricity. Directive on energy efficiency requirements for boilers, refrigerators and ballasts for fluorescent lighting. Directives for labelling of electric ovens, air-conditioners and refrigerators and other appliances. Regulation of Energy Star labelling for office equipment. Directive on eco-design requirements for energy using products. Directive on energy end-use efficiency and energy services
Energy Efficiency legislation in the pipeline. New Energy Star Agreement: All central authorities MS must use Energy Star efficiency levels in their public procurement for office equipment. Comprehensive survey on the implementation of the Framework Labelling Directive (92/75/EC). Analysis of possible implementing measures for 20 product groups under the Eco-design Directive. Green Paper on urban transport including proposal on financing for market introduction of efficient vehicles. Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/96/EC: Adjustment of special tax arrangements for gas oil used as motor fuel for commercial purposes and the coordination of taxation of unleaded petrol and gas oil used as motor fuel. Third internal energy market package including the amendment of Directive 2003/54/EC and strengthening the requirements on energy efficiency placed on energy regulators. Communication on a Strategic Energy Technology Plan: The SET Plan should help to accelerate the development of promising energy technologies and create the conditions to bring such technologies to the market. Regulation on emission performance standards for new passenger cars
Status National Energy Efficiency Action Plans Transposing Article 14(2) of ESD. 19 MS have submitted NEEAPs (as of 21 January 2008). EC has initiated infringement procedures: » 12 MS received Letters of Formal Notification for failure to notify NEEAP, 2 MS have since notified. All plans available online: efficiency
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