GLAST Large Area Telescope: Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST Large Area Telescope: LAT System Engineering Pat Hascall SLAC System Engineering Manager 650-926-4266
Topics Meeting goals Review action items Define needs for TEM and TEM/PS tests Review applicable test configurations Report on Tracker and Cal subsystem test script definition status Discuss Tracker and Cal subsystem scripts that could be combined and define a plan to define that effort Team Goals Define test requirements necessary through December Tracker and Cal post delivery tests Cal tests post integration with TEM and TEM/PS Tower integration tests Multi tower tests (without ‘final’ flight software) Third layer boxes tests as necessary Testing with next delivery of flight software, all third layer boxes and ACD will be defined in the next phases
TEM and TEM/PS Tests Current strategy is to use the TEM and TEM/PS as “plug and play” without repeating subsystem level tests What scripts are available to test the TEM and TEM/PS in the tower level tests and integrated LAT testing? Do the Tracker and Calorimeter tests provide adequate coverage for the TEM and TEM/PS? Propose defining a subteam to address issue and report back
Test Stand Definitions
Test Stand vs Test
Cal and Tracker Subsystem Level Test Status Discussed test suite with Robert Test list not expected to change Update to plan in work, we’ll get a copy Calorimeter Updated plan on order from Neil, I’m starting to bug him daily Working on gathering current test planning info from all subsystems and for all interfaces First cut at list on next page (clearly a work in progress) Let me know if you are aware of any other documentation
Detailed Test Planning Documentation Status
Tracker and Calorimeter Test Lists
Combining Subsystem Test Scripts Several possibilities for combining scripts Run Cal and Tracker in parallel Run multiple towers in parallel Combine interface tests (e.g Cal and DAQ or Tracker and DAQ) Discussion Subsystem scripts will run at higher levels of integration, but still will test only one box at a time Tracker tests have been defined as a couple hours per tower, resulting in around 30 hours of test at the LAT level per comprehensive test (could be a week of schedule) Tradeoff is near term development vs test time later Define plan for resolution