Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages 2.7 Microsoft Word Editing Documents EDITING DOCUMENTS Follow up with students on the previous homework assignments. In addition to completing the labs in Section 2.6 before coming to class, students should have watched the three videos for this section (2.7.1, 2.7.2, and 2.7.3) and completed the Skills Lab (2.7.5).
Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages Thesaurus PRACTICE Sample Passage: “Shakespeare offers insightful perceptions regarding the king’s complex temperament.” Possible replacements for perceptions: insights, acuities, discernments, observations, sensitivities, awareness, views, opinions Possible replacements for temperament: nature, character, personality, disposition, temper, spirit, outlook, make-up “ATTENTION” SLIDE: THESAURUS PRACTICE Warn students that using a thesaurus requires careful consideration of the suggested synonyms. Many of the words listed will not fit well in the context of the passage. Ask the class which synonym they might choose to replace each emphasized word (all suggested synonyms are taken from the Microsoft Word Thesaurus). Point out that some words clearly do not fit well with the surrounding modifiers. Others depend on what the author is trying to communicate.
Section Skill Overview Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages Section Skill Overview Find and replace a particular word within a document Turn automatic spelling and grammar checking on and off Use the spelling and grammar checker Use the thesaurus to find synonyms Count the total words in a document Correct errors while typing with AutoCorrect Customize AutoCorrect settings Modify an AutoCorrect entry Remove a hyperlink from text SECTION SKILLS OVERVIEW If students have completed the Skills lab (2.7.5), use this slide to prompt them for questions on specific tasks. For students who have not completed the Skills lab, use this slide to introduce the tasks they will be learning in the section.
Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages KEY Terms AutoCorrect AutoCorrect Options Find and Replace Hyperlink Spelling & Grammar Checker Thesaurus KEY TERMS Introduce key terms for this section. Ask students if they have questions about particular terms. If students have not watched the videos in this section, you may choose to play a video to introduce features. Videos include: AutoCorrect Options (3:03) Spell Checking (2:23) The Thesaurus (4:07)
Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages KEY DEFINITIONS AutoCorrect: A software feature that automatically corrects perceived errors in user input. AutoCorrect Options: Options within Microsoft Office that let you modify what is automatically corrected as you type. Find and Replace: A Microsoft Office feature that searches a document for a series of characters and replaces them with another series of characters. KEY DEFINITIONS Define key terms that students do not understand. Many terms are better explained using a brief demonstration rather than giving an abstract definition.
KEY DEFINITIONS (continued) Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages KEY DEFINITIONS (continued) Hyperlink: A designated word or image within an electronic document that links to another location in the document or to another electronic document. Spelling & Grammar Checker: A tool in Microsoft Office applications that identifies and corrects misspelled words and grammatical mistakes. Thesaurus: A tool in Microsoft Office applications for finding multiple synonyms for a word. KEY DEFINITIONS CONTINUED Provide more definitions for key terms.
Helpful AutoCorrect Changes Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages Helpful AutoCorrect Changes Text Replaced With: (c) © (tm) ™ CAnada Canada saturday Saturday acheive achieve adn and teh the thsi this yuo you OPTIONAL SLIDE: HELPFUL AUTOCORRECT CHANGES Remind students that AutoCorrect changes are occasionally not what you want, especially when unfamiliar proper names are mistakenly changed.
Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages In-class Practice Do Challenge Lab 2.7.6 and aim for the best possible time. The lab can be attempted multiple times, with the task set changing each time. Let me know if you need help on a task. OPTIONAL SLIDE: PRACTICE Use this slide if you want students to spend time during class completing the labs. Possible ways of using the labs include: Complete the Skills lab in class as a group (everyone working together on the same task at the same time). Tasks are presented in the same order for everyone, allowing students to follow along with the teacher. Following the teacher demonstration, students can restart the lab to complete any tasks not passed off. Give students time to work on the Challenge lab during class. Provide enough time for students to improve their times by working through the lab multiple times. If desired, give students a target time to beat, or recognize the fastest times at the end of the practice session. Time permitting, students can work through the Applied lab(s) instead of doing them as homework.
Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages Class Discussion When can you safely ignore potential errors that are flagged by the spelling and grammar checker? To what extent should you rely on the spelling and grammar checker to correct errors? When would you want to customize AutoCorrect to meet the needs of particular writing projects? CLASS DISCUSSION Possible answers to the discussion questions include the following: Ignoring Spelling and Grammar Checker: You can safely ignore flagged spelling errors when you are using a proper name that is not recognized by the spell checker. You can ignore grammar errors when you are confident that your sentence structure is correct. Relying on Spelling and Grammar Checker: You should never completely rely on the spelling and grammar checker, because it will not catch all errors. When a possible error is flagged, you should consider it carefully and then either correct the mistake or ignore it. Customizing AutoCorrect: If you use a particular phrase repeatedly and tend to misspell it, consider adding an entry to the AutoCorrect options list. If AutoCorrect mistakenly changes a word or phrase that you are using repeatedly, consider changing the entry in the list.
Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages Class Activities Use the Thesaurus to replace “synonyms of synonyms” until the latest replacement has a meaning completely different from the original word: Start with a word such as proficient Continue “drilling down” by replacing words with their synonyms Do not cheat by choosing an antonym of a word Use the Navigation pane to explore more advanced find and replace and document navigation options within Microsoft Word. CLASS ACTIVITIES Time permitting, assign students to participate in one or more of these classroom activities. Consider having students work in pairs for 1–2 minutes and then vote on who has found the “synonym of synonyms” that is most different from the original word. You can also challenge the class to find a particular synonym several layers deep. Encourage students to experiment with advanced find and replace options, such as wildcards, prefix matching, and all word forms. From the Navigation pane, open the Search document drop-down list and select Advanced Find. On the Find tab, click More. Students may also want to try using the Go To feature on the Find and Replace dialog box.
Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages Summary The Spelling & Grammar tool Appropriate use of the Thesaurus The Replace All option AutoCorrect errors OPTIONAL SLIDE: SUMMARY Use this slide to highlight some of the more important points covered during class. The Spelling & Grammar tool can be used either to correct errors as you type or to check an entire document after it’s finished. Consider possible synonyms carefully before replacing them with the Thesaurus. Use the Replace All option in the Find and Replace dialog box cautiously. Be aware that the AutoCorrect feature may introduce errors in some cases, especially if a proper name resembles the misspelling of a common word.
Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages Homework Assignments Complete the labs in this section: Challenge Lab 2.7.6 – Edit Documents Applied Lab 2.7.8 – Edit an Essay Applied Lab 2.7.9 – Edit a Newspaper Article Prepare for the next class: Video 2.8.1 – Text Wrap Options Video 2.8.2 – Illustration Formatting Skills Lab 2.8.4 – Insert Illustrations HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS