[Replace “Presenter Name” and “Organization” with your info!] [INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRESENTERS:] [1. Please review the presentation carefully before showing to others. 2. Depending on the level of detail you discuss, and if you have many questions, this presentation (without area module) should take 30 minutes to present. 3. All slides have notes that can be read with each slide, or that provide you with additional details or instructions. DON'T read text in brackets 4. You can "hide" slides if you have less time available, however please do not make changes to content on slides unless where indicated in the notes (or with permission; email benthien@shakeout.org)] 5. You will need to check the ShakeOut website and update the current registration total on the second to last slide. 6. Also, replace the words on the first and last slides with your own name, organization, email, and phone (optional).
Millions of people practice… What is The ShakeOut? The Great California ShakeOut is an annual statewide earthquake drill on the third Thursday of October Millions of people practice… 7.9 million people participated in 2010 Many organizations also practice other aspects of their disaster plans! Register today at ShakeOut.org!
Protect Yourself from Falling Objects! Christchurch, New Zealand September 2010 M7.0 (Two examples of how items falling could cause injury, if people aren’t protected under sturdy furniture) California/Mexico Border April 2010 M7.2
Protect Yourself During Earthquakes If inside, stay inside! If outside, stay outside! Drop to the floor before the earthquake drops you! Take Cover under a sturdy desk or table Or get down next to a wall and cover your head with your arms Hold On to it firmly Be ready to move with it until the shaking stops. The ShakeOut is a yearly chance to practice how to protect ourselves during earthquake!
Why Drop, Cover, and Hold On? Buildings rarely collapse in California Most people are injured in earthquakes by things falling on them Get under something to be safe! DO NOT get in a doorway! It does not protect you from falling items, and in strong shaking you can not stand DO NOT believe the “triangle of life”! You are safer under, not next to a table www.dropcoverholdon.org explains why TRIANGLE OF LIFE: Bottom photo is a school in Mexico City. The floors collapsed in the 1985 earthquake, but the tables held up the concrete slabs. Triangle of Life says that buildings always collapse and crush tables, so be next to the table so you’ll be in a “triangle of life”. As the picture shows, this just isn’t true. Plus you can’t predict where such a space would be when the shaking starts.
Why is the ShakeOut important? California is earthquake country. An earthquake can happen at any time! Californians need to know and practice what to do during large earthquakes Bay Area This map shows where shaking will be stronger and more frequent in California. The red and pink areas will have larger earthquakes more often than the green areas. But the green areas can still have damaging earthquakes! Los Angeles Red are yellow areas will have strong, frequent shaking
We’re All in This Together! What we do now determines what life will be like afterwards The chances of dying in an earthquake in California are very low. But our quality of life will be very different, unless we all work together now to get prepared!
Get Ready Before the Next Earthquake! At home, work, and school… Secure Your Space Strap furniture to walls Put latches on cabinets Secure TVs and computers Create or update plans Communication plan Where will everyone meet Learn first aid, etc. Store more water One gallon per person, per day For at least 3 days, ideally for 2 weeks Organize food/supplies for 3 days Have a fire extinguisher ? [read the slide]
More Information and Games ShakeOut.org Everything to plan your drill, get prepared, and share the ShakeOut with others. Information for families, schools, businesses, and many other groups See who is participating! dropcoverholdon.org Beat the Quake game quakequizsf.org Take the Quake Quiz! [read the slide]
Register and Spread the Word Register to participate at Shakeout.Org, then invite everyone you know to join you! Schools and organizations can distribute flyers in waiting areas and on bulletin boards, or include articles in newsletters Available at ShakeOut.org/resources Add a link to ShakeOut.org on your website ShakeOut web banners are also available [read the slide.] 10 10
2011 Great California ShakeOut October 20, 10:20 a.m. 6.4 million registered! (as of June 22) With your help, this will be the largest earthquake drill in history! [Visit website for current registration total] The 2010 ShakeOut had 7.9 participants. Will we reach 10 million this year? You can help by spreading the word!