Office 365 Active Usage Deployment Funding FY16 PIE Program Deck
Office 365 Active Usage Deployment Funding Qualified Partners: All Managed and Unmanaged Partners License Types Opportunity Sales Stage Workloads Funding Limits Customer Segments Customer Cap Additional Requirements All This program is open to all managed and unmanaged partners to drive customer success with Office 365 focusing on CAM and CTM customers. Microsoft will be hosting webinars on the following technologies: Skype for Business SharePoint Online OneDrive for Business Yammer Customers that already own these technologies but have not yet deployed and used them, will be invited and offered a call to action to connect with partners and deploy. As part of this, partners will also be provided funds to support new engagements that come out of these webinars. > 20% $5,000 per engagement CAM, CTM 1 engagement per customer The customer has to register for the webinar which confirms their interest in the workload and through that registration process, provide permission to be contacted by a partner. This creates the universe of customers that are deemed ‘eligible’ for this program. Webinar schedule may be found on PIE Yammer site. POE Requirements: Partner receiving the lead submits statement of detailed adoption services outlining how the they will enable the customer to drive end-user adoption by June 20th. Examples include end-user readiness/training, end-user communication, end-user support etc. Partners provide an estimate of the number of active users they anticipate will be added as part of the deployment and adoption project.
POE Requirements for partners that have received the customer lead 1 POE must either: Sent by email address that identifies the end customer OR Include signature of the customer contact POE must include the below details : I’m writing to confirm that <INSERT PARTNER NAME> has delivered the following services (provide one of the below) List out services [deployment and adoption] that the partner has provided to you OR Attach the section of the SOW that details the services (please initial next to the services delivered) Note that the entire SOW does not need to be attached OR Attach a copy of the PO that details the services (please initial next to the services delivered). I confirm that the project started on <DATE> and completed <DATE> 2 3 POE must include the below filled in chart: 4 POE of partner statement that includes: Detailed description of adoption services outlining how the partner will enable the customer to drive end-user adoption by June 20th. This must include an estimate of the number of active users anticipated as part of the deployment and adoption project. Required Fields Example Date Today’s date To: Microsoft employee’s name and email Jane Smith ( From: Customer Contact Name Mr Customer Name Customer Contact Title Sales Executive Direct Phone number for customer contact name +1 200 333 4444 Direct email address for customer Contact Name Customer Company Address Details ABC Co Ltd 123 Road, Suburb, Country