Sexual Violence Sexual Violence occurs due to unequal power, humiliation, and motivation from anger which leads persistent sexual violence victims to become perpetrators. 11/6/2018
“Perceptions of Rape Perpetrators Based on Skin Tone, Attire, and Relationship to Victim” Stereotypes 88% of rapes involve the same race. Relationships 2/3 victims had relationship with rapist. Reporting People don’t report in fear of being judged. Dress influence Michelle Eddy and Stephanie Sandor 11/6/2018
“Understanding Sexual Violence” Public Health Problem 8% of high school students have been forced to have sex. People at risk Alcohol and drug users. Antisocial tendencies. Prevention Mentor programs. Enforcing policies. Center for Disease Control 11/6/2018
Experts Barbara Langdon is the executive director of LifeWire, a domestic violence house for women in Seattle, Washington. Lisa White is the director of counseling and empowerment services for the YWCA. 11/6/2018
Do you agree with our hypothesis? Langdon: Motivated by need to control, humiliate, and harm. Not motivated by sexual desire. White: Many motivations. Engage in specific kind of behavior. 11/6/2018
Is there any information that contradicts our hypothesis? Langdon: Marital rape accounts for 25% of all rapes. Sexual assault occurs in various ways. White: Sexual violence is a crime of power and control. Perpetrates are often victim survivors. 11/6/2018
What are the top reasons for sexual violence to occur? Langdon: Most relate to a culture. No single source for the cause. Multi-dimensional issue. White: Desire for power and control. Society is sexualized. 11/6/2018
How do victims deal with sexual violence after it occurs? Langdon: Upset and confused. Seek someone they trust to talk to. Emotional and physical reactions. White: Drugs and alcohol. Depressed and anxious. Engage in unhealthy relationships. 11/6/2018
The general view of sexual violence is men as perpetrators, but is there equal evidence of women being perpetrators? Langdon: 9/10 rape victims are female. White: Small percentage of women are perpetrators. 11/6/2018
Do perpetrators of sexual violence come largely from certain races or backgrounds? Langdon: 52% white. 1 in 3 sexual assaults the perpetrator is intoxicated. 30% with alcohol, 4% with drugs. 88% of victims and offenders are the same race. White: Do not come from a certain race or background. 90% of sexually assaulted children, the perpetrator is known. 11/6/2018
What types of sexual violence are most common? Langdon: Rape Child sexual assault Harassment Ritual abuse Date and acquaintance rape White: Depends on location. Most unreported crime. 11/6/2018
How often does sexual violence go unreported? Langdon: 60% go unreported. 3% of rapist will ever serve a day in prison. White: Victims fear they will be blamed. Perpetrators may threaten the victim if they tell. 11/6/2018
How can sexual violence be prevented? Langdon: Break the cycle. Stand up and speak out. Perpetrators must be held accountable. White: Teach children about relationships. Believe not blame. 11/6/2018
Revised Hypothesis Sexual violence does not occur from sexual desire, but rather, the desire to have power over others which leads the violence to go unreported and victims becoming emotionally unstable. 11/6/2018
Anna Rape Gene Rape is a trait encoded by genes that confers an advantage on anyone who possesses them. All traits and behaviors stem from a complex interplay between genes and the environment. All males appear to be genetically capable of rape, which can be triggered by environmental conditions or interactions in life. 11/6/2018
Mary Claire Domestic Violence Domestic Violence is a violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. It is not easy identifying domestic abuse. Psychological or emotional abuse can be verbal or nonverbal, physical abuse, financial abuse, or sexual abuse can all be a form of domestic violence. 11/6/2018
Carly Child Sexual Abuse Child sexual abuse or child molestation is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation Child sexual abuse can include touching, non- touching, and sexual exploitation actions. Child sexual abuse is usually discovered in one of two ways, direct disclosure or indirect methods 11/6/2018
Ross Drug and alcohol facilitated sexual violence Women are more vulnerable when intoxicated. Rohypnol is the most common drug used. 11/6/2018
Works Cited Bomoni, A., & Anderson, M. (2013). History of Dating Violence and the Association with Late Adolescent Health. BMC Public Helath, 1-12. CDC. (2012). Understanding Sexual Violence. Retrieved December 9, 2013, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: DeGue, S., Holt, M., Greta, M., & Matjasko, J. (2012). Looking Ahead Toward Community-Level Strategies to Prevent Sexual Violence. Journal of Women's Health, 1-3. Eddy, M., & Sandor, S. (2011). Perceptions of Rape Perpetrators Based on Skin Tone, Attire, and Relationship to Victim. UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research XIV, 1-9. Woldwood, D. (2009, July 10). Sexual Abuse of Men and Boys. Retrieved December 9, 2013, from XY Online Men, Masculinities, and Gender Politics: White, Lisa. Email interview. 18 November 2013. Langdon, Barbara. Email interview. 19 November 2013. 11/6/2018