Dissertation Proposal Student Name Date This template is to serve as an outline of components of a successful dissertation proposal for Rehabilitation Science PhD students. Students are encouraged to customize the template to best suite their individual needs. In addition to suggested PowerPoint presentation, a written document should be provided. Formatting is at the discretion of the Mentor and Supervisory Committee but may include a outline of dissertation or drafted chapter. Dissertation Proposal
Meeting Agenda Background Hypothesis Methods Preliminary data Timeline Anticipated results and pitfalls
Background Summarize in 2-3 slides (suggested) the background literature that lead to this dissertation proposal
Hypothesis Clearly state the hypothesis being tested. If there are multiple hypotheses, provide each one. If there is no hypothesis, provide a statement of the rationale for conducting the work.
Methods Suggested 2-3 slides (include more if needed) Provide an overview of how you will conduct the work. You can expect detailed questions about the methods from your committee.
Preliminary Data Present the data which support your proposed work and hypotheses. Include graphs and tables as appropriate. This section should be reviewed and approved by the primary mentor in advance of the meeting.
Timeline Provide a detailed timeline for the proposed work.
Anticipated Results & Pitfalls What are the expected results? What might go wrong? If something goes wrong, how will you deal with it?