“Instant” MLA Bibliographies from Ebsco Databases Roberta Tipton Dana Library
Perform Your Search First, perform your search. You will make an MLA list of works cited from your search results.
Add Selections to Your Folder Take items you like or think maybe useful by clicking on the "add to folder" link. The graphic for this link looks like a file folder with a + in the middle.
Click on Folder Icon at Top Click on the folder icon at the top of the page.
Select All Once you are in your folder, click on the check box that says select/deselect all. By the way, if you want a permanent folder, all you have to do is sign in on the search page and create your own free account.
Save As File Click on the save as file link.
Choose Citation Format Choose the citation format you need from the combo box that says, "ABNT Brazilian National Standards." For most classes, the Rutgers Newark undergraduate standard is MLA (Modern Language Assoc.). For some classes, you might be requested to use APA, Chicago, or Harvard style.
Click Save Click the SAVE button.
Highlight Works Cited A rough draft of your Works Cited will be created by the database. Highlight the entries and get ready to copy them and paste into Microsoft Word for editing.
Copy Works Cited Copy the draft Works Cited.
Open Microsoft Word Open Microsoft Word and create a new, blank document.
Paste Works Cited List Paste your draft Works Cited from Ebscohost into the Word document.
Make Case and Other Corrections Correct the case of certain small words (a, an, of, the, from, in, on, and so forth) to conform with your MLA handbook. Make sure your font is Times Roman size 12.
Center Title Center the Works Cited title.
Highlight and Sort Entries Highlight the entries in your Works Cited. Using the sort function, sort by PARAGRAPHS, TEXT, and ASCENDING. These settings are often the default for the sort function in Word.
Double Space the Entries Change the spacing to DOUBLE SPACE.
Change Paragraph Spacing from Auto to Zero Using the paragraph formatting window, change spacing before and after paragraphs from AUTO to ZERO (0). Alternatively, you may check the check box that says, DON’T ADD SPACE BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS OF THE SAME STYLE. Either maneuver will eliminate the spaces between entries in the list of works cited.
Add Works Cited Page to Your Paper Your finished bibliography should begin on a separate page at the end of your paper.
Questions? Roberta Tipton tipton@rutgers.edu Dana Reference Desk 973-353-5901 For more help: Please contact me, Roberta Tipton, at tipton@rutgers.edu, or call the Dana Reference Desk at 973-353-5901.