Islay Energy– Community Benefit Fund Courtesy: L MacLellan
AGM of the Islay Energy Community Benefit Society (IECBS) on 27th April 2016 outlined the lead up to the first period of full operation of the wind turbine. Electricity generated by the turbine generates a financial return and this provides a fund for use by the communities of Islay, Jura and Colonsay – the Community Benefit Fund. In this first year of operation, the fund amounted to £60,000 – it’s hoped similar sums will be transferred in future years (dependent entirely on the performance of the turbine and of course the wind!) Advertisements outlining the fund and the application procedure were published in the Ileach and on the IET website
The CBF has a 2-stage application process: Applications may be submitted by anyone registered on the electoral roll on Islay, Jura or Colonsay, or from groups, organisations or businesses with a registered address on Islay, Jura or Colonsay Projects should provide clear benefit to individuals and the wider community of Islay, Jura and Colonsay The CBF has a 2-stage application process: Stage 1: Submit an Expression of Interest form Stage 2: Submit a full application There is no provision for retrospective applications, where such work has already been carried out
Funding Stream 1 - Developing Renewable Energy: Investment in projects creating a financial and social/environmental return - preferably renewables installations Investment may also be available for other community-owned business ideas which would generate a financial and social/environmental return Funding Stream 2 - Strengthening Communities Grants of up to £2,000, targeted towards small-scale projects which will build capacity and resilience In exceptional cases, applications from individuals may be accepted (e.g. outstanding individuals in their field requiring sponsorship).
Funding Stream 3 - Energy and Fuel Efficiency Smaller grants targeted towards energy efficiency and tackling fuel poverty as key priorities. Applications from individuals or small community group applications Priority for applications from older people and groups in the community related to those with disabilities. Energy Efficiency: Grants of up to £500 per applicant to support energy efficiency projects and others in fuel poverty. Fuel Efficiency: Grants of up to £250 to subsidise energy bills and/or pay towards the costs of fuel efficiency measures.
Submit Expression of Interest Submit full application IET identifies project stream, provides relevant Application form and info pack Energy and Fuel Economy Strengthening Communities Developing Renewable Energy Grant Advisory Panel review Funding Decision Not Funded Feedback provided Funded Project undertaken Project Report
Progress to date…. 20 Expressions of Interest have been submitted 17 within Strengthening Communities 3 within Energy and Fuel Efficiency 10 proposals have been submitted for assessment 8 within Strengthening Communities 2 within Energy and Fuel Efficiency 6 proposals have been funded to date with a combined value of £9,428 5 within Strengthening Communities 1 within Energy and Fuel Efficiency 1 proposal was rejected for funding 3 proposals are currently being assessed
Future work…. Consider the acquisition of a thermal imaging camera Investigate domestic energy programmes for development or inclusion Providing access to training: commercial contractors, students Electrical testing provision Another BIG investment project…...