Processing your Pennsylvania Certification Application: TIMS Instructional (level I), Supervisory, Administrative, Educational Specialist, Program Specialist, and Endorsements
Step One Arcadia Application Material Arcadia Certification Cover Sheet - Certification Analysis Sheet – Graduate Students Only (see next slide) Certification Tests and Score Requirements Basic Skills Assessment – Reading, Writing and Math (PAPA, Praxis, SAT, ACT, and mixed methods option) required for undergraduate students and students in a post-bacc program with an undergrad degree in education or a related field. Students earning an advanced degree are exempt from Basic Skills. See Certification Tests and Score Requirements above. Send documentation to Mary Kate McNulty, Taylor 105
Step Two Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) application portal is TIMS Teacher Information Management System.
REGISTRATION PROCESS CONTINUED This is a one-time registration process; Use a personal email address, not one issued by employer or university; Create an easy security question; Wait for registration confirmation email; This could take up to 24 hours; Log in to TIMS and establish your profile;
When you successfully complete your TIMS profile your 7-digit PPID (PA Personal ID) is displayed. WRITE THIS DOWN. PPID is used instead of social security number.
Certification Credential Type Arcadia Teacher Preparation Programs (undergrad, post-bacc, and graduate) Prek-4; PreK-4/Special Ed PK-8; Art Education K-12; Reading Specialist K-12; Secondary Ed 7-12 (biology, chemistry, general science, math, and English); Special Ed PK-8* and Special Ed 7-12*; Instructional 1 (61) Elementary/Secondary School, or K-12 School Counseling - Educational Specialist 1 (31) ESL* –English as a Second Language K-12 - Program Specialist (86) Supervisory Certification - Supervisory (76) Principal PK-12 - Administrative I (75) Endorsement* (Autism & STEM) (58) * Initial certification required
Certification Subject Area Click on the: Click here to select certification subject area to be requested For Dual Certification select both areas (PK-4/Spec Ed PK-8) Note: passing scores required for dual program OR stand-alone PreK-4. Special Ed certification requires an initial certification or a dual program. Special Ed is NOT a stand-alone certification area. Click YES for Did you complete a PDE approved teacher education prep program;? Will a Pennsylvania institution verify you meet requirements? Note: Arcadia is an approved PA Teacher Certification provider. Your home address is irrelevant – you are getting PA certification because you went to a PA approved institution. Do not answer yes for out-of-state certification or multiple institutions.
Education Screen Undergrad Students: 1. Select Arcadia from the search list. 2. Contact Official – Mary Kate McNulty 3. Did you receive a degree? YES (add degree info) 4. Did you complete an Educator Prep Program? YES (add info – for dual program add each -first PreK-4 and then Spec Ed K-8 Grad Students (includes post-bacc and master’s) 1. Enter your undergrad institution first 2. Did you receive a degree? YES (add degree info) 3. Did you complete an Educator Prep Program? NO (if you answer yes the application will go to your undergrad institution) 4. Select ADD A NEW RECORD (repeat undergrad 1-4 ) TIMS will not process applications more than 30 days prior to your graduation date.
The application is Incomplete until Payment is Submitted Application Summary The application is Incomplete until Payment is Submitted
Payment Screen Application fee is $200 per application – allows for dual certification program and one additional area (test out option).
Application Submitted Print the Cover Sheet and mail to PDE only if there is requested documentation.
TIMS Cover Sheet Note the Scan Bar: This is unique to each applicant. You do not need to send this to PDE unless there is specific information requested. Ignore Other.
University Verification Once you submit the electronic application through TIMS, the Certification Officer from Arcadia can access the application and recommend the candidate to PDE – pending final grades and passing scores in all required tests. You will receive a letter from the Certification Officer stating you have met the requirements for certification and the certificate is pending PDE approval. This process could take up to 6 weeks before PDE approves the application and the candidate can print the certificate (credential) right from the TIMS application. PDE will email you when the application is approved.
Credentials Check the status of your application every few weeks. When approved you will be able to print your Certificate.
Professional Certificate
INSTRUCTIONAL I to INSTRUCTIONAL II REQUIREMENTS: 3 years of teaching in PA public school (includes charter). You have a 6 year window to complete 3 contracted teaching years, not consecutive years. (includes full time sub position) 24 Post-baccalaureate credits (can be grad or undergrad courses) 6-credits in your area of certification to improve professional practice 6-credits regarding “accommodations and adaptations for students with disabilities in an inclusive setting” 3-credits using technology in education 3-credits must address “instructional needs of English language learners” School Induction Program – first year of employment Level II application is through TIMS and requires verification of local education agency (LEA), or school district where you are employed. It does not require University approval.
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Act 48) To maintain a valid and active certificate, all school personnel are required to participate in continuing professional development. Every 5-7 years teachers must complete: 6 undergraduate/graduate credits or 180 hours of PDE approved in-service OR a combination of credits and hours
Adding An Instructional Area (test out option) Must hold an Instructional certificate (Level I or II) Add on areas include: Art Education K-12 PreK-4 Middle School 4-8 (all subjects) Secondary 7-9 (all subjects) Secondary 9-12 (all subjects) Pass required testing and apply directly to PDE via TIMS Excludes: Special Education PK-8 and 7-12 and Reading K-12 (currently on hold)
RECIPROSITY INTERSTATE AGREEMENTS Agreements simplify issuance of a comparable certificate by another state. Teacher must obtain forms from the Department of Education for the state in which they seek reciprocal certification. Program Verification forms from out-of-state agencies should be sent to the Certification Officer. Additional certification requirements may apply. Reciprocity applies to program not testing.
Pennsylvania Teaching Shortage Areas and Federal Loan Forgiveness Programs A list of teacher shortage areas for the 2017-18 school year is posted on Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website along with the names of school districts, charter schools, career and technical centers and intermediate units. Teachers who teach in these subject shortage areas and/or schools may be eligible for loan forgiveness and/or deferment. Administrators/Teacher%20Quality/Troops%20to%20Teachers/Pennsylvania %20Teaching%20Shortage%20Areas%20and%20Federal%20Loan%20Forgiven ess%20Programs.pdf
Subject Shortage Areas English as a Second Language PreK-12 Fine and Performing Arts PreK-12, including Art, Music, and Theater Foreign Languages PreK-12, including all world languages Sciences 7-12, including Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, General Science, and Physics Mathematics 7-12 Special Education PreK-12 (secondary math in all grades of special education) Speech and Language Impaired PreK-12 Visually Impaired PreK-12 Vocational Education 7-12
School Districts with Greatest Shortages Allentown City Council Rock Hazleton Area North Penn Philadelphia City Pittsburgh Public