Student System Implementer’s Perspective What business processes or documents should be “specified”?
The opportunities for standards Course Description Academic Offer Validation Course Advertising Mediated Application Course Unit Curriculum Description Exchange Mobility Transfer Mobility Graduation Documents Employment course description student course history Student Observatory STUDY PROGRAMMES & COURSE UNITS CATALOGUE ............................................................................ LEARNING AGREEMENT .................................................................................................................. TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS ......................................................................................................................... STUDY PROGRAMME DETAILS ....................................................................................... DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT ......................................................................................................................... COURSE UNIT DETAILS .............................................................. CURRICULUM VITAE ......................................................................................................................... 3
Academic Offer Validation Course Advertising Mediated Application Course Unit Exchange Mobility Transfer Mobility Graduation Documents Employment Business Cases Flow Student Observatory 4
Business Case: Academic Offer Validation CONTEXT: universities sending their academic offer for next academic year to Ministry for approval AIMS: automate course offering validation process between Universities and Ministry through electronic data exchange Course Offering University Ministry 5
Business Case: Academic Offer Validation STAKEHOLDERS Ministry of University and Research (Ministries of Education at large) Higher Education Institutions' administrations and faculties Quality Assurance bodies and Institutions REQUIREMENTS Articulated description of the structure of the programs of study including ECTS information (credits) which is going to be published to the student community the next academic year OUTCOMES Ministry-approved academic offering which is compliant with both the national and European regulations Fully articulated academic offer structure which can be offered (i.e. published) the following academic year A set of program of studies to which students can enrol into the following academic year 6
Business Case: Academic Offer Validation CASE STUDY: MIUR and CINECA – OFF.F AIMS To enable the adoption of a proactive quality assurance and monitoring process for learning opportunities offered for the implementation of the Bologna process, at institutional, national and European levels. To support the analysis and control of the learning opportunities offered throughout the years. To report to European Community and assess the comprehensiveness and validity of the learning opportunities offered. PARTNERS CINECA KION MIUR All Italian Higher Education Institutions MORE INFO 7
Business Case: Academic Offer Validation CASE STUDY: MIUR and CINECA – OFF.F 8
Business Case: Course Advertising CONTEXT: institutions want to advertise their study programmes widely AIMS: enable brokers to aggregate offers of different institutions on common web portals institution institution web portal student
Business Case: Course Advertising STAKEHOLDERS Institutions of Higher Education as course providers Brokers aggregating information from different institutions on a web portal prospective students REQUIREMENTS high-detailed description of study programmes with a focus on learning outcomes, requirements, formalities, contact information etc... searchable information scalable information (simple text, structured text) OUTCOMES searchable database of courses on offer at different institutions all aggregation levels possible (national/international/regional/sectoral/network) consistency / comparability of course information further services (application, web 2.0 etc.) can be offered basing on course information
Business Case: Course Advertising CASE STUDY: Regional portal for courses on offer in Lille (France) AIMS searchable database of all courses on offer at the institutions of higher education in the “Nord Pas de Calais” Region aggregating CDM files coming from each institutions links to the corresponding institutions own catalogues with detailled course description consistency / comparability of course information PARTNERS UVHC - Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis [199] Lille 1 - Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille [218] Lille 2 - Université du Droit et de la Santé [135] Lille 3 - Université Charles de Gaulle [239] Université d'Artois [159] Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale [153] MORE INFO 11
Business Case: Course Advertising CASE STUDY: Regional portal for courses on offer in Lille (France)
Business Case: Applications to HEIs via a Broker – UCAS in UK CONTEXT: Major broker for applications to UK HE (UCAS 0.5M+ applicants to 300+ institutions p.a.) AIMS: Aggregate learning opportunities to provide central search, information, advice & guidance; Facilitate one-stop-shop application to multiple HEIs (based on learner preferences and HEI offers); Track status of applications; Establish contract between learner and HEI when offer criteria fulfilled by results; Facilitate transfer of data about successful applicants into HEIs 13
