Taking risks to build Positive classroom culture April Grant-Torrez 4th Grade Teacher Pojoaque Valley Intermediate
What does risk taking have to do with positive classroom culture? Walking a fine line between being a Professional (Adulting) and being human with your students isn’t easy. “You really are a Big Kid!” “Whoa! You know how to trade Pokémon cards and your favorite superhero is Batman!!!”
Body Language Cultural Cues Non-Verbal Cues The Mom Look! The “I got my eyes on you” look and gesture. Cultural Cues Snapping of the fingers Side looks
Sarcasm It works! You think? I love the way you just did that! Seriously? Go Figure! Are you kidding me? Wow! Break them down and have them reflect with sarcasm but ALWAYS check for good student rapport with an explaination!
Attention Getters Call Backs Out of the norm questions Complements that help build a relationship Talk their language Make fun of yourself
Setting boundaries and expectations Modeling/Role Playing Classroom discourse 4S line… with a BUBBLE in your mouth Modeling what not to do Mean Girls Act The Jock
Building Relationships Build a relationship with students who respect you by becoming one of “them” yet still holding them accountable for their learning and behavior. In the first few days of the school year I like to shock my students by joining them in activities that they deem “off limits” to adults. Having lunch dates for fun or for lecturing
Become Human Make Mistakes Queen of misspelled words Read incorrectly Swing on the monkey bars Play basketball Play volleyball Run laps Rock Collecting
Only 1 rule All expectations fall under the one rule of respect Every year my incoming students say “Is it true that you only have one rule in your classroom?”
We all take risks everyday for our students We do it because we are vested in our students as individuals and some students need that extra connection. We want to be approachable and create a safe learning environment for all students.