Chapter 8: The Digestive System 5th Edition Professor Fowler Medical Terminology Chapter 8: The Digestive System 5th Edition Professor Fowler
Chapter 8 Combining Forms An/o: anus Dent/o: teeth Append/o, appendic/o: appendix Duoden/o: duodenum Enter/o: small intestine Bar/o: weight Esophag/o: esophagus Bucc/o: cheek Gastr/o: stomach Cec/o: cecum Gingiv/o: gingiva Chol/e: bile Gloss/o: tongue Cholangi/o: bile duct Hepat/o: liver Cholecyst/o: gallbladder Ile/o: ileum Choledoch/o: bile duct Col/o, colon/o: colon
Chapter 8 Combining Forms Jejun/o: jejunum Proct/o: anus & rectum Labi/o: lip Pylor/o: pylorus Lapar/o: abdomen Rect/o: rectum Lingu/o: tongue Sialaden/o: salivary glands Lith/o: stone Odont/o: teeth Sigmoid/o: sigmoid Or/o: mouth Palat/o: palate Pancreat/o: pancreas Pharyng/o: pharynx
Chapter 8 Suffixes -emesis: vomitting -lithiasis: condition of stones -orexia: appetite -pepsia: digestion -phagia: eat, swallow -prandial: pertaining to a meal -tripsy: surgically crush
Vocabulary/ Signs and Symptoms Anorexia: no appetite Diarrhea: loose watery stools Ascites: fluid in abd Bowel Incontinence: inability to control bowels Emesis: vomitting Jaundice: yellow skin Melena: dark stool Cachexia: wt loss due to chronic illness Nausea: urge to vomit Obesity: overweight Constipation: inability to move bowels Polyp: stem like attachment Dental Caries: cavities Pyrosis: heartburn Denture: false teeth Regurgitation: to flow backwards
Pathology Herpes Labialis: oral herpes Diverticulitis: pockets in bowel GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease Diverticulosis: inflammation of diverticula Hiatal Hernia: protrusion of stomach through diaphragm into thoracic cavity Inguinal Hernia: protrusion of bowel through abd Hemorrhoids: dilated anal veins IBS: irritable bowel syndrome Cholelithiasis: gall stones
Figure 8.10 A hiatal hernia or diaphragmatocele.
Figure 8.13 An inguinal hernia.
Figure 8. 11B Photomicrograph of a gastric ulcer. (Dr. E Figure 8.11B Photomicrograph of a gastric ulcer. (Dr. E. Walker/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
Figure 8.12 Diverticulosis.
Figure 8. 15 Endoscopic view of a polyp in the colon Figure 8.15 Endoscopic view of a polyp in the colon. Note the mushroom-like shape, an enlarged top growing at the end of a stem. It is being removed by means of a wire loop slipped over the polyp and then tightened to cut it off. (David M. Martin, M.D./ Photo Researchers, Inc.)
Figure 8. 17B A gallbladder specimen with multiple gallstones Figure 8.17B A gallbladder specimen with multiple gallstones. (Biophoto Associates/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
Abbreviations Ac: before meals HCV: Hep C Ba: barium Hcl: hydrochoride BE: barium enema HSV-1: herpes simplex BM: bowel movement FOBT: fecal occult blood test GERD GI: gastrointestinal HAV: Hep A HBV: Hep B
Abbreviations IBS NG: nasogastric NPO: nothing by mouth n&v: nausea and vomitting O & P: ova and parasites Pc: after meals PO: by mouth Pp: postprandial PUD: peptic ulcer disease UGI: upper gastrointestinal series
The Digestive System Also known as gastrointestinal (GI) tract Includes 30 feet of muscular tube Organs: oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, sm and lg intestines Accessory organs: liver, pancreas, gallbladder, salivary glands Purposes: Digestion (break down food) Absorption (soak in) Elimination (get rid of)
Oral Cavity (or/o) Tongue (lingu/o) – muscular organ – moves food Taste buds – sweet, sour, salty, bitter Saliva – moistens food and starts sugar digestion Palate – roof of mouth Uvula – speech and gag reflex Cheeks (bucc/o) –sides – helps move food Lips (labi/o) – anterior - entrance Gingiva (gums) (gingiv/o) Teeth (dent/o, odont/o) Deciduous permanent
Pharynx (pharyng/o) The throat Use only the oropharynx and the larygnopharynx Epiglottis
Esophagus(esophag/o) Muscular tube 10 inches long Peristalsis: muscular contractions
Stomach (gastr/o) J shaped Rugae: folds or ridges – indicates fullness Hydrochloric acid (HCl) – acid only in stomach – breaks down food Chyme – mixture of food and HCl Sphincters
Small Intestine (enter/o) Major site of digestion and absorption of nutrients from food 3 parts Duodenum (duoden/o) – 10 to 12 inches Jejunum (jejun/o) – 8 feet long Ileum (ile/o) – 12 feet long
Colon (col/o) Water reabsorbed Feces - defecation 5 feet long 5 parts Cecum – pouch like sac – lower (R) abd - appendix Ascending – up (R) side Transverse – across upper abd Descending – down (L) abd Sigmoid – s shaped – to middle of body Rectum (rect/o) - holds feces – involuntary sphincter Anus (an/o) – to outside world – voluntary sphincter Feces – solid waste
Accessory Organs Salivary Glands (sialaden/o) Liver (hepat/o) Secretes saliva in mouth Watery and slick Amylase –enzyme for sugar Liver (hepat/o) Secretes bile to breakdown fat (emulsification)
Accessory Organs Gallbladder (cholecyst/o) Pancreas (pancreat/o) Stores bile until needed Common bile duct: carries buffers from pancreas and bile from gallbladder to duodenum Pancreas (pancreat/o) Used in digestive and endocrine system Secretes buffer to neutralize acid