The Changing Face of Air-Conditioning by Dennis Kenworthy Polytechnic West
Minimum Energy Performance Standards M.E.P.S
Minimum Energy Performance Standards Changes from 1st April 2010 Annual E.E.R & C.O.P testing (laboratory) as opposed to just rated operating energy input/output The new testing and labelling will reduce the number of stars on a current models energy consumption Units up to 65Kw have now been included into the calculations. Inclusion of standby power and crankcase heater consumption has been added to the calculations
Minimum Energy Performance Standards Changes from 1st April 2011 Mandatory power factor reporting ( it should be noted that most manufacturers are satisfactory) Non – operational energy will be added in the limits (includes standby power , heaters etc)
Some M.E.P.S Exclusions Multi Split Air Conditioning (more than one indoor supplied from an outdoor) Close control systems (eg laboratory/scientific ) Chillers (separately regulated ) Evaporative Coolers Some single phase models deemed commercial type, not residential and are not retail advertised/supplied
Standby Power “In 2000, analysis of survey results indicated that standby power consumption accounted for 11.6% of Australia's household electricity usage, costing Australian households more than $500 million.” Source: EES, 2001, Quantification of Residential Standby Power Consumption in Australia, report/index.html
E3 committee The committee provide a large charter of functions and report to other government structures. They are directed by the Ministerial Council on Energy (all other energy ministers from all jurisdictions)
Sales of air conditioners have doubled since 2000 Split System AC units are the predominate high volume sellers
M.E.P.S Minimum energy performance standards Star Rating Calculations Air Conditioners – AS/NZS 3823.2 from April 2010 The details are set out in AS/NZS3823.2-2009
Star Ratings Star Ratings are ½ star from 1 to 6 and whole stars from 7 – 10 Whole star appliances are classes as “Super Efficient Products”
M.E.P.S Minimum energy performance standards Since the introduction of the meps system , air conditioner manufacturers have been finding ways to improve energy output with appliances. Design and control of the products have changed accordingly. Refrigerants types used (R410a eg) Design of heat exchangers and aero asymetrical fan designs Inverter type models have widened in selections and applications Use of high efficiency DC motors indoor and outdoor Use of higher field strength permanent magnets Reluctance DC motors and PAM motor drives Energy saving features have been built into the products logic control Higher ambient operation is now a factor in design
Inverter Air Conditioners were not meant to turn off!! The effective control of an inverter driven air conditioner was to realise power savings at part load conditions. Adequately sized models for homes would provide a continuous operation in design limits but produce effective power input reduction near setpoint. Unlike former constant speed compressors , inverters try to protect themselves during high load situations and provide some level of comfort to continue.
Standby Power Many new split systems have standby power considerations in built. These put the indoor and the outdoor to low standby consumption as neccessary. Crankcase heaters will still operate as required although the settings can be low , around 10-12.c activation. On other designs the standby power has been factored and all pcbs other than control become switched redundant until a call for cooling/heating is given.
Please see For all M.E.P.S information, guidelines and publication sources of content in this presentation.