Business Case: Applications to HEIs via a Broker - UCAS in UK STAKEHOLDERS Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Broker (UCAS) Applicants (pay a fee) Systems Implementers – Student Information Systems, ePortfolio, VLE, etc.. Government and other bodies REQUIREMENTS Common data format for HEIs to advertise learning opportunities via Broker (XCRI) Common data format to prompt Applicants to structure Applications (Personal Statements) Common data format to collate and authenticate Applicants’ Prior Achievements (Results) Common data format for Broker to pass Applications to HEI Student Information Systems Common data format for HEIs to notify Broker of decisions, offers & feedback to Applicants Common data format for Broker to report Application statistics to Government (& sell to HEIs) OUTCOMES XML standards for SIS vendors and HEI recruitment and admissions departments to work to Common means to request , receive and forward authenticated achievement data Opportunities for Applicants to submit evidence from ePortfolios against entry criteria 14
Business Case: Catalogue of course units CONTEXT: students searching for detailed information about course units available at their own institution AIMS: enable standardised catalogue of course units on the institution website institution student
Business Case: Catalogue of course units STAKEHOLDERS Institutions of Higher Education Students REQUIREMENTS high-detailed description of course units searchable information scalable information (simple text, structured text) OUTCOMES searchable database of course units on offer at one institution consistency / comparability of course units information further services (application, web 2.0 etc.) can be offered basing on course information
Business Case: Catalogue of course units CASE STUDY: Catalogue of course units at Université Lille 1 AIMS searchable database of all course units offered by the institution using CDM format consistency / comparability of course information PARTNERS Lille 1 - Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille [218] MORE INFO 17
Business Case: Catalogue of course units CASE STUDY: Catalogue of course units at Université Lille 1
Business Case: Exchange mobility CONTEXT: students moving from one to another institution within an exchange programme AIMS: automate and secure the exchange of student course history between partner institutions exchange student home institution host institution BEFORE MOBILITY: Learning Agreement (LA) based on course offer of host institution is to be validated and signed by student and both institutions AFTER MOBILITY: Transcript of Records (ToR) and Exchange Studies Supplement (ESS) is issued by host institution AT THE END OF STUDIES: Transcript of Records (ToR) and Diploma Supplement (DS) is issued by home institution including courses from host institution
Business Case: Exchange mobility STAKEHOLDERS Institutions of Higher Education Students Providers of student management systems Brokers: providing common web platform for supporting the issuing and exchange of LA, ToR, ESS REQUIREMENTS detailed description of course units including ECTS information (credits) detailed description of student course history including course units attended (basing on first requirement) and grades obtained standard format for LA, ToR, ESS standard format for Transfer Articulation Agreement (TA) linking courses at home and host institutions OUTCOMES searchable catalogue of course units at partner institutions available on public web portals exchange of ToR, ESS in a standardised format generation of LA, TA in a standardised format transfer of student course history between institutions and import into student management systems (for later issuing of DS) authentication of LA, ToR, ESS, TA through digital signature
Business Case: Exchange mobility CASE STUDY: unisolution – e-Learning Agreement AIMS Developing a European platform enabling exchange students to access standardized catalogues of the courses on offer at host institutions exchange students to elaborate LA basing if available on these offers partner institutions to track the changes made to the LA partner institutions to edit ToR and ESS at the end of mobility partner institutions to export/import student course history from/into their student management systems PARTNERS 25 Institutions of Higher Education from 8 European countries within the moveonnet work group MORE INFO
Business Case: Exchange mobility CASE STUDY: unisolution – e-Learning Agreement
Business Case: Transfer mobility CONTEXT: students moving from a first institution to a second to obtain a degree / to graduate AIMS: enable students to transfer electronically their student course history from one institution to an other transfer student first institution e e second institution TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS ......................................................................................................................... (PRO FORMA) DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT .........................................................................................................................
