Outcross Resources - Services Overview Time to Life of Mine Mine Closure Plan Plan (20+ yr Horizon) Agricultural Master Planning Framework R&D Trials Outcross Resources Farm Land Mining & Rehabilitation Framework Data Measurement Land Management New Ag Methods Farm Layout Design (0 – 20 yr Horizon) Outcross Resources offers 4 services Risk Assessment, mitigation and benchmarking of your land and the agricultural rehabilitation activities taking place Development, design and implementation of formal R&D trials for grazing, cropping, forestry or native vegetation on rehabilitated mining land Management of end to end compliance and reporting for agricultural rehabilitation activities stemming from R&D trials Management of stock, crops and vegetation on rehabilitated mined land on behalf of the land owner (ie: the mining company) We want to focus today’s discussion on Land Management Operate (0 – 5 yr Horizon) Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Benchmarking Research & Development Compliance Land Management
How Outcross Resources adds value to the mining project lifecycle Mine Closure Plan Alignment of Agricultural Master Planning Framework and Mining Project Life Cycle all within the Mine Close Plan Outcross Resources Phase Mining Project Phase 1. Farm the Land Advise on potential agricultural value capture from mining exploration sites Exploration Share data from successful agricultural R&D trials at other mine sites Advise on options for agricultural integration as part of the mine close planning including cost benefit analyses of various options Feasibility 2. Prepare for Mining Advise on implementation of agricultural integration during mining operations for various operating scenarios Update mine close plan with agricultural integration for the selected mine site and preferred operating scenario Planning & Design Design and plan R&D trials Gather baseline performance data Take over land management Assess and document existing agricultural operations Plan optimal farm layout for post mining Construction 3. Mine the Land Establish R&D trials Establish performance measures and begin collecting data Manage non-mined land Test and measure alternate agricultural approaches Begin farm layout implementation Operations (Progressive Rehabilitation) 4. Rehab the Land Continue R&D trials and document results Measure performance and establish benchmark data Manage non-mined land Implement alternate agricultural approaches Finalise farm layout and prepare to ramp up farming activities Decommissioning & Closure In the early phases we are able to guide mining companies with expert advice regarding potential post-mining land use alternatives As the mining project progresses our support can be categorised into five segments 1. R&D Trials involves Outcross Resources designing, establishing, monitoring and documenting grazing and/or cropping trials progressively and in parallel with the mine development and operation 2. Data Measurement involves gathering baseline data, determining performance benchmarks and capturing operational data against those benchmarks 3. Land Management involves running the operations of the land with experienced and knowledgeable people who have managed successful grazing and cropping operations and R&D trials 4. New Methods involves the land managers working with leading edge farming practices to maximise the environmental benefit and productivity benefit of the post-mining grazing and/or cropping activities 5. Mine Close Plan involves collecting information from land management activities and progressively updating the mine close plan with these details so that at any time the mining operation has an up to date and accurate record of post-mining land use activities 5. Optimise Farming & Relinquish Publish benchmark data Continue measuring performance Manage non-mined land Test and implement alternate agricultural approaches Increase farming activities based on research findings to a sustainable level and maintain Post-closure Management 6. Use Relinquished Land as Offset R&D Trials Data Measurement Land Management New Ag Methods Farm Layout
Outcross Resources – Typical Engagement Process and Links with EHP Introduction Scoping & Design Implement Pilot Pilot => Full Trial Relinquishment & Ongoing Monitoring & Reporting Initial engagement with Client Understand Client needs Share Outcross Resources experience and capability Develop scoping and design proposal Client endorses funding for Scoping and Design phase Broader Client engagement Design pilot program of works Leverage Outcross Resources benchmark processes and approach Incorporate Client specific requirements Client endorses approach and funding for Pilot Program Establish Pilot Program Implement pre-pilot requirements (eg: uniformity of pasture for trial vs rehab sites) Manage Pilot Program and report results to Client Develop business case for Pilot Program expansion to full Trial Client endorses funding for full Trial Adjust any required parameters from Pilot to full Trial Manage full Trial and report results to Client Develop summary reports for Client and EHP supporting relinquishment Support Client in broadcasting approach and success of full Trial in the community and marketplace Work with Client & EHP to develop and submit standardised data to enable relinquishment Continue to monitor Soils, Pastures & Livestock performance Report 1 – 2 months 2 – 4 months 1 – 2 years 3 – 5 years 5 years + Client and Outcross interrogate benchmark measurement sets and incorporate relevant measures into the scoping and design phase for the Pilot Trial Notify EHP of planned mine site Ag Master Planning process as part of the mine closure plan Receive input from EHP on proposed measurements for Soil, Pasture and Livestock specific to the mine site Notify EHP regularly of Grazing Trial performance EHP approve relinquishment based on data provided over 5+ years and incorporate results into future benchmark measurement set