Prof. Ho, why do you look so young today? Thanks. What brings you here? I havent seen you for ages. How about your work at MMC? Dont tell me that you want me to help you to prepare a memo.
Although they are the two most common types of business communication, they differ in their purposes, forms, and styles. MEMOS ARE SHORT INTER/INTRADEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION.
Well! It is the business communication within an organization both in a department and between departments. Dont ask me a lot of questions. Youre making me older.
-Memos are simple in style. -Memos are used for non- sensitive communication. -Memos are short and to-the- point. -Memos have a direct style. -Memos do not have a salutation and complimentary closing. -Memos have a specific format. Older?
You dont need to end this with Sincerely yours. Just leave this space as is. I like this because it is short, but direct and informative. Please do not forget to address the receiver as Dear Sir: They are very ………………… ………………..
What fields are there in a memo heading? MEMORAND UM DATE:……………… TO:……………… FROM:……………… SUBJECT: LOGO
JanuaryJan February Feb MarchMar AprilAprMay JuneJun July Jul August Aug September Sep October Oct November Nov December Dec
The best way to address Mrs. Smith is Linda Smith, or Dean. You are allowed to omit courtesy titles (Mr., Ms., Miss, or Mrs.) or professional (Dr., Dean, President, etc). You can call me Miss Moyer. An identifying classification, such as All Staff Members may be used.
Hello! My name is Elizabeth Hutchinson. Im single and never been married. I have been the President of MCC Company in Maha Sarakham for ten years. Please send me a memo on a new project in Loburi. TO: …………………..
The statement of subject should be concise yet accurate, since it often determines where or how the memo will be filed. WHATS MORE?
-A bottom-line statement opening paragraph, -A precise, informative and well- written body, -Headings and subheadings with bullets when there are several topics and subjects, -No irrelevant topics and self- repetition, and -A precise and purposive conclusion
Use the information from the conversation on next page to complete a memo for General Manager Ben Grierson.
Jane:So the memo will address to all staff members here, stating the five saving strategies in saving electricity. Ben:Yes, do you remember all of the five strategies? Jane:Yes, I do. May I list them to you now? Firstly, begin turning on the air conditioners at 10 a.m. and set its thermostat at 25 degree Celsius. Secondly, switch off the light and air conditioners at lunch time. Thirdly, configure your computer to turn off its monitor when it is left idle for more than 15 minutes. Fourthly, limit a number of refrigerators; one room one fridge. Finally, no TVs and radios are allowed to be operated in office.
Date:……………………. To:……………………. From:……………………. Subject:……………………. As the government is implementing the energy- saving scheme, MMC has to lower its electricity bills. As of Monday all staff members are entitled to help save electricity by implementing the following five energy-saving strategies: 1…………………………………………… 2…………………………………………… 3…………………………………………… 4………………………………………., and 5…………………………………………….
I hope you know how to prepare good memos. Anyway, before sending a memo out, please make sure that the memo is well- organized with good language. It is precise and informative and can also serve well the purpose of the memo. Double check whether you have mentioned all the attachments in the memo if they become separated from it. Then you can relax and wait for the reaction from the memo. SEE YOU NEXT WEEK