Friday, September 29, 2017
Cafeteria Menu Friday, September 28 Pizza Romaine Salad Peaches
Cafeteria Menu Monday, October 2
Your H Drive is about to disappear! Move files you want to keep to OneDrive for Business. For details about moving your files, look at the email you received about this topic. Contact Mrs. Pitel ( for more information.
6th Grade Homework Club Tuesdays & Thursdays IMC If you are looking for a quiet comfortable place to complete your homework come to Homework Club.
Students may take the late bus home at 3:55. 7th Grade Homework Club Tuesdays & Thursdays Room 202 Students may take the late bus home at 3:55.
Students may take the late bus home at 3:55. 8th Grade Homework Club Tuesdays & Thursdays Room 204 Students may take the late bus home at 3:55.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday After School Room 212 Digits Academy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday After School Room 212
Thursdays After School Room 227 Computer Club Thursdays After School Room 227
6th Grade Class Council Meeting Tuesday, October 3 After School – Room 109 We are looking for 2 representatives from each Advisory to attend monthly meetings and help design this year’s activities.
7th Grade Class Council Meeting Wednesday, October 4th After School – Room 202 Topic: Washington Township Clean-Up Day
Wednesdays, After School Room 112 World Language Club Wednesdays, After School Room 112 Meetings will be held with Mr. Hull’s Art Club.