FOOD PREPARATION AND NUTRITION REVISION NOTES AQA GCSE FOOD PREPARATION AND NUTRITION Course Code: 8585 Past papers: new spec so no past papers Can use old spec Food Technology, Hospitality and Catering and Food and Nutrition papers Unit 1 Written Paper 50% of total marks 1hr45mins 100 marks Candidates answer all questions in two sections Section A – Multiple choice 20 marks Section B – range of long, medium and short answer questions 80 marks Unit 2 Non Exam Assessment 50% of total marks NEA 1 Food Investigation Task – 15% 10 hours NEA 2 Food Preparation task – 35% 20 hours
How to achieve 8/9 in Food Preparation and Nutrition UNIT 2 Non Exam, Assessment 50% Attend all NEA practical lessons so you don’t miss out Meet the deadlines set for all NEA tasks Respond to all teacher feedback (written & oral) Draft and redraft until you have gained as many marks as possible Evaluate your work against the specification throughout Utilise a range of high level practical skills e.g. choux pastry, sauce making, homemade pasta, finishing and decoration Your NEA1 report and NEA2 folder must communicate your ideas and thought concisely and spelling, punctuation & grammar must be excellent UNIT 1 Exam (50% of marks) When revising do not simply read your notes over and over again. Use the revision techniques you have been shown Use past questions to revise Take questions from the revision wall on the YR 11 revision board in GA5; have a go; get them marked At the beginning of every theory lesson you will be given an exam question. Start this as soon as you enter the room Use the exemplar exam answers when revising Create revision notes using brainstorm activities, visual aids, prompt cards After the mock exam analyse the questions you performed the least well in and focus on these for your revision
SUCCESS CRITERIA UNIT 1 Exam Detailed knowledge of nutrition and health & safety Detailed understanding of food science – link to NEA1 Understanding of functions & properties of ingredients Detailed data analysis Reasoned judgements Sound knowledge of SMSC – the wider issues surrounding food production and marketing Extended writing Excellent spelling, punctuation and grammar UNIT 2 Non Exam Assessment Detailed knowledge Research skills Thorough analysis Reasoned decisions Planning Accuracy Precision Modelling & modification High level Practical skills Detailed evaluation & testing Justification Communication skills
Use your CPP revision guide EXAMINATION 1.5 hours There are 2 sections You answer all questions in both sections Section A – multiple choice 20 questions Section B – relates to all you have learned over the two years of study Each question states a suggested time to be taken – use this time but don’t spend longer. Come back to questions if you have time at the end One of the questions will be data analysis One question will be extended writing The quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar will be marked Remember to use the revision wall in GA5 ‘Take one, have a go, get it marked’ At the beginning of every theory lesson you will be given an exam question. Start this as soon as you enter the room An exemplar paper by a past student is on central resources. See how they achieved high marks Use your CPP revision guide Breakdown of marks Section A 20 marks Section B 80 marks TOTAL 100 marks
COMMAND WORDS USED IN GCSE FOOD EXAMS WHAT IS IT ASKING YOU TO DO? Analyse Separate information into different components and identify their characteristics. e.g. Analyse the data in the table to identify which product would be the healthiest for a teenager. Describe Set out characteristics e.g. Describe one way of improving each pizza. Discuss Present relevant points e.g. Discuss why preservatives may be used to help produce quality food products. Explain Set out purposes or reasons e.g. Explain how Computer-Aided Design (CAD) could be used during the development of the biscuit product and its packaging. Identify Name or otherwise characterise e.g. Using the chart below, identify the quality control checks that will take place when making the biscuit product in the test kitchen. State Express in indisputable terms e.g. State two ingredients that could be used together for a low fat and high protein filling for a jacket potato. Exam Tips Read every question carefully and follow instructions Take note of all commands in bold font i.e. two Make sure you have a pen, pencil, ruler, eraser a calculator in the exam room Work through using the timings given even if you haven’t finished a section. Then go back if you need to re answer any questions
NON EXAM ASSESSMNENT (NEA1 AND NEA2) It is your responsibility to attend ALL NEA practical sessions to ensure maximum marks are available It is your responsibility to take as many photos for evidence of your work. Use your laminated name label
NEA 1 Food Investigation Task 15% – Meringue and Egg Foams
NEA 2 Food Preparation Task – TBC by exam board Section A Research the task (6 marks) carry out relevant research and analysis related to the: life stage, dietary group or culinary tradition analyse the task by explaining the research requirements identify a range of dishes e.g. by mind-mapping, or using annotated images select and justify a range of technical skills to be used in the making of different dishes. Section B Demonstrating Technical Skills (18 marks) demonstrate technical skills in the preparation and cooking of three to four dishes. Refer to the Food preparation skills section of the specification select and use equipment for different technical skills in the preparation and cooking of selected dishes. Food safety principles should be demonstrated when storing, preparing and cooking identify the technical skills within each dish. Photographic evidence will be needed to authenticate the technical skills.
NEA 2 Food Preparation Task – TBC by exam board Section C Planning for the final menu (8 marks) produce a detailed time plan for the production of the final three dishes including appropriate techniques. Within the plan, food safety principles will be demonstrated when storing, preparing, cooking and presenting the final dishes justify the appropriateness of the final dishes in terms of e.g. technical skills, nutrition, ingredients, cooking methods, food provenance, sensory properties and portion size demonstrate appropriate use of the 3 hours to dovetail tasks to prepare, cook and present the final three dishes not repeat any dishes from the 'demonstrating technical skills' stage when making their final menu. Section D Making the final dishes (30 marks) selection and use of equipment for different technical skills in the preparation and cooking of the final three dishes knowledge and application of food safety principles (including temperature control) when storing, preparing, cooking and presenting the final three dishes selection, knowledge and use of ingredients when producing different dishes appropriate use of the 3 hours to demonstrate: technical skills, processes and the use of equipment execution of a range of technical skills with accuracy good judgement with regard to cooking times and methods and the sensory properties of each dish organisation and good planning using the time plan and linking tasks within the 3 hours a range of finishing techniques to produce a high standard of presentation of the final dishes.
CATCH UP AND INTERVENTOION NEA 2 Food Preparation Task – TBC by exam board Section E Analyse and evaluate (8 marks) record and analyse the sensory properties (taste, texture, aroma and appearance) of the three final practical dishes carry out nutritional analysis of the three final dishes analyse the cost of the three final dishes. Make sure you have bought these from Mrs Trowers. Use them to revise, they have easy to read information and lots of practice exam questions CATCH UP AND INTERVENTOION There are catch up sessions in GA5 every lunch time and Wednesdays 3-4.30pm. Here you can access ICT , print work and seek advice.