OneNote Basics Steve Madsen
Locating Notebooks Shared with You: Login to Moodle -> Services ->
A Class notebook will have the students and the same sections for each student. As of April 2016, Content can be distributed to each student.
Pause here. Do some activities.
A OneNote notebook consists of three Workspaces: Using this class notebook _Collaboration Space Can be read and edited by everybody _Content Library Can be edited by the teachers, and read (or copied) by students. This is where you will find activities and instructions. Sometimes, you will need to copy a page in this section and put it into your own personal Notebook. Activities usually will be distributed to you (the student) to one of the following sections: Research, Mindfulness, LoveMercy, orTidBits Personal Notebook Can be edited by you (the student) and read and edited by the teachers. This is like your exercise book. It is where you write answers, stick in work you've done in other programs and where your teacher can leave you notes and comments on your work. Ideally, we want all your activities to be stored here in one centralised place to make it easier for your teachers to go over your responses after a period of time and to save a massive amount of paper.
_Collaboration allows students to collaborate with each other _Collaboration allows students to collaborate with each other. Everyone can edit this area.
The _Content Library is where educators place their activities. The students can copy from the _Content Library and copy it into their private area but cannot modify it. This is good if a student’s work gets lost Usually, the activities are distributed to the students private area.
A student’s private area can only be seen by the student and assigned teachers. Educators can leave comments here (and recordings)
To create a notebook, it is best if we use OneNote Online and the OneNote Desktop software on your desktop / laptop Login to Moodle -> Services -> Choose Class Notebook, if it does not display click on View all my apps
Follow the instructions:
After creating your notebook, open it in OneNote that is on your laptop / desktop (client). This allows you to use the full capacity of OneNote which is not available with OneNote online.
Creating sections in the _Collaboration and _ Content Library: From OneNote online: From OneNote on Desktop / laptop (client):
OneNote Client: Uploads the file and prints out the contents ready for editing. This is NOT possible with OneNote online. You can upload and printout with a PowerPoint presentation.
In Your Private Area Insert some activities that can be downloaded from Moodle. Create a new page for each Activity.