Hazard Template Event Primary Secondary Tertiary Cyclone Event Primary Secondary Tertiary 1. Cyclone Heavy rainfall Strong wind Tornado Lightning River flood Storm surge Flash flood Water level rise in reservoirs River Bank erosion Landslides Surface water flooding Muddle Damage in Dams and appertiment structures, embankment, irrigation and drainage facilities, Pumping Facilities, Submerging Paddy Fields, Migration, Food Shortage Loss of Infrastructure System and Services (shelter, transportation, schools, hospitals, energy supply, communication) Widespread Economic losses Environmental Degradation Snake Bite Water borne diseases High sediment transport into the reservoirs
Hazard Template Event Primary Secondary Tertiary Event Primary Secondary Tertiary 2. Monsoon Heavy rainfall Strong wind Monsoon Break Lightning Flash flood River flood Coastal flood Less rainfall amount Landslide Damage in Dams and appartinent structures, embankment, irrigation and drainage facilities, Pumping Facilities, Submerging Paddy Fields, Loss of Infrastructure System and Services (shelter, transportation, schools, hospitals, energy supply, communication) Widespread Economic losses Infectious disease Snake bite Insect and pest problems Sand and silt deposition Water borne diseases High sediment transport into the reservoirs
* Low flow = low river flow Hazard Template Event Primary Secondary Tertiary 3. Drought High Temperature Heat wave Less Rainfall amount Water scarcity Low Flow * Lesser Inflow Damage to crops Forest Fire & Surface Fire High evaporation loss in reservoirs Shortage of storage water in Reservoirs Insufficient diversion in weirs Salt affected soil Food Shortage Energy Shortage Pumping System Difficulties Air pollution/haze Smog/Dust Sand dunes * Low flow = low river flow
Hazard Templatec Event Primary Secondary Tertiary Event Primary Secondary Tertiary 4 Earthquake Shake Shifting Geological Formation Landslides Tsunami Fire Damage in Dams and appertinent structures, embankment, irrigation and drainage facilities, Pumping Facilities, Loss of Infrastructure System and Services (shelter, transportation, schools, hospitals, energy supply, communication) Widespread Economic losses Coastal Flood Changes in Ground water formation Psychological problems
Hazard Template Event Primary Secondary Tertiary Event Primary Secondary Tertiary 5. Extreme day temperature Heat wave Heat related complications in livestock and animals Heat stroke Widespread Fire Urban Fire Biological Hazards Stress on vegetation Water insecurity Socio-economic impacts Hydro power shortage Changes in ground water level Water borne diseases (eg. Conjunctivitis) Food shortage