Moving Forward Updates from across Wales: SLT (individuals and teams) Partners in Health Partners in Education Specialist Resource Bases ABUHB – PC Cardiff & Vale – N Aitken? Cwm Taf – B Lewis ABMUHB – A Vivian? Powys – H Slater Hywel Dda – ? Betsi – S Hughes (including parent leaflet) SLTs in independent practice? Information from RCSLT DLD Webinar – Hackney (from S Hughes or L Longhurst)
DLD Clinical Excellence Network, Wales Bethan Lewis, SLT, Cwm Taf Anna Vivian, SLT, ABMUHB Pippa Cotterill, Professional Lead, ABUHB
Pathway Work Work for >3 years Working group Pathway alongside Speech Sound & Early Language Pathways Evidence based Draft circulated on basecamp and by group members (July 2017)
Pathway Work (cont) To be signed off by WSLTAF DLD using SLI research Future Pathway updates as DLD terminology & evidence develops Similarly to Speech sound pathway, DLD pathway will be a working document.
Next Steps Clinical Excellence Network Evidence and research Data and outcome measures CPD Communication Engagement (members, service users, partners) Expertise RCSLT and WSLTAF
CEN Aims & objectives Mutual support for all members Exchange ideas & information Raising awareness & networking Improve multidisciplinary communication Research Liaise with RCSLT advisors
Requirements Open to all RCSLT members Clear constitution UK wide or RCSLT hub basis Chairperson, secretary & treasurer Liaison with RCSLT Re-register annually CEN fund collected by membership fees. Study day income will pay for venues, refreshments & speakers. All administrative costs will be paid from CEN funds The constitution should be drafted, proposed and ratified at the initial meeting of the group. The committee must reflect the professional & geographical diversity of the CEN membership. Treasurer is responsible for the management of group’s funds. Links with appropriate RCSLT adviser
Meetings & communications Meetings at least twice a year Basecamp Meeting agendas AGM RCSLT support Advertising place in Bulletin Advice & support from RCSLT team CEN will use Basecamp as a means of communicating, sharing files and posting messages. Ideas for content of agendas should be topic driven, or an update and discussion on pertinent issues. AGM held in first meeting to include election of officers. Further AGMs to include annual reports by the chair, treasurer and membership secretary, and any resolutions re: constitution changes and changes in membership fees.
Questions and next steps: