Enabling Privacy-Compliant Business Models by Enabling Privacy-Compliant Business Models Good afternoon everyone / great to finally be in SF. It’s a true honor to be here in front of you today / and I am happy we are not between you and dinner at this time of day As big a challenge as we have had building and putting our platform live this year, My biggest challenge was to tell you about us in 5 minutes and 3 slides. Here it goes.
Online & Digital worlds overlap OFFLINE | DIGITAL OFFLINE WORLD Privacy-compliant Business Models (BM) Mass market advertising through television, radio and print. Targeting done through time of day or popularity of shows or print. Before the internet DIGITAL WORLD Privacy-violation BM (ex: ad-based) Digital world collides with offline forcing a co-existence. Consumers have moved online/mobile, targeting through invasive consumer profiling. The internet age HYPERCONNECTED WORLD Before we start, I need to put you in context / It is critical to understand where we / as a human society / stand today and how we got here. Before the internet world Privacy-compliant Business Models ruled / this included ad-based BM of course but they remained generic mass advertising / Consumer private information was not easily available for targeting / Medium used were television, radio and print / where targeting was done through time of day or show popularity. In comes the Digital world Where protecting consumer privacy - is not top of mind in this new realm / Consumers profiling is maximized for better targeted ads / Targeted ad-based business models rule the industry / A few major players push aside online privacy for their own benefits. / At this time - Consumers are not fully aware of the consequences of their privacy violation by the tools they are using. Today we are in an age of Hyperconnected world Over time, the line between the real world and the digital world has become blurred We can no longer separate our online life / from our offline life / both overlap with each other and have repercussion on the other Not a day passes without a new breach impacting millions of consumers / by the lack of consumer data protection inside many organizations The release of GDPR / other regulators and some large technology players are following suite and bringing privacy to the top of the agenda. Human Society is now beginning to understand the impact this can have on their lives. This is where we are today / question is / where do we go next. PRIVACY-COMPLIANT OR REMAIN ON PRIVACY-VIOLATION BUSINESS MODEL What rules, privacy-compliant or violation BM? Consumer awareness about privacy, privacy breaches, Regulation bodies (GDPR), privacy rights (UN) and organizations putting privacy at the top of their agenda. Online & Digital worlds overlap FUTURE
Key Players: Device Makers, Developers, Businesses and Cloud Providers MISSION | PRIVACY In our pursuit of enabling privacy-compliant sustainable BMs to key players, we needed to build a platform that provided interconnectivity of apps and safeguarded privacy of digital artifacts at every step of the value-chain. DATA .. Alex John Blue App Purple App Device App Cloud App Device P2P In comes Hibe. / In our pursuit of enabling privacy-compliant sustainable BMs to key players / we needed to build a platform that provided interconnectivity of apps and safeguarded privacy of digital artifacts at every step of the value-chain. For the last decade VA has been working in stealth mode to build a platform that enables privacy-compliant business models for key players First by enabling Interconnectivity of apps…. Blue app vs red app / 2 diff social apps / now able to interact together without changing app or habits This / safeguarded by our AI privacy core / protecting online interactions flowing through these applications And providing End-to-end privacy protection of those online interactions The result of this decade of work is… Key Players: Device Makers, Developers, Businesses and Cloud Providers
HIBE | PLATFORM Jack Cindy Max Red App Red app developer Blue App Debbie Green App Purple App Blue App Alex Bob John Orange App Fridge (IoT) Gray App Car (IoT) Cindy Blue app developer Max Green app developer Jack Red app developer … IS THE HIBE PLATFORM (NOW IN BETA) / AND DEPLOYED ON ORACLE CLOUD AND USING ITS FULL CAPABILITIES WE HAVE WORKED WITH ORACLE OVER THE LAST 12 MONTHS TO DEPLOY IT--- AND STILL WORK DAILY WITH TEAMS DURING THIS BETA PHASE… NOW THAT THE TABLE IS SET – HERE IS HOW HIBE ENABLES PRIVACY-COMPLIANT BMs TO KEY PLAYERS / ALONG WITH A FEW BENEFITS DELIVERED TO THEM FOR DEVELOPERS: Hibe transforms their ad-based model that violates app users' privacy, To a privacy-compliant sustainable business model While helping developers gain critical mass and compete against the “network effect” of major social platforms through a shared network of cumulative app users FOR BUSINESSES: Hibe delivers new B2C relationship capabilities that enables / FREE personalized promotions / build direct B2C relationships (no middleman) / maintain B2C Relationship accros apps and devices All this done without using alternative platforms that VIOLATE consumer privacy FOR CLOUD PROVIDERS: Hibe enables cloud providers to power privacy-compliant solutions Helping them build/strengthen vibrant community of developers / retain business customers with universal B2X relationship management capabilities FINALLY FOR DEVICE MAKERS: They can Safeguard privacy of users' activities and communications inside the device itself Hibe also enables devices makers to continually protect users’ privacy once their data leaves their devices THIS IS WHERE / WE AT VA / BELIEVE WE CAN STRIKE A BALANCE BETWEEN PROFITABLE CORPORATE NEEDS WHILE STILL SAFEGUARDING INDIVIDUAL INTERESTS. THANK YOU………………..