PAU Cartridge Compatibility Study 16 May 2018 Presented by: Dr. Gina M. Canfield DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
Introduction Pyrotechnic and Arming Unit (PAU) Cartridge – functions store/release in U.S. weapons systems PAU Cartridge BKNO3 Powder Metal Disk HES propellant grains containing AP or HMX DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
Introduction Chemical & Materials Analysis Branch (R14) at NSWC IHEODTD received 4 PAU Cartridges: 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D for a component compatibility study Gas cylinders of previously collected cartridge headspace gases were also received by the lab for analysis Gas Chromatography (GC) Cartridges were opened – individual components removed, cartridge admixtures prepared for analysis* Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Accelerating Rate Calorimetry (ARC) Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD) *at various stages of sample age DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
Experimental GC Analysis – 4 as-received gas cylinders sampled 3 ways: Sampling port (septum) fitted onto cylinder, syringe used to withdraw 10 mL gas, injected into Agilent headspace vial to be run on GC Same as above but syringe injected directly onto GC Argon gas used to flush cartridge sample into a headspace vial to be run on GC Cartridge Admixture Prep Graphite coating removed from all types of HES grains Bits from three types of HES grains (from each cartridge) were shaved off Shaved bits along with BKNO3 powder were combined (1:1:1:1) and ground together in mortar/pestle DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
Experimental DSC ARC PXRD Individual components (BKNO3, 3 HES grain types) and all cartridge admixtures tested TA Instruments model DSC 2910 at 5 °C/min under a 50 mL/min N2 purge in hermetic sealed Al pans ARC Only cartridge admixtures tested CSI ARC with TIAX/Netzsch control cabinet under a HWS testing profile from 100-400 °C at 3 °C/min in 3 °C steps PXRD Only cartridge admixtures 3B, 3C, 3D tested Bruker D8 Discover with Cu Kα source at 50 kV/1000 µA and Vantac 2D Area detector Samples scanned from 20-65° 2-theta, 15° increments, 4 frames, 30 min scan DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
GC Analysis GC conducted on cartridge headspace gases None of the samples tested showed any new measurable peaks compared to Argon blank GC scan of an Argon blank and a representative cartridge, respectively DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
DSC Analysis DSC conducted on individual components from each cartridge: BKNO3 as expected, cartridges overlap well HES #1 (HMX) as expected HES #2 (HMX) cartridge 3A slightly different HES #3 (AP) cartridges 3A/B different from 3C/D HES #2 (HMX) (3A, 3B, 3C, 3D) HES #3 (AP) (3A, 3B, 3C, 3D) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
DSC Analysis DSC conducted on cartridge admixtures 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D new Small thermal event ~240 °C before AP crystalline shift Cartridge components appear compatible PAU Cartridge Admixtures 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D (new) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
ARC Analysis ARC conducted on cartridge admixtures 3A (new/aged), 3B, 3C, 3D HWS profile showing Temp/Press vs. Time Cartridge admixture 3A new has only one exotherm DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
ARC Analysis Summary of exotherm data for cartridge admixtures 3A (new/aged), 3B, 3C, 3D * denotes approximate values Cartridge Sample Age Exotherm #1 Exotherm #2 Onset, °C Peak, °C/min Peak, °C End, °C 3A new new --- 208.6 0.1647 231.3 241.1 3A aged aged 129* 175* 219.6 0.1228 224.4 227.6 3B 154.5 0.0276 156.2 158.4 216.3 0.4199 226.8 234.3 3C 135.0 0.0891 139.5 142.3 213.2 0.1955 224.1 231.2 3D 136.4 0.0658 140.2 142.7 218.4 0.2694 227.2 234.5 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
ARC Analysis Exotherm data showing dT/dt vs. T for cartridge admixtures 3A (new/aged), 3B, 3C, 3D DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
DSC Analysis DSC conducted on cartridge admixtures 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D aged Aged shows loss of thermal stability Aged shows endotherm 150-160 °C PAU Cartridge Admixtures 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D (aged) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
PXRD Analysis PXRD conducted on cartridge admixtures 3B, 3C, 3D Sample scans overlay well HMX and reaction products are identified Overlaid PXRD scans from PAU Cartridge Admixtures 3B, 3C, 3D (aged) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
Conclusions GC analysis inconclusive DSC shows decreased thermal stability with age ARC shows increased sample sensitivity with age PXRD shows presence of reaction products ***Aged PAU Cartridge components lead to increased thermal sensitivity DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
Recommendations Repeat cartridge headspace gas collection / GC testing Prepare new cartridge admixtures, re-test ARC / PXRD Conduct humidity / temperature / time controlled study of BKNO3 / AP admixtures ***Reduce the risk of any physical contact between PAU Cartridge components, i.e. BKNO3 / AP DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.
Acknowledgements Jason Steffin – GC Analysis Dr. Daniel Sorensen – DSC Analysis Dr. Sean Maharrey – Data Consultant Dr. Chad Stoltz – ONR (former R14 Branch Manager) Todd Allen – NSWC IHEODTD CAD/PAD Branch Travis Thom – NSWC IHEODTD CAD/PAD AF IPT Branch CAD/PAD JPO – Project Supporter DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A (18-046). Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.