Business Case: Transfer mobility STAKEHOLDERS Institutions of Higher Education Students Students employers Providers of student management systems Brokers: providing common web platform for supporting the issuing and exchange of ToR, DS Learner REQUIREMENTS standard format for ToR, DS, pro forma-DS standard format for Transfer Articulation Agreement (TA) linking courses at different institutions OUTCOMES exchange of ToR, DS in a standardized format upload on web portal of ToR and DS by the student generation of TA in a standardized format import of student course history into student management systems (for later DS) authentication of ToR and DS when combined use of digital signature
Business Case: Transfer mobility CASE STUDY: Academyone –
Business Case: Graduation documents – Diploma Supplement CONTEXT: Graduation documents issued by HEIs to graduates to certify their qualification(s) AIMS: standardise and secure the exchange of graduation documents between issuers, students, and relying parties Issuing Institution Relying Party Graduate 26
Business Case: Graduation documents – Diploma Supplement STAKEHOLDERS Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Graduates Relying Parties – Recruiters, HEIs, life-long learning systems Systems Implementers – HR, Student Information Systems, ePortfolio, VLE, etc.. Government and other bodies REQUIREMENTS Common data format for DS Encompass existing approaches and best-practice technologies Recognise and accommodate national requirements and practices Incorporate all necessary information, including Recognition for Prior Learning and exchange-related data OUTCOMES Practical XML schema for representation of European Diploma Supplement Common means to sign and authenticate DS using Advanced Electronic Signatures Common means to translate DS into other formats as required (HR, e-Portfolio, non-EU equivalent)
Business Case: Employment CONTEXT: students looking for a job, or getting work experience in Europe AIMS: making students' skills and qualifications clearly understood on the labour market and in education and training across Europe. 28
Business Case: Employment STAKEHOLDERS Students Higher Education Institutions Recruitment brokers/agencies Employers REQUIREMENTS Personal data Student academic careers data Professional competences acquired in any kind of training (internships) Languages skills International mobility experience OUTCOMES Structured and comparable description of the skills and competences of an individual One common format of comparable skills and competences. 29
Business Case: Employment CASE STUDY: Cedefop - EUROPASS AIMS (e)portfolio of documents of skills and competences including : Personal information, academic career (CV), Academic competences (Diploma Supplement) Professional competences (Certificate Supplement) Language skills (Language passport) Experiences abroad (Mobility experience) PARTNERS Cedefop European Commision National Europass Centers MORE INFO 30
Business Case: Employment CASE STUDY: Cedefop - EUROPASS 31
Business Case: Student Observatory CONTEXT: universities sending their career status of each student to central Ministry database AIMS: collecting information about all Italian universities’ students into a single, centralised repository for monitoring and statistics purposes Student Data University Ministry 32
Business Case: Student Observatory STAKEHOLDERS Ministry of University and Research (Ministries of Education at large) Higher Education Institutions' administrations and faculties Quality Assurance bodies and Institutions REQUIREMENTS Student data including: Personal information, academic career: enrollments, registrations, study programs changes, etc Mobility: exchanges and transfers Exams situation Graduation or drop-outs OUTCOMES Structured database of all university students – attending and already graduated. Publicly available information via web portal of Higher Education statistics nationwide. 33
Business Case: Student Observatory CASE STUDY: MIUR and CINECA – Student Observatory AIMS To create a comprehensive database of all Italian Higher Education students career (post-reform of 1999) To give public access to Higher Education statistics in Italy To support the analysis and Higher Education performance throughout the years. To report to stakeholders information about Higher Education situation and trends PARTNERS CINECA KION MIUR All Italian Higher Education Institutions MORE INFO 34
Business Case: Student Observatory CASE STUDY: MIUR and CINECA – Student Observatory 35
Common requirements lightweight and easy to implement with a very low technical threshold able to accommodate and support domestic and European learning systems structures multilingual adhere to technological best-practices interoperability with existing standards extensibility for specific requirements either fit existing business processes or enable business process improvement adhere to relevant national and European legislation