Leadership Matters District 6 Administrative Academy December 14, 2005 From ASCD, Schools Moving Up, Summer 2005
PERB Findings 4 styles of leadership: Powerless leader Absent leader Controlling leader Balanced leader Our objective is to practice balanced leadership throughout Local District 6. Hi Merle, in discussing this with the directors today, we thought it would be good to review what we discussed at our October meeting so we listed the styles of leadership from the PERB report.
“Schools Moving Up” How do we use effective leadership and focused professional development to move our schools up? WE added this slide to connect to the article
18 Schools Studied by WestEd Schools served high numbers of at-risk students All had dramatic gains in test scores or raised scores and consistently kept them high No group of students fell behind academically
Common Features (The what) High Expectations: Beyond Pobrecito Making Data Part of the Culture A Focused Plan Interactive Principal Leadership Professional Development Redefined Standards-Based Curriculum and Instruction
District 6 Focus (The what) Balanced Leadership Quality professional development that focuses on classroom practice and linked to adopted curriculum and programs Developing grade level and content learning communities Using data to inform practice and creating urgency for improvement Internal accountability for implementation Hi again, added balanced leadership at the top
Leadership Goals for Principals and Assistant Principals (How?) Model instructional leadership including ability to articulate and reinforce the vision and goals of core instructional programs Hold ourselves out as learners Focus on teaching practices Accept the the challenges inherent in the leadership role by working collaboratively to solve problems
Table Talk Select the one feature from “Schools Moving Up”, that you are successfully implementing at your school site. Share that successful feature at your table and explain why you feel that it is successful.
School Team Reflection Review the 6 features of “Schools Moving Up”. With your team, identify one feature that you will begin to implement in January. Write 3 steps to begin the implementation. What support do you need from LD 6?