End of Year Alternative Assessments Options i_Ready: Diagnostic AP3 will be used as the End of Year Alternative Assessment. Training webinar and program guide is posted to ITBS is only for students who can not access the i-ready platform.
What is the ITBS End of Year Alternative Assessment? An assessment that complies with the established criteria of the Florida’s public school student progression law. Students must demonstrate reading proficiency as required by Section 1008.25, Florida Statute. Students may take the ITBS only one time during this administration window. Offered at the end of May after FSA scores become available. Pgs. 1 and 3
Ways to Demonstrate Reading Mastery for Grade 3 Promotion Spring 2018 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) English Language Arts assessment or, Spring 2018 Grade 3 Portfolio Spring 2018 End-of-Year Alternate Assessment (i-Ready or Iowa Test of Basic Skills ITBS) Summer 2018 Alternative Assessment for Grade 3 Promotion Fall 2018 Grade 3 Mid-Year Promotion Pg. 3
Students To Be Tested Students who scored in Level 1 on the Grade 3 Spring 2018 FSA and will not take the i-Ready CBT. Have not met any of the state’s other “good cause” criteria. Paper based accommodations Large print or Braille Reminder: Students may participate in ONLY ONE alternative assessment at the end of the school year. Pg. 3
Schedule of Activities May 7-11: View this power point Week of May 14 : Order ITBS materials online June 8: Return all secure ITBS materials to TDC. Pg. 2 and Appendix E
Accommodations Accommodations must be provided to: Students with disabilities (SWD) who have current IEPs Students with current Section 504 plans English language learners (ELLs), Levels 1-4 The passages and test items MUST NOT be read to students Pgs. 3 - 5
Accommodations English Language Learners (ELLs) Flexible Setting Flexible Timing Assistance in Heritage Language Dictionary Review specifics in the guide Pgs. 3 - 4
Accommodations Students with Disabilities and Section 504 Flexible Setting Flexible Timing Recording of Answers Flexible Presentation (No oral presentation of test items) Revised Format (call TDC to request) Pgs. 4 - 5
Preparing Materials for Testing Materials made be ordered beginning May 14 online Verify counts of testing materials. Report missing materials immediately to TDC at 305-995-3743. Contact TDC for additional materials, if needed. Securely store all test materials. Pg. 5
Testing Materials Test Booklet G2D Answer Sheet The Complete Battery, which contains the Reading Comprehension subtest. Test Booklets are consumable. Students will marks answers directly in the booklets. G2D Answer Sheet Answer sheets generated on G2D. Student name must be written at the top of the answer sheet. Transcribe student responses once the assessment is complete. Pgs. 5 – 8
Answer Sheet
Sample Student Roster
Training School Test Administrators and Proctors Carefully select test administrators/proctors Training should include: Students to be tested Adhering to the Directions For Administration (DFA) Test Timing and subtest to administer Providing accommodations Ensuring optimal testing conditions Test invalidations Pgs. 7 - 8
Distribution & Tracking of Materials Test booklets are secure materials but do not include security numbers. Inventory materials and report discrepancies immediately to the Test Distribution Center at 305-995-3743. Use Teacher Count Sheets to account for test materials distributed to test administrators. Test administrators must report discrepancies in counts to test chairperson. Monitor to ensure procedures are being followed in each testing room. Pgs. 7 and 22
Administering the Test Maintain security procedures. Morning administration is recommended. If a test is invalidated, there is no other opportunity or test that can be given in place of this assessment. Complete all scanning by June 4 or sooner. Pgs. 8 - 9
Important ITBS Test Administration Information Reading Comprehension Time Limits Test Book Pages Item Numbers Part 1* 25 Minutes Pages 7-13 Items 1-17 Part 2* 30 Minutes Pages 14-19 Items 18-37 *Both parts must be completed to receive a score. Pg. 8
Absences and Invalidations Record student name on Record of Absences, Exemptions, and Invalidations Form. Make-up sessions can be given any day during the testing window. In the event of an invalidation of a group of students, call SAET, at 305-995-7520, immediately. Pgs. 9 - 10 and 21
Damaged Test Booklet or Answer Sheet Procedures Transfer all student identification information and student responses onto a new answer sheet and shred the damaged document. Verify that all transferred information has been correctly gridded and process for scoring. Test booklets that become soiled due to illness should be reported to SAET at 305-995-7520 and securely destroyed at the school site. Write “DAMAGED” across the front of a test booklet which is torn or written on and return it to the TDC as directed. Pg. 10
Scanning Answer Sheets Answer sheets must be scanned via G2D by June 4. Results will be accessible after scanning under the “Advanced Reporting” tile. A student must obtain a raw score of 22 or higher in order to be considered for promotion. . Pg. 10
Returning Testing Materials Place the originals of the following completed forms in a return envelope, in Box 1 and retain copies for your records. All Record of Absences, Exemptions, and Invalidations forms All Teacher Count Sheets School Procedural Checklist Pgs. 11 and 23
Don’t forget to order ITBS materials online and pick up at TDC. REMINDERS Don’t forget to order ITBS materials online and pick up at TDC. Pg. 29
Sources of Information Administration of the ITBS Ms. Mayda Cabeza, Director I, or 305-995-7520 Request materials/Return materials Test Distribution Center 305-995-3743 G2D Consultants Ms. Lina Turnes or Mr. Karen Farnell 305-995-2345 Pg. 29