2018 Municipal Election Candidate Information Session
Key Dates May1 first day to register for candidates and third party advertisers July 27 Nomination Day 2 p.m. deadline Sept 4 Voter’s List – available for election purposes only Oct 1-17 Internet Voting available October 13 In person advance Voting – Mapleview Mall 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. October 17 In person advance voting – Tansley Woods Community Centre 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. October 22 Election Day – Vote anywhere in your Ward
Voting Process City of Burlington has successfully utilized optical scan vote technology since 1995 New in 2018 voters will be able to Vote anywhere in their ward on election day Live voter strike off at the polls using their Voter Identification Notice 2 advanced voting locations City of Burlington has had internet voting since 2010 available to voters and will again in 2018 24 regular voting locations 28 special voting locations (nursing homes, retirement homes, senior apartments) Internet voting encouraged. 2 step process. Advance voting (Oct. 13 Mapleview Mall and Oct. 17 Tansley Woods) Special locations (nursing homes, retirement homes and senior apartments) on voting day Due to feedback received in 2014, Retirement homes and senior apartments will be able to vote in-house, via internet, and at advance and regular polls Nursing homes able to vote in-house only Identification will be required at the Voting location by all voters. If ID is not available, and the voter is on the Voters’ List, they will be required to complete a declaration of qualification form. Voters are also asked to bring their Voter Information Card
Nomination Process Make an appointment Nomination forms (form 1, original signatures) 25 endorsement signatures (form 2) Oath of qualification (form EL18A and EL18B) Guides and forms available online Fee ($200 mayor, $100 council/trustees) I.D required We encourage everyone to make an appointment to file nomination papers, individuals with appts will be given priority We recommend you obtain more than 25 endorsements I.D. (proof of citizenship and proof of residency) You will be asked to sign an oath of qualification
What to expect on Election Day
Election Signs Election Sign By-law 18-2018 Election sign means a sign advertising or promoting the election of a political party or a candidate for public office in a federal, provincial or municipal election; Municipal Elections Act does not address location of signs; city regulates signs; Signs are not permitted on any portion of public property and will be removed if found on public property; Signs are permitted on private property only with permission of the property owner; Election Sign By-law 18-2018 passed by city council on April 23, 2018 By-law provides clarity related to signage for candidates and third party advertisers in municipal, provincial and federal elections To erect a sign on private property, you must have permission/consent of the owner
Election Signs Election signs cannot be erected more than 45 days prior to an election; Election signs must be removed within 3 days following election day; Election signs must not be displayed at a voting place (includes the property); Candidate campaign material should identify the candidate; Clerk or Municipal Enforcement Officer may remove signs without notice. Campaign signs should include “paid for by” wording. This will identify that you are responsible for the sign and distinguish your signs from those of third party advertisers. It is your responsibility to review and follow the sign by-law. If a sign contravenes by-law 18-2018, it will be removed without notice. Even though a voting location is not considered a voting location prior to voting day or an advance voting day, it is advisable to avoid those properties.
Candidate Portal Registered candidates will receive Individual access / password to a portal to access information Ward specific information Voters’ list, maps, street index, forms, correspondence from the City, etc. The access will be available through www.burlington.ca/elections The following will be provided electronically: Voters’ list City wide map Ward specific map with street index City street index Letter re access to residential complexes and condominiums Forms (i.e. scrutineer forms, other forms tbd) Large maps can be printed at local printers (Staples, etc.)
Candidate Inquiries If you have an inquiry and are not able to find information on the city website, do not contact city staff directly; Use online candidate request form; Questions and answers will be provided to all candidates. The ‘requestor’ of information will not be identified. Link to the online form will be available on www.burlington.ca/elections Questions and answers will also be posted to the website
What to expect Post Election… Elected Officials Attend Inaugural Council (city and Region) Attend Council orientation (city and region) Learn more about your office location and equipment post December 3 All Candidates Responsible for destroying the voters list(s) copies if you have printed them Complete financial filing Complete any other follow-up required
Contacts The official source of election related information in the City of Burlington is the Burlington Election Team: Phone: 905-335-7600 Email: burlington@elections.ca Lisa Palermo, Elections Officer, ext. 7381 Danielle Manton, Manager of Committee and Election Services, ext. 7490 Angela Morgan, City Clerk, ext. 7702
Questions ? “The clerk of a local municipality is responsible for conducting elections within that municipality” “Maintaining peace and order” Impartial City Clerk, Election Officer, Election Team