Stuttgart School District Mission Statement: At the end of the day, Stuttgart Public Schools exist to produce college or career ready students who will be productive citizens. October 10, 2017
Goals Improve student achievement and learning Students graduate career and/or college ready Improve facilities Actively recruit and retain quality teachers Expand community partnerships Promote the positive aspects of our district
Celebrations and Recognitions SHS - School of Innovation SHS – Successfully started a 9th Grade Academy with flex mod schedule SJHS - School of Innovation SJHS – Awarded a $10,000 grant to implement part of SOI MMS - Arkansas Diamond Schools to Watch MMS – 3rd year in a row the OEP at the U of A has recognized as a High Achieving School in the SE Region. Made the top 4 in all 4 categories: English, Math, Science, and Overall MMS – Made the State list of top ten schools in Arkansas in Middle School Mathematics
PAE – Pam Dean was accepted into the Arkansas Leadership Academy Master Principal Program Year 2 PAE – Jessica Hosman and Sarah Smith were accepted into the Teacher Leadership Academy PAE – After school clubs offered to our students and working with Lennox as a community partner. PAE – Received $15,800 grant money from Arkansas Community Foundation to implement the Summer Learning Initiative PAE - 1 of 7 schools across the US to receive a Maker Ed grant to implement maker education
Accountability Indicator #1 Accreditation Status for 2016-2017 Number of Schools Fully Accredited 4 Number of Schools Accredited but cited Number of School Accredited-Probationary Attendance Rate 96.06% Graduation Rate 86.82% Dropout Rate 3.47%
IOWA 1, 2 Grade 1 40% 25% 33% 45% 128 Grade 2 51% 35% 57% 130 Reading Total Language Total Vocabulary Total Math Total Total # of students Grade 1 40% 25% 33% 45% 128 Grade 2 51% 35% 57% 130
ACT Aspire 2017
ACT Aspire 2017
ACT Aspire 2017
ACT Aspire 2017
ACT Aspire 2017
Math ACT Aspire 2016, 2017 comparison
English ACT Aspire 2016, 2017 comparison
Reading ACT Aspire 2016, 2017 comparison
Writing ACT Aspire 2016, 2017 comparison
Science ACT Aspire 2016, 2017 comparison
Advanced Placement 2016-17 Test 5 4 3 2 1 134 Exams were administered English Language/Composition 11th Grade - 21 6 English Literature/Composition 12th Grade Calculus AB Computer Science US History Physics 13 Chemistry Biology 23
ACT Score Comparison Mathematics
ACT Score Comparison English
ACT Score Comparison Reading
ACT Score Comparison Science
ACT Score Comparison Composite
Math Interventions iReady diagnostic assessments K-8 Engaged New York PreK-5 Ready Math 6-8 Specific Staff Development in targeted areas Cognitive Guided Instruction Training (CGI) Extending Children’s Mathematics (ECM) Math Coaches Before and After School Tutoring Math Labs Summer School Credit Recovery ACT Prep Class Reflex Math GIZMOS IXL
Literacy Interventions Engaged NY K-12 LETRS K-6 RISE Arkansas K-6 iReady Diagnostic Assessments K-8 Vocabulary Their Way 6-8 Reading Intervention Specialists Before and After School Tutoring Daily 5 Centers K-2 Classroom Libraries K-12 Family Literacy Nights Point in Time Interventions 95% Group K-6 Language Live 9-10 Strategic Reading 7-8 Critical Reading 9-10 Computer Based Learning 7-8 IXL 9-12 Literacy Specialists Summer School Program Accelerated Reading K-8 ACT Prep Class High Quality Professional Development Read 180 Reading A-Z Credit Recovery Vocabulary Spelling City Dyslexia Interventions: Barton, Connections, Take Flight, Orton Gillingham, Sonday Systems Mastery Prep
Accountability Indicator #3 Demographics Scholarships College Plans Building Demographics Class Size
Scholarships Received Year Amount 2013 $1,999,500* 2014 $1,903,790* 2015 $1,717,628* 2016 $1,750,131* 2017 $1,427, 518* *Potential value
College Plans Year # of Graduates 4 Year College 2 Year College 2013 # student/% students 2 Year College # students/% students 2013 122 53/44.1% 48/40% 2014 116 65/56% 31/27% 2015 117 69/59% 31/26% 2016 112 49/44% 31/28% 2017 113 65/58% 26/23%
District Demographics 2017
Building Demographics 2017-18 Building Name Enrollment African American Caucasian Other Free & Reduced Rate Park Ave Elementary 638* * Does not include Pre-K 312 236 90 100% Meekins Middle School 245 105 110 30 Stuttgart Junior High 228 100 109 19 Stuttgart High School 457 199 227 31 District 1568 717 691 170
Class size 2014-2018 GRADE 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Kindergarten 150 135 119 144 First Grade 133 138 107 Second Grade 139 131 132 Third Grade 122 125 130 126 Fourth Grade 105 124 129 Fifth Grade 99 Sixth Grade 98 116 Seventh Grade 123 110 Eighth Grade 118 146 Ninth Grade 134 141 151 Tenth Grade 140 115 Eleventh Grade 121 101 Twelfth Grade 114 111 TOTAL 1670 1660 1580 1568* * This is the correct number as of 10/2. All years before included the students enrolled in private school who received special services provided by our district.
Accountability Indicator #4 Federal Programs and Revenues Title I $612,339 Title I 1003a $ 33,022 Title IIA $ 77,597 Title IV $ 10,318 Title V $ 28,064 Title VIB $372,350
Food and Beverage Vendors 2016-17 Coca-Cola Revenue Received $2,642 Pepsi Revenue Received $ 196 (interest earned) Expenditures $8,845
Accountability Indicator #5 Retention 2016-17 GRADE NUMBER of STUDENTS K 12 1 8 2 6 3 4 5 7
Accountability Indicator #6 Safe and Orderly Environment Discipline Policies Distributed to Parents YES Discipline Training for Staff Parental Involvement Plan Adopted Expulsions 3 students Weapons Incidents 4 students Staff Assaults Student Assaults 5 students
Accountability Indicator #7 Choice 2017-18 18 students entered the Stuttgart School District through Choice (Act 560 of 2015) 10 legal transfers into the district and 5 out of the district
Stuttgart Teacher of the Year Michele Kerksieck
Stuttgart School District This PowerPoint presentation will be posted on our website at for your viewing pleasure. Stuttgart School District