Annual General Meeting 25 NOVEMBER 2016
PERFORMANCE TOWARDS ACHIEVING NSDS III (planned) 2015/16 2014/15 Youth not in employment 4400 4800 Workers 6337 6700
PERFORMANCE TOWARDS ACHIEVING NSDS III (entered) 2015/16 2014/15 Youth not in employment 5616 4987 Workers 6337 8496
PERFORMANCE TOWARDS ACHIEVING NSDS III (certificated) 2015/16 2014/15 Youth not in employment 2048 2062 Workers 5129 4757
SCARCE AND CRITICAL SKILLS Developing Actuaries Developing Actuaries remains a key focus for INSETA. This is done in partnership with the SAADP.
SCARCE AND CRITICAL SKILLS Bursaries for youth not in employment INSETA partnered with public universities and TVET colleges to support 806 students studying towards full qualifications in areas of scarce and critical skills. These include B.Com Financial Management; Risk Management; Actuarial Science; NCV Financial Management and IT. 489 (61%)students completed successfully. Investment: R24.323 million
CATALYTIC INTERVENTIONS Black Broker Development Captains of Industry (Management and Leadership)
2016 Highlights Clean audit report , which is a giant step from an unqualified report in 2015 Effective oversight role of Audit Committee, HR Committee, Finance committee and the Accounting Authority (Board) Improved compliance by management and staff 80% Performance target achievement
WAY FORWARD Improve throughput rates Monitoring and Evaluation Impact assessment Continued reliance on the effective combined assurance model
GROWTH IN LEVY INCOME Increased by 12% from R370.8 million to R417.0 million in 2015/16 Compared to: Increased by 8% from R342 million to R370,8 million in 2014/15
Revenue trends Levies increased by 12% on a year on year basis as compared to 8% in the previous year The big jump of 110% increase on penalties and interest may be a signal of the levy collection intensity by SARS and this correlates with the 12% in levies. Investment income dropped by 6% due to 15% increases on disbursements in comparison to last year
Sources of Funds
Disbursements Both Mandatory and discretionary expenditure increased by 15% compared to last year Administration expenditure increased in direct proportion to project expenses by 15%
LIQUIDITY As at March 2016 the INSETA is financially sustainable where its bank balances were able to cover its liabilities and commitments This is an improvement over the previous financial year
Auditor General opinion: “In my opinion the financial statements presents fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, financial performance and cashflows for the year then ended…”
Thank you