Reading Fluency Station Pick a passage or book to read Go to the Camera app on the iPad Slide over to video at the bottom a read dot will appear. Hold the iPad so the person is in the middle of the screen. When ready to read hit the read button. When the timer at the to says 1:00. STOP by hitting the red button! Listen together to the reading. And fill out the Fluency evaluation sheet and pick a goal for your next reading. FLIP FLOP with your partner. One reads, one records. Record and read up to three times, picking a goal each time. Look at camera roll when done deleting your bloopers and keeping the best to share with your teacher.
Math Fluency Station Math Fluency: Open Quizziz app. Enter your 6 digit code. Complete your Quizziz with a partner. Multiplication code/ shapes code Open Door 24 Plus Click PLAY SAY NO to being an iReady student Find your name or fill in for new player. Choose SNARGG SPLAT Choose TWO PLAYERS Player two logins in SAY NO find name or set up as new PLAY TAP TEAM PLAY FACT FLUENCY against each other!
Nearpod Station K-1 Reading Nearpod CODE Math 3-4 Nearpod CODE Open the Nearpod app. Sign in using your code. Type you and your partners name. Complete the lesson with your partner. Make sure you SEND with the BLUE button on each slide where it asks. K-1 Reading Nearpod CODE Math 3-4 Nearpod CODE
QR CODES Station K-1 Subtraction QR CODES page 2-3 Math Words Problems page 4-5 Checkers using QR Codes QR CODES use your iPad Camera: ALLOW camera if it comes up. Find the QR Reader App and open.
Student Computer Station Go to CGE Home Page Students Student Resources Find the PLAYPOSIT LINK at the bottom of the page. Play the video and answer questions as they come up.
Teacher Table Come SEE the Teacher to see an iPad teacher table lesson using Power Point, OneDrive apps and the sand timer app.
Managing 6 team iPads for Small Groups Task 1: Best Practices for Managing One iPad in Whole Group Use the document camera or Apple TV to show what is on the iPad. Model how you teach students to close apps. Demonstrate Plickers by asking the participants questions Plickers can be used for student assessment. Example: Have you used Seesaw? Yes- A No- B Have you used Class Dojo? Yes- A No-B Have you used Educreations? Yes-A No-B Show the participants the analytics (do this from a computer) ClassDojo is a great app or parent communication and behavior tracking. Too Noisy is a great app to control the noise level in your classroom. Also available online. Use Best Sand Timer for student rotations. ( If this was not done prior to the session, assist participants with the App Store and downloading one or more of the apps you plan to cover in this section Educreations or Doceri Plickers Class Dojo Powerpoint If Apple TV is available: Use a whiteboard app while teaching whole group lesson, such as Educreations, Doceri – allow students to re-teach content or Model usage of app. Use the camera to display student work. Model the use of One Drive Power Point Online for whole group instruction Use camera to take pictures of work on the board and upload to Edlio for absent students. Share sample iPad Rules
Managing 6 team iPads for Small Groups Task 2: Best Practices for Managing One iPad in Small Group Center Rotations Teacher Table QR CODES Fluency Nearpod Student Computers CLOSURE: Set a goal for using the TEAM iPads. Notes: I LOVED_______________________. I LIKED ________________